# Flex-BP hugo CV Flexbox based Hugo CV theme which provides out of the box best practices like performance and SEO readiness. Using [hugo-best-practices](https://github.com/spech66/hugo-best-practices), [Front-End Checklist](https://github.com/thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist) and the [Front-End Performance Checklist](https://github.com/thedaviddias/Front-End-Performance-Checklist). Other themes by Sebastian Pech: [Bootstrap-BP](https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-theme), [Materialize-BP](https://github.com/spech66/materialize-bp-hugo-theme), [Bootstrap-BP hugo startpage](https://github.com/spech66/bootstrap-bp-hugo-startpage). ## Table of contents - [Flex-BP hugo CV](#flex-bp-hugo-cv) - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) - [Features](#features) - [Install the theme](#install-the-theme) - [Update the theme](#update-the-theme) - [Run example site](#run-example-site) - [Configuration and theme specific settings](#configuration-and-theme-specific-settings) - [Screenshots of cofigurations](#screenshots-of-cofigurations) - [Google Analytics](#google-analytics) - [Schema.org support](#schemaorg-support) - [Social Icons](#social-icons) - [Custom CSS/JS](#custom-cssjs) - [Misc](#misc) ## Features - Color themes - Print css media - SEO best practices supported (Schema.org, open graph, meta information, ...) - Automatically resizing of images - One minified file per ressource only (js, css) - CDN font support (Google Fonts, ...) - Settings for easy customization of layouts and features - Icons for Social Media - Custom css/js - Multilingual and i18n support - ... ## Install the theme With Git installed, run the following commands inside the Hugo site folder. If Hugo has not yet been installed, read the setup guide [here](https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/). ```sh mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/spech66/flex-bp-hugo-cv.git ``` You can get a zip of the latest version of the theme from the [home page](https://github.com/spech66/flex-bp-hugo-cv) and extract it to the themes folder. ## Update the theme Go to the themes folder as in the installation and run the following command. ```sh git pull ``` ## Run example site Go to the `exampleSite` folder from the theme `themes/flex-bp-hugo-cv/exampleSite` and run the following command. ```sh hugo server --themesDir ../.. --minify ``` ## Configuration and theme specific settings None yet. See `config.toml` in the `exampleSite` folder for best settings. Best run with `--minify` flag for hugo. ## Screenshots of cofigurations ![CV Theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spech66/flex-bp-hugo-cv/main/images/tn.png) ## Google Analytics This theme uses the internal asynchronous template for Google Analytics tracking. You only have to provide your tracking id in your configuration file. ```yaml googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" ``` ## Schema.org support Provide one author to enable the Schema.org support. ```yaml [Author] name = "Sebastian Pech" ``` ## Social Icons Icons for Social Media. Add the block to the config. ```yaml # Sets Social Media icons to appear and link to your account. Value should be your # username unless otherwise noted. # Code from https://themes.gohugo.io/future-imperfect/ theme [social] # Coding Communities github = "" gitlab = "" stackoverflow = "" # User Number bitbucket = "" jsfiddle = "" codepen = "" # Visual Art Communities deviantart = "" flickr = "" behance = "" dribbble = "" # Publishing Communities wordpress = "" medium = "" # Professional/Business Oriented Communities linkedin = "" linkedin_company = "" foursquare = "" xing = "" slideshare = "" # Social Networks facebook = "" googleplus = "" reddit = "" quora = "" youtube = "" vimeo = "" whatsapp = "" # WhatsApp Number instagram = "" tumblr = "" twitter = "" skype = "" snapchat = "" pinterest = "" telegram = "" discord = "" # invite link # Email email = "" ``` ## Custom CSS/JS The theme provides two ways for custom css/js. The first way is writing your styles to `/assets/css/custom.css` and scripts to `/assets/js/custom.js`. This will merge and minify the styles/scripts with the theme specific files resulting in only one file for the whole website. ```toml [params] js=["/js/test_site.js"] jscdn=["https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.x/dist/vue.js"] css=["/css/test_site.css"] csscdn=["https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto&display=swap"] ``` ```yaml --- js: - /js/test.js jscdn: - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.x/dist/vue.js css: - /css/test.css csscdn: - https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:100,300,400,500,700,900 --- ``` ## Misc - Dog Photo - Image by [Nikki Luijpers](https://pixabay.com/users/lovechicco-14817111/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5692796) from [Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5692796). - [CSS Tricks - A Complete Guide to Dark Mode on the Web](https://css-tricks.com/a-complete-guide-to-dark-mode-on-the-web/)