package it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.database.dao; import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData; import; import; import; import; import androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteQuery; import java.util.List; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.Card; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.full.FullCard; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.full.FullCardWithProjects; @Dao public interface CardDao extends GenericDao { String QUERY_UPCOMING_CARDS = "SELECT c.* FROM card c " + "join stack s on s.localId = c.stackId " + "join board b on b.localId = s.boardId " + "WHERE b.archived = 0 and c.archived = 0 and b.status <> 3 and s.status <> 3 and c.status <> 3 " + "and (c.deletedAt is null or c.deletedAt = 0) " + "and (s.deletedAt is null or s.deletedAt = 0) " + "and (b.deletedAt is null or b.deletedAt = 0) " + "and (c.done is null or c.done = 0) " + // Full Logic: (hasDueDate AND isIn_PRIVATE_Board) OR (isInSharedBoard AND (assignedToMe OR (hasDueDate AND noAssignees))) "and (" + "(c.dueDate is not null AND NOT exists(select 1 from AccessControl ac where ac.boardId = b.localId and ac.status <> 3))" + //(hasDueDate AND isInPrivateBoard) "OR (" + "exists(select 1 from AccessControl ac where ac.boardId = b.localId and ac.status <> 3) " + //OR (isInSharedBoard AND "AND (" + "(c.dueDate is not null AND not exists(select 1 from JoinCardWithUser j where j.cardId = c.localId)) " + // hasDueDate AND noAssignees OR "OR exists(select 1 from JoinCardWithUser j where j.cardId = c.localId and j.userId in (select u.localId from user u where u.uid in (select a.userName from Account a)))" + //(assignedToMe ")" + ")" + ")" + "ORDER BY c.dueDate asc"; @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE stackId = :localStackId order by `order`, createdAt asc") LiveData> getCardsForStack(final long localStackId); @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and id = :remoteId") LiveData getCardByRemoteId(final long accountId, final long remoteId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and id = :remoteId") FullCard getFullCardByRemoteIdDirectly(final long accountId, final long remoteId); @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and localId = :localId") Card getCardByLocalIdDirectly(final long accountId, final long localId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and localId = :localId") FullCard getFullCardByLocalIdDirectly(final long accountId, final long localId); @Transaction // v not deleted! @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId AND archived = 0 AND stackId = :localStackId and status<>3 order by `order`, createdAt asc") LiveData> getFullCardsForStack(final long accountId, final long localStackId); @Transaction @RawQuery(observedEntities = Card.class) LiveData> getFilteredFullCardsForStack(SupportSQLiteQuery query); @Transaction @RawQuery(observedEntities = Card.class) List getFilteredFullCardsForStackDirectly(SupportSQLiteQuery query); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId AND stackId = :localStackId order by `order`, createdAt asc") List getFullCardsForStackDirectly(final long accountId, final long localStackId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and localId = :localCardId") LiveData getFullCardByLocalId(final long accountId, final long localCardId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and localId = :localCardId") LiveData getFullCardWithProjectsByLocalId(final long accountId, final long localCardId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and id = :remoteId") LiveData getFullCardByRemoteId(final long accountId, final long remoteId); @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and id = :remoteId") Card getCardByRemoteIdDirectly(long accountId, long remoteId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and (status<>1 or id is null or lastModified <> lastModifiedLocal)") List getLocallyChangedCardsDirectly(long accountId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card WHERE accountId = :accountId and stackId = :localStackId and (status<>1 or id is null or lastModified <> lastModifiedLocal)") List getLocallyChangedCardsByLocalStackIdDirectly(long accountId, long localStackId); @Query("SELECT * FROM card c WHERE accountId = :accountId and exists ( select 1 from DeckComment dc where dc.objectId = c.localId and dc.status<>1)") List getCardsWithLocallyChangedCommentsDirectly(Long accountId); @Query("SELECT * FROM card c WHERE stackId = :localStackId and exists ( select 1 from DeckComment dc where dc.objectId = c.localId and dc.status<>1)") List getCardsWithLocallyChangedCommentsForStackDirectly(Long localStackId); @Query("SELECT count(*) FROM card c WHERE accountId = :accountId and stackId = :localStackId and status <> 3") int countCardsInStackDirectly(long accountId, long localStackId); @Query("SELECT coalesce(MAX(`order`), -1) FROM card c WHERE stackId = :localStackId and status <> 3") Integer getHighestOrderInStack(Long localStackId); @Query("SELECT c.stackId FROM card c WHERE localId = :localCardId") Long getLocalStackIdByLocalCardId(Long localCardId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM card c WHERE " + "exists(select 1 from Stack s join Board b on s.boardId = b.localId where s.localId = c.stackId " + "and b.archived = 0 " + "and not exists(select 1 from AccessControl ac where ac.boardId = b.localId and status <> 3)) " + "and dueDate is not null " + "and (coalesce(:accountIds, null) is null or accountId in (:accountIds)) " + "and status <> 3 " + "and archived = 0") List getFullCardsForNonSharedBoardsWithDueDateForUpcomingCardsWidgetDirectly(List accountIds); @Transaction @Query(QUERY_UPCOMING_CARDS) LiveData> getUpcomingCards(); @Transaction @Query(QUERY_UPCOMING_CARDS) List getUpcomingCardsDirectly(); @Transaction @Query("SELECT c.* FROM card c " + "inner join Stack s on c.stackId = s.localId " + "WHERE s.boardId = :localBoardId " + "and (c.title like :term or c.description like :term) " + "and c.accountId = :accountId " + "and s.accountId = :accountId " + "and c.status <> 3 " + "and s.status <> 3 " + "and c.archived = 0 " + "order by s.`order`, c.`order`") LiveData> searchCard(long accountId, long localBoardId, String term); }