Documentation.addTranslations({ "locale": "sl", "messages": { "%(filename)s — %(docstitle)s": "", "© Copyright %(copyright)s.": "", "© Copyright %(copyright)s.": "", ", in ": "", "About these documents": "O dokumentih", "Automatically generated list of changes in version %(version)s": "Avtomatsko generiran seznam sprememb v verziji %(version)s", "C API changes": "C API spremembe", "Changes in Version %(version)s — %(docstitle)s": "", "Collapse sidebar": "", "Complete Table of Contents": "Popoln Seznam Vsebine", "Contents": "", "Copyright": "Vse pravice pridr\u017eane", "Created using Sphinx %(sphinx_version)s.": "Narejeno s Sphinx %(sphinx_version)s.", "Expand sidebar": "", "Full index on one page": "Poln indeks na eni strani", "General Index": "Splo\u0161ni abecedni seznam", "Global Module Index": "Splo\u0161en seznam modulov", "Go": "Potrdi", "Hide Search Matches": "Skrij resultate iskanja", "Index": "Abecedni seznam", "Index – %(key)s": "Seznam – %(key)s", "Index pages by letter": "Indeksiraj strani po \u010drki", "Indices and tables:": "Kazalo in seznami:", "Last updated on %(last_updated)s.": "Zadnji\u010d posodobljeno %(last_updated)s.", "Library changes": "Spremembe knji\u017enice", "Navigation": "Navigacija", "Next topic": "Naslednja tema", "Other changes": "Ostale spremembe", "Overview": "Pregled", "Permalink to this definition": "Povezava na to definicijo", "Permalink to this headline": "Povezava na naslov", "Please activate JavaScript to enable the search\n functionality.": "Za pravilno delovanje Iskanja morete vklopiti\n JavaScript.", "Preparing search...": "", "Previous topic": "Prej\u0161nja tema", "Quick search": "Hitro iskanje", "Search": "I\u0161\u010di", "Search Page": "Iskalnik", "Search Results": "Rezultati Iskanja", "Search finished, found %s page(s) matching the search query.": "", "Search within %(docstitle)s": "I\u0161\u010di med %(docstitle)s", "Searching": "", "Searching for multiple words only shows matches that contain\n all words.": "", "Show Source": "Prika\u017ei izvorno kodo", "Table of Contents": "", "This Page": "Trenutna stran", "Welcome! This is": "", "Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories.": "", "all functions, classes, terms": "vse funkcije, razredi, izrazi", "can be huge": "lahko je veliko", "last updated": "", "lists all sections and subsections": "prikazi vse sekcije in podsekcije", "next chapter": "naslednje poglavje", "previous chapter": "prej\u0161nje poglavje", "quick access to all modules": "hiter dostop do vseh modulov", "search": "i\u0161\u010di", "search this documentation": "i\u0161\u010di po dokumentaciji", "the documentation for": "" }, "plural_expr": "(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3)" });