describe("stringx", function() local stringx = require "pl.stringx" it("isalpha()", function() assert.equal(false, stringx.isalpha '') assert.equal(false, stringx.isalpha' ') assert.equal(false, stringx.isalpha'0') assert.equal(false, stringx.isalpha'\0') assert.equal(true, stringx.isalpha'azAZ') assert.equal(false, stringx.isalpha'az9AZ') end) it("isdigit()", function() assert.equal(false, stringx.isdigit'') assert.equal(false, stringx.isdigit' ') assert.equal(false, stringx.isdigit'a') assert.equal(true, stringx.isdigit'0123456789') end) it("isalnum()", function() assert.equal(false, stringx.isalnum'') assert.equal(false, stringx.isalnum' ') assert.equal(true, stringx.isalnum'azAZ01234567890') end) it("isspace()", function() assert.equal(false, stringx.isspace'') assert.equal(true, stringx.isspace' ') assert.equal(true, stringx.isspace' \r\n\f\t') assert.equal(false, stringx.isspace' \r\n-\f\t') end) it("islower()", function() assert.equal(false, stringx.islower'') assert.equal(true, stringx.islower'az') assert.equal(false, stringx.islower'aMz') assert.equal(true, stringx.islower'a z') end) it("isupper()", function() assert.equal(false, stringx.isupper'') assert.equal(true, stringx.isupper'AZ') assert.equal(false, stringx.isupper'AmZ') assert.equal(true, stringx.isupper'A Z') end) it("startswith()", function() local startswith = stringx.startswith assert.equal(true, startswith('', '')) assert.equal(false, startswith('', 'a')) assert.equal(true, startswith('a', '')) assert.equal(true, startswith('a', 'a')) assert.equal(false, startswith('a', 'b')) assert.equal(false, startswith('a', 'ab')) assert.equal(true, startswith('abc', 'ab')) assert.equal(false, startswith('abc', 'bc')) -- off by one assert.equal(false, startswith('abc', '.')) -- Lua pattern char assert.equal(true, startswith('a\0bc', 'a\0b')) -- '\0' assert.equal(true, startswith('abcfoo',{'abc','def'})) assert.equal(true, startswith('deffoo',{'abc','def'})) assert.equal(false, startswith('cdefoo',{'abc','def'})) end) it("endswith()", function() local endswith = stringx.endswith assert.equal(true, endswith("", "")) assert.equal(false, endswith("", "a")) assert.equal(true, endswith("a", "")) assert.equal(true, endswith("a", "a")) assert.equal(false, endswith("a", "A")) -- case sensitive assert.equal(false, endswith("a", "aa")) assert.equal(true, endswith("abc", "")) assert.equal(false, endswith("abc", "ab")) -- off by one assert.equal(true, endswith("abc", "c")) assert.equal(true, endswith("abc", "bc")) assert.equal(true, endswith("abc", "abc")) assert.equal(false, endswith("abc", " abc")) assert.equal(false, endswith("abc", "a")) assert.equal(false, endswith("abc", ".")) -- Lua pattern char assert.equal(true, endswith("ab\0c", "b\0c")) -- \0 assert.equal(false, endswith("ab\0c", "b\0d")) -- \0 assert.equal(true, endswith('',{'.dot','.txt'})) assert.equal(true, endswith('dollar.txt',{'.dot','.txt'})) assert.equal(false, endswith('dollar.rtxt',{'.dot','.txt'})) end) it("join()", function() assert.equal('1 2 3', stringx.join(' ', {1,2,3})) end) it("splitlines", function() assert.same({}, stringx.splitlines('')) assert.same({'a'}, stringx.splitlines('a')) assert.same({''}, stringx.splitlines('\n')) assert.same({'', ''}, stringx.splitlines('\n\n')) assert.same({'', ''}, stringx.splitlines('\r\r')) assert.same({''}, stringx.splitlines('\r\n')) assert.same({'ab', 'cd'}, stringx.splitlines('ab\ncd\n')) assert.same({'ab\n', 'cd\n'}, stringx.splitlines('ab\ncd\n', true)) assert.same({'\n', 'ab\r', '\r\n', 'cd\n'}, stringx.splitlines('\nab\r\r\ncd\n', true)) end) it("split()", function() local split = stringx.split assert.same({''}, split('', '')) assert.same({}, split('', 'z')) --FIX:intended and specified behavior? assert.same({'a'}, split('a', '')) --FIX:intended and specified behavior? assert.same({''}, split('a', 'a')) -- stringx.split now follows the Python pattern, so it uses a substring, not a pattern. -- If you need to split on a pattern, use utils.split() -- asserteq(split('ab1cd23ef%d', '%d+'), {'ab', 'cd', 'ef%d'}) -- pattern chars -- note that leading space is ignored by the default assert.same({'1','2','3'}, split(' 1 2 3 ')) assert.same({'a','bb','c','ddd'}, split('a*bb*c*ddd','*')) assert.same({'dog','fred','bonzo:alice'}, split('dog:fred:bonzo:alice',':',3)) assert.same({'dog','fred','bonzo:alice:'}, split('dog:fred:bonzo:alice:',':',3)) assert.same({'','','',''}, split('///','/')) end) it("expandtabs()", function() assert.equal('', stringx.expandtabs('',0)) assert.equal('', stringx.expandtabs('',1)) assert.equal(' ', stringx.expandtabs(' ',1)) assert.equal((' '):rep(1+8), stringx.expandtabs(' \t ')) assert.equal((' '):rep(3), stringx.expandtabs(' \t ',2)) assert.equal((' '):rep(2), stringx.expandtabs(' \t ',0)) assert.equal(' hi there folks!', stringx.expandtabs('\thi\tthere\tfolks!')) end) it("lfind()", function() assert.equal(1, stringx.lfind('', '')) assert.equal(1, stringx.lfind('a', '')) assert.equal(2, stringx.lfind('ab', 'b')) assert.is_nil(stringx.lfind('abc', 'cd')) assert.equal(2, stringx.lfind('abcbc', 'bc')) assert.equal(3, stringx.lfind('', '.')) -- pattern char assert.equal(4, stringx.lfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', 3)) assert.is_nil(stringx.lfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', 3, 4)) assert.equal(4, stringx.lfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', 3, 5)) assert.equal(2, stringx.lfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', nil, 5)) end) it("rfind()", function() assert.equal(1, stringx.rfind('', '')) assert.equal(3, stringx.rfind('ab', '')) assert.is_nil(stringx.rfind('abc', 'cd')) assert.equal(4, stringx.rfind('abcbc', 'bc')) assert.equal(4, stringx.rfind('abcbcb', 'bc')) assert.equal(4, stringx.rfind('', '.')) -- pattern char assert.equal(7, stringx.rfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', 3)) assert.is_nil(stringx.rfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', 3, 4)) assert.equal(4, stringx.rfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', 3, 5)) assert.equal(4, stringx.rfind('abcbcbbc', 'bc', nil, 5)) assert.equal(4, stringx.rfind('banana', 'ana')) end) it("replace()", function() assert.equal('', stringx.replace('', '', '')) assert.equal(' ', stringx.replace(' ', '', '')) assert.equal(' ', stringx.replace(' ', '', ' ')) assert.equal('', stringx.replace(' ', ' ', '')) assert.equal('aBCaBCaBC', stringx.replace('abcabcabc', 'bc', 'BC')) assert.equal('aBCabcabc', stringx.replace('abcabcabc', 'bc', 'BC', 1)) assert.equal('abcabcabc', stringx.replace('abcabcabc', 'bc', 'BC', 0)) assert.equal('abc', stringx.replace('abc', 'd', 'e')) assert.equal('a%db', stringx.replace('a.b', '.', '%d')) end) it("count()", function() assert.equal(0, stringx.count('', '')) --infinite loop]] assert.equal(2, stringx.count(' ', '')) --infinite loop]] assert.equal(2, stringx.count('a..c', '.')) -- pattern chars assert.equal(0, stringx.count('a1c', '%d')) -- pattern chars assert.equal(3, stringx.count('Anna Anna Anna', 'Anna')) -- no overlap assert.equal(1, stringx.count('banana', 'ana', false)) -- no overlap assert.equal(2, stringx.count('banana', 'ana', true)) -- overlap end) it("ljust()", function() assert.equal('', stringx.ljust('', 0)) assert.equal(' ', stringx.ljust('', 2)) assert.equal('ab ', stringx.ljust('ab', 3)) assert.equal('ab%', stringx.ljust('ab', 3, '%')) assert.equal('abcd', stringx.ljust('abcd', 3)) -- agrees with Python end) it("rjust()", function() assert.equal('', stringx.rjust('', 0)) assert.equal(' ', stringx.rjust('', 2)) assert.equal(' ab', stringx.rjust('ab', 3)) assert.equal('%ab', stringx.rjust('ab', 3, '%')) assert.equal('abcd', stringx.rjust('abcd', 3)) -- agrees with Python end) it("center()", function() assert.equal('','', 0)) assert.equal(' ','', 1)) assert.equal(' ','', 2)) assert.equal('a','a', 1)) assert.equal('a ','a', 2)) assert.equal(' a ','a', 3)) end) it("lstrip()", function() local trim = stringx.lstrip assert.equal('', trim'') assert.equal('', trim' ') assert.equal('', trim' ') assert.equal('a', trim'a') assert.equal('a', trim' a') assert.equal('a ', trim'a ') assert.equal('a ', trim' a ') assert.equal('a ', trim' a ') assert.equal('ab cd ', trim' ab cd ') assert.equal('a\000b \r\t\n\f\v', trim' \t\r\n\f\va\000b \r\t\n\f\v') assert.equal('hello] -- - ', trim(' - -- [hello] -- - ','-[] ')) end) it("rstrip()", function() local trim = stringx.rstrip assert.equal('', trim'') assert.equal('', trim' ') assert.equal('', trim' ') assert.equal('a', trim'a') assert.equal(' a', trim' a') assert.equal('a', trim'a ') assert.equal(' a', trim' a ') assert.equal(' a', trim' a ') assert.equal(' ab cd', trim' ab cd ') assert.equal(' \t\r\n\f\va\000b', trim' \t\r\n\f\va\000b \r\t\n\f\v') assert.equal(' - -- [hello', trim(' - -- [hello] -- - ','-[] ')) end) it("strip()", function() local trim = stringx.strip assert.equal('', trim'') assert.equal('', trim' ') assert.equal('', trim' ') assert.equal('a', trim'a') assert.equal('a', trim' a') assert.equal('a', trim'a ') assert.equal('a', trim' a ') assert.equal('a', trim' a ') assert.equal('ab cd', trim' ab cd ') assert.equal('a\000b', trim' \t\r\n\f\va\000b \r\t\n\f\v') assert.equal('hello', trim(' - -- [hello] -- - ','-[] ')) local long = 'a' .. string.rep(' ', 200000) .. 'a' assert.equal(long, trim(long)) end) it("splitv()", function() -- is actually 'utils.splitv' assert.same({"hello", "dolly"}, {stringx.splitv("hello dolly")}) end) it("partition()", function() assert.has.error(function() stringx.partition('a', '') end) assert.same({'', 'a', ''}, {stringx.partition('a', 'a')}) assert.same({'a', 'b', 'c'}, {stringx.partition('abc', 'b')}) assert.same({'abc','',''}, {stringx.partition('abc', '.+')}) assert.same({'ab','.','c'}, {stringx.partition('ab.c', '.')}) assert.same({'a',',','b,c'}, {stringx.partition('a,b,c', ',')}) assert.same({'abc', '', ''}, {stringx.partition('abc', '/')}) end) it("rpartition()", function() assert.has.error(function() stringx.rpartition('a', '') end) assert.same({'a/b', '/', 'c'}, {stringx.rpartition('a/b/c', '/')}) assert.same({'a', 'b', 'c'}, {stringx.rpartition('abc', 'b')}) assert.same({'', 'a', ''}, {stringx.rpartition('a', 'a')}) assert.same({'', '', 'abc'}, {stringx.rpartition('abc', '/')}) end) it("at()", function() -- at (works like s:sub(idx,idx), so negative indices allowed assert.equal('a','a', 1)) assert.equal('b','ab', 2)) assert.equal('d','abcd', -1)) assert.equal('','abcd', 10)) -- not found end) describe("indent()", function() it("adds an indent", function() local t = "a whole lot\nof love" assert.equal([[ a whole lot of love ]], stringx.indent(t, 4)) assert.equal([[ **easy ** **enough! ]], stringx.indent("easy\n\nenough!", 2 ,'*')) end) it("appends a newline if not present", function() assert.equal(" hello\n world\n", stringx.indent("hello\nworld", 2)) assert.equal(" hello\n world\n", stringx.indent("hello\nworld\n", 2)) end) end) describe("dedent()", function() it("removes prefixed whitespace", function() assert.equal([[ one two three ]], stringx.dedent [[ one two three ]]) end) it("removes prefixed whitespace, retains structure", function() assert.equal([[ one two three ]], stringx.dedent [[ one two three ]]) end) it("appends a newline if not present", function() assert.equal("hello\nworld\n", stringx.dedent(" hello\n world")) assert.equal("hello\nworld\n", stringx.dedent(" hello\n world\n")) end) end) describe("fill()/wrap()", function() it("wraps width over limit", function() assert.same({ "abc", "def" }, stringx.wrap("abc def", 2)) end) it("wraps width at limit", function() assert.same({ "abc", "def" }, stringx.wrap("abc def", 3)) assert.same({ "a c", "d f" }, stringx.wrap("a c d f", 3)) end) it("wraps single letters", function() assert.same({"a"}, stringx.wrap("a")) end) it("wraps empty strings", function() assert.same({""}, stringx.wrap("")) assert.same({""}, stringx.wrap(" ")) end) it("handles leading/trailing whitespace", function() assert.same({"hello"}, stringx.wrap(" hello ", 10)) assert.same({"hello"}, stringx.wrap(" hello ", 2)) assert.same({"he", "ll", "o"}, stringx.wrap(" hello ", 2, true)) end) it("handles line-breaks", function() assert.same({"Hello", "Dolly"}, stringx.wrap("Hello\nDolly", 10)) assert.same({"Hello Dolly"}, stringx.wrap("Hello\nDolly", 20)) end) it("doesn't split on accented characters", function() assert.same({"àbcdéfghîj"}, stringx.wrap("àbcdéfghîj")) end) it("word-wraps a text", function() -- local binstring = require("luassert.formatters.binarystring") -- assert:add_formatter(binstring) assert.equal([[ It is often said of Lua that it does not include batteries. That is because the goal of Lua is to produce a lean expressive language that will be used on all sorts of machines, (some of which don't even have hierarchical filesystems). The Lua language is the equivalent of an operating system kernel; the creators of Lua do not see it as their responsibility to create a full software ecosystem around the language. That is the role of the community. ]], stringx.fill("It is often said of Lua that it does not include batteries. That is because the goal of Lua is to produce a lean expressive language that will be used on all sorts of machines, (some of which don't even have hierarchical filesystems). The Lua language is the equivalent of an operating system kernel; the creators of Lua do not see it as their responsibility to create a full software ecosystem around the language. That is the role of the community.", 20)) end) it("generic wrap test", function() local t = [[ hello "world" 'this' -is- a bb ccc dddd test... but wouldn't it pass??? final. word-that-can-be-broken ]] assert.same({ "hello", '"world"', "'this'", "-is-", "a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd", "test...", "but", "wouldn't", "it", "pass???", "final.", "word-that-can-be-broken", }, stringx.wrap(t, 3)) end) it("generic wrap test, with overflow breaking", function() local t = [[ hello "world" 'this' -is- a bb ccc dddd test... but wouldn't it pass??? final. word-that-can-be-broken ]] assert.same({ "hel", "lo", '"wo', 'rld', '"', "'th", "is'", "-is", "- a", "bb", "ccc", "ddd", "d", "tes", "t..", ".", "but", "wou", "ldn", "'t", "it", "pas", "s??", "?", "fin", "al.", "wor", "d-t", "hat", "-ca", "n-b", "e-b", "rok", "en", }, stringx.wrap(t, 3, true)) end) end) describe("Template", function() local Template = stringx.Template it("substitute() replaces placeholders", function() local t1 = Template [[ while true do $contents end ]] assert.equal([[ while true do print "hello" end ]], t1:substitute {contents = 'print "hello"'}) end) it("substitute() replaces multiple placeholders", function () local template = Template("${here} is the $answer") local out = template:substitute({ here = 'one', answer = 'two' })'one is the two', out) end) it("indent_substitute() indents replaced multi-lines", function() local t1 = Template [[ while true do $contents end ]] assert.equal( "while true do\n".. " for i = 1,10 do\n".. " gotcha(i)\n".. " end\n".. "\n".. "end\n" , t1:indent_substitute {contents = [[ for i = 1,10 do gotcha(i) end ]]}) end) end) it("lines()", function() local function merge(it, ...) assert(select('#', ...) == 0) local ts = {} for val in it do ts[#ts+1] = val end return ts end assert.same({''}, merge(stringx.lines(''))) assert.same({'ab'}, merge(stringx.lines('ab'))) assert.same({'ab', 'cd'}, merge(stringx.lines('ab\ncd'))) end) it("title()", function() assert.equal('', stringx.title('')) assert.equal('Abc Def1', stringx.title('abC deF1')) -- Python behaviour assert.equal('Hello World', stringx.capitalize('hello world')) end) it("capitalize()", function() -- old name for 'title' assert.equal(stringx.title, stringx.capitalize) end) it("shorten()", function() assert.equal('', stringx.shorten('', 0)) assert.equal('a', stringx.shorten('a', 1)) assert.equal('.', stringx.shorten('ab', 1)) --FIX:ok? assert.equal('abc', stringx.shorten('abc', 3)) assert.equal('...', stringx.shorten('abcd', 3)) assert.equal('abcde', stringx.shorten('abcde', 5)) assert.equal('a...', stringx.shorten('abcde', 4)) assert.equal('...', stringx.shorten('abcde', 3)) assert.equal('..', stringx.shorten('abcde', 2)) assert.equal('', stringx.shorten('abcde', 0)) assert.equal('', stringx.shorten('', 0, true)) assert.equal('a', stringx.shorten('a', 1, true)) assert.equal('.', stringx.shorten('ab', 1, true)) assert.equal('abcde', stringx.shorten('abcde', 5, true)) assert.equal('...e', stringx.shorten('abcde', 4, true)) assert.equal('...', stringx.shorten('abcde', 3, true)) assert.equal('..', stringx.shorten('abcde', 2, true)) assert.equal('', stringx.shorten('abcde', 0, true)) end) it("quote_string()", function() local assert_str_round_trip = function(s) local qs = stringx.quote_string(s) local compiled, err = require("pl.utils").load("return "..qs) if not compiled then print( ("stringx.quote_string assert failed: invalid string created: Received:\n%s\n\nCompiled to\n%s\n\nError:\t%s\n"): format(s, qs, err) ) error() else compiled = compiled() end if compiled ~= s then print("stringx.quote_string assert Failed: String compiled but did not round trip.") print("input string:\t\t",s, #s) print("compiled string:\t", compiled, #compiled) print("output string:\t\t",qs, #qs) error() -- else -- print("input string:\t\t",s) -- print("compiled string:\t", compiled) -- print("output string:\t\t",qs) end end assert_str_round_trip( "normal string with nothing weird.") assert_str_round_trip( "Long string quoted with escaped quote \\\" and a long string pattern match [==[ found near the end.") assert_str_round_trip( "Unescapped quote \" in the middle") assert_str_round_trip( "[[Embedded long quotes \\\". Escaped must stay! ]]") assert_str_round_trip( [[Long quoted string with a slash prior to quote \\\". ]]) assert_str_round_trip( "[[Completely normal\n long quote. ]]") assert_str_round_trip( "String with a newline\nending with a closing bracket]") assert_str_round_trip( "[[String with opening brackets ending with part of a long closing bracket]=") assert_str_round_trip( "\n[[Completely normal\n long quote. Except that we lead with a return! Tricky! ]]") assert_str_round_trip( '"balance [======[ doesn\'t ]====] mater when searching for embedded long-string quotes.') assert_str_round_trip( "Any\0 \t control character other than a return will be handled by the %q mechanism.") assert_str_round_trip( "This\tincludes\ttabs.") assert_str_round_trip( "But not returns.\n Returns are easier to see using long quotes.") assert_str_round_trip( "The \z escape does not trigger a control pattern, however.") assert_str_round_trip( "[==[If a string is long-quoted, escaped \\\" quotes have to stay! ]==]") assert_str_round_trip('"A quoted string looks like what?"') assert_str_round_trip( "'I think that it should be quoted, anyway.'") assert_str_round_trip( "[[Even if they're long quoted.]]") assert_str_round_trip( "]=]==]") assert_str_round_trip( "\"\\\"\\' pathalogical:starts with a quote ]\"\\']=]]==][[]]]=========]") assert_str_round_trip( "\\\"\\\"\\' pathalogical: quote is after this text with a quote ]\"\\']=]]==][[]]]=========]") assert_str_round_trip( "\\\"\\\"\\' pathalogical: quotes are all escaped. ]\\\"\\']=]]==][[]]]=========]") assert_str_round_trip( "") assert_str_round_trip( " ") assert_str_round_trip( "\n") --tricky. assert_str_round_trip( "\r") assert_str_round_trip( "\r\n") assert_str_round_trip( "\r1\n") assert_str_round_trip( "[[") assert_str_round_trip( "''") assert_str_round_trip( '""') end) describe("format_operator()", function() setup(function() stringx.format_operator() end) it("handles plain substitutions", function() assert.equal('[home]', '[%s]' % 'home') assert.equal('fred = 42', '%s = %d' % {'fred',42}) end) it("invokes tostring on %s formats", function() -- mostly works like string.format, except that %s forces use of tostring() -- rather than throwing an error local List = require 'pl.List' assert.equal('TBL:{1,2,3}', 'TBL:%s' % List{1,2,3}) end) it("replaces '$field' references", function() -- table with keys and format with $ assert.equal('<1>', '<$one>' % {one=1}) end) it("accepts replacement functions", function() local function subst(k) if k == 'A' then return 'ay' elseif k == 'B' then return 'bee' else return '?' end end assert.equal('ay & bee', '$A & $B' % subst) end) end) end)