local test = require 'pl.test' local utils = require 'pl.utils' require 'pl.app'.require_here 'lua' if not utils.lua51 then --- look at lua/mod52.lua local m = require 'mod52' test.asserteq(m.answer(),'{"10","20","30"}') assert(m.utils) -- !! implementation is leaky! -- that's a bugger. However, if 'pl.import_into' is passed true, -- then the returned module will _only_ contain the newly defined functions -- So reload after setting the global STRICT package.loaded.mod52 = nil STRICT = true m = require 'mod52' assert (m.answer) -- as before assert (not m.utils) -- cool! No underwear showing end local pl = require 'pl.import_into' () assert(pl.utils) assert(pl.tablex) assert(pl.data) assert(not _G.utils) assert(not _G.tablex) assert(not _G.data) require 'pl.import_into'(_G) assert(_G.utils) assert(_G.tablex) assert(_G.data) require 'pl.import_into'(_G) assert(_G.utils) assert(_G.tablex) assert(_G.data)