1.5.6 - 🐞 Fix sharing text based files like contacts 1.5.5 - đŸ“Ĩ Enhanced sharing from third party apps into Deck 1.5.4 - ➕ Allow to share text as comment - 🐞 Fixed adding new lists 1.5.3 - 🐞 Delete attachments on failed uploads (#547) 1.5.2 - 🐞 Fix bug which prevented account imports - 🌎 Language updates 1.5.1 - 🐞 Activities do not load deterministically (#518) - 🐞 Card order not synced properly (#524) - 📎 Improve attachment handling (#516) 1.5.0 - ↩ī¸ Reply to comments (#454) - đŸ“Ļ Archive all cards of a stack (#495) - 🐞 List not synchronized list is emptied (#501) - đŸ‘Ĩ Fix wrong avatars in multi account setup (#531) - 🐞 Fix NullPointerException when closing card immediately after opening before data has been loaded