ignoreFiles = ["content/portfolio/\\.*","content/product/\\.*","content/sketch/\\.*","content/homepage/\\.*","content/post/\\.*","content/\\.*"] # disable example pages as this is a single page baseURL = "https://gohugo.io" title = "Hugo Themes" # author = "Steve Francia" # copyright = "Copyright © 2008–2019, Steve Francia and the Hugo Authors; all rights reserved." # paginate = 3 languageCode = "en" DefaultContentLanguage = "en" enableInlineShortcodes = true # prevent build failures when using Hugo's Instagram shortcode due to deprecated Instagram API. # See https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7228#issuecomment-714490456 ignoreErrors = ["error-remote-getjson"] # Scroll Spy has problems with german umlauts and other non ascii characters removePathAccents = true # Theme specific examples author = "Sebastian Pech" copyright = "Sebastian Pech" # googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" enableRobotsTXT = true pygmentsCodeFences = true canonifyurls = true paginate = 6 theme="flex-bp-hugo-cv" [sitemap] changefreq = "weekly" priority = 0.5 [permalinks] posts = "/:year/:month/:slug/" post = "/:year/:month/:slug/" pages = "/:slug/" page = "/:slug/" [Author] name = "Sebastian Pech" [params] description = "Text about the site" customDateFormat = "01/2006" # "02.01.2006" # js=["/js/test_site.js"] # css=["/css/test_site.css"] # csscdn=["https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Concert+One|Roboto&display=swap"] [languages] [languages.en] languageName = "EN" title = "CV" weight = 1 [languages.en.params] [languages.de] languageName = "DE" title = "Lebenslauf" weight = 2 [languages.de.params] # Sets Social Media icons to appear and link to your account. Value should be your # username unless otherwise noted. # Code from https://themes.gohugo.io/future-imperfect/ theme [social] # Coding Communities github = "spech66" gitlab = "" stackoverflow = "" # User Number bitbucket = "" jsfiddle = "" codepen = "" # Visual Art Communities deviantart = "" flickr = "" behance = "" dribbble = "" # Publishing Communities wordpress = "" medium = "" # Professional/Business Oriented Communities linkedin = "sebastian-pech" linkedin_company = "" foursquare = "" xing = "Sebastian_Pech3" slideshare = "" # Social Networks facebook = "" googleplus = "" reddit = "" quora = "" youtube = "" vimeo = "" whatsapp = "" # WhatsApp Number instagram = "" tumblr = "" twitter = "spech84" skype = "" snapchat = "" pinterest = "" telegram = "" discord = "" # invite link # Email email = "" [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" url = "/about/" weight = 10 [taxonomies] [privacy] [privacy.vimeo] disabled = false simple = true [privacy.twitter] disabled = false enableDNT = true simple = true [privacy.instagram] disabled = false simple = true [privacy.youtube] disabled = false privacyEnhanced = true [services] [services.instagram] disableInlineCSS = true [services.twitter] disableInlineCSS = true