#ifndef slic3r_Print_hpp_ #define slic3r_Print_hpp_ #include "PrintBase.hpp" #include "BoundingBox.hpp" #include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp" #include "Flow.hpp" #include "Point.hpp" #include "Slicing.hpp" #include "Surface.hpp" #include "GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp" #include "GCode/WipeTower.hpp" #include "GCode/ThumbnailData.hpp" #include "GCode/GCodeProcessor.hpp" #include "libslic3r.h" namespace Slic3r { class Print; class PrintObject; class ModelObject; class GCode; enum class SlicingMode : uint32_t; class Layer; class SupportLayer; namespace FillAdaptive { struct Octree; struct OctreeDeleter; using OctreePtr = std::unique_ptr; }; // Print step IDs for keeping track of the print state. // The Print steps are applied in this order. enum PrintStep { psWipeTower, // Ordering of the tools on PrintObjects for a multi-material print. // psToolOrdering is a synonym to psWipeTower, as the Wipe Tower calculates and modifies the ToolOrdering, // while if printing without the Wipe Tower, the ToolOrdering is calculated as well. psToolOrdering = psWipeTower, psSkirt, psBrim, // Last step before G-code export, after this step is finished, the initial extrusion path preview // should be refreshed. psSlicingFinished = psBrim, psGCodeExport, psCount, }; enum PrintObjectStep { posSlice, posPerimeters, posPrepareInfill, posInfill, posIroning, posSupportMaterial, posCount, }; // A PrintRegion object represents a group of volumes to print // sharing the same config (including the same assigned extruder(s)) class PrintRegion { friend class Print; // Methods NOT modifying the PrintRegion's state: public: const Print* print() const { return m_print; } const PrintRegionConfig& config() const { return m_config; } // 1-based extruder identifier for this region and role. uint16_t extruder(FlowRole role, const PrintObject& object) const; Flow flow(FlowRole role, double layer_height, bool bridge, bool first_layer, double width, const PrintObject& object) const; float width(FlowRole role, bool first_layer, const PrintObject& object) const; // Average diameter of nozzles participating on extruding this region. coordf_t nozzle_dmr_avg(const PrintConfig &print_config) const; // Average diameter of nozzles participating on extruding this region. coordf_t bridging_height_avg(const PrintConfig &print_config) const; // Collect 0-based extruder indices used to print this region's object. void collect_object_printing_extruders(std::vector &object_extruders) const; static void collect_object_printing_extruders(const PrintConfig &print_config, const PrintObjectConfig &object_config, const PrintRegionConfig ®ion_config, std::vector &object_extruders); // Methods modifying the PrintRegion's state: public: Print* print() { return m_print; } void set_config(const PrintRegionConfig &config) { m_config = config; } void set_config(PrintRegionConfig &&config) { m_config = std::move(config); } void config_apply_only(const ConfigBase &other, const t_config_option_keys &keys, bool ignore_nonexistent = false) { this->m_config.apply_only(other, keys, ignore_nonexistent); } protected: size_t m_refcnt; private: Print *m_print; PrintRegionConfig m_config; //PrintRegion(Print* print) : m_refcnt(0), m_print(print) {} PrintRegion(Print* print, const PrintRegionConfig& config) : m_refcnt(0), m_print(print), m_config(config) {} ~PrintRegion() = default; }; typedef std::vector LayerPtrs; typedef std::vector SupportLayerPtrs; class BoundingBoxf3; // TODO: for temporary constructor parameter // Single instance of a PrintObject. // As multiple PrintObjects may be generated for a single ModelObject (their instances differ in rotation around Z), // ModelObject's instancess will be distributed among these multiple PrintObjects. struct PrintInstance { // Parent PrintObject PrintObject *print_object; // Source ModelInstance of a ModelObject, for which this print_object was created. const ModelInstance *model_instance; // Shift of this instance's center into the world coordinates. Point shift; }; typedef std::vector PrintInstances; class PrintObject : public PrintObjectBaseWithState { private: // Prevents erroneous use by other classes. typedef PrintObjectBaseWithState Inherited; public: // vector of (layer height ranges and vectors of volume ids), indexed by region_id std::vector>> region_volumes; // Size of an object: XYZ in scaled coordinates. The size might not be quite snug in XY plane. const Vec3crd& size() const { return m_size; } const PrintObjectConfig& config() const { return m_config; } const LayerPtrs& layers() const { return m_layers; } const SupportLayerPtrs& support_layers() const { return m_support_layers; } const Transform3d& trafo() const { return m_trafo; } const PrintInstances& instances() const { return m_instances; } // Bounding box is used to align the object infill patterns, and to calculate attractor for the rear seam. // The bounding box may not be quite snug. BoundingBox bounding_box() const { return BoundingBox(Point(- m_size.x() / 2, - m_size.y() / 2), Point(m_size.x() / 2, m_size.y() / 2)); } // Height is used for slicing, for sorting the objects by height for sequential printing and for checking vertical clearence in sequential print mode. // The height is snug. coord_t height() const { return m_size.z(); } // Centering offset of the sliced mesh from the scaled and rotated mesh of the model. const Point& center_offset() const { return m_center_offset; } // adds region_id, too, if necessary void add_region_volume(unsigned int region_id, int volume_id, const t_layer_height_range &layer_range) { if (region_id >= region_volumes.size()) region_volumes.resize(region_id + 1); region_volumes[region_id].emplace_back(layer_range, volume_id); } // This is the *total* layer count (including support layers) // this value is not supposed to be compared with Layer::id // since they have different semantics. size_t total_layer_count() const { return this->layer_count() + this->support_layer_count(); } size_t layer_count() const { return m_layers.size(); } void clear_layers(); const Layer* get_layer(int idx) const { return m_layers[idx]; } Layer* get_layer(int idx) { return m_layers[idx]; } // Get a layer exactly at print_z. const Layer* get_layer_at_printz(coordf_t print_z) const; Layer* get_layer_at_printz(coordf_t print_z); // Get a layer approximately at print_z. const Layer* get_layer_at_printz(coordf_t print_z, coordf_t epsilon) const; Layer* get_layer_at_printz(coordf_t print_z, coordf_t epsilon); // Get the first layer approximately bellow print_z. const Layer* get_first_layer_bellow_printz(coordf_t print_z, coordf_t epsilon) const; // print_z: top of the layer; slice_z: center of the layer. Layer* add_layer(int id, coordf_t height, coordf_t print_z, coordf_t slice_z); size_t support_layer_count() const { return m_support_layers.size(); } void clear_support_layers(); SupportLayer* get_support_layer(int idx) { return m_support_layers[idx]; } SupportLayer* add_support_layer(int id, coordf_t height, coordf_t print_z); SupportLayerPtrs::const_iterator insert_support_layer(SupportLayerPtrs::const_iterator pos, size_t id, coordf_t height, coordf_t print_z, coordf_t slice_z); void delete_support_layer(int idx); // Initialize the layer_height_profile from the model_object's layer_height_profile, from model_object's layer height table, or from slicing parameters. // Returns true, if the layer_height_profile was changed. static bool update_layer_height_profile(const ModelObject &model_object, const SlicingParameters &slicing_parameters, std::vector &layer_height_profile); // Collect the slicing parameters, to be used by variable layer thickness algorithm, // by the interactive layer height editor and by the printing process itself. // The slicing parameters are dependent on various configuration values // (layer height, first layer height, raft settings, print nozzle diameter etc). const SlicingParameters& slicing_parameters() const { return m_slicing_params; } static SlicingParameters slicing_parameters(const DynamicPrintConfig &full_config, const ModelObject &model_object, float object_max_z); // returns 0-based indices of extruders used to print the object (without brim, support and other helper extrusions) std::vector object_extruders() const; // Called by make_perimeters() void slice(); // Helpers to slice support enforcer / blocker meshes by the support generator. std::vector slice_support_volumes(const ModelVolumeType &model_volume_type) const; std::vector slice_support_blockers() const { return this->slice_support_volumes(ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_BLOCKER); } std::vector slice_support_enforcers() const { return this->slice_support_volumes(ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_ENFORCER); } // Helpers to project custom facets on slices void project_and_append_custom_facets(bool seam, EnforcerBlockerType type, std::vector& expolys) const; /// skirts if done per copy and not per platter const ExtrusionEntityCollection& skirt() const { return m_skirt; } const ExtrusionEntityCollection& brim() const { return m_brim; } protected: // to be called from Print only. friend class Print; PrintObject(Print* print, ModelObject* model_object, const Transform3d& trafo, PrintInstances&& instances); ~PrintObject() = default; void config_apply(const ConfigBase &other, bool ignore_nonexistent = false) { this->m_config.apply(other, ignore_nonexistent); } void config_apply_only(const ConfigBase &other, const t_config_option_keys &keys, bool ignore_nonexistent = false) { this->m_config.apply_only(other, keys, ignore_nonexistent); } PrintBase::ApplyStatus set_instances(PrintInstances &&instances); // Invalidates the step, and its depending steps in PrintObject and Print. bool invalidate_step(PrintObjectStep step); // Invalidates all PrintObject and Print steps. bool invalidate_all_steps(); // Invalidate steps based on a set of parameters changed. bool invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector &opt_keys); // If ! m_slicing_params.valid, recalculate. void update_slicing_parameters(); static PrintObjectConfig object_config_from_model_object(const PrintObjectConfig &default_object_config, const ModelObject &object, size_t num_extruders); static PrintRegionConfig region_config_from_model_volume(const PrintRegionConfig &default_region_config, const DynamicPrintConfig *layer_range_config, const ModelVolume &volume, size_t num_extruders); private: void make_perimeters(); void prepare_infill(); void infill(); void ironing(); void generate_support_material(); void _slice(const std::vector &layer_height_profile); ExPolygons _shrink_contour_holes(double contour_delta, double default_delta, double convex_delta, const ExPolygons& input) const; ExPolygons _grow_contour_holes(double contour_delta, double default_delta, double convex_delta, const ExPolygons& input) const; void _transform_hole_to_polyholes(); ExPolygons _smooth_curves(const ExPolygons &input, const PrintRegionConfig &conf) const; std::string _fix_slicing_errors(); void simplify_slices(coord_t distance); bool has_support_material() const; void detect_surfaces_type(); void process_external_surfaces(); void discover_vertical_shells(); void bridge_over_infill(); void replaceSurfaceType(SurfaceType st_to_replace, SurfaceType st_replacement, SurfaceType st_under_it); void clip_fill_surfaces(); void tag_under_bridge(); void discover_horizontal_shells(); void combine_infill(); void _generate_support_material(); std::pair prepare_adaptive_infill_data(); // XYZ in scaled coordinates Vec3crd m_size; PrintObjectConfig m_config; // Translation in Z + Rotation + Scaling / Mirroring. Transform3d m_trafo = Transform3d::Identity(); // Slic3r::Point objects in scaled G-code coordinates std::vector m_instances; // The mesh is being centered before thrown to Clipper, so that the Clipper's fixed coordinates require less bits. // This is the adjustment of the the Object's coordinate system towards PrintObject's coordinate system. Point m_center_offset; SlicingParameters m_slicing_params; LayerPtrs m_layers; SupportLayerPtrs m_support_layers; // Ordered collections of extrusion paths to build skirt loops and brim. // have to be duplicated per copy ExtrusionEntityCollection m_skirt; ExtrusionEntityCollection m_brim; // this is set to true when LayerRegion->slices is split in top/internal/bottom // so that next call to make_perimeters() performs a union() before computing loops bool m_typed_slices = false; std::vector slice_region(size_t region_id, const std::vector &z, SlicingMode mode, size_t slicing_mode_normal_below_layer, SlicingMode mode_below) const; std::vector slice_region(size_t region_id, const std::vector &z, SlicingMode mode) const { return this->slice_region(region_id, z, mode, 0, mode); } std::vector slice_modifiers(size_t region_id, const std::vector &z) const; std::vector slice_volumes( const std::vector &z, SlicingMode mode, size_t slicing_mode_normal_below_layer, SlicingMode mode_below, const std::vector &volumes) const; std::vector slice_volumes(const std::vector &z, SlicingMode mode, const std::vector &volumes) const { return this->slice_volumes(z, mode, 0, mode, volumes); } std::vector slice_volume(const std::vector &z, SlicingMode mode, const ModelVolume &volume) const; std::vector slice_volume(const std::vector &z, const std::vector &ranges, SlicingMode mode, const ModelVolume &volume) const; }; struct WipeTowerData { // Following section will be consumed by the GCodeGenerator. // Tool ordering of a non-sequential print has to be known to calculate the wipe tower. // Cache it here, so it does not need to be recalculated during the G-code generation. ToolOrdering &tool_ordering; // Cache of tool changes per print layer. std::unique_ptr> priming; std::vector> tool_changes; std::unique_ptr final_purge; std::vector used_filament; int number_of_toolchanges; // Depth of the wipe tower to pass to GLCanvas3D for exact bounding box: float depth; float brim_width; void clear() { priming.reset(nullptr); tool_changes.clear(); final_purge.reset(nullptr); used_filament.clear(); number_of_toolchanges = -1; depth = 0.f; brim_width = 0.f; } private: // Only allow the WipeTowerData to be instantiated internally by Print, // as this WipeTowerData shares reference to Print::m_tool_ordering. friend class Print; WipeTowerData(ToolOrdering &tool_ordering) : tool_ordering(tool_ordering) { clear(); } WipeTowerData(const WipeTowerData & /* rhs */) = delete; WipeTowerData &operator=(const WipeTowerData & /* rhs */) = delete; }; struct PrintStatistics { PrintStatistics() { clear(); } std::string estimated_normal_print_time; std::string estimated_silent_print_time; double total_used_filament; std::vector> color_extruderid_to_used_filament; double total_extruded_volume; double total_cost; int total_toolchanges; double total_weight; std::vector> color_extruderid_to_used_weight; double total_wipe_tower_cost; double total_wipe_tower_filament; std::map filament_stats; // Config with the filled in print statistics. DynamicConfig config() const; // Config with the statistics keys populated with placeholder strings. static DynamicConfig placeholders(); // Replace the print statistics placeholders in the path. std::string finalize_output_path(const std::string &path_in) const; void clear() { total_used_filament = 0.; total_extruded_volume = 0.; total_cost = 0.; total_toolchanges = 0; total_weight = 0.; total_wipe_tower_cost = 0.; total_wipe_tower_filament = 0.; filament_stats.clear(); } }; class BrimLoop { public: BrimLoop(const Polygon& p) : line(p.split_at_first_point()), is_loop(true) {} BrimLoop(const Polyline& l) : line(l), is_loop(false) {} Polyline line; std::vector children; bool is_loop; Polygon polygon() const{ Polygon poly = Polygon(line.points); if (poly.points.front() == poly.points.back()) poly.points.resize(poly.points.size() - 1); return poly; } }; typedef std::vector PrintObjectPtrs; typedef std::vector PrintRegionPtrs; // The complete print tray with possibly multiple objects. class Print : public PrintBaseWithState { private: // Prevents erroneous use by other classes. typedef PrintBaseWithState Inherited; public: //Print() = default; Print() { //create config hierachy m_default_object_config.parent = &m_config; m_default_region_config.parent = &m_default_object_config; }; virtual ~Print() { this->clear(); } PrinterTechnology technology() const noexcept override { return ptFFF; } // Methods, which change the state of Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion. // The following methods are synchronized with process() and export_gcode(), // so that process() and export_gcode() may be called from a background thread. // In case the following methods need to modify data processed by process() or export_gcode(), // a cancellation callback is executed to stop the background processing before the operation. void clear() override; bool empty() const override { return m_objects.empty(); } // List of existing PrintObject IDs, to remove notifications for non-existent IDs. std::vector print_object_ids() const override; ApplyStatus apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig config) override; void process() override; // Exports G-code into a file name based on the path_template, returns the file path of the generated G-code file. // If preview_data is not null, the preview_data is filled in for the G-code visualization (not used by the command line Slic3r). std::string export_gcode(const std::string& path_template, GCodeProcessor::Result* result, ThumbnailsGeneratorCallback thumbnail_cb = nullptr); // methods for handling state bool is_step_done(PrintStep step) const { return Inherited::is_step_done(step); } // Returns true if an object step is done on all objects and there's at least one object. bool is_step_done(PrintObjectStep step) const; // Returns true if the last step was finished with success. bool finished() const override { return this->is_step_done(psGCodeExport); } bool has_infinite_skirt() const; bool has_skirt() const; // Returns an empty string if valid, otherwise returns an error message. std::pair validate() const override; double skirt_first_layer_height() const; Flow brim_flow(size_t extruder_id, const PrintObjectConfig &brim_config) const; Flow skirt_flow(size_t extruder_id) const; std::vector object_extruders(const PrintObjectPtrs &objects) const; std::vector support_material_extruders() const; std::vector extruders() const; double max_allowed_layer_height() const; bool has_support_material() const; // Make sure the background processing has no access to this model_object during this call! void auto_assign_extruders(ModelObject* model_object) const; const PrintConfig& config() const { return m_config; } const PrintObjectConfig& default_object_config() const { return m_default_object_config; } const PrintRegionConfig& default_region_config() const { return m_default_region_config; } //FIXME returning const vector to non-const PrintObject*, caller could modify PrintObjects! const PrintObjectPtrs& objects() const { return m_objects; } PrintObject* get_object(size_t idx) { return m_objects[idx]; } const PrintObject* get_object(size_t idx) const { return m_objects[idx]; } // PrintObject by its ObjectID, to be used to uniquely bind slicing warnings to their source PrintObjects // in the notification center. const PrintObject* get_object(ObjectID object_id) const { auto it = std::find_if(m_objects.begin(), m_objects.end(), [object_id](const PrintObject *obj) { return obj->id() == object_id; }); return (it == m_objects.end()) ? nullptr : *it; } const PrintRegionPtrs& regions() const { return m_regions; } // How many of PrintObject::copies() over all print objects are there? // If zero, then the print is empty and the print shall not be executed. uint16_t num_object_instances() const; const ExtrusionEntityCollection& skirt() const { return m_skirt; } const ExtrusionEntityCollection& brim() const { return m_brim; } // Convex hull of the 1st layer extrusions, for bed leveling and placing the initial purge line. // It encompasses the object extrusions, support extrusions, skirt, brim, wipe tower. // It does NOT encompass user extrusions generated by custom G-code, // therefore it does NOT encompass the initial purge line. // It does NOT encompass MMU/MMU2 starting (wipe) areas. const Polygon& first_layer_convex_hull() const { return m_first_layer_convex_hull; } const PrintStatistics& print_statistics() const { return m_print_statistics; } PrintStatistics& print_statistics() { return m_print_statistics; } // Wipe tower support. bool has_wipe_tower() const; const WipeTowerData& wipe_tower_data(size_t extruders_cnt = 0, double first_layer_height = 0., double nozzle_diameter = 0.) const; const ToolOrdering& tool_ordering() const { return m_tool_ordering; } std::string output_filename(const std::string &filename_base = std::string()) const override; // Accessed by SupportMaterial const PrintRegion* get_region(size_t idx) const { return m_regions[idx]; } const ToolOrdering& get_tool_ordering() const { return m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering; } // #ys_FIXME just for testing //put this in public to be accessible for tests, it was in private before. bool invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector &opt_keys); protected: // methods for handling regions PrintRegion* get_region(size_t idx) { return m_regions[idx]; } //PrintRegion* add_region(); PrintRegion* add_region(const PrintRegionConfig &config); // Invalidates the step, and its depending steps in Print. bool invalidate_step(PrintStep step); private: void config_diffs( const DynamicPrintConfig &new_full_config, t_config_option_keys &print_diff, t_config_option_keys &object_diff, t_config_option_keys ®ion_diff, t_config_option_keys &full_config_diff, DynamicPrintConfig &filament_overrides) const; void _make_skirt(const PrintObjectPtrs &objects, ExtrusionEntityCollection &out); void _make_brim(const Flow &flow, const PrintObjectPtrs &objects, ExPolygons &unbrimmable, ExtrusionEntityCollection &out); void _make_brim_ears(const Flow &flow, const PrintObjectPtrs &objects, ExPolygons &unbrimmable, ExtrusionEntityCollection &out); void _make_brim_interior(const Flow &flow, const PrintObjectPtrs &objects, ExPolygons &unbrimmable, ExtrusionEntityCollection &out); void _extrude_brim_from_tree(std::vector> &loops, const Polygons &frontiers, const Flow &flow, ExtrusionEntityCollection &out, bool reversed = false); Polylines _reorder_brim_polyline(Polylines lines, ExtrusionEntityCollection &out, const Flow &flow); void _make_wipe_tower(); void finalize_first_layer_convex_hull(); // Islands of objects and their supports extruded at the 1st layer. Polygons first_layer_islands() const; // Return 4 wipe tower corners in the world coordinates (shifted and rotated), including the wipe tower brim. std::vector first_layer_wipe_tower_corners() const; // Declared here to have access to Model / ModelObject / ModelInstance static void model_volume_list_update_supports_seams(ModelObject &model_object_dst, const ModelObject &model_object_src); PrintConfig m_config; PrintObjectConfig m_default_object_config; PrintRegionConfig m_default_region_config; PrintObjectPtrs m_objects; PrintRegionPtrs m_regions; // Ordered collections of extrusion paths to build skirt loops and brim. ExtrusionEntityCollection m_skirt; ExtrusionEntityCollection m_brim; // Convex hull of the 1st layer extrusions. // It encompasses the object extrusions, support extrusions, skirt, brim, wipe tower. // It does NOT encompass user extrusions generated by custom G-code, // therefore it does NOT encompass the initial purge line. // It does NOT encompass MMU/MMU2 starting (wipe) areas. Polygon m_first_layer_convex_hull; Points m_skirt_convex_hull; // Following section will be consumed by the GCodeGenerator. ToolOrdering m_tool_ordering; WipeTowerData m_wipe_tower_data {m_tool_ordering}; // Estimated print time, filament consumed. PrintStatistics m_print_statistics; // To allow GCode to set the Print's GCodeExport step status. friend class GCode; // Allow PrintObject to access m_mutex and m_cancel_callback. friend class PrintObject; }; //for testing purpose ExPolygons dense_fill_fit_to_size(const ExPolygon &polygon_to_cover, const ExPolygons& allowedPoints, const ExPolygon& growing_area, const coord_t offset, float coverage); } /* slic3r_Print_hpp_ */ #endif