-- test-pylib.lua local List = require 'pl.List' local text = require 'pl.text' local Template = text.Template local asserteq = require 'pl.test' . asserteq l = List{10,20,30,40,50} s = List{1,2,3,4,5} -- test using: lua pylist.lua local lst = List() lst:append(20) lst:extend{30,40,50} lst:put(10) asserteq (lst,List{10,20,30,40,50}) asserteq (lst:len(),5) lst:insert(3,11) lst:remove_value(40) asserteq (lst,List{10,20,11,30,50}) asserteq (lst:contains(11),true) asserteq (lst:contains(40),false) local q=lst:pop() asserteq( lst:index(30),4 ) asserteq( lst:count(10),1 ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() asserteq (lst , List{30,20,11,10}) asserteq (lst[#lst] , 10) asserteq (lst[#lst-2] , 20) asserteq (tostring(lst) , '{30,20,11,10}') lst = List {10,20,30,40,50} asserteq (lst:slice(2),{20,30,40,50}) asserteq (lst:slice(-2),{40,50}) asserteq (lst:slice(nil,3),{10,20,30}) asserteq (lst:slice(2,4),{20,30,40}) asserteq (lst:slice(-4,-2),{20,30,40}) lst = List.range(0,9) seq = List{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} asserteq(List.range(4),{1,2,3,4}) asserteq(List.range(0,8,2),{0,2,4,6,8}) asserteq(List.range(0,1,0.2),{0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1},1e-9) asserteq(lst, seq) asserteq(lst:reduce '+', 45) local part = seq:partition(function(v) return v % 2 end) asserteq (part[0], List{0,2,4,6,8}) asserteq (part[1], List{1,3,5,7,9}) asserteq (List('abcd'),List{'a','b','c','d'}) local caps = List() List('abcd'):foreach(function(v) caps:append(v:upper()) end) asserteq (caps,List{'A','B','C','D'}) ls = List{10,20,30,40} ls:slice_assign(2,3,{21,31}) asserteq (ls , List{10,21,31,40}) asserteq (ls:remove(2), List{10,31,40}) asserteq (ls:clear(), List{}) asserteq (ls:len(), 0) -- strings --- require 'pl.stringx'.import() ---> convenient! s = '123' assert (s:isdigit()) assert (not s:isspace()) s = 'here the dog is just a dog' assert (s:startswith('here')) assert (s:endswith('dog')) assert (s:count('dog') == 2) assert (List.split(s) == List{'here', 'the', 'dog', 'is', 'just', 'a', 'dog'}) assert (List.split('foo;bar;baz', ';') == List{'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}) s = ' here we go ' asserteq (s:lstrip() , 'here we go ') asserteq (s:rstrip() , ' here we go') asserteq (s:strip() , 'here we go') asserteq (('hello'):center(20,'+') , '+++++++hello++++++++') t = Template('${here} is the $answer') asserteq(t:substitute {here = 'one', answer = 'two'} , 'one is the two') asserteq (('hello dolly'):title() , 'Hello Dolly') asserteq (('h bk bonzo TOK fred m'):title() , 'H Bk Bonzo Tok Fred M')