Module pl.utils

Generally useful routines.

See the Guide.

Dependencies: pl.compat, all exported fields and functions from pl.compat are also available in this module.


pack (...) pack an argument list into a table.
unpack (t[, i[, t]]) unpack a table and return its contents.
printf (fmt, ...) print an arbitrary number of arguments using a format.
fprintf (f, fmt, ...) write an arbitrary number of arguments to a file using a format.
import (t, T) take a table and 'inject' it into the local namespace.
choose (cond, value1, value2) return either of two values, depending on a condition.
array_tostring (t[, temp[, tostr]]) convert an array of values to strings.
is_type (obj, tp) is the object of the specified type?


patterns Some standard patterns
stdmt Standard meta-tables as used by other Penlight modules

Error handling

assert_arg (n, val, tp, verify, msg, lev) assert that the given argument is in fact of the correct type.
function_arg (idx, f, msg) process a function argument.
assert_string (n, val) assert the common case that the argument is a string.
on_error (mode) control the error strategy used by Penlight.
raise (err) used by Penlight functions to return errors.

File handling

readfile (filename, is_bin) return the contents of a file as a string
writefile (filename, str, is_bin) write a string to a file
readlines (filename) return the contents of a file as a list of lines

OS functions

executeex (cmd, bin) execute a shell command and return the output.
quote_arg (argument) Quote and escape an argument of a command.
quit ([code], msg, ...) error out of this program gracefully.

String functions

escape (s) escape any Lua 'magic' characters in a string
split (s, re, plain, n) split a string into a list of strings separated by a delimiter.
splitv (s, re) split a string into a number of return values.


memoize (func) 'memoize' a function (cache returned value for next call).
add_function_factory (mt, fun) associate a function factory with a type.
string_lambda (lf) an anonymous function as a string.
bind1 (fn, p) bind the first argument of the function to a value.
bind2 (fn, p) bind the second argument of the function to a value.


pack (...)
pack an argument list into a table.


  • ... any arguments


    a table with field n set to the length

See also:

unpack (t[, i[, t]])
unpack a table and return its contents.

NOTE: this implementation differs from the Lua implementation in the way that this one DOES honor the n field in the table t, such that it is 'nil-safe'.


  • t index of the last element to unpack, defaults to t.n or #t (optional)
  • i index from which to start unpacking, defaults to 1 (optional)
  • t index of the last element to unpack, defaults to t.n or #t (optional)


    multiple return values from the table

See also:


    local t = table.pack(nil, nil, nil, 4)
    local a, b, c, d = table.unpack(t)   -- this unpack is NOT nil-safe, so d == nil
    local a, b, c, d = utils.unpack(t)   -- this is nil-safe, so d == 4
printf (fmt, ...)
print an arbitrary number of arguments using a format. Output will be sent to stdout.


  • fmt The format (see string.format)
  • ... Extra arguments for format
fprintf (f, fmt, ...)
write an arbitrary number of arguments to a file using a format.


  • f File handle to write to.
  • fmt The format (see string.format).
  • ... Extra arguments for format
import (t, T)
take a table and 'inject' it into the local namespace.


  • t The table (table), or module name (string), defaults to this utils module table
  • T An optional destination table (defaults to callers environment)
choose (cond, value1, value2)
return either of two values, depending on a condition.


  • cond A condition
  • value1 Value returned if cond is truthy
  • value2 Value returned if cond is falsy
array_tostring (t[, temp[, tostr]])
convert an array of values to strings.


  • t a list-like table
  • temp (table) buffer to use, otherwise allocate (optional)
  • tostr custom tostring function, called with (value,index). Defaults to tostring. (optional)


    the converted buffer
is_type (obj, tp)
is the object of the specified type? If the type is a string, then use type, otherwise compare with metatable


  • obj An object to check
  • tp String of what type it should be




    utils.is_type("hello world", "string")   --> true
    -- or check metatable
    local my_mt = {}
    local my_obj = setmetatable(my_obj, my_mt)
    utils.is_type(my_obj, my_mt)  --> true


Some standard patterns


  • FLOAT floating point number
  • INTEGER integer number
  • IDEN identifier
  • FILE file
Standard meta-tables as used by other Penlight modules


  • List the List metatable
  • Map the Map metatable
  • Set the Set metatable
  • MultiMap the MultiMap metatable

Error handling

assert_arg (n, val, tp, verify, msg, lev)
assert that the given argument is in fact of the correct type.


  • n argument index
  • val the value
  • tp the type
  • verify an optional verification function
  • msg an optional custom message
  • lev optional stack position for trace, default 2


    the validated value


if val is not the correct type


    local param1 = assert_arg(1,"hello",'table')  --> error: argument 1 expected a 'table', got a 'string'
    local param4 = assert_arg(4,'!@#$%^&*','string',path.isdir,'not a directory')
         --> error: argument 4: '!@#$%^&*' not a directory
function_arg (idx, f, msg)
process a function argument. This is used throughout Penlight and defines what is meant by a function: Something that is callable, or an operator string as defined by pl.operator, such as '>' or '#'. If a function factory has been registered for the type, it will be called to get the function.


  • idx argument index
  • f a function, operator string, or callable object
  • msg optional error message


    a callable


if idx is not a number or if f is not callable
assert_string (n, val)
assert the common case that the argument is a string.


  • n argument index
  • val a value that must be a string


    the validated value


val must be a string


    local val = 42
    local param2 = utils.assert_string(2, val) --> error: argument 2 expected a 'string', got a 'number'
on_error (mode)

control the error strategy used by Penlight. This is a global setting that controls how utils.raise behaves:

  • 'default': return nil + error (this is the default)
  • 'error': throw a Lua error
  • 'quit': exit the program


  • mode either 'default', 'quit' or 'error'

See also:

raise (err)
used by Penlight functions to return errors. Its global behaviour is controlled by utils.on_error. To use this function you MUST use it in conjunction with return, since it might return nil + error.


  • err the error string.

See also:


    if some_condition then
      return utils.raise("some condition was not met")  -- MUST use 'return'!

File handling

readfile (filename, is_bin)
return the contents of a file as a string


  • filename The file path
  • is_bin open in binary mode


    file contents
writefile (filename, str, is_bin)
write a string to a file


  • filename The file path
  • str The string
  • is_bin open in binary mode


  1. true or nil
  2. error message


error if filename or str aren't strings
readlines (filename)
return the contents of a file as a list of lines


  • filename The file path


    file contents as a table


error if filename is not a string

OS functions

executeex (cmd, bin)
execute a shell command and return the output. This function redirects the output to tempfiles and returns the content of those files.


  • cmd a shell command
  • bin boolean, if true, read output as binary file


  1. true if successful
  2. actual return code
  3. stdout output (string)
  4. errout output (string)
quote_arg (argument)
Quote and escape an argument of a command. Quotes a single (or list of) argument(s) of a command to be passed to os.execute, pl.utils.execute or pl.utils.executeex.


  • argument (string or table/list) the argument to quote. If a list then all arguments in the list will be returned as a single string quoted.


    quoted and escaped argument.


    local options = utils.quote_arg {
        "utils = print(require('pl.utils')._VERSION",
    -- returns: -lluacov -e 'utils = print(require('\''pl.utils'\'')._VERSION'
quit ([code], msg, ...)
error out of this program gracefully.


  • code The exit code, defaults to -1 if omitted (optional)
  • msg The exit message will be sent to stderr (will be formatted with the extra parameters)
  • ... extra arguments for message's format'

See also:


    utils.quit(-1, "Error '%s' happened", "42")
    -- is equivalent to
    utils.quit("Error '%s' happened", "42")  --> Error '42' happened

String functions

escape (s)
escape any Lua 'magic' characters in a string


  • s The input string
split (s, re, plain, n)
split a string into a list of strings separated by a delimiter.


  • s The input string
  • re A Lua string pattern; defaults to '%s+'
  • plain don't use Lua patterns
  • n optional maximum number of splits


    a list-like table


error if s is not a string
splitv (s, re)
split a string into a number of return values.


  • s the string
  • re the delimiter, default space


    n values

See also:


    first,next = splitv('jane:doe',':')


memoize (func)
'memoize' a function (cache returned value for next call). This is useful if you have a function which is relatively expensive, but you don't know in advance what values will be required, so building a table upfront is wasteful/impossible.


  • func a function of at least one argument


    a function with at least one argument, which is used as the key.
add_function_factory (mt, fun)
associate a function factory with a type. A function factory takes an object of the given type and returns a function for evaluating it


  • mt tab metatable
  • fun func a callable that returns a function
string_lambda (lf)
an anonymous function as a string. This string is either of the form '|args| expression' or is a function of one argument, '_'


  • lf function as a string


    a function


    string_lambda '|x|x+1' (2) == 3
    string_lambda '_+1' (2) == 3
bind1 (fn, p)
bind the first argument of the function to a value.


  • fn a function of at least two values (may be an operator string)
  • p a value


    a function such that f(x) is fn(p,x)


same as function_arg

See also:


    local function f(msg, name)
      print(msg .. " " .. name)
    local hello = utils.bind1(f, "Hello")
    print(hello("world"))     --> "Hello world"
    print(hello("sunshine"))  --> "Hello sunshine"
bind2 (fn, p)
bind the second argument of the function to a value.


  • fn a function of at least two values (may be an operator string)
  • p a value


    a function such that f(x) is fn(x,p)


same as function_arg


    local function f(a, b, c)
      print(a .. " " .. b .. " " .. c)
    local hello = utils.bind1(f, "world")
    print(hello("Hello", "!"))  --> "Hello world !"
    print(hello("Bye", "?"))    --> "Bye world ?"
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