package it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.util; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.Px; import; import java.util.Optional; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.DeckLog; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.R; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.Account; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.Attachment; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.enums.EAttachmentType; import it.niedermann.nextcloud.deck.model.ocs.Version; /** * Created by stefan on 07.03.20. */ public class AttachmentUtil { private AttachmentUtil() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This class must not get instantiated"); } /** * @return a link to the thumbnail of the given {@link Attachment}. * If a thumbnail is not available (see {@link Version#supportsFileAttachments()}), a link to * the {@link Attachment} itself will be returned instead. */ public static String getThumbnailUrl(@NonNull Account account, @NonNull Long cardRemoteId, @NonNull Attachment attachment, @Px int previewSize) { return getThumbnailUrl(account, cardRemoteId, attachment, previewSize, previewSize); } public static String getThumbnailUrl(@NonNull Account account, @NonNull Long cardRemoteId, @NonNull Attachment attachment, @Px int previewWidth, @Px int previewHeight) { return account.getServerDeckVersionAsObject().supportsFileAttachments() && EAttachmentType.FILE.equals(attachment.getType()) && attachment.getFileId() != null ? account.getUrl() + "/index.php/core/preview?fileId=" + attachment.getFileId() + "&x=" + previewWidth + "&y=" + previewHeight + "&a=true" : getRemoteOrLocalUrl(account.getUrl(), cardRemoteId, attachment); } /** * @return {@link AttachmentUtil#getDeck_1_0_RemoteUrl} or {@link Attachment#getLocalPath()} as fallback * in case this {@param attachment} has not yet been synced. */ @Nullable private static String getRemoteOrLocalUrl(@NonNull String accountUrl, @Nullable Long cardRemoteId, @NonNull Attachment attachment) { return (attachment.getId() == null || cardRemoteId == null) ? attachment.getLocalPath() : getDeck_1_0_RemoteUrl(accountUrl, cardRemoteId, attachment.getId()); } /** * Tries to open the given {@link Attachment} in the Nextcloud Android app with a fallback to the web browser. * Displays a toast on failure. */ public static void openAttachment(@NonNull Account account, @NonNull Context context, @Nullable Long cardRemoteId, Attachment attachment) { if (cardRemoteId == null) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.card_does_not_yet_exist, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); DeckLog.logError(new IllegalArgumentException("cardRemoteId must not be null.")); return; } final var intent = generateNextcloudFilesIntent(context.getPackageManager(), account, attachment) .orElse(generateBrowserIntent(account, cardRemoteId, attachment)); try { context.startActivity(intent); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.attachment_does_not_yet_exist, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); DeckLog.logError(new IllegalArgumentException("attachmentRemoteId must not be null.")); } } private static Optional generateNextcloudFilesIntent(@NonNull PackageManager packageManager, @NonNull Account account, Attachment attachment) { for (final var type : FilesAppType.values()) { final var intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) .setClassName(type.packageId, "") .putExtra("KEY_FILE_ID", String.valueOf(attachment.getFileId())) .putExtra("KEY_ACCOUNT", account.getName()); if (packageManager.resolveActivity(intent, 0) != null) { return Optional.of(intent); } } return Optional.empty(); } private static Intent generateBrowserIntent(@NonNull Account account, long cardRemoteId, @NonNull Attachment attachment) { return new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) .setData(Uri.parse(getCopyDownloadUrl(account, cardRemoteId, attachment))); } public static String getCopyDownloadUrl(@NonNull Account account, @NonNull Long cardRemoteId, @NonNull Attachment attachment) { if (attachment.getId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("attachment id must not be null"); } return (attachment.getFileId() != null) ? account.getUrl() + "/f/" + attachment.getFileId() : getDeck_1_0_RemoteUrl(account.getUrl(), cardRemoteId, attachment.getId()); } /** * Attention! This does only work for attachments of type {@link EAttachmentType#DECK_FILE} which are a legacy of Deck API 1.0 */ @Deprecated private static String getDeck_1_0_RemoteUrl(@NonNull String accountUrl, @NonNull Long cardRemoteId, @NonNull Long attachmentRemoteId) { return accountUrl + "/index.php/apps/deck/cards/" + cardRemoteId + "/attachment/" + attachmentRemoteId; } @DrawableRes public static int getIconForMimeType(@NonNull String mimeType) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) { return R.drawable.ic_attach_file_grey600_24dp; } else if (MimeTypeUtil.isAudio(mimeType)) { return R.drawable.ic_music_note_grey600_24dp; } else if (MimeTypeUtil.isVideo(mimeType)) { return R.drawable.ic_local_movies_grey600_24dp; } else if (MimeTypeUtil.isPdf(mimeType)) { return R.drawable.ic_baseline_picture_as_pdf_24; } else if (MimeTypeUtil.isContact(mimeType)) { return R.drawable.ic_baseline_contact_mail_24; } else { return R.drawable.ic_attach_file_grey600_24dp; } } }