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+<title>qhalf -- halfspace intersection about a point</title>
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+<p><a name="TOP"><b>Up</b></a><b>:</b> <a href="http://www.qhull.org">Home page</a> for Qhull<br>
+<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
+<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
+<b>To:</b> <a href="#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis
+&#149; <a href="#input">in</a>put &#149; <a href="#outputs">ou</a>tputs
+&#149; <a href="#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a href="#graphics">gr</a>aphics
+&#149; <a href="#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a href="#conventions">co</a>nventions
+&#149; <a href="#options">op</a>tions
+<!-- Main text of document -->
+src="qh--half.gif" alt="[halfspace]" align="middle" width="100"
+height="100"></a>qhalf -- halfspace intersection about a point</h1>
+<p>The intersection of a set of halfspaces is a polytope. The
+polytope may be unbounded. See Preparata &amp; Shamos [<a
+href="index.htm#pre-sha85">'85</a>] for a discussion. In low
+dimensions, halfspace intersection may be used for linear
+<dl compact>
+ <dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox c | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
+ <a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a></dt>
+ <dd>Print the intersection of the facets of a cube. <tt>rbox c</tt>
+ generates the vertices of a cube. <tt>qconvex FV n</tt> returns of average
+ of the cube's vertices (in this case, the origin) and the halfspaces
+ that define the cube. <tt>qhalf Fp</tt> computes the intersection of
+ the halfspaces about the origin. The intersection is the vertices
+ of the original cube.</dd>
+ <dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox c d G0.55 | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
+ <a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a></dt>
+ <dd>Print the intersection of the facets of a cube and a diamond. There
+ are 24 facets and 14 intersection points. Four facets define each diamond
+ vertex. Six facets define each cube vertex.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox c d G0.55 | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
+ <a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a>
+ <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
+ <dd>Same as above except triangulate before computing
+ the intersection points. Three facets define each intersection
+ point. There are two duplicates of the diamond and four duplicates of the cube.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 s t10 | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
+ <a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a> <a
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
+ <dd>Print the intersection of the facets of the convex hull of 10 cospherical points.
+ Include the intersection points and the neighboring intersections.
+ As in the previous examples, the intersection points are nearly the same as the
+ original input points.
+ </dd>
+<p>In Qhull, a <i>halfspace</i> is defined by the points on or below a hyperplane.
+The distance of each point to the hyperplane is less than or equal to zero.
+<p>Qhull computes a halfspace intersection by the geometric
+duality between points and halfspaces.
+See <a href="qh-eg.htm#half">halfspace examples</a>,
+<a href="#notes">qhalf notes</a>, and
+option 'p' of <a href="#outputs">qhalf outputs</a>. </p>
+<p>Qhalf's <a href="#outputs">outputs</a> are the intersection
+points (<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a>) and
+the neighboring intersection points (<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a>).
+For random inputs, halfspace
+intersections are usually defined by more than <i>d</i> halfspaces. See the sphere example.
+<p>You can try triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') and joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
+It demonstrates that triangulated output is more accurate than joggled input.
+<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output), all
+halfspace intersections are simplicial (e.g., three halfspaces per
+intersection in 3-d). In 3-d, if more than three halfspaces intersect
+at the same point, triangulated output will produce
+duplicate intersections, one for each additional halfspace. See the third example, or
+add 'Qt' to the sphere example.</p>
+<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input), all halfspace
+intersections are simplicial. This may lead to nearly identical
+intersections. For example, either replace 'Qt' with 'QJ' above, or add
+'QJ' to the sphere example.
+See <a
+href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
+<p>The 'qhalf' program is equivalent to
+'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull H</a>' in 2-d to 4-d, and
+'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull H</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
+in 5-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
+<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d n v Qbb QbB Qf Qg Qm
+Qr QR Qv Qx Qz TR E V Fa FA FC FD FS Ft FV Gt Q0,etc</i>.
+<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">qhalf synopsis</a></h3>
+qhalf- halfspace intersection about a point.
+ input (stdin): [dim, 1, interior point]
+ dim+1, n
+ halfspace coefficients + offset
+ comments start with a non-numeric character
+options (qhalf.htm):
+ Hn,n - specify coordinates of interior point
+ Qt - triangulated output
+ QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
+ Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and redundancy
+ . - concise list of all options
+ - - one-line description of all options
+output options (subset):
+ s - summary of results (default)
+ Fp - intersection coordinates
+ Fv - non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection
+ Fx - non-redundant halfspaces
+ o - OFF file format (dual convex hull)
+ G - Geomview output (dual convex hull)
+ m - Mathematica output (dual convex hull)
+ QVn - print intersections for halfspace n, -n if not
+ TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
+ rbox d | qconvex n | qhalf s H0,0,0 Fp
+ rbox c | qconvex FV n | qhalf s i
+ rbox c | qconvex FV n | qhalf s o
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">qhalf input</a></h3>
+<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
+ <li>[optional] interior point
+ <ul>
+ <li>dimension
+ <li>1
+ <li>coordinates of interior point
+ </ul>
+ <li>dimension + 1
+ <li>number of halfspaces</li>
+ <li>halfspace coefficients followed by offset</li>
+<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qhalf &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox c | qconvex FV n | qhalf),
+or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qhalf TI data.txt).
+<p>Qhull needs an interior point to compute the halfspace
+intersection. An interior point is clearly inside all of the halfspaces.
+A point is <i>inside</i> a halfspace if its distance to the corresponding hyperplane is negative.
+<p>The interior point may be listed at the beginning of the input (as shown above).
+If not, option
+'Hn,n' defines the interior point as
+[n,n,0,...] where <em>0</em> is the default coordinate (e.g.,
+'H0' is the origin). Use linear programming if you do not know
+the interior point (see <a href="#notes">halfspace notes</a>),</p>
+<p>The input to qhalf is a set of halfspaces that are defined by their hyperplanes.
+Each halfspace is defined by
+<em>d</em> coefficients followed by a signed offset. This defines
+a linear inequality. The coefficients define a vector that is
+normal to the halfspace.
+The vector may have any length. If it
+has length one, the offset is the distance from the origin to the
+halfspace's boundary. Points in the halfspace have a negative distance to the hyperplane.
+The distance from the interior point to each
+halfspace is likewise negative.</p>
+<p>The halfspace format is the same as Qhull's output options '<a
+href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>', '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo">Fo</a>',
+and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi">Fi</a>'. Use option '<a
+href="qh-optf.htm#Fd">Fd</a>' to use cdd format for the
+<p>For example, here is the input for computing the intersection
+of halfplanes that form a cube.</p>
+ <p>rbox c | qconvex FQ FV n TO data </p>
+ <pre>
+3 1
+ 0 0 0
+ 0 0 -1 -0.5
+ 0 -1 0 -0.5
+ 1 0 0 -0.5
+ -1 0 0 -0.5
+ 0 1 0 -0.5
+ 0 0 1 -0.5
+ <p>qhalf s Fp &lt; data </p>
+ <pre>
+Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
+ Number of halfspaces: 6
+ Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 6
+ Number of intersection points: 8
+Statistics for: RBOX c | QCONVEX FQ FV n | QHALF s Fp
+ Number of points processed: 6
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 11
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
+ Number of merged facets: 1
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 45
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ -0.5 0.5 0.5
+ 0.5 0.5 0.5
+ -0.5 0.5 -0.5
+ 0.5 0.5 -0.5
+ 0.5 -0.5 0.5
+ -0.5 -0.5 0.5
+ -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
+ 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">qhalf outputs</a></h3>
+<p>The following options control the output for halfspace
+<dl compact>
+ <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
+ <dd><b>Intersections</b></dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
+ <dd>list intersection points for each non-redundant
+ halfspace. The first line
+ is the number of non-redundant halfspaces. Each remaining
+ lines starts with the number of intersection points. For the cube
+ example, each halfspace has four intersection points.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
+ <dd>list neighboring intersections for each intersection point. The first line
+ is the number of intersection points. Each remaining line
+ starts with the number of neighboring intersections. For the cube
+ example, each intersection point has three neighboring intersections.
+ <p>
+ In 3-d, a non-simplicial intersection has more than three neighboring
+ intersections. For random data (e.g., the sphere example), non-simplicial intersections are the norm.
+ Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' produces three
+ neighboring intersections per intersection by duplicating the intersection
+ points. Option <a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' produces three
+ neighboring intersections per intersection by joggling the hyperplanes and
+ hence their intersections.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a></dt>
+ <dd>print intersection coordinates. The first line is the dimension and the
+ second line is the number of intersection points. The following lines are the
+ coordinates of each intersection.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FI">FI</a></dt>
+ <dd>list intersection IDs. The first line is the number of
+ intersections. The IDs follow, one per line.</dd>
+ <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
+ <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
+ <dd><b>Halfspaces</b></dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a></dt>
+ <dd>list non-redundant halfspaces. The first line is the number of
+ non-redundant halfspaces. The other lines list one halfspace per line.
+ A halfspace is <i>non-redundant</i> if it
+ defines a facet of the intersection. Redundant halfspaces are ignored. For
+ the cube example, all of the halfspaces are non-redundant.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a></dt>
+ <dd>list non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection point.
+ The first line is the number of
+ non-redundant halfspaces. Each remaining line starts with the number
+ of non-redundant halfspaces. For the
+ cube example, each intersection is incident to three halfspaces.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
+ <dd>list non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection point. The first
+ line is the number of intersection points. Each remaining line
+ lists the incident, non-redundant halfspaces. For the
+ cube example, each intersection is incident to three halfspaces.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
+ <dd>list coplanar halfspaces for each intersection point. The first line is
+ the number of intersection points. Each remaining line starts with
+ the number of coplanar halfspaces. A coplanar halfspace is listed for
+ one intersection point even though it is coplanar to multiple intersection
+ points.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qi</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
+ <dd>list redundant halfspaces for each intersection point. The first line is
+ the number of intersection points. Each remaining line starts with
+ the number of redundant halfspaces. Use options '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> Qi Fc' to list
+ coplanar and redundant halfspaces.</dd>
+ <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
+ <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
+ <dd><b>General</b></dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
+ <dd>print summary for the halfspace intersection. Use '<a
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' if you need numeric data.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
+ <dd>print vertices and facets of the dual convex hull. The
+ first line is the dimension. The second line is the number of
+ vertices, facets, and ridges. The vertex
+ coordinates are next, followed by the facets, one per line.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a></dt>
+ <dd>print vertex coordinates of the dual convex hull. Each vertex corresponds
+ to a non-redundant halfspace. Its coordinates are the negative of the hyperplane's coefficients
+ divided by the offset plus the inner product of the coefficients and
+ the interior point (-c/(b+a.p).
+ Options 'p <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>' includes coplanar halfspaces.
+ Options 'p <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>' includes redundant halfspaces.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a></dt>
+ <dd>Mathematica output for the dual convex hull in 2-d or 3-d.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a></dt>
+ <dd>Maple output for the dual convex hull in 2-d or 3-d.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
+ <dd>Geomview output for the dual convex hull in 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d.</dd>
+ </dl>
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="controls">qhalf controls</a></h3>
+<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
+<dl compact>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
+ <dd>triangulated output. If a 3-d intersection is defined by more than
+ three hyperplanes, Qhull produces duplicate intersections -- one for
+ each extra hyperplane.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a></dt>
+ <dd>joggle the input instead of merging facets. In 3-d, this guarantees that
+ each intersection is defined by three hyperplanes.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f </a></dt>
+ <dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each intersection (i.e.,
+ facet)</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
+ <dd>report summary after constructing <em>n</em>
+ intersections</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
+ <dd>select intersection points for halfspace <em>n</em>
+ (marked 'good')</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a></dt>
+ <dd>select intersection points that are visible to halfspace <em>n</em>
+ (marked 'good'). Use <em>-n</em> for the remainder.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a></dt>
+ <dd>remove the k-th coordinate from the input. This computes the
+ halfspace intersection in one lower dimension.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
+ <dd>verify result</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
+ <dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
+ <dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
+ contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
+ <dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qs">Qs</a></dt>
+ <dd>search all points for the initial simplex. If Qhull can
+ not construct an initial simplex, it reports a
+descriptive message. Usually, the point set is degenerate and one
+or more dimensions should be removed ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a>').
+If not, use option 'Qs'. It performs an exhaustive search for the
+best initial simplex. This is expensive is high dimensions.</dd>
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="graphics">qhalf graphics</a></h3>
+<p>To view the results with Geomview, compute the convex hull of
+the intersection points ('qhull FQ H0 Fp | qhull G'). See <a
+href="qh-eg.htm#half">Halfspace examples</a>.</p>
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">qhalf notes</a></h3>
+<p>See <a href="qh-impre.htm#halfspace">halfspace intersection</a> for precision issues related to qhalf.</p>
+<p>If you do not know an interior point for the halfspaces, use
+linear programming to find one. Assume, <em>n</em> halfspaces
+defined by: <em>aj*x1+bj*x2+cj*x3+dj&lt;=0, j=1..n</em>. Perform
+the following linear program: </p>
+ <p>max(x5) aj*x1+bj*x2+cj*x3+dj*x4+x5&lt;=0, j=1..n</p>
+<p>Then, if <em>[x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]</em> is an optimal solution with
+<em>x4&gt;0</em> and <em>x5&gt;0</em> we get: </p>
+ <p>aj*(x1/x4)+bj*(x2/x4)+cj*(x3/x4)+dj&lt;=(-x5/x4) j=1..n and (-x5/x4)&lt;0,
+ </p>
+<p>and conclude that the point <em>[x1/x4,x2/x4,x3/x4]</em> is in
+the interior of all the halfspaces. Since <em>x5</em> is
+optimal, this point is &quot;way in&quot; the interior (good
+for precision errors).</p>
+<p>After finding an interior point, the rest of the intersection
+algorithm is from Preparata &amp; Shamos [<a
+href="index.htm#pre-sha85">'85</a>, p. 316, &quot;A simple case
+...&quot;]. Translate the halfspaces so that the interior point
+is the origin. Calculate the dual polytope. The dual polytope is
+the convex hull of the vertices dual to the original faces in
+regard to the unit sphere (i.e., halfspaces at distance <em>d</em>
+from the origin are dual to vertices at distance <em>1/d</em>).
+Then calculate the resulting polytope, which is the dual of the
+dual polytope, and translate the origin back to the interior
+point [S. Spitz, S. Teller, D. Strawn].</p>
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">qhalf
+<p>The following terminology is used for halfspace intersection
+in Qhull. This is the hardest structure to understand. The
+underlying structure is a convex hull with one vertex per
+non-redundant halfspace. See <a href="#conventions">convex hull
+conventions</a> and <a href="index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
+ <li><em>interior point</em> - a point in the intersection of
+ the halfspaces. Qhull needs an interior point to compute
+ the intersection. See <a href="#input">halfspace input</a>.</li>
+ <li><em>halfspace</em> - <em>d</em> coordinates for the
+ normal and a signed offset. The distance to an interior
+ point is negative.</li>
+ <li><em>non-redundant halfspace</em> - a halfspace that
+ defines an output facet</li>
+ <li><em>vertex</em> - a dual vertex in the convex hull
+ corresponding to a non-redundant halfspace</li>
+ <li><em>coplanar point</em> - the dual point corresponding to
+ a similar halfspace</li>
+ <li><em>interior point</em> - the dual point corresponding to
+ a redundant halfspace</li>
+ <li><em>intersection point</em>- the intersection of <em>d</em>
+ or more non-redundant halfspaces</li>
+ <li><em>facet</em> - a dual facet in the convex hull
+ corresponding to an intersection point</li>
+ <li><em>non-simplicial facet</em> - more than <em>d</em>
+ halfspaces intersect at a point</li>
+ <li><em>good facet</em> - an intersection point that
+ satisfies restriction '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>',
+ etc.</li>
+<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">qhalf options</a></h3>
+qhalf- compute the intersection of halfspaces about a point
+ http://www.qhull.org
+input (stdin):
+ optional interior point: dimension, 1, coordinates
+ first lines: dimension+1 and number of halfspaces
+ other lines: halfspace coefficients followed by offset
+ comments: start with a non-numeric character
+ Hn,n - specify coordinates of interior point
+ Qt - triangulated ouput
+ QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
+ Qc - keep coplanar halfspaces
+ Qi - keep other redundant halfspaces
+Qhull control options:
+ QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
+ Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
+ Qs - search all halfspaces for the initial simplex
+ QGn - print intersection if redundant to halfspace n, -n for not
+ QVn - print intersections for halfspace n, -n if not
+Trace options:
+ T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
+ Tc - check frequently during execution
+ Ts - print statistics
+ Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and redundancy
+ Tz - send all output to stdout
+ TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
+ TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
+ TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
+ TPn - turn on tracing when halfspace n added to intersection
+ TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
+ TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
+ TVn - stop qhull after adding halfspace n, -n for before (see TCn)
+ TCn - stop qhull after building cone for halfspace n (see TVn)
+Precision options:
+ Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
+ An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
+ C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
+ Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
+ Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar halfspace
+ Wn - min facet width for outside halfspace (before roundoff)
+Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
+ f - facet dump
+ G - Geomview output (dual convex hull)
+ i - non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection
+ m - Mathematica output (dual convex hull)
+ o - OFF format (dual convex hull: dimension, points, and facets)
+ p - vertex coordinates of dual convex hull (coplanars if 'Qc' or 'Qi')
+ s - summary (stderr)
+More formats:
+ Fc - count plus redundant halfspaces for each intersection
+ - Qc (default) for coplanar and Qi for other redundant
+ Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
+ FF - facet dump without ridges
+ FI - ID of each intersection
+ Fm - merge count for each intersection (511 max)
+ FM - Maple output (dual convex hull)
+ Fn - count plus neighboring intersections for each intersection
+ FN - count plus intersections for each non-redundant halfspace
+ FO - options and precision constants
+ Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates
+ FP - nearest halfspace and distance for each redundant halfspace
+ FQ - command used for qhalf
+ Fs - summary: #int (8), dim, #halfspaces, #non-redundant, #intersections
+ for output: #non-redundant, #intersections, #coplanar
+ halfspaces, #non-simplicial intersections
+ #real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
+ Fv - count plus non-redundant halfspaces for each intersection
+ Fx - non-redundant halfspaces
+Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d; dual convex hull)
+ Ga - all points (i.e., transformed halfspaces) as dots
+ Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
+ Gv - vertices (i.e., non-redundant halfspaces) as spheres
+ Gi - inner planes (i.e., halfspace intersections) only
+ Gn - no planes
+ Go - outer planes only
+ Gc - centrums
+ Gh - hyperplane intersections
+ Gr - ridges
+ GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
+Print options:
+ PAn - keep n largest facets (i.e., intersections) by area
+ Pdk:n- drop facet if normal[k] &lt;= n (default 0.0)
+ PDk:n- drop facet if normal[k] >= n
+ Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
+ PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
+ PG - print neighbors of good facets
+ PMn - keep n facets with most merges
+ Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
+ Pp - do not report precision problems
+ . - list of all options
+ - - one line descriptions of all options
+<!-- Navigation links -->
+<p><b>Up:</b> <a href="http://www.qhull.org">Home page</a> for Qhull<br>
+<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
+<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
+<b>To:</b> <a href="#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis
+&#149; <a href="#input">in</a>put &#149; <a href="#outputs">ou</a>tputs
+&#149; <a href="#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a href="#graphics">gr</a>aphics
+&#149; <a href="#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a href="#conventions">co</a>nventions
+&#149; <a href="#options">op</a>tions
+<!-- GC common information -->
+<p><a href="http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/"><img src="qh--geom.gif"
+align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The Geometry Center
+Home Page </i></p>
+<p>Comments to: <a href=mailto:qhull@qhull.org>qhull@qhull.org</a>
+Created: Sept. 25, 1995 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>