# Bootstrap-BP hugo startpage Bootstrap based Hugo startpage theme which provides out of the box best practices. This theme is a combination of my [Bootstrap-BP hugo theme](https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-theme) and my [startpage](https://github.com/spech66/startpage). Instead of rendering the items on-the-fly as in the startpage theme the **Bootstrap-BP hugo startpage** will generate a complete single page site. Other themes by Sebastian Pech: [Bootstrap-BP](https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-theme), [Materialize-BP](https://github.com/spech66/materialize-bp-hugo-theme), [Bootstrap-BP hugo startpage](https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-startpage). ## Install the theme With Git installed, run the following commands inside the Hugo site folder. If Hugo has not yet been installed, read the setup guide [here](https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/). ```sh mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-startpage.git ``` You can get a zip of the latest version of the theme from the [home page](https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-theme) and extract it to the themes folder. ## Theme settings Most settings should be done with hugo specific variables. There are only a few (optional) additional `[params]`. * `welcomeText = "Startpage!"` is the text above the search box * `startPageColumns = true` will show the start page in grouped lists Activate the search engine you want to use (or add a new one). ```toml [[params.searchEngines]] name = "Google" activated = true url = "https://www.google.com/search" [[params.searchEngines]] name = "DuckDuckGo" activated = true url = "https://duckduckgo.com/" [[params.searchEngines]] name = "Bing" activated = true url = "https://www.bing.com/search" [[params.searchEngines]] name = "Baidu" activated = true url = "https://baidu.com/" searchkey = "kw" ``` ![startPageColumns = false](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-startpage/master/images/screenshot.png) ![startPageColumns = true](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-startpage/master/images/screenshot2.png) Define the links in a file in `data/links.yml`. This needs to be structured like this. ```yml --- - group: Social media items: - title: reddit url: https://www.reddit.com icon: fab fa-reddit - title: Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com icon: fab fa-facebook - group: Utilities items: - title: GitHub url: https://www.github.com icon: fab fa-github ``` Icons are taken from [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery). ## Sources * Background image by [Mikael Gustafsson](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Y2Wew) Inspired by: * [Reddit - r/startpages](https://www.reddit.com/r/startpages/) * [Github - 0-Tikaro - Minimum Viable Startpage](https://github.com/0-Tikaro/minimum-viable-startpage), Searchbox code * [Github - ViktorKare - startpage](https://github.com/ViktorKare/startpage)