# Capsule A CSS-only Hugo theme using the [Bulma CSS framework](https://github.com/jgthms/bulma) and [Font-Awesome icons](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome). ![Capsule Corp.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sudorook/capsule/master/assets/capsule-corp.png) # Install From the base of your website, run: ``` git submodule add https://github.com/sudorook/capsule themes/capsule ``` You can then either build Hugo on the command line and pass the `-t capsule` flag, or you can add `theme = "capsule"` to your config.toml file. **Note: Any additional documentation will be added to the [Capsule Demo](https://sudorook.gitlab.io/capsule-demo) site, not here.** ## Notes: ### 1. Syntax highlighting (via pygments) For code blocks, pick the highlighter style in config.toml by setting: ``` pygmentsstyle = " """ js = """ """ ``` Any CSS or JS specified here will add to the site \ when Hugo renders the page. ### 6. Enable table of contents To generate a table of contents for a specific page, add to the toml header: ``` toc = true ``` The table of contents will contain all the header items defined in the markdown. The nesting levels for each match the header weight (h1, h2, etc.). # Build To (re)build the CSS, you need to have npm and installed. Clone the capsule repository and once in it run: ```bash npm install ``` and then build by: ```bash npm run build ``` You can enable/disable sass components by editing build/sass/capsule.sass before building. To use your own customized version of capsule, a) fork this repository and set the Git submodule to use it, or b) make a symlink to your custom build in the Hugo themes/ directory, assuming your build system allows this.