#include "PrintConfig.hpp" #include "Config.hpp" #include "Flow.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Slic3r { //! macro used to mark string used at localization, //! return same string #define L(s) (s) //#define _(s) Slic3r::I18N::translate(s) static t_config_enum_names enum_names_from_keys_map(const t_config_enum_values& enum_keys_map) { t_config_enum_names names; int cnt = 0; for (const auto& kvp : enum_keys_map) cnt = std::max(cnt, kvp.second); cnt += 1; names.assign(cnt, ""); for (const auto& kvp : enum_keys_map) names[kvp.second] = kvp.first; return names; } #define CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(NAME) \ static t_config_enum_names s_keys_names_##NAME = enum_names_from_keys_map(s_keys_map_##NAME); \ template<> const t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values() { return s_keys_map_##NAME; } \ template<> const t_config_enum_names& ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_names() { return s_keys_names_##NAME; } static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_PrinterTechnology{ {"FFF", ptFFF }, {"SLA", ptSLA }, {"SLS", ptSLS}, {"CNC", ptMill}, {"LSR", ptLaser}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(PrinterTechnology) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_CompleteObjectSort{ {"object", cosObject}, {"lowy", cosY}, {"lowz", cosY}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(CompleteObjectSort) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_OutputFormat{ {"mCWS", ofMaskedCWS}, {"SL1", ofSL1}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(OutputFormat) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_WipeAlgo{ {"linear", waLinear}, {"quadra", waQuadra}, {"expo", waHyper}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(WipeAlgo) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_GCodeFlavor{ {"reprapfirmware", gcfRepRap}, {"repetier", gcfRepetier}, {"teacup", gcfTeacup}, {"makerware", gcfMakerWare}, {"marlin", gcfMarlinLegacy }, {"marlin2", gcfMarlinFirmware }, {"lerdge", gcfLerdge}, {"klipper", gcfKlipper}, {"sailfish", gcfSailfish}, {"smoothie", gcfSmoothie}, {"sprinter", gcfSprinter}, {"mach3", gcfMach3}, {"machinekit", gcfMachinekit}, {"no-extrusion", gcfNoExtrusion}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(GCodeFlavor) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_MachineLimitsUsage{ {"emit_to_gcode", int(MachineLimitsUsage::EmitToGCode)}, {"time_estimate_only", int(MachineLimitsUsage::TimeEstimateOnly)}, {"limits", int(MachineLimitsUsage::Limits)}, {"ignore", int(MachineLimitsUsage::Ignore)}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(MachineLimitsUsage) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_PrintHostType{ {"prusalink", htPrusaLink}, {"octoprint", htOctoPrint}, {"duet", htDuet}, {"flashair", htFlashAir}, {"astrobox", htAstroBox}, {"repetier", htRepetier}, {"klipper", htKlipper}, {"mpmdv2", htMPMDv2}, {"mks", htMKS }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(PrintHostType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_AuthorizationType{ {"key", atKeyPassword}, {"user", atUserPassword}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(AuthorizationType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_BridgeType{ {"nozzle", uint8_t(BridgeType::btFromNozzle)}, {"height", uint8_t(BridgeType::btFromHeight)}, {"flow", uint8_t(BridgeType::btFromFlow)}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(BridgeType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_FuzzySkinType{ { "none", int(FuzzySkinType::None) }, { "external", int(FuzzySkinType::External) }, { "all", int(FuzzySkinType::All) } }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(FuzzySkinType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_InfillPattern{ {"rectilinear", ipRectilinear}, {"alignedrectilinear", ipAlignedRectilinear}, {"monotonic", ipMonotonic}, {"grid", ipGrid}, {"triangles", ipTriangles}, {"stars", ipStars}, {"cubic", ipCubic}, {"line", ipLine}, {"concentric", ipConcentric}, {"concentricgapfill", ipConcentricGapFill}, {"honeycomb", ipHoneycomb}, {"3dhoneycomb", ip3DHoneycomb}, {"gyroid", ipGyroid}, {"hilbertcurve", ipHilbertCurve}, {"archimedeanchords", ipArchimedeanChords}, {"octagramspiral", ipOctagramSpiral}, {"smooth", ipSmooth}, {"smoothtriple", ipSmoothTriple}, {"smoothhilbert", ipSmoothHilbert}, {"rectiwithperimeter", ipRectiWithPerimeter}, {"scatteredrectilinear", ipScatteredRectilinear}, {"rectilineargapfill", ipRectilinearWGapFill}, {"monotonicgapfill", ipMonotonicWGapFill}, {"sawtooth", ipSawtooth}, {"adaptivecubic", ipAdaptiveCubic}, {"supportcubic", ipSupportCubic}, #if HAS_LIGHTNING_INFILL { "lightning", ipLightning } #endif // HAS_LIGHTNING_INFILL {"auto", ipAuto} }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(InfillPattern) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_IroningType{ {"top", int(IroningType::TopSurfaces)}, {"topmost", int(IroningType::TopmostOnly)}, {"solid", int(IroningType::AllSolid)}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(IroningType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SlicingMode{ { "regular", int(SlicingMode::Regular) }, { "even_odd", int(SlicingMode::EvenOdd) }, { "close_holes", int(SlicingMode::CloseHoles) } }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SlicingMode) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SupportMaterialPattern{ {"rectilinear", smpRectilinear}, {"rectilinear-grid", smpRectilinearGrid}, {"honeycomb", smpHoneycomb}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SupportMaterialPattern) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SupportMaterialStyle{ { "grid", smsGrid }, { "snug", smsSnug } }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SupportMaterialStyle) //unused static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SupportMaterialInterfacePattern{ { "auto", smipAuto }, { "rectilinear", smipRectilinear }, { "concentric", smipConcentric } }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SupportMaterialInterfacePattern) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SeamPosition{ {"random", spRandom}, {"nearest", spNearest}, // unused, replaced by cost {"cost", spCost}, {"aligned", spAligned}, {"rear", spRear}, {"custom", spCustom}, // for seam object }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SeamPosition); static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_DenseInfillAlgo{ { "automatic", dfaAutomatic }, { "autonotfull", dfaAutoNotFull }, { "autoenlarged", dfaAutoOrEnlarged }, { "autosmall", dfaAutoOrNothing}, { "enlarged", dfaEnlarged }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(DenseInfillAlgo) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_NoPerimeterUnsupportedAlgo{ { "none", npuaNone }, { "noperi", npuaNoPeri }, { "bridges", npuaBridges }, { "bridgesoverhangs", npuaBridgesOverhangs }, { "filled", npuaFilled }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(NoPerimeterUnsupportedAlgo) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_InfillConnection{ { "connected", icConnected }, { "holes", icHoles }, { "outershell", icOuterShell }, { "notconnected", icNotConnected }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(InfillConnection) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_RemainingTimeType{ { "m117", rtM117 }, { "m73", rtM73 }, { "m73q", rtM73_Quiet }, { "m73m117", rtM73_M117 }, { "none", rtNone }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(RemainingTimeType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SupportZDistanceType{ { "filament", zdFilament }, { "plane", zdPlane }, { "none", zdNone }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SupportZDistanceType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SLADisplayOrientation{ { "landscape", sladoLandscape}, { "portrait", sladoPortrait}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SLADisplayOrientation) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SLAPillarConnectionMode{ {"zigzag", slapcmZigZag}, {"cross", slapcmCross}, {"dynamic", slapcmDynamic}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SLAPillarConnectionMode) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SLAMaterialSpeed = { {"slow", slamsSlow}, {"fast", slamsFast} }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(SLAMaterialSpeed); // unused static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_BrimType = { {"no_brim", btNoBrim}, {"outer_only", btOuterOnly}, {"inner_only", btInnerOnly}, {"outer_and_inner", btOuterAndInner} }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(BrimType) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_DraftShield = { { "disabled", dsDisabled }, { "limited", dsLimited }, { "enabled", dsEnabled } }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(DraftShield) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_GCodeThumbnailsFormat = { { "PNG", int(GCodeThumbnailsFormat::PNG) }, { "JPG", int(GCodeThumbnailsFormat::JPG) }, { "QOI", int(GCodeThumbnailsFormat::QOI) }, { "BIQU", int(GCodeThumbnailsFormat::BIQU) } }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(GCodeThumbnailsFormat) static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_ZLiftTop{ {"everywhere", zltAll}, {"onlytop", zltTop}, {"nottop", zltNotTop}, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(ZLiftTop); static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule{ { "disable", ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable }, { "enable", ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable }, { "enable_silent", ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSilent }, }; CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DEFINE_STATIC_MAPS(ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule); static void assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(t_optiondef_map &options, PrinterTechnology printer_technology) { for (std::pair &kvp : options) if (kvp.second.printer_technology == ptUnknown) kvp.second.printer_technology = printer_technology; } PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef() { this->init_common_params(); //assign params that are not already allocated to FFF+SLA (default from slic3rPE) assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(this->options, ptFFF | ptSLA); this->init_fff_params(); this->init_extruder_option_keys(); assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(this->options, ptFFF); this->init_sla_params(); assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(this->options, ptSLA); this->init_milling_params(); assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(this->options, ptMill); } void PrintConfigDef::init_common_params() { ConfigOptionDef* def; def = this->add("printer_technology", coEnum); def->label = L("Printer technology"); def->tooltip = L("Printer technology"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->enum_values.push_back("FFF"); def->enum_values.push_back("SLA"); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ptFFF)); def = this->add("bed_shape", coPoints); def->label = L("Bed shape"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(0, 0), Vec2d(200, 0), Vec2d(200, 200), Vec2d(0, 200) }); def = this->add("bed_custom_texture", coString); def->label = L("Bed custom texture"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("bed_custom_model", coString); def->label = L("Bed custom model"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("thumbnails", coPoints); def->label = L("Thumbnails size"); def->tooltip = L("Picture sizes to be stored into a .gcode and .sl1 / .sl1s files, in the following format: \"XxY, XxY, ...\""); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->min = 0; def->max = 2048; //def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::one_string; // i prefer two boxes def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoints{ std::initializer_list{ Vec2d(0,0), Vec2d(0,0) } }); def = this->add("thumbnails_color", coString); def->label = L("Color"); def->full_label = L("Thumbnail color"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("This is the color that will be enforced on objects in the thumbnails."); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::color; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("#018aff")); def = this->add("thumbnails_custom_color", coBool); def->label = L("Enforce thumbnail color"); def->tooltip = L("Enforce a specific color on thumbnails." " If not enforced, their color will be the one defined by the filament."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("thumbnails_end_file", coBool); def->label = L("Print at the end"); def->tooltip = L("Print the thumbnail code at the end of the gcode file instead of the front." "\nBe careful! Most firmwares expect it at the front, so be sure that your firmware support it."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("thumbnails_with_bed", coBool); def->label = L("Bed on thumbnail"); def->tooltip = L("Show the bed texture on the thumbnail picture."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("thumbnails_format", coEnum); def->label = L("Format of G-code thumbnails"); def->tooltip = L("Format of G-code thumbnails: PNG for best quality, JPG for smallest size, QOI for low memory firmware"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("PNG"); def->enum_values.push_back("JPG"); def->enum_values.push_back("QOI"); def->enum_values.push_back("BIQU"); def->enum_labels.push_back("PNG"); def->enum_labels.push_back("JPG"); def->enum_labels.push_back("QOI"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Biqu"); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(GCodeThumbnailsFormat::PNG)); def = this->add("thumbnails_with_support", coBool); def->label = L("Support on thumbnail"); def->tooltip = L("Show the supports (and pads) on the thumbnail picture."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("layer_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Base Layer height"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("This setting controls the height (and thus the total number) of the slices/layers. " "Thinner layers give better accuracy but take more time to print."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.2)); def = this->add("max_print_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Max print height"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Set this to the maximum height that can be reached by your extruder while printing."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(200.0)); def = this->add("slice_closing_radius", coFloat); def->label = L("Slice gap closing radius"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Cracks smaller than 2x gap closing radius are being filled during the triangle mesh slicing. " "The gap closing operation may reduce the final print resolution, therefore it is advisable to keep the value reasonably low."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->precision = 8; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.049)); def = this->add("print_host", coString); def->label = L("Hostname, IP or URL"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to a printer host. This field should contain " "the hostname, IP address or URL of the printer host instance. " "Print host behind HAProxy with basic auth enabled can be accessed by putting the user name and password into the URL " "in the following format: https://username:password@your-octopi-address/"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("printhost_apikey", coString); def->label = L("API Key / Password"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to a printer host. This field should contain " "the API Key or the password required for authentication."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("printhost_port", coString); def->label = L("Printer"); def->tooltip = L("Name of the printer"); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::select_open; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("printhost_cafile", coString); def->label = L("HTTPS CA File"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Custom CA certificate file can be specified for HTTPS OctoPrint connections, in crt/pem format. " "If left blank, the default OS CA certificate repository is used."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("printhost_client_cert", coString); def->label = L("Client Certificate File"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Custom Client certificate file can be specified for 2-way ssl authentication, in p12/pfx format. " "If left blank, no client certificate is used."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); // Options used by physical printers def = this->add("printhost_user", coString); def->label = L("User"); // def->tooltip = L(""); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("printhost_password", coString); def->label = L("Password"); // def->tooltip = L(""); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); // Only available on Windows. def = this->add("printhost_ssl_ignore_revoke", coBool); def->label = L("Ignore HTTPS certificate revocation checks"); def->tooltip = L("Ignore HTTPS certificate revocation checks in case of missing or offline distribution points. " "One may want to enable this option for self signed certificates if connection fails."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("preset_names", coStrings); def->label = L("Printer preset names"); def->tooltip = L("Names of presets related to the physical printer"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{}); def = this->add("printhost_authorization_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Authorization Type"); // def->tooltip = L(""); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("key"); def->enum_values.push_back("user"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("API key")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("HTTP digest")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(atKeyPassword)); // temporary workaround for compatibility with older Slicer { def = this->add("preset_name", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); } } void PrintConfigDef::init_fff_params() { ConfigOptionDef* def; // Maximum extruder temperature, bumped to 1500 to support printing of glass. const int max_temp = 1500; def = this->add("allow_empty_layers", coBool); def->label = L("Allow empty layers"); def->full_label = L("Allow empty layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Prevent the gcode builder from triggering an exception if a full layer is empty, and allow the print to start from thin air afterward."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("avoid_crossing_perimeters", coBool); def->label = L("Avoid crossing perimeters"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Optimize travel moves in order to minimize the crossing of perimeters. " "This is mostly useful with Bowden extruders which suffer from oozing. " "This feature slows down both the print and the G-code generation."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("avoid_crossing_not_first_layer", coBool); def->label = L("Don't avoid crossing on 1st layer"); def->full_label = L("Don't avoid crossing on 1st layer"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Disable 'Avoid crossing perimeters' for the first layer."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("avoid_crossing_perimeters_max_detour", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Avoid crossing perimeters - Max detour length"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("The maximum detour length for avoid crossing perimeters. " "If the detour is longer than this value, avoid crossing perimeters is not applied for this travel path. " "Detour length can be specified either as an absolute value or as percentage (for example 50%) of a direct travel path."); def->sidetext = L("mm or % (zero to disable)"); def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 1000, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0., false)); def = this->add("bed_temperature", coInts); def->label = L("Other layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Bed temperature for layers after the first one. " "Set zero to disable bed temperature control commands in the output."); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->full_label = L("Bed temperature"); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->min = 0; def->max = 300; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 0 }); def = this->add("before_layer_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Before layer change G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This custom code is inserted at every layer change, right before the Z move. " "Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well " "as {layer_num} and {layer_z}."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 5; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("between_objects_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Between objects G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This code is inserted between objects when using sequential printing. By default extruder and bed temperature are reset using non-wait command; however if M104, M109, M140 or M190 are detected in this custom code, Slic3r will not add temperature commands. Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S{first_layer_temperature}\" command wherever you want."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("bottom_solid_layers", coInt); //TRN To be shown in Print Settings "Bottom solid layers" def->label = L("Bottom"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Number of solid layers to generate on bottom surfaces."); def->full_label = L("Bottom solid layers"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(3)); def = this->add("bottom_solid_min_thickness", coFloat); //TRN To be shown in Print Settings "Top solid layers" def->label = L("Bottom"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("The number of bottom solid layers is increased above bottom_solid_layers if necessary to satisfy " "minimum thickness of bottom shell."); def->full_label = L("Minimum bottom shell thickness"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.)); def = this->add("bridge_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Bridges"); def->full_label = L("Bridge acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for bridges." "\nCan be a % of the default acceleration" "\nSet zero to use default acceleration for bridges."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -220, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("bridge_internal_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Internal bridges "); def->full_label = L("Internal bridges acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for internal bridges. " "\nCan be a % of the default acceleration" "\nSet zero to use bridge acceleration for internal bridges."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "bridge_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("bridge_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Bridging"); def->full_label = L("Bridging angle"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Bridging angle override. If left to zero, the bridging angle will be calculated " "automatically. Otherwise the provided angle will be used for all bridges. " "Use 180° for zero angle."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.)); def = this->add("bridge_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("Bridges fan speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("This fan speed is enforced during bridges and overhangs. It won't slow down the fan if it's currently running at a higher speed." "\nSet to -1 to disable this override." "\nCan only be overriden by disable_fan_first_layers."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = -1; def->max = 100; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts{ 100 }); def = this->add("bridge_internal_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("Infill bridges fan speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("This fan speed is enforced during all infill bridges. It won't slow down the fan if it's currently running at a higher speed." "\nSet to 1 to follow default speed." "\nSet to -1 to disable this override (internal bridges will use Bridges fan speed)." "\nCan only be overriden by disable_fan_first_layers."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = -1; def->max = 100; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts{ -1 }); def = this->add("bridge_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Bridge flow baseline"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This setting allow you to choose the base for the bridge flow compute, the result will be multiplied by the bridge flow to have the final result." "\nA bridge is an extrusion with nothing under it to flatten it, and so it can't have a 'rectangle' shape but a circle one." "\n * The default way to compute a bridge flow is to use the nozzle diameter as the diameter of the extrusion cross-section. It shouldn't be higher than that to prevent sagging." "\n * A second way to compute a bridge flow is to use the current layer height, so it shouldn't protrude below it. Note that may create too thin extrusions and so a bad bridge quality." "\n * A Third way to compute a bridge flow is to continue to use the current flow/section (mm3 per mm). If there is no current flow, it will use the solid infill one." " To use if you have some difficulties with the big flow changes from perimeter and infill flow to bridge flow and vice-versa, the bridge flow ratio let you compensate for the change in speed." " \nThe preview will display the expected shape of the bridge extrusion (cylinder), don't expect a magical thick and solid air to flatten the extrusion magically."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("nozzle"); def->enum_values.push_back("height"); def->enum_values.push_back("flow"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Nozzle diameter")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Layer height")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Keep current flow")); def->min = -1; def->max = 100; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum{ BridgeType::btFromNozzle }); def = this->add("bridge_flow_ratio", coPercent); def->label = L("Bridge"); def->full_label = L("Bridge flow ratio"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This factor affects the amount of plastic for bridging. " "You can decrease it slightly to pull the extrudates and prevent sagging, " "although default settings are usually good and you should experiment " "with cooling (use a fan) before tweaking this." "\nFor reference, the default bridge flow is (in mm3/mm): (nozzle diameter) * (nozzle diameter) * PI/4"); def->min = 2; def->max = 1000; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("over_bridge_flow_ratio", coPercent); def->label = L("Above the bridges"); def->full_label = L("Above bridge flow ratio"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Flow ratio to compensate for the gaps in a bridged top surface. Used for ironing infill" "pattern to prevent regions where the low-flow pass does not provide a smooth surface due to a lack of plastic." " You can increase it slightly to pull the top layer at the correct height. Recommended maximum: 120%."); def->min = 2; def->max = 1000; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("bridge_overlap_min", coPercent); def->label = L("Min"); def->full_label = L("Min bridge density"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Minimum density for bridge lines. If Lower than bridge_overlap, then the overlap value can be lowered automatically down to this value." " If the value is higher, this parameter has no effect." "\nDefault to 87.5% to allow a little void between the lines."); def->min = 2; def->max = 2000; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(80)); def = this->add("bridge_overlap", coPercent); def->label = L("Max"); def->full_label = L("Max bridge density"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Maximum density for bridge lines. If you want more space between line (or less), you can modify it." " A value of 50% will create two times less lines, and a value of 200% will create two time more lines that overlap each other."); def->min = 2; def->max = 2000; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(90)); def = this->add("bridge_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Bridges"); def->full_label = L("Bridge speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing bridges." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 60%) over the Default speed." "\nSet zero to use the autospeed for this feature"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->aliases = { "bridge_feed_rate" }; def->ratio_over = "default_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(60, true)); def = this->add("bridge_speed_internal", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Internal bridges"); def->full_label = L("Internal bridge speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing the bridges that support the top layer.\nCan be a % of the bridge speed."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "bridge_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(150,true)); def = this->add("brim_inside_holes", coBool); def->label = L("Brim inside holes"); def->full_label = L("Brim inside holes"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Allow to create a brim over an island when it's inside a hole (or surrounded by an object)."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("brim_width", coFloat); def->label = L("Brim width"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Horizontal width of the brim that will be printed around each object on the first layer." "\nWhen raft is used, no brim is generated (use raft_first_layer_expansion)."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("brim_width_interior", coFloat); def->label = L("Interior Brim width"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Horizontal width of the brim that will be printed inside each object on the first layer."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("brim_ears", coBool); def->label = L("Brim ears"); def->full_label = L("Brim ears"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Only draw brim over the sharp edges of the model."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("brim_ears_max_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Max angle"); def->full_label = L("Brim ear max angle"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Maximum angle to let a brim ear appear. \nIf set to 0, no brim will be created. \nIf set to ~178, brim will be created on everything but straight sections."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->max = 180; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(125)); def = this->add("brim_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Brim & Skirt"); def->full_label = L("Brim & Skirt acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for brim and skirt. " "\nCan be a % of the support acceleration" "\nSet zero to use support acceleration."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "support_material_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("brim_ears_detection_length", coFloat); def->label = L("Detection radius"); def->full_label = L("Brim ear detection length"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("The geometry will be decimated before dectecting sharp angles. This parameter indicates the minimum length of the deviation for the decimation." "\n0 to deactivate"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1)); def = this->add("brim_ears_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Pattern"); def->full_label = L("Ear pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Pattern for the ear. The concentric is the default one." " The rectilinear has a perimeter around it, you can try it if the concentric has too many problems to stick to the build plate."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ipConcentric)); def = this->add("brim_separation", coFloat); def->label = L("Brim separation gap"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Offset of brim from the printed object. Should be kept at 0 unless you encounter great difficulties to separate them." "\nIt's subtracted to brim_width and brim_width_interior, so it has to be lower than them. The offset is applied after the first layer XY compensation (elephant foot)."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def->aliases = { "brim_offset" }; // from superslicer 2.3 def = this->add("brim_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Brim & Skirt"); def->full_label = L("Brim & Skirt speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This separate setting will affect the speed of brim and skirt. " "\nIf expressed as percentage (for example: 80%) it will be calculated over the Support speed setting." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "support_material_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); #if 0 def = this->add("brim_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Brim type"); def->category = L("Skirt and brim"); def->tooltip = L("The places where the brim will be printed around each object on the first layer."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.emplace_back("no_brim"); def->enum_values.emplace_back("outer_only"); def->enum_values.emplace_back("inner_only"); def->enum_values.emplace_back("outer_and_inner"); def->enum_labels.emplace_back(L("No brim")); def->enum_labels.emplace_back(L("Outer brim only")); def->enum_labels.emplace_back(L("Inner brim only")); def->enum_labels.emplace_back(L("Outer and inner brim")); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(btOuterOnly)); #endif def = this->add("chamber_temperature", coInts); def->label = L("Chamber"); def->full_label = L("Chamber temperature"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("Chamber temperature. Note that this setting doesn't do anything, but you can access it in Start G-code, Tool change G-code and the other ones, like for other temperature settings."); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->min = 0; def->max = 300; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts{ 0 }); def = this->add("clip_multipart_objects", coBool); def->label = L("Clip multi-part objects"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("When printing multi-material objects, this settings will make Slic3r " "to clip the overlapping object parts one by the other " "(2nd part will be clipped by the 1st, 3rd part will be clipped by the 1st and 2nd etc)."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("colorprint_heights", coFloats); def->label = L("Colorprint height"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Heights at which a filament change is to occur. "); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { }); def = this->add("compatible_printers", coStrings); def->label = L("Compatible printers"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("compatible_printers_condition", coString); def->label = L("Compatible printers condition"); def->tooltip = L("A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active printer profile. " "If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible " "with the active printer profile."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("compatible_prints", coStrings); def->label = L("Compatible print profiles"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("compatible_prints_condition", coString); def->label = L("Compatible print profiles condition"); def->tooltip = L("A boolean expression using the configuration values of an active print profile. " "If this expression evaluates to true, this profile is considered compatible " "with the active print profile."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; // The following value is to be stored into the project file (AMF, 3MF, Config ...) // and it contains a sum of "compatible_printers_condition" values over the print and filament profiles. def = this->add("compatible_printers_condition_cummulative", coStrings); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("compatible_prints_condition_cummulative", coStrings); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("complete_objects", coBool); def->label = L("Complete individual objects"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("When printing multiple objects or copies, this feature will complete " "each object before moving onto next one (and starting it from its bottom layer). " "This feature is useful to avoid the risk of ruined prints. " "Slic3r should warn and prevent you from extruder collisions, but beware."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("complete_objects_one_skirt", coBool); def->label = L("Allow only one skirt loop"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("When using 'Complete individual objects', the default behavior is to draw the skirt around each object." " if you prefer to have only one skirt for the whole platter, use this option."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("complete_objects_one_brim", coBool); def->label = L("Print all brim at startup"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("When using 'Complete individual objects', the default behavior is to draw the brim at the beginning of each object." " if you prefer to have more place for you objects, you can print all the brims at the beginning, so ther is less problem with collision."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("complete_objects_sort", coEnum); def->label = L("Object sort"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("When printing multiple objects or copies on after another, this will help you to choose how it's ordered." "\nObject will sort them by the order of the right panel." "\nLowest Y will sort them by their lowest Y point. Useful for printers with a X-bar." "\nLowest Z will sort them by their height, useful for delta printers."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("object"); def->enum_values.push_back("lowy"); def->enum_values.push_back("lowz"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Right panel")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("lowest Y")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("lowest Z")); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(cosObject)); #if 0 //not used anymore, to remove !! @DEPRECATED def = this->add("cooling", coBools); def->label = L("Enable auto cooling"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("This flag enables the automatic cooling logic that adjusts print speed " "and fan speed according to layer printing time."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { true }); #endif def = this->add("cooling_tube_retraction", coFloat); def->label = L("Cooling tube position"); def->category = OptionCategory::mmsetup; def->tooltip = L("Distance of the center-point of the cooling tube from the extruder tip."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(91.5f)); def = this->add("cooling_tube_length", coFloat); def->label = L("Cooling tube length"); def->category = OptionCategory::mmsetup; def->tooltip = L("Length of the cooling tube to limit space for cooling moves inside it."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(5.f)); def = this->add("curve_smoothing_angle_convex", coFloat); def->label = L("Min convex angle"); def->full_label = L("Curve smoothing minimum angle (convex)"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Minimum (convex) angle at a vertex to enable smoothing" " (trying to create a curve around the vertex). " "180 : nothing will be smooth, 0 : all angles will be smoothened."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->aliases = { "curve_smoothing_angle" }; def->cli = "curve-smoothing-angle-convex=f"; def->min = 0; def->max = 180; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("curve_smoothing_angle_concave", coFloat); def->label = L("Min concave angle"); def->full_label = L("Curve smoothing minimum angle (concave)"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Minimum (concave) angle at a vertex to enable smoothing" " (trying to create a curve around the vertex). " "180 : nothing will be smooth, 0 : all angles will be smoothened."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->cli = "curve-smoothing-angle-concave=f"; def->min = 0; def->max = 180; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("curve_smoothing_precision", coFloat); def->label = L("Precision"); def->full_label = L("Curve smoothing precision"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("These parameters allow the slicer to smooth the angles in each layer. " "The precision will be at least the new precision of the curve. Set to 0 to deactivate." "\nNote: as it uses the polygon's edges and only works in the 2D planes, " "you must have a very clean or hand-made 3D model." "\nIt's really only useful to smoothen functional models or very wide angles."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->precision = 8; def->cli = "curve-smoothing-precision=f"; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("curve_smoothing_cutoff_dist", coFloat); def->label = L("cutoff"); def->full_label = L("Curve smoothing cutoff dist"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Maximum distance between two points to allow adding new ones. Allow to avoid distorting long strait areas.\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->cli = "curve-smoothing-cutoff-dist=f"; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(2)); def = this->add("default_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->full_label = L("Default acceleration"); def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will be reset to after " "the role-specific acceleration values are used (perimeter/infill). " "\nAccelerations from the left column can also be expressed as a percentage of this value." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the machine Max Acceleration for X axis." "\nSet zero to prevent resetting acceleration at all."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "machine_max_acceleration_x"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("default_filament_profile", coStrings); def->label = L("Default filament profile"); def->tooltip = L("Default filament profile associated with the current printer profile. " "On selection of the current printer profile, this filament profile will be activated."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("default_print_profile", coString); def->label = L("Default print profile"); def->tooltip = L("Default print profile associated with the current printer profile. " "On selection of the current printer profile, this print profile will be activated."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("default_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->full_label = L("Default speed"); def->tooltip = L("This is the reference speed that other 'main' speed can reference to by a %." "\nThis setting doesn't do anything by itself, and so is deactivated unless a speed depends on it (a % from the left column)." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the machine Max Feedrate for X axis." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for speed fields using a % of this setting."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s for %-based speed"); def->sidetext_width = 40; def->ratio_over = "machine_max_feedrate_x"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, false)); def = this->add("disable_fan_first_layers", coInts); def->label = L("Disable fan for the first"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("You can set this to a positive value to disable fan at all " "during the first layers, so that it does not make adhesion worse."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 1 }); def = this->add("dont_support_bridges", coBool); def->label = L("Don't support bridges"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Experimental option for preventing support material from being generated " "under bridged areas."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("draft_shield", coEnum); def->label = L("Draft shield"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("With draft shield active, the skirt will be printed skirt_distance from the object, possibly intersecting brim.\n" "Enabled = skirt is as tall as the highest printed object.\n" "Limited = skirt is as tall as specified by skirt_height.\n" "This is useful to protect an ABS or ASA print from warping and detaching from print bed due to wind draft."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("disabled"); def->enum_values.push_back("limited"); def->enum_values.push_back("enabled"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Disabled")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Limited")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Enabled")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(dsDisabled)); def = this->add("duplicate_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Default distance between objects"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Default distance used for the auto-arrange feature of the platter.\nSet to 0 to use the last value instead."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->aliases = { "multiply_distance" }; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(6)); def = this->add("end_gcode", coString); def->label = L("End G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This end procedure is inserted at the end of the output file. " "Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nG28 X0 ; home X axis\nM84 ; disable motors\n")); def = this->add("end_filament_gcode", coStrings); def->label = L("End G-code"); def->full_label = L("Filament end G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This end procedure is inserted at the end of the output file, before the printer end gcode (and " "before any toolchange from this filament in case of multimaterial printers). " "Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings. " "If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed in extruder order."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 120; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings { "; Filament-specific end gcode \n;END gcode for filament\n" }); def = this->add("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", coBool); def->label = L("Ensure vertical shell thickness"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Add solid infill near sloping surfaces to guarantee the vertical shell thickness " "(top+bottom solid layers)." "\n!! solid_over_perimeters may erase these surfaces !!"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("top_fill_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Top"); def->full_label = L("Top Pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Fill pattern for top infill. This only affects the top visible layer, and not its adjacent solid shells." "\nIf you want an 'aligned' pattern, set 90° to the fill angle increment setting."); def->cli = "top-fill-pattern|external-fill-pattern=s"; def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonic"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonicgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentricgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve"); def->enum_values.push_back("archimedeanchords"); def->enum_values.push_back("octagramspiral"); def->enum_values.push_back("sawtooth"); def->enum_values.push_back("smooth"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Hilbert Curve")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Archimedean Chords")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Octagram Spiral")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Sawtooth")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Ironing")); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ipMonotonic)); def = this->add("bottom_fill_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Bottom"); def->full_label = L("Bottom fill pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Fill pattern for bottom infill. This only affects the bottom visible layer, and not its adjacent solid shells." "\nIf you want an 'aligned' pattern, set 90° to the fill angle increment setting."); def->cli = "bottom-fill-pattern|external-fill-pattern=s"; def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonic"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonicgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentricgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve"); def->enum_values.push_back("archimedeanchords"); def->enum_values.push_back("octagramspiral"); def->enum_values.push_back("smooth"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Hilbert Curve")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Archimedean Chords")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Octagram Spiral")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Ironing")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ipMonotonic)); def = this->add("solid_fill_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Solid pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Fill pattern for solid (internal) infill. This only affects the solid not-visible layers. You should use rectilinear in most cases. You can try ironing for translucent material." " Rectilinear (filled) replaces zig-zag patterns by a single big line & is more efficient for filling little spaces." "\nIf you want an 'aligned' pattern, set 90° to the fill angle increment setting."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("smooth"); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilineargapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonic"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonicgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentricgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve"); def->enum_values.push_back("archimedeanchords"); def->enum_values.push_back("octagramspiral"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Ironing")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Hilbert Curve")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Archimedean Chords")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Octagram Spiral")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ipRectilinearWGapFill)); def = this->add("enforce_full_fill_volume", coBool); def->label = L("Enforce 100% fill volume"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Experimental option which modifies (in solid infill) fill flow to have the exact amount of plastic inside the volume to fill " "(it generally changes the flow from -7% to +4%, depending on the size of the surface to fill and the overlap parameters, " "but it can go as high as +50% for infill in very small areas where rectilinear doesn't have good coverage). It has the advantage " "to remove the over-extrusion seen in thin infill areas, from the overlap ratio"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("external_infill_margin", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default"); def->full_label = L("Default infill margin"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This parameter grows the top/bottom/solid layers by the specified mm to anchor them into the sparse infill and support the perimeters above. Put 0 to deactivate it. Can be a % of the width of the perimeters."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 50, true }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(150, true)); def = this->add("bridged_infill_margin", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Bridged"); def->full_label = L("Bridge margin"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This parameter grows the bridged solid infill layers by the specified mm to anchor them into the sparse infill and over the perimeters below. Put 0 to deactivate it. Can be a % of the width of the external perimeter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "external_perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 50, true }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(200, true)); def = this->add("external_perimeter_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("External perimeters"); def->full_label = L("External perimeters width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for external perimeters. " "If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.05 x nozzle diameter will be used. " "If expressed as percentage (for example 112.5%), it will be computed over nozzle diameter." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(105, true, false)); def = this->add("external_perimeter_extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("External perimeters"); def->full_label = L("External perimeters spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Like the External perimeters width, but this value is the distance between the edge and the 'frontier' to the next perimeter." "\nSetting the spacing will deactivate the width setting, and vice versa." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("external_perimeter_cut_corners", coPercent); def->label = L("Cutting corners"); def->full_label = L("Ext. peri. cut corners"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Activate this option to modify the flow to acknowledge that the nozzle is round and the corners will have a round shape, and so change the flow to realize that and avoid over-extrusion." " 100% is activated, 0% is deactivated and 50% is half-activated." "\nNote: At 100% this changes the flow by ~5% over a very small distance (~nozzle diameter), so it shouldn't be noticeable unless you have a very big nozzle and a very precise printer."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(0)); def = this->add("external_perimeter_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("External perimeter fan speed"); def->tooltip = L("When set to a non-zero value this fan speed is used only for external perimeters (visible ones). " "\nSet to 1 to disable the fan." "\nSet to -1 to use the normal fan speed on external perimeters." "External perimeters can benefit from higher fan speed to improve surface finish, " "while internal perimeters, infill, etc. benefit from lower fan speed to improve layer adhesion."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = -1; def->max = 100; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { -1 }); def = this->add("external_perimeter_overlap", coPercent); def->label = L("external perimeter overlap"); def->full_label = L("Ext. peri. overlap"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to reduce the overlap between the perimeters and the external one, to reduce the impact of the perimeters' artifacts." " 100% means that no gap is left, and 0% means that the external perimeter isn't contributing to the overlap with the 'inner' one."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("external_perimeter_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("External"); def->full_label = L("External Perimeter acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for external perimeters. " "\nCan be a % of the internal perimeter acceleration" "\nSet zero to use internal perimeter acceleration for external perimeters."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("external_perimeter_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("External"); def->full_label = L("External perimeters speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This separate setting will affect the speed of external perimeters (the visible ones). " "\nIf expressed as percentage (for example: 80%) it will be calculated over the Internal Perimeters speed setting." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("external_perimeters_first", coBool); def->label = L("first"); def->full_label = L("External perimeters first"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Print contour perimeters from the outermost one to the innermost one " "instead of the default inverse order."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("external_perimeters_vase", coBool); def->label = L("In vase mode (no seam)"); def->full_label = L("ExternalPerimeter in vase mode"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Print contour perimeters in two circles, in a continuous way, like for a vase mode. It needs the external_perimeters_first parameter to work." " \nDoesn't work for the first layer, as it may damage the bed overwise." " \nNote that it will use min_layer_height from your hardware setting as the base height (it doesn't start at 0)" ", so be sure to put here the lowest value your printer can handle." " if it's not lower than two times the current layer height, it falls back to the normal algorithm, as there is not enough room to do two loops."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("external_perimeters_nothole", coBool); def->label = L("Only for outer side"); def->full_label = L("Ext peri first for outer side"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Only do the vase trick on the external side. Useful when the thickness is too low."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("external_perimeters_hole", coBool); def->label = L("Only for inner side"); def->full_label = L("ext peri first for inner side"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Only do the vase trick on the external side. Useful when you only want to remove seam from screw hole."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("extra_perimeters", coBool); def->label = L("filling horizontal gaps on slopes"); def->full_label = L("Extra perimeters (do nothing)"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Add more perimeters when needed for avoiding gaps in sloping walls. " "Slic3r keeps adding perimeters, until more than 70% of the loop immediately above " "is supported." "\nIf you succeed in triggering the algorithm behind this setting, please send me a message." " Personally, I think it's useless."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("extra_perimeters_overhangs", coBool); def->label = L("On overhangs"); def->full_label = L("Extra perimeters over overhangs"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Add more perimeters when needed for avoiding gaps in sloping walls. " "Slic3r keeps adding perimeters until all overhangs are filled." "\n!! this is a very slow algorithm !!" "\nIf you use this setting, strongly consider also using overhangs_reverse."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("extra_perimeters_odd_layers", coBool); def->label = L("On odd layers"); def->full_label = L("Extra perimeter on odd layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Add one perimeter every odd layer. With this, infill is taken into the sandwich" " and you may be able to reduce drastically the infill/perimeter overlap setting. "); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("extruder", coInt); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::i_enum_open; def->label = L("Extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use (unless more specific extruder settings are specified). " "This value overrides perimeter and infill extruders, but not the support extruders."); def->min = 0; // 0 = inherit defaults def->enum_labels.push_back(L("default")); // override label for item 0 def->enum_labels.push_back("1"); def->enum_labels.push_back("2"); def->enum_labels.push_back("3"); def->enum_labels.push_back("4"); def->enum_labels.push_back("5"); def->enum_labels.push_back("6"); def->enum_labels.push_back("7"); def->enum_labels.push_back("8"); def->enum_labels.push_back("9"); def = this->add("first_layer_extruder", coInt); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::i_enum_open; def->label = L("First layer extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use (unless more specific extruder settings are specified) for the first layer."); def->min = 0; // 0 = inherit defaults def->enum_labels.push_back(L("default")); // override label for item 0 def->enum_labels.push_back("1"); def->enum_labels.push_back("2"); def->enum_labels.push_back("3"); def->enum_labels.push_back("4"); def->enum_labels.push_back("5"); def->enum_labels.push_back("6"); def->enum_labels.push_back("7"); def->enum_labels.push_back("8"); def->enum_labels.push_back("9"); def = this->add("extruder_clearance_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Height"); def->full_label = L("Extruder clearance height"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Set this to the vertical distance between your nozzle tip and (usually) the X carriage rods. " "In other words, this is the height of the clearance cylinder around your extruder, " "and it represents the maximum depth the extruder can peek before colliding with " "other printed objects."); // TODO: "peek?" is this the correct word? def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(20)); def = this->add("extruder_clearance_radius", coFloat); def->label = L("Radius"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->full_label = L("Extruder clearance radius"); def->tooltip = L("Set this to the clearance radius around your extruder. " "If the extruder is not centered, choose the largest value for safety. " "This setting is used to check for collisions and to display the graphical preview " "in the platter." "\nSet zero to disable clearance checking."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(20)); def = this->add("extruder_colour", coStrings); def->label = L("Extruder Color"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This is only used in Slic3r interface as a visual help."); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::color; // Empty string means no color assigned yet. def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "" }); def = this->add("extruder_offset", coPoints); def->label = L("Extruder offset"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("If your firmware doesn't handle the extruder displacement you need the G-code " "to take it into account. This option lets you specify the displacement of each extruder " "with respect to the first one. It expects positive coordinates (they will be subtracted " "from the XY coordinate)."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(0,0) }); def = this->add("extruder_temperature_offset", coFloats); def->label = L("Extruder temp offset"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This offset will be added to all extruder temperatures set in the filament settings." "\nNote that you should set 'M104 S{first_layer_temperature{initial_extruder} + extruder_temperature_offset{initial_extruder}}'" "\ninstead of 'M104 S{first_layer_temperature}' in the start_gcode"); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0 }); def = this->add("extruder_fan_offset", coPercents); def->label = L("Extruder fan offset"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This offset wil be added to all fan values set in the filament properties. It won't make them go higher than 100% nor lower than 0%."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercents{ 0 }); def = this->add("extrusion_axis", coString); def->label = L("Extrusion axis"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Use this option to set the axis letter associated with your printer's extruder " "(usually E but some printers use A)."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("E")); def = this->add("extrusion_multiplier", coFloats); def->label = L("Extrusion multiplier"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("This factor changes the amount of flow proportionally. You may need to tweak " "this setting to get nice surface finish and correct single wall widths. " "Usual values are between 0.9 and 1.1. If you think you need to change this more, " "check filament diameter and your firmware E steps."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->max = 2; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 1. }); def = this->add("print_extrusion_multiplier", coPercent); def->label = L("Extrusion multiplier"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("This factor changes the amount of flow proportionally. You may need to tweak " "this setting to get nice surface finish and correct single wall widths. " "Usual values are between 90% and 110%. If you think you need to change this more, " "check filament diameter and your firmware E steps." " This print setting is multiplied against the extrusion_multiplier from the filament tab." " Its only purpose is to offer the same functionality but on a per-object basis."); // TODO: replace "against" with "with"? def->sidetext = L("%"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comSuSi; def->min = 2; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default extrusion width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This is the DEFAULT extrusion width. It's ONLY used to REPLACE 0-width fields. It's useless when all other width fields have a value." "\nSet this to a non-zero value to allow a manual extrusion width. " "If left to zero, Slic3r derives extrusion widths from the nozzle diameter " "(see the tooltips for perimeter extrusion width, infill extrusion width etc). " "If expressed as percentage (for example: 105%), it will be computed over nozzle diameter." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default extrusion spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This is the DEFAULT extrusion spacing. It's convert to a width and this width can be used to REPLACE 0-width fields. It's useless when all width fields have a value." "Like Default extrusion width but spacing is the distance between two lines (as they overlap a bit, it's not the same)." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, false)); def = this->add("fan_always_on", coBools); def->label = L("Keep fan always on"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("If this is enabled, fan will continuously run at base speed if no other setting overrides that speed." " Useful for PLA, harmful for ABS."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools{ true }); def = this->add("fan_below_layer_time", coFloats); def->label = L("Enable fan if layer print time is below"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("If layer print time is estimated below this number of seconds, fan will be enabled " "and its speed will be calculated by interpolating the default and maximum speeds." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("approximate seconds"); def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 60 }); def = this->add("filament_colour", coStrings); def->label = L("Color"); def->full_label = L("Filament color"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("This is only used in the Slic3r interface as a visual help."); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::color; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "#29B2B2" }); def = this->add("filament_custom_variables", coStrings); def->label = L("Custom variables"); def->full_label = L("Custom Filament variables"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("You can add data accessible to custom-gcode macros." "\nEach line can define one variable." "\nThe format is 'variable_name=value'. The variable name should only have [a-zA-Z0-9] characters or '_'." "\nA value that can be parsed as a int or float will be avaible as a numeric value." "\nA value that is enclosed by double-quotes will be available as a string (without the quotes)" "\nA value that only takes values as 'true' or 'false' will be a boolean)" "\nEvery other value will be parsed as a string as-is." "\nThese variables will be available as an array in the custom gcode (one item per extruder), don't forget to use them with the {current_extruder} index to get the current value." " If a filament has a typo on the variable that change its type, then the parser will convert evrything to strings." "\nAdvice: before using a variable, it's safer to use the function 'default_XXX(variable_name, default_value)'" " (enclosed in bracket as it's a script) in case it's not set. You can replace XXX by 'int' 'bool' 'double' 'string'."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "" }); def = this->add("filament_notes", coStrings); def->label = L("Filament notes"); def->category = OptionCategory::notes; def->tooltip = L("You can put your notes regarding the filament here."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings { "" }); def = this->add("filament_max_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Max speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Maximum speed allowed for this filament. Limits the maximum " "speed of a print to the minimum of the print speed and the filament speed. " "Set zero for no limit."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0. }); def = this->add("filament_max_volumetric_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Max volumetric speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Maximum volumetric speed allowed for this filament. Limits the maximum volumetric " "speed of a print to the minimum of print and filament volumetric speed. " "Set zero for no limit."); def->sidetext = L("mm³/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0. }); def = this->add("filament_max_wipe_tower_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Max speed on the wipe tower"); def->tooltip = L("This setting is used to set the maximum speed when extruding inside the wipe tower (use M220)." " In %, set 0 to disable and use the Filament type instead." "\nIf disabled, these filament types will have a defaut value of:" "\n - PVA: 80% to 60%" "\n - SCAFF: 35%" "\n - FLEX: 35%" "\n - OTHERS: 100%" "\nNote that the wipe tower reset the speed at 100% for the unretract in any case." // TODO: "reset" -> "resets"? "\nIf using marlin, M220 B/R is used to save the speed override before the wipe tower print."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 400; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0 }); def = this->add("filament_loading_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Loading speed"); def->tooltip = L("Speed used for loading the filament on the wipe tower. "); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 28. }); //skinnydip section starts def = this->add("filament_enable_toolchange_temp", coBools); def->label = L("Toolchange temperature enabled"); def->tooltip = L("Determines whether toolchange temperatures will be applied"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { false }); def = this->add("filament_use_fast_skinnydip", coBools); def->label = L("Fast mode"); def->tooltip = L("Experimental: drops nozzle temperature during cooling moves instead of prior to extraction to reduce wait time."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { false }); def = this->add("filament_enable_toolchange_part_fan", coBools); def->label = L("Use part fan to cool hotend"); def->tooltip = L("Experimental setting. May enable the hotend to cool down faster during toolchanges"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { false }); def = this->add("filament_toolchange_part_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("Toolchange part fan speed"); def->tooltip = L("Experimental setting. Fan speeds that are too high can clash with the hotend's PID routine."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 50 }); def = this->add("filament_use_skinnydip", coBools); def->label = L("Enable Skinnydip string reduction"); def->tooltip = L("Skinnydip performs a secondary dip into the meltzone to burn off fine strings of filament"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { false }); def = this->add("filament_melt_zone_pause", coInts); def->label = L("Pause in melt zone"); def->tooltip = L("Stay in melt zone for this amount of time before extracting the filament. Not usually necessary."); def->sidetext = L("milliseconds"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 0 }); def = this->add("filament_cooling_zone_pause", coInts); def->label = L("Pause before extraction "); def->tooltip = L("Can be useful to avoid bondtech gears deforming hot tips, but not ordinarily needed"); def->sidetext = L("milliseconds"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 0 }); def = this->add("filament_dip_insertion_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Speed to move into melt zone"); def->tooltip = L("usually not necessary to change this"); def->sidetext = L("mm/sec"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 33. }); def = this->add("filament_dip_extraction_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Speed to extract from melt zone"); def->tooltip = L("usually not necessary to change this"); def->sidetext = L("mm/sec"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 70. }); def = this->add("filament_toolchange_temp", coInts); def->label = L("Toolchange temperature"); def->tooltip = L("To further reduce stringing, it can be helpful to set a lower temperature just prior to extracting filament from the hotend."); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 200 }); def = this->add("filament_skinnydip_distance", coFloats); def->label = L("Insertion distance"); def->tooltip = L("For stock extruders, usually 40-42mm. For bondtech extruder upgrade, usually 30-32mm. Start with a low value and gradually increase it until strings are gone. If there are blobs on your wipe tower, your value is too high."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 31. }); //skinnydip section ends def = this->add("filament_loading_speed_start", coFloats); def->label = L("Loading speed at the start"); def->tooltip = L("Speed used at the very beginning of loading phase. "); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 3. }); def = this->add("filament_unloading_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Unloading speed"); def->tooltip = L("Speed used for unloading the filament on the wipe tower (does not affect " " initial part of unloading just after ramming). "); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 90. }); def = this->add("filament_unloading_speed_start", coFloats); def->label = L("Unloading speed at the start"); def->tooltip = L("Speed used for unloading the tip of the filament immediately after ramming. "); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 100. }); def = this->add("filament_toolchange_delay", coFloats); def->label = L("Delay after unloading"); def->tooltip = L("Time to wait after the filament is unloaded. " "May help to get reliable toolchanges with flexible materials " "that may need more time to shrink to original dimensions. "); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("filament_cooling_moves", coInts); def->label = L("Number of cooling moves"); def->tooltip = L("Filament is cooled by being moved back and forth in the " "cooling tubes. Specify desired number of these moves."); def->max = 0; def->max = 20; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 4 }); def = this->add("filament_cooling_initial_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Speed of the first cooling move"); def->tooltip = L("Cooling moves are gradually accelerated, starting at this speed. "); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 2.2 }); def = this->add("filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower", coFloats); def->label = L("Minimal purge on wipe tower"); def->tooltip = L("After a tool change, the exact position of the newly loaded filament inside " "the nozzle may not be known, and the filament pressure is likely not yet stable. " "Before purging the print head into an infill or a sacrificial object, Slic3r will always prime " "this amount of material into the wipe tower to produce successive infill or sacrificial object extrusions reliably."); def->sidetext = L("mm³"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 15. }); def = this->add("filament_cooling_final_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Speed of the last cooling move"); def->tooltip = L("Cooling moves are gradually accelerated towards this speed. "); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 3.4 }); def = this->add("filament_load_time", coFloats); def->label = L("Filament load time"); def->tooltip = L("Time for the printer firmware (or the Multi Material Unit 2.0) to load a new filament during a tool change (when executing the T code). This time is added to the total print time by the G-code time estimator."); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0.0 }); def = this->add("filament_ramming_parameters", coStrings); def->label = L("Ramming parameters"); def->tooltip = L("This string is edited by RammingDialog and contains ramming specific parameters."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings { "120 100 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.7 9.4 9.9 10.0|" " 0.05 6.6 0.45 6.8 0.95 7.8 1.45 8.3 1.95 9.7 2.45 10 2.95 7.6 3.45 7.6 3.95 7.6 4.45 7.6 4.95 7.6" }); def = this->add("filament_unload_time", coFloats); def->label = L("Filament unload time"); def->tooltip = L("Time for the printer firmware (or the Multi Material Unit 2.0) to unload a filament during a tool change (when executing the T code). This time is added to the total print time by the G-code time estimator."); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0.0 }); def = this->add("filament_diameter", coFloats); def->label = L("Diameter"); def->tooltip = L("Enter your filament diameter here. Good precision is required, so use a caliper " "and do multiple measurements along the filament, then compute the average."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 1.75 }); def = this->add("filament_shrink", coPercents); def->label = L("Shrinkage"); def->tooltip = L("Enter the shrinkage percentage that the filament will get after cooling (94% if you measure 94mm instead of 100mm)." " The part will be scaled in xy to compensate." " Only the filament used for the perimeter is taken into account." "\nBe sure to allow enough space between objects, as this compensation is done after the checks."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->ratio_over = ""; def->min = 10; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercents{ 100 }); def = this->add("filament_max_overlap", coPercents); def->label = L("Max line overlap"); def->tooltip = L("This setting will ensure that all 'overlap' are not higher than this value." " This is useful for filaments that are too viscous, as the line can't flow under the previous one."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->ratio_over = ""; def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercents{ 100 }); def = this->add("filament_density", coFloats); def->label = L("Density"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Enter your filament density here. This is only for statistical information. " "A decent way is to weigh a known length of filament and compute the ratio " "of the length to volume. Better is to calculate the volume directly through displacement."); def->sidetext = L("g/cm³"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0. }); def = this->add("filament_type", coStrings); def->label = L("Filament type"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("The filament material type for use in custom G-codes."); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::f_enum_open; def->gui_flags = "show_value"; def->enum_values.push_back("PLA"); def->enum_values.push_back("PET"); def->enum_values.push_back("ABS"); def->enum_values.push_back("ASA"); def->enum_values.push_back("FLEX"); def->enum_values.push_back("HIPS"); def->enum_values.push_back("EDGE"); def->enum_values.push_back("NGEN"); def->enum_values.push_back("NYLON"); def->enum_values.push_back("PVA"); def->enum_values.push_back("PC"); def->enum_values.push_back("PP"); def->enum_values.push_back("PEI"); def->enum_values.push_back("PEEK"); def->enum_values.push_back("PEKK"); def->enum_values.push_back("POM"); def->enum_values.push_back("PSU"); def->enum_values.push_back("PVDF"); def->enum_values.push_back("SCAFF"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings { "PLA" }); def = this->add("filament_soluble", coBools); def->label = L("Soluble material"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Soluble material is most likely used for a soluble support."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { false }); def = this->add("filament_cost", coFloats); def->label = L("Cost"); def->full_label = L("Filament cost"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Enter your filament cost per kg here. This is only for statistical information."); def->sidetext = L("money/kg"); def->min = 0; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("filament_spool_weight", coFloats); def->label = L("Spool weight"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Enter weight of the empty filament spool. " "One may weigh a partially consumed filament spool before printing and one may compare the measured weight " "with the calculated weight of the filament with the spool to find out whether the amount " "of filament on the spool is sufficient to finish the print."); def->sidetext = L("g"); def->min = 0; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("filament_settings_id", coStrings); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings { "" }); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("filament_vendor", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString(L("(Unknown)"))); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("fill_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Fill"); def->full_label = L("Fill angle"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Default base angle for infill orientation. Cross-hatching will be applied to this. " "Bridges will be infilled using the best direction Slic3r can detect, so this setting " "does not affect them."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->max = 360; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(45)); def = this->add("fill_angle_increment", coFloat); def->label = L("Fill"); def->full_label = L("Fill angle increment"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Add this angle each layer to the base angle for infill. " "May be useful for art, or to be sure to hit every object's feature even with very low infill. " "Still experimental, tell me what makes it useful, or the problems that arise using it."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->max = 360; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("fill_density", coPercent); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::f_enum_open; def->gui_flags = "show_value"; def->label = L("Fill density"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Density of internal infill, expressed in the range 0% - 100%."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->enum_values.push_back("0"); def->enum_values.push_back("4"); def->enum_values.push_back("5.5"); def->enum_values.push_back("7.5"); def->enum_values.push_back("10"); def->enum_values.push_back("13"); def->enum_values.push_back("18"); def->enum_values.push_back("23"); def->enum_values.push_back("31"); def->enum_values.push_back("42"); def->enum_values.push_back("55"); def->enum_values.push_back("75"); def->enum_values.push_back("100"); def->enum_labels.push_back("0"); def->enum_labels.push_back("4"); def->enum_labels.push_back("5.5"); def->enum_labels.push_back("7.5"); def->enum_labels.push_back("10"); def->enum_labels.push_back("13"); def->enum_labels.push_back("18"); def->enum_labels.push_back("23"); def->enum_labels.push_back("31"); def->enum_labels.push_back("42"); def->enum_labels.push_back("55"); def->enum_labels.push_back("75"); def->enum_labels.push_back("100"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(18)); def = this->add("fill_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Pattern"); def->full_label = L("Fill pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Fill pattern for general low-density infill." "\nIf you want an 'aligned' pattern, set 90° to the fill angle increment setting."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonic"); def->enum_values.push_back("grid"); def->enum_values.push_back("triangles"); def->enum_values.push_back("stars"); def->enum_values.push_back("cubic"); def->enum_values.push_back("line"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("honeycomb"); def->enum_values.push_back("3dhoneycomb"); def->enum_values.push_back("gyroid"); def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve"); def->enum_values.push_back("archimedeanchords"); def->enum_values.push_back("octagramspiral"); def->enum_values.push_back("scatteredrectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("adaptivecubic"); def->enum_values.push_back("supportcubic"); #if HAS_LIGHTNING_INFILL def->enum_values.push_back("lightning"); #endif // HAS_LIGHTNING_INFILL def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Grid")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Triangles")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Stars")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Cubic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Line")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Honeycomb")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("3D Honeycomb")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Gyroid")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Hilbert Curve")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Archimedean Chords")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Octagram Spiral")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Scattered Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Adaptive Cubic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Support Cubic")); #if HAS_LIGHTNING_INFILL def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Lightning")); #endif // HAS_LIGHTNING_INFILL def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value( new ConfigOptionEnum(ipStars)); def = this->add("fill_top_flow_ratio", coPercent); def->label = L("Top fill"); def->full_label = L("Top fill flow ratio"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("You can increase this to over-extrude on the top layer if there is not enough plastic to make a good fill."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("first_layer_flow_ratio", coPercent); def->label = L("First layer"); def->full_label = L("First layer flow ratio"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("You can increase this to over-extrude on the first layer if there is not enough plastic because your bed isn't levelled." "\nNote: DON'T USE THIS if your only problem is bed leveling, LEVEL YOUR BED!" " Use this setting only as last resort after all calibrations failed."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("first_layer_size_compensation", coFloat); def->label = L("First layer"); def->full_label = L("XY First layer compensation"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("The first layer will be grown / shrunk in the XY plane by the configured value " "to compensate for the 1st layer squish aka an Elephant Foot effect. (should be negative = inwards)"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("first_layer_size_compensation_layers", coInt); def->label = L("height in layers"); def->full_label = L("XY First layer compensation height in layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("The number of layers on which the elephant foot compensation will be active. " "The first layer will be shrunk by the elephant foot compensation value, then " "the next layers will be gradually shrunk less, up to the layer indicated by this value."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->min = 1; def->max = 30; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def = this->add("fill_smooth_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Width"); def->full_label = L("Ironing width"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This is the width of the ironing pass, in a % of the top infill extrusion width, should not be more than 50%" " (two times more lines, 50% overlap). It's not necessary to go below 25% (four times more lines, 75% overlap). \nIf you have problems with your ironing process," " don't forget to look at the flow->above bridge flow, as this setting should be set to min 110% to let you have enough plastic in the top layer." " A value too low will make your extruder eat the filament."); def->ratio_over = "top_infill_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 1, true }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->sidetext = L("mm/%"); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("fill_smooth_distribution", coPercent); def->label = L("Distribution"); def->full_label = L("Ironing flow distribution"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This is the percentage of the flow that is used for the second ironing pass. Typical 10-20%. " "Should not be higher than 20%, unless you have your top extrusion width greatly superior to your nozzle width. " "A value too low and your extruder will eat the filament. A value too high and the first pass won't print well."); //def->min = 0; //def->max = 0.9; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->sidetext = L("%"); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(10)); def = this->add("first_layer_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Max"); def->full_label = L("First layer acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the maximum acceleration your printer will use for first layer." "\nIf set to %, all accelerations will be reduced by that ratio." "\nSet zero to disable acceleration control for first layer."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "depends"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("first_layer_acceleration_over_raft", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("First object layer over raft interface"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for first layer of object above raft interface." "\nIf set to %, all accelerations will be reduced by that ratio." "\nSet zero to disable acceleration control for first layer of object above raft interface."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("first_layer_bed_temperature", coInts); def->label = L("First layer"); def->full_label = L("First layer bed temperature"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Heated build plate temperature for the first layer. Set zero to disable " "bed temperature control commands in the output."); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->max = 0; def->max = 300; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 0 }); def = this->add("first_layer_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("First layer"); def->full_label = L("First layer width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for first layer. " "You can use this to force fatter extrudates for better adhesion. If expressed " "as percentage (for example 140%) it will be computed over the nozzle diameter " "of the nozzle used for the type of extrusion. " "If set to zero, it will use the default extrusion width." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(140, true, false)); def = this->add("first_layer_extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("First layer"); def->full_label = L("First layer spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Like First layer width but spacing is the distance between two lines (as they overlap a bit, it's not the same)." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("first_layer_height", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("First layer height"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("When printing with very low layer heights, you might still want to print a thicker " "bottom layer to improve adhesion and tolerance for non perfect build plates. " "This can be expressed as an absolute value or as a percentage (for example: 75%) " "over the lowest nozzle diameter used in by the object."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 20, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(75, true)); def = this->add("first_layer_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Max"); def->full_label = L("Default first layer speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("If expressed as absolute value in mm/s, this speed will be applied as a maximum to all the print moves (but infill) of the first layer." "\nIf expressed as a percentage it will scale the current speed." "\nSet it at 100% to remove any first layer speed modification (but for infill)."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "depends"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(30, false)); def = this->add("first_layer_speed_over_raft", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Max speed of object first layer over raft interface"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("If expressed as absolute value in mm/s, this speed will be usedf as a max over all the print moves " "of the first object layer above raft interface, regardless of their type." "\nIf expressed as a percentage it will scale the current speed (max 100%)." "\nSet it at 100% to remove this speed modification."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "depends"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(30, false)); def = this->add("first_layer_infill_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Max infill"); def->full_label = L("Infill max first layer speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("If expressed as absolute value in mm/s, this speed will be applied as a maximum for all infill print moves of the first layer." "\nIf expressed as a percentage it will scale the current infill speed." "\nSet it at 100% to remove any infill first layer speed modification." "\nSet zero to disable (using first_layer_speed instead)."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "depends"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("first_layer_min_speed", coFloat); def->label = L("Min"); def->full_label = L("Min first layer speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Minimum speed when printing the first layer." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("first_layer_temperature", coInts); def->label = L("First layer"); def->full_label = L("First layer nozzle temperature"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Extruder nozzle temperature for first layer. If you want to control temperature manually " "during print, set zero to disable temperature control commands in the output file."); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->min = 0; def->max = max_temp; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 200 }); def = this->add("full_fan_speed_layer", coInts); def->label = L("Full fan speed at layer"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Fan speed will be ramped up linearly from zero at layer \"disable_fan_first_layers\" " "to maximum at layer \"full_fan_speed_layer\". " "\"full_fan_speed_layer\" will be ignored if lower than \"disable_fan_first_layers\", in which case " "the fan will be running at maximum allowed speed at layer \"disable_fan_first_layers\" + 1."); def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 4 }); def = this->add("fuzzy_skin", coEnum); def->label = L("Fuzzy Skin"); def->category = OptionCategory::fuzzy_skin; def->tooltip = L("Fuzzy skin type."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("none"); def->enum_values.push_back("external"); def->enum_values.push_back("all"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("None")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Outside walls")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("All walls")); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(FuzzySkinType::None)); def = this->add("fuzzy_skin_thickness", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Fuzzy skin thickness"); def->category = OptionCategory::fuzzy_skin; def->tooltip = L("The maximum distance that each skin point can be offset (both ways), " "measured perpendicular to the perimeter wall." "\nCan be a % of the nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(150, true)); def = this->add("fuzzy_skin_point_dist", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Fuzzy skin point distance"); def->category = OptionCategory::fuzzy_skin; def->tooltip = L("Perimeters will be split into multiple segments by inserting Fuzzy skin points. " "Lowering the Fuzzy skin point distance will increase the number of randomly offset points on the perimeter wall." "\nCan be a % of the nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(200, true)); def = this->add("gap_fill_enabled", coBool); def->label = L("Gap fill"); def->full_label = L("Enable Gap fill"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Enable gap fill algorithm. It will extrude small lines between perimeters " "when there is not enough space for another perimeter or an infill."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->aliases = { "gap_fill" }; //superslicer 2.3 or older def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("gap_fill_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Gap fill"); def->full_label = L("Gap fill acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for gap fills. " "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage over the perimeter acceleration." "\nSet zero to use perimeter acceleration for gap fills."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("gap_fill_last", coBool); def->label = L("after last perimeter"); def->full_label = L("Gapfill after last perimeter"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("All gaps, between the last perimeter and the infill, which are thinner than a perimeter will be filled by gapfill."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("gap_fill_min_area", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Min surface"); def->full_label = L("Min gap-fill surface"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("This setting represents the minimum mm² for a gapfill extrusion to be created.\nCan be a % of (perimeter width)²"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_width_square"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent{100, true }); def = this->add("gap_fill_overlap", coPercent); def->label = L("Gap fill overlap"); def->full_label = L("Gap fill overlap"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to reduce the overlap between the perimeters and the gap fill." " 100% means that no gaps are left, and 0% means that the gap fill won't touch the perimeters." "\nMay be useful if you can see the gapfill on the exterrnal surface, to reduce that artifact."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("gap_fill_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Gap fill"); def->full_label = L("Gap fill speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for filling small gaps using short zigzag moves. Keep this reasonably low " "to avoid too much shaking and resonance issues." "\nGap fill extrusions are ignored from the automatic volumetric speed computation, unless you set it to 0." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Internal Perimeter speed."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50,true)); def = this->add("gcode_comments", coBool); def->label = L("Verbose G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Enable this to get a commented G-code file, with each line explained by descriptive text. " "If you print from an SD card, the additional weight of the file could make your firmware " "slow down."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(0)); def = this->add("gcode_filename_illegal_char", coString); def->label = L("Illegal characters"); def->full_label = L("Illegal characters for filename"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("All characters that are written here will be replaced by '_' when writing the gcode file name." "\nIf the first charater is '[' or '(', then this field will be considered as a regexp (enter '[^a-zA-Z0-9]' to only use ascii char)."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("[<>:\"/\\\\|?*]")); def = this->add("gcode_flavor", coEnum); def->label = L("G-code flavor"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Some G/M-code commands, including temperature control and others, are not universal. " "Set this option to your printer's firmware to get a compatible output. " "The \"No extrusion\" flavor prevents Slic3r from exporting any extrusion value at all."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("reprapfirmware"); def->enum_values.push_back("repetier"); def->enum_values.push_back("teacup"); def->enum_values.push_back("makerware"); def->enum_values.push_back("marlin"); def->enum_values.push_back("marlin2"); def->enum_values.push_back("klipper"); def->enum_values.push_back("sailfish"); def->enum_values.push_back("mach3"); def->enum_values.push_back("machinekit"); def->enum_values.push_back("smoothie"); def->enum_values.push_back("sprinter"); def->enum_values.push_back("lerdge"); def->enum_values.push_back("no-extrusion"); def->enum_labels.push_back("RepRapFirmware"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Repetier"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Teacup"); def->enum_labels.push_back("MakerWare (MakerBot)"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Marlin (legacy)"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Marlin 2"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Klipper"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Sailfish (MakerBot)"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Mach3/LinuxCNC"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Machinekit"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Smoothie"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Sprinter"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Lerdge"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("No extrusion")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(gcfMarlinLegacy)); def = this->add("gcode_label_objects", coBool); def->label = L("Label objects"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Enable this to add comments into the G-Code labeling print moves with what object they belong to," " which is useful for the Octoprint CancelObject plugin. This settings is NOT compatible with " "Single Extruder Multi Material setup and Wipe into Object / Wipe into Infill."); def->aliases = { "label_printed_objects" }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(1)); def = this->add("gcode_precision_xyz", coInt); def->label = L("xyz decimals"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Choose how many digits after the dot for xyz coordinates."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(3)); def = this->add("gcode_precision_e", coInt); def->label = L("Extruder decimals"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Choose how many digits after the dot for extruder moves."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(5)); def = this->add("gcode_substitutions", coStrings); def->label = L("G-code substitutions"); def->tooltip = L("Find / replace patterns in G-code lines and substitute them."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def = this->add("high_current_on_filament_swap", coBool); def->label = L("High extruder current on filament swap"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("It may be beneficial to increase the extruder motor current during the filament exchange" " sequence to allow for rapid ramming feed rates and to overcome resistance when loading" " a filament with an ugly shaped tip."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(0)); def = this->add("infill_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Sparse"); def->full_label = L("Infill acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for Sparse infill." "\nCan be a % of the solid infill acceleration" "\nSet zero to use solid infill acceleration for infill."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "solid_infill_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("infill_every_layers", coInt); def->label = L("Combine infill every"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This feature allows you to combine infill and speed up your print by extruding thicker " "infill layers while preserving thin perimeters, thus accuracy."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->full_label = L("Combine infill every n layers"); def->min = 1; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); auto def_infill_anchor_min = def = this->add("infill_anchor", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Length of the infill anchor"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Connect an infill line to an internal perimeter with a short segment of an additional perimeter. " "If expressed as percentage (example: 15%) it is calculated over infill extrusion width. Slic3r tries to connect two close infill lines to a short perimeter segment. If no such perimeter segment " "shorter than infill_anchor_max is found, the infill line is connected to a perimeter segment at just one side " "and the length of the perimeter segment taken is limited to this parameter, but no longer than anchor_length_max. " "\nSet this parameter to zero to disable anchoring perimeters connected to a single infill line."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "infill_extrusion_width"; def->max_literal = { 1000, false }; def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::f_enum_open; def->enum_values.push_back("0"); def->enum_values.push_back("1"); def->enum_values.push_back("2"); def->enum_values.push_back("5"); def->enum_values.push_back("10"); def->enum_values.push_back("1000"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("0 (no open anchors)")); def->enum_labels.push_back("1 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back("2 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back("5 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back("10 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("1000 (unlimited)")); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(600, true)); def = this->add("infill_anchor_max", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Maximum length of the infill anchor"); def->category = def_infill_anchor_min->category; def->tooltip = L("Connect an infill line to an internal perimeter with a short segment of an additional perimeter. " "If expressed as percentage (example: 15%) it is calculated over infill extrusion width. Slic3r tries to connect two close infill lines to a short perimeter segment. If no such perimeter segment " "shorter than this parameter is found, the infill line is connected to a perimeter segment at just one side " "and the length of the perimeter segment taken is limited to infill_anchor, but no longer than this parameter. " "\nIf set to 0, the old algorithm for infill connection will be used, it should create the same result as with 1000 & 0."); def->sidetext = def_infill_anchor_min->sidetext; def->ratio_over = def_infill_anchor_min->ratio_over; def->gui_type = def_infill_anchor_min->gui_type; def->enum_values = def_infill_anchor_min->enum_values; def->max_literal = def_infill_anchor_min->max_literal; def->enum_labels.push_back(L("0 (Simple connect)")); def->enum_labels.push_back("1 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back("2 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back("5 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back("10 mm"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("1000 (unlimited)")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("infill_connection", coEnum); def->label = L("Connection of sparse infill lines"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Give to the infill algorithm if the infill needs to be connected, and on which perimeters" " Can be useful for art or with high infill/perimeter overlap." " The result may vary between infill types."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("connected"); def->enum_values.push_back("holes"); def->enum_values.push_back("outershell"); def->enum_values.push_back("notconnected"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to hole perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to outer perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Not connected")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(icConnected)); def = this->add("infill_connection_top", coEnum); def->label = L("Connection of top infill lines"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Give to the infill algorithm if the infill needs to be connected, and on which perimeters" " Can be useful for art or with high infill/perimeter overlap." " The result may vary between infill types."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("connected"); def->enum_values.push_back("holes"); def->enum_values.push_back("outershell"); def->enum_values.push_back("notconnected"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to hole perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to outer perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Not connected")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(icConnected)); def = this->add("infill_connection_bottom", coEnum); def->label = L("Connection of bottom infill lines"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Give to the infill algorithm if the infill needs to be connected, and on which perimeters" " Can be useful for art or with high infill/perimeter overlap." " The result may vary between infill types."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("connected"); def->enum_values.push_back("holes"); def->enum_values.push_back("outershell"); def->enum_values.push_back("notconnected"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to hole perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to outer perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Not connected")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(icConnected)); def = this->add("infill_connection_solid", coEnum); def->label = L("Connection of solid infill lines"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Give to the infill algorithm if the infill needs to be connected, and on which perimeters" " Can be useful for art or with high infill/perimeter overlap." " The result may vary between infill types."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("connected"); def->enum_values.push_back("holes"); def->enum_values.push_back("outershell"); def->enum_values.push_back("notconnected"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to hole perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Connected to outer perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Not connected")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(icConnected)); def = this->add("infill_dense", coBool); def->label = L("Dense infill layer"); def->full_label = L("Dense infill layer"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Enables the creation of a support layer under the first solid layer. This allows you to use a lower infill ratio without compromising the top quality." " The dense infill is laid out with a 50% infill density."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("infill_dense_algo", coEnum); def->label = L("Algorithm"); def->full_label = L("Dense infill algorithm"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Choose the way the dense layer is laid out." " The automatic option lets it try to draw the smallest surface with only strait lines inside the sparse infill." " The Anchored option just slightly enlarges (by 'Default infill margin') the surfaces that need a better support."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("automatic"); def->enum_values.push_back("autonotfull"); def->enum_values.push_back("autosmall"); def->enum_values.push_back("autoenlarged"); def->enum_values.push_back("enlarged"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Automatic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Automatic, unless full")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Automatic, only for small areas")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Automatic, or anchored if too big")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Anchored")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(dfaAutoOrEnlarged)); def = this->add("infill_extruder", coInt); def->label = L("Infill extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use when printing infill."); def->min = 1; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def = this->add("infill_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Infill"); def->full_label = L("Infill width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for infill. " "If left as zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. " "You may want to use fatter extrudates to speed up the infill and make your parts stronger. " "If expressed as percentage (for example 110%) it will be computed over nozzle diameter." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("infill_extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Infill"); def->full_label = L("Infill spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Like First layer width but spacing is the distance between two lines (as they overlap a bit, it's not the same)." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true, false)); def = this->add("infill_first", coBool); def->label = L("Infill before perimeters"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This option will switch the print order of perimeters and infill, making the latter first."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("infill_only_where_needed", coBool); def->label = L("Only infill where needed"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This option will limit infill to the areas actually needed for supporting ceilings " "(it will act as internal support material). If enabled, this slows down the G-code generation " "due to the multiple checks involved."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("infill_overlap", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Infill/perimeters encroachment"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This setting applies an additional overlap between infill and perimeters for better bonding. " "Theoretically this shouldn't be needed, but backlash might cause gaps. If expressed " "as percentage (example: 15%) it is calculated over perimeter extrusion width." "\nDon't put a value higher than 50% (of the perimeter width), as it will fuse with it and follow the perimeter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 0.5, true }; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(25, true)); def = this->add("infill_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Sparse"); def->full_label = L("Sparse infill speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing the internal fill." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Solid Infill speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "solid_infill_speed"; def->aliases = { "print_feed_rate", "infill_feed_rate" }; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(300, true)); def = this->add("inherits", coString); def->label = L("Inherits profile"); def->tooltip = L("Name of the profile, from which this profile inherits."); def->full_width = true; def->height = 5; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; // The following value is to be stored into the project file (AMF, 3MF, Config ...) // and it contains a sum of "inherits" values over the print and filament profiles. def = this->add("inherits_cummulative", coStrings); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("interface_shells", coBool); def->label = L("Interface shells"); def->tooltip = L("Force the generation of solid shells between adjacent materials/volumes. " "Useful for multi-extruder prints with translucent materials or manual soluble " "support material."); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("mmu_segmented_region_max_width", coFloat); def->label = L("Maximum width of a segmented region"); def->tooltip = L("Maximum width of a segmented region. Zero disables this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm (zero to disable)"); def->min = 0; def->category = OptionCategory::mmsetup; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.f)); def = this->add("ironing", coBool); def->label = L("Enable ironing"); def->tooltip = L("Enable ironing of the top layers with the hot print head for smooth surface"); def->category = OptionCategory::ironing; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("ironing_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Ironing"); def->full_label = L("Ironing acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for ironing. " "\nCan be a % of the top solid infill acceleration" "\nSet zero to use top solid infill acceleration for ironing."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "top_solid_infill_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("ironing_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Ironing angle"); def->category = OptionCategory::ironing; def->tooltip = L("Ironing angle. if negative, it will use the fill angle."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = -1; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(-1)); def = this->add("ironing_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Ironing Type"); def->category = OptionCategory::ironing; def->tooltip = L("Ironing Type"); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("top"); def->enum_values.push_back("topmost"); def->enum_values.push_back("solid"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("All top surfaces")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Topmost surface only")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("All solid surfaces")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(IroningType::TopSurfaces)); def = this->add("ironing_flowrate", coPercent); def->label = L("Flow rate"); def->category = OptionCategory::ironing; def->tooltip = L("Percent of a flow rate relative to object's normal layer height." " It's the percentage of the layer that will be over-extruded on top to do the ironing."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->ratio_over = "layer_height"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(15)); def = this->add("ironing_spacing", coFloat); def->label = L("Spacing between ironing lines"); def->category = OptionCategory::ironing; def->tooltip = L("Distance between ironing lines"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.1)); def = this->add("ironing_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Ironing"); def->full_label = L("Ironing speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::ironing; def->tooltip = L("Ironing speed. Used for the ironing pass of the ironing infill pattern, and the post-process infill." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Top Solid Infill speed." "\nIroning extrusions are ignored from the automatic volumetric speed computation."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->ratio_over = "top_solid_infill_speed"; def->min = 0.1; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("layer_gcode", coString); def->label = L("After layer change G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This custom code is inserted at every layer change, right after the Z move " "and before the extruder moves to the first layer point. Note that you can use " "placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well as {layer_num} and {layer_z}."); def->cli = "after-layer-gcode|layer-gcode"; def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 5; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("feature_gcode", coString); def->label = L("After layer change G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This custom code is inserted at every extrusion type change." "Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well as {last_extrusion_role}, {extrusion_role}, {layer_num} and {layer_z}." " The 'extrusion_role' strings can take these string values:" " { Perimeter, ExternalPerimeter, OverhangPerimeter, InternalInfill, SolidInfill, TopSolidInfill, BridgeInfill, GapFill, Skirt, SupportMaterial, SupportMaterialInterface, WipeTower, Mixed }." " Mixed is only used when the role of the extrusion is not unique, not exactly inside another category or not known."); def->cli = "feature-gcode"; def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 5; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("exact_last_layer_height", coBool); def->label = L("Exact last layer height"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("This setting controls the height of last object layers to put the last layer at the exact highest height possible. Experimental."); def->mode = comHidden; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("remaining_times", coBool); def->label = L("Supports remaining times"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("Emit something at 1 minute intervals into the G-code to let the firmware show accurate remaining time."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("remaining_times_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Method"); def->full_label = L("Supports remaining times method"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("M73: Emit M73 P{percent printed} R{remaining time in minutes} at 1 minute" " intervals into the G-code to let the firmware show accurate remaining time." " As of now only the Prusa i3 MK3 firmware recognizes M73." " Also the i3 MK3 firmware supports M73 Qxx Sxx for the silent mode." "\nM117: Send a command to display a message to the printer, this is 'Time Left .h..m..s'." ); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("m117"); def->enum_values.push_back("m73"); def->enum_values.push_back("m73m117"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("M117")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("M73")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("M73 & M117")); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(RemainingTimeType::rtM73)); def = this->add("silent_mode", coBool); def->label = L("Supports stealth mode"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("The firmware supports stealth mode"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("fan_speedup_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Fan startup delay"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("Move the fan start in the past by at least this delay (in seconds, you can use decimals)." " It assumes infinite acceleration for this time estimation, and will only take into account G1 and G0 moves." "\nIt won't move fan comands from custom gcodes (they act as a sort of 'barrier')." "\nIt won't move fan comands into the start gcode if the 'only custom start gcode' is activated." "\nUse 0 to deactivate."); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("fan_speedup_overhangs", coBool); def->label = L("Allow fan delay on overhangs"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("Will only take into account the delay for the cooling of overhangs."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("fan_kickstart", coFloat); def->label = L("Fan KickStart time"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("Add a M106 S255 (max speed for fan) for this amount of seconds before going down to the desired speed to kick-start the cooling fan." "\nThis value is used for a 0->100% speedup, it will go down if the delta is lower." "\nSet to 0 to deactivate."); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("lift_min", coFloat); def->label = L("Min height for travel"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("When an extruder travels to an object (from the start position or from an object to another), the nozzle height is guaranteed to be at least at this value." "\nIt's made to ensure the nozzle won't hit clips or things you have on your bed. But be careful to not put a clip in the 'convex shape' of an object." "\nSet to 0 to disable."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("machine_limits_usage", coEnum); def->label = L("How to apply limits"); def->full_label = L("Purpose of Machine Limits"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = L("How to apply the Machine Limits." "\n* In every case, they will be used as safeguards: Even if you use a print profile that sets an acceleration of 5000," " if in your machine limits the acceleration is 4000, the outputted gcode will use the 4000 limit." "\n* You can also use it as a safeguard and to have a better printing time estimate." "\n* You can also use it as a safeguard, to have a better printing time estimate and emit the limits at the begining of the gcode file, with M201 M202 M203 M204 and M205 commands." " If you want only to write a sub-set, choose the 'for time estimate' option and write your own gcodes in the custom gcode section."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("emit_to_gcode"); def->enum_values.push_back("time_estimate_only"); def->enum_values.push_back("limits"); def->enum_values.push_back("ignore"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Also emit limits to G-code")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Use also for time estimate")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Use only as safeguards")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Disable")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(MachineLimitsUsage::TimeEstimateOnly)); { struct AxisDefault { std::string name; std::vector max_feedrate; std::vector max_acceleration; std::vector max_jerk; }; std::vector axes { // name, max_feedrate, max_acceleration, max_jerk { "x", { 500., 200. }, { 9000., 1000. }, { 10. , 10. } }, { "y", { 500., 200. }, { 9000., 1000. }, { 10. , 10. } }, { "z", { 12., 12. }, { 500., 200. }, { 0.2, 0.4 } }, { "e", { 120., 120. }, { 10000., 5000. }, { 2.5, 2.5 } } }; for (const AxisDefault &axis : axes) { std::string axis_upper = boost::to_upper_copy(axis.name); // Add the machine feedrate limits for XYZE axes. (M203) def = this->add("machine_max_feedrate_" + axis.name, coFloats); def->full_label = (boost::format("Maximum feedrate %1%") % axis_upper).str(); (void)L("Maximum feedrate X"); (void)L("Maximum feedrate Y"); (void)L("Maximum feedrate Z"); (void)L("Maximum feedrate E"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = (boost::format("Maximum feedrate of the %1% axis") % axis_upper).str(); (void)L("Maximum feedrate of the X axis"); (void)L("Maximum feedrate of the Y axis"); (void)L("Maximum feedrate of the Z axis"); (void)L("Maximum feedrate of the E axis"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats(axis.max_feedrate)); // Add the machine acceleration limits for XYZE axes (M201) def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_" + axis.name, coFloats); def->full_label = (boost::format("Maximum acceleration %1%") % axis_upper).str(); (void)L("Maximum acceleration X"); (void)L("Maximum acceleration Y"); (void)L("Maximum acceleration Z"); (void)L("Maximum acceleration E"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = (boost::format("Maximum acceleration of the %1% axis") % axis_upper).str(); (void)L("Maximum acceleration of the X axis"); (void)L("Maximum acceleration of the Y axis"); (void)L("Maximum acceleration of the Z axis"); (void)L("Maximum acceleration of the E axis"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats(axis.max_acceleration)); // Add the machine jerk limits for XYZE axes (M205) def = this->add("machine_max_jerk_" + axis.name, coFloats); def->full_label = (boost::format("Maximum jerk %1%") % axis_upper).str(); (void)L("Maximum jerk X"); (void)L("Maximum jerk Y"); (void)L("Maximum jerk Z"); (void)L("Maximum jerk E"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = (boost::format("Maximum jerk of the %1% axis") % axis_upper).str(); (void)L("Maximum jerk of the X axis"); (void)L("Maximum jerk of the Y axis"); (void)L("Maximum jerk of the Z axis"); (void)L("Maximum jerk of the E axis"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats(axis.max_jerk)); } } // M205 S... [mm/sec] def = this->add("machine_min_extruding_rate", coFloats); def->full_label = L("Minimum feedrate when extruding"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = L("Minimum feedrate when extruding (M205 S)"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0., 0. }); // M205 T... [mm/sec] def = this->add("machine_min_travel_rate", coFloats); def->full_label = L("Minimum travel feedrate"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = L("Minimum travel feedrate (M205 T)"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0., 0. }); // M204 P... [mm/sec^2] def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_extruding", coFloats); def->full_label = L("Maximum acceleration when extruding"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = L("Maximum acceleration when extruding (M204 P)\n\n" "Marlin (legacy) firmware flavor will use this also " "as travel acceleration (M204 T)."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 1500., 1250. }); // M204 R... [mm/sec^2] def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_retracting", coFloats); def->full_label = L("Maximum acceleration when retracting"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = L("Maximum acceleration when retracting (M204 R)"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 1500., 1250. }); // M204 T... [mm/sec^2] def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_travel", coFloats); def->full_label = L("Maximum acceleration for travel moves"); def->category = OptionCategory::limits; def->tooltip = L("Maximum acceleration when travelling (M204 T)"); def->sidetext = L("mm/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 1500., 1250. }); def = this->add("max_gcode_per_second", coFloat); def->label = L("Maximum G1 per second"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("If your firmware stops while printing, it may have its gcode queue full." " Set this parameter to merge extrusions into bigger ones to reduce the number of gcode commands the printer has to process each second." "\nOn 8bit controlers, a value of 150 is typical." "\nNote that reducing your printing speed (at least for the external extrusions) will reduce the number of time this will triggger and so increase quality." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1500)); def = this->add("max_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("Max"); def->full_label = L("Max fan speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("This setting represents the maximum speed of your fan, used when the layer print time is Very short."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 100 }); def = this->add("max_layer_height", coFloatsOrPercents); def->label = L("Max"); def->full_label = L("Max layer height"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("This is the highest printable layer height for this extruder, used to cap " "the variable layer height and support layer height. Maximum recommended layer height " "is 75% of the extrusion width to achieve reasonable inter-layer adhesion. " "\nCan be a % of the nozzle diameter." "\nIf set to 0, layer height is limited to 75% of the nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 10, false }; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatsOrPercents{ FloatOrPercent{ 75, true} }); def = this->add("max_print_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Max print speed"); def->full_label = L("Max print speed for Autospeed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("When setting other speed settings to 0, Slic3r will autocalculate the optimal speed " "in order to keep constant extruder pressure. This experimental setting is used " "to set the highest print speed you want to allow." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 100%) over the machine Max Feedrate for X axis."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "machine_max_acceleration_x"; def->min = 1; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(80, false)); def = this->add("max_speed_reduction", coPercents); def->label = L("Max speed reduction"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This setting control by how much the speed can be reduced to increase the layer time." " It's a maximum reduction, so a lower value makes the minimum speed higher." " Set to 90% if you don't want the speed to go below 10% of the current speed." "\nSet zero to disable"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercents{ 90 }); def = this->add("max_volumetric_speed", coFloat); def->label = L("Volumetric speed"); def->full_label = L("Volumetric speed for Autospeed"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This setting allow you to set the desired flow rate for the autospeed algorithm. It tries to keep a constant feedrate for the entire object." "\nThe autospeed is only enable on speed field that have a value of 0. If a speed field is a % of a 0 field, then it will be a % of the value it should have got from the autospeed." "\nIf this field is set to 0, then there is no autospeed. If a speed value i still set to 0, it will get the max speed"); def->sidetext = L("mm³/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); #ifdef HAS_PRESSURE_EQUALIZER def = this->add("max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive", coFloat); def->label = L("Max volumetric slope positive"); def->tooltip = L("This experimental setting is used to limit the speed of change in extrusion rate. " "A value of 1.8 mm³/s² ensures, that a change from the extrusion rate " "of 1.8 mm³/s (0.45mm extrusion width, 0.2mm extrusion height, feedrate 20 mm/s) " "to 5.4 mm³/s (feedrate 60 mm/s) will take at least 2 seconds."); def->sidetext = L("mm³/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative", coFloat); def->label = L("Max volumetric slope negative"); def->tooltip = L("This experimental setting is used to limit the speed of change in extrusion rate. " "A value of 1.8 mm³/s² ensures, that a change from the extrusion rate " "of 1.8 mm³/s (0.45mm extrusion width, 0.2mm extrusion height, feedrate 20 mm/s) " "to 5.4 mm³/s (feedrate 60 mm/s) will take at least 2 seconds."); def->sidetext = L("mm³/s²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); #endif /* HAS_PRESSURE_EQUALIZER */ def = this->add("min_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("Default fan speed"); def->full_label = L("Default fan speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("This setting represents the base fan speed this filament needs, or at least the minimum PWM your fan needs to work."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts{ 35 }); def = this->add("fan_percentage", coBool); def->label = L("Fan PWM from 0-100"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("Set this if your printer uses control values from 0-100 instead of 0-255."); def->cli = "fan-percentage"; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("min_layer_height", coFloatsOrPercents); def->label = L("Min"); def->full_label = L("Min layer height"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This is the lowest printable layer height for this extruder and limits " "the resolution for variable layer height. Typical values are between 0.05 mm and 0.1 mm." "\nCan be a % of the nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 5, false }; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatsOrPercents{ FloatOrPercent{ 5, true} }); def = this->add("min_length", coFloat); def->label = L("Minimum extrusion length"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("[Deprecated] Prefer using max_gcode_per_second instead, as it's much better when you have very different speeds for features." "\nToo many too small commands may overload the firmware / connection. Put a higher value here if you see strange slowdown." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->precision = 8; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.035)); def = this->add("min_width_top_surface", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Minimum top width for infill"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("If a top surface has to be printed and it's partially covered by another layer, it won't be considered at a top layer where its width is below this value." " This can be useful to not let the 'one perimeter on top' trigger on surface that should be covered only by perimeters." " This value can be a mm or a % of the perimeter extrusion width."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 15, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true)); def = this->add("min_print_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Min print speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Slic3r will never scale the speed below this one."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 10. }); def = this->add("min_skirt_length", coFloat); def->label = L("Minimal filament extrusion length"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Generate no less than the number of skirt loops required to consume " "the specified amount of filament on the bottom layer. For multi-extruder machines, " "this minimum applies to each extruder."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("model_precision", coFloat); def->label = L("Model rounding precision"); def->full_label = L("Model rounding precision"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("This is the rounding error of the input object." " It's used to align points that should be in the same line." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->precision = 8; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0001)); def = this->add("notes", coString); def->label = L("Configuration notes"); def->category = OptionCategory::notes; def->tooltip = L("Here you can put your personal notes. This text will be added to the G-code " "header comments."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("nozzle_diameter", coFloats); def->label = L("Nozzle diameter"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This is the diameter of your extruder nozzle (for example: 0.5, 0.35 etc.)"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0.4 }); def = this->add("host_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Host Type"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to a printer host. This field must contain " "the kind of the host."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("prusalink"); def->enum_values.push_back("octoprint"); def->enum_values.push_back("duet"); def->enum_values.push_back("flashair"); def->enum_values.push_back("astrobox"); def->enum_values.push_back("repetier"); def->enum_values.push_back("klipper"); def->enum_values.push_back("mpmdv2"); def->enum_values.push_back("mks"); def->enum_labels.push_back("PrusaLink"); def->enum_labels.push_back("OctoPrint"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Duet"); def->enum_labels.push_back("FlashAir"); def->enum_labels.push_back("AstroBox"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Repetier"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Klipper"); def->enum_labels.push_back("MPMDv2"); def->enum_labels.push_back("MKS"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(htOctoPrint)); def = this->add("print_custom_variables", coString); def->label = L("Custom variables"); def->full_label = L("Custom Print variables"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("You can add data accessible to custom-gcode macros." "\nEach line can define one variable." "\nThe format is 'variable_name=value'. the variable name should only have [a-zA-Z0-9] characters or '_'." "\nA value that can be parsed as a int or float will be avaible as a numeric value." "\nA value that is enclosed by double-quotes will be available as a string (without the quotes)" "\nA value that only takes values as 'true' or 'false' will be a boolean)" "\nEvery other value will be parsed as a string as-is." "\nAdvice: before using a variable, it's safer to use the function 'default_XXX(variable_name, default_value)'" " (enclosed in bracket as it's a script) in case it's not set. You can replace XXX by 'int' 'bool' 'double' 'string'."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString{ "" }); def = this->add("only_one_perimeter_first_layer", coBool); def->label = L("Only one perimeter on First layer"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Use only one perimeter on first layer, to give more space to the top infill pattern."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("only_one_perimeter_top", coBool); def->label = L("Only one perimeter on Top surfaces"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Use only one perimeter on flat top surface, to give more space to the top infill pattern."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("only_one_perimeter_top_other_algo", coBool); def->label = L("Only one peri - other algo"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("If you have some problem with the 'Only one perimeter on Top surfaces' option, you can try to activate this on the problematic layer."); def->mode = comHidden; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters", coBool); def->label = L("Only retract when crossing perimeters"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Disables retraction when the travel path does not exceed the upper layer's perimeters " "(and thus any ooze will probably be invisible)."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("ooze_prevention", coBool); def->label = L("Enable"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This option will drop the temperature of the inactive extruders to prevent oozing. " "It will enable a tall skirt automatically and move extruders outside such " "skirt when changing temperatures."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("output_filename_format", coString); def->label = L("Output filename format"); def->category = OptionCategory::output; def->tooltip = L("You can use all configuration options as variables inside this template. " "For example: {layer_height}, {fill_density} etc. You can also use {timestamp}, " "{year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second}, {version}, {input_filename}, " "{input_filename_base}."); def->full_width = true; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("{input_filename_base}.gcode")); def = this->add("overhangs_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Overhangs"); def->full_label = L("Overhang acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for overhangs." "\nCan be a % of the bridge acceleration" "\nSet zero to to use bridge acceleration for overhangs."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "bridge_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("overhangs_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Overhangs"); def->full_label = L("Overhangs speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing overhangs." "\nCan be a % of the bridge speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->ratio_over = "bridge_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true)); def = this->add("overhangs_width_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("'As bridge' speed threshold"); def->full_label = L("Overhang bridge speed threshold"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Minimum unsupported width for an extrusion to apply the bridge fan & overhang speed to this overhang." " Can be in mm or in a % of the nozzle diameter." " Set to 0 to deactivate overhangs."); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(55,true)); def = this->add("overhangs_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("'As bridge' flow threshold"); def->full_label = L("Overhang bridge flow threshold"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Minimum unsupported width for an extrusion to apply the bridge flow to this overhang." " Can be in mm or in a % of the nozzle diameter." " Set to 0 to deactivate bridge flow for overhangs."); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(75, true)); def = this->add("overhangs_reverse", coBool); def->label = L("Reverse on odd"); def->full_label = L("Overhang reversal"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Extrude perimeters that have a part over an overhang in the reverse direction on odd layers. This alternating pattern can drastically improve steep overhang." "\n!! this is a very slow algorithm (it uses the same results as extra_perimeters_overhangs) !!"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("overhangs_reverse_threshold", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Reverse threshold"); def->full_label = L("Overhang reversal threshold"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Number of mm the overhang need to be for the reversal to be considered useful. Can be a % of the perimeter width."); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 20, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(250, true)); def = this->add("no_perimeter_unsupported_algo", coEnum); def->label = L("No perimeters on bridge areas"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Experimental option to remove perimeters where there is nothing under them and where a bridged infill should be better. " "\n * Remove perimeters: remove the unsupported perimeters, leave the bridge area as-is." "\n * Keep only bridges: remove the perimeters in the bridge areas, keep only bridges that end in solid area." "\n * Keep bridges and overhangs: remove the unsupported perimeters, keep only bridges that end in solid area, fill the rest with overhang perimeters+bridges." "\n * Fill the voids with bridges: remove the unsupported perimeters, draw bridges over the whole hole.*" " !! this one can escalate to problems with overhangs shaped like /\\, so you should use it only on one layer at a time via the height-range modifier!" "\n!!Computationally intensive!!. "); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("none"); def->enum_values.push_back("noperi"); def->enum_values.push_back("bridges"); def->enum_values.push_back("bridgesoverhangs"); def->enum_values.push_back("filled"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Disabled")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Remove perimeters")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Keep only bridges")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Keep bridges and overhangs")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Fill the voids with bridges")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(npuaNone)); def = this->add("parking_pos_retraction", coFloat); def->label = L("Filament parking position"); def->tooltip = L("Distance of the extruder tip from the position where the filament is parked " "when unloaded. This should match the value in printer firmware. "); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(92.f)); def = this->add("extra_loading_move", coFloat); def->label = L("Extra loading distance"); def->tooltip = L("When set to zero, the distance the filament is moved from parking position during load " "is exactly the same as it was moved back during unload. When positive, it is loaded further, " " if negative, the loading move is shorter than unloading. "); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(-2.f)); def = this->add("perimeter_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Internal"); def->full_label = L("Internal Perimeter acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for internal perimeters. " "\nCan be a % of the default acceleration" "\nSet zero to use default acceleration for internal perimeters."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("perimeter_bonding", coPercent); def->label = L("Better bonding"); def->full_label = L("Perimeter bonding"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("This setting may slightly degrade the quality of your external perimeter, in exchange for a better bonding between perimeters." "Use it if you have great difficulties with perimeter bonding, for example with high temperature filaments." "\nThis percentage is the % of overlap between perimeters, a bit like perimeter_overlap and external_perimeter_overlap, but in reverse." " You have to set perimeter_overlap and external_perimeter_overlap to 100%, or this setting has no effect." " 0: no effect, 50%: half of the nozzle will be over an already extruded perimeter while extruding a new one" ", unless it's an external one)." "\nIt's very experimental, please report about the usefulness. It may be removed if there is no use for it."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 50; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(0)); def = this->add("perimeter_extruder", coInt); def->label = L("Perimeter extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use when printing perimeters and brim. First extruder is 1."); def->aliases = { "perimeters_extruder" }; def->min = 1; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def = this->add("perimeter_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Perimeters"); def->full_label = L("Perimeter width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for perimeters. " "You may want to use thinner extrudates to get more accurate surfaces. " "If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. " "If expressed as percentage (for example 105%) it will be computed over nozzle diameter." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->aliases = { "perimeters_extrusion_width" }; def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("perimeter_extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Perimeters"); def->full_label = L("Perimeter spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Like Perimeter width but spacing is the distance between two perimeter lines (as they overlap a bit, it's not the same)." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using the perimeter 'Overlap' percentages and default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->aliases = { "perimeters_extrusion_width" }; def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true, false)); def = this->add("perimeter_loop", coBool); def->label = L("Perimeters loop"); def->full_label = L("Perimeters loop"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Join the perimeters to create only one continuous extrusion without any z-hop." " Long inside travel (from external to holes) are not extruded to give some space to the infill."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("perimeter_loop_seam", coEnum); def->label = L("Seam position"); def->full_label = L("Perimeter loop seam"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Position of perimeters starting points."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("nearest"); def->enum_values.push_back("rear"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Nearest")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rear")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(spRear)); def = this->add("perimeter_overlap", coPercent); def->label = L("perimeter overlap"); def->full_label = L("Perimeter overlap"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to reduce the overlap between the perimeters, to reduce the impact of the perimeters' artifacts." " 100% means that no gap is left, and 0% means that perimeters are not touching each other anymore." "\nIt's very experimental, please report about the usefulness. It may be removed if there is no use for it."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("perimeter_round_corners", coBool); def->label = L("Round corners"); def->full_label = L("Round corners for perimeters"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Internal perimeters will go around sharp corners by turning around instead of making the same sharp corner." " This can help when there are visible holes in sharp corners on perimeters. It also help to print the letters on the benchy stern." "\nCan incur some more processing time, and corners are a bit less sharp."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("perimeter_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Internal"); def->full_label = L("Internal perimeters speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for perimeters (contours, aka vertical shells)." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Default speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->aliases = { "perimeter_feed_rate" }; def->ratio_over = "default_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(60, true)); def = this->add("perimeters", coInt); def->label = L("Perimeters"); def->full_label = L("Perimeters count"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("This option sets the number of perimeters to generate for each layer. " "Note that Slic3r may increase this number automatically when it detects " "sloping surfaces which benefit from a higher number of perimeters " "if the Extra Perimeters option is enabled."); def->sidetext = L("(minimum)."); def->aliases = { "perimeter_offsets" }; def->min = 0; def->max = 10000; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(3)); def = this->add("post_process", coStrings); def->label = L("Post-processing scripts"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("If you want to process the output G-code through custom scripts, " "just list their absolute paths here. Separate multiple scripts with a semicolon. " "Scripts will be passed the absolute path to the G-code file as the first argument, " "and they can access the Slic3r config settings by reading environment variables."); def->gui_flags = "serialized"; def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 6; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings()); def = this->add("printer_custom_variables", coString); def->label = L("Custom variables"); def->full_label = L("Custom Printer variables"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("You can add data accessible to custom-gcode macros." "\nEach line can define one variable." "\nThe format is 'variable_name=value'. the variable name should only have [a-zA-Z0-9] characters or '_'." "\nA value that can be parsed as a int or float will be avaible as a numeric value." "\nA value that is enclosed by double-quotes will be available as a string (without the quotes)" "\nA value that only takes values as 'true' or 'false' will be a boolean)" "\nEvery other value will be parsed as a string as-is." "\nAdvice: before using a variable, it's safer to use the function 'default_XXX(variable_name, default_value)'" " (enclosed in bracket as it's a script) in case it's not set. You can replace XXX by 'int' 'bool' 'double' 'string'."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString{ "" }); def = this->add("printer_model", coString); def->label = L("Printer type"); def->tooltip = L("Type of the printer."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("printer_notes", coString); def->label = L("Printer notes"); def->category = OptionCategory::notes; def->tooltip = L("You can put your notes regarding the printer here."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("printer_vendor", coString); def->label = L("Printer vendor"); def->tooltip = L("Name of the printer vendor."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("printer_variant", coString); def->label = L("Printer variant"); def->tooltip = L("Name of the printer variant. For example, the printer variants may be differentiated by a nozzle diameter."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("print_settings_id", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("printer_settings_id", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("physical_printer_settings_id", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("raft_contact_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Raft contact Z distance"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The vertical distance between object and raft. Ignored for soluble interface."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.1)); def = this->add("raft_expansion", coFloat); def->label = L("Raft expansion"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Expansion of the raft in XY plane for better stability."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.5)); def = this->add("raft_first_layer_density", coPercent); def->label = L("First layer density"); def->full_label = L("Raft first layer density"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Density of the first raft or support layer."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 10; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(90)); def = this->add("raft_first_layer_expansion", coFloat); def->label = L("First layer expansion"); def->full_label = L("Raft first layer expansion"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Expansion of the first raft or support layer to improve adhesion to print bed."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(3.)); def = this->add("raft_layers", coInt); def->label = L("Raft layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The object will be raised by this number of layers, and support material " "will be generated under it."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("resolution", coFloat); def->label = L("Slice resolution"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Minimum detail resolution, used to simplify the input file for speeding up " "the slicing job and reducing memory usage. High-resolution models often carry " "more details than printers can render. Set zero to disable any simplification " "and use full resolution from input. " "\nNote: Slic3r has an internal working resolution of 0.0001mm." "\nInfill & Thin areas are simplified up to 0.0125mm."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->precision = 8; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0125)); //TODO: remove from supersliser, as it's kind of like min_length, but with a better name and badly put into the print profile. def = this->add("gcode_resolution", coFloat); def->label = L("G-code resolution"); def->tooltip = L("Maximum deviation of exported G-code paths from their full resolution counterparts. " "Very high resolution G-code requires huge amount of RAM to slice and preview, " "also a 3D printer may stutter not being able to process a high resolution G-code in a timely manner. " "On the other hand, a low resolution G-code will produce a low poly effect and because " "the G-code reduction is performed at each layer independently, visible artifacts may be produced."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0)); def = this->add("resolution_internal", coFloat); def->label = L("Internal resolution"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Minimum detail resolution, used for internal structures (gapfill and some infill patterns)." "\nDon't put a too-small value (0.05mm is way too low for many printers), as it may create too many very small segments that may be difficult to display and print."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0.001; def->precision = 8; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.2)); def = this->add("retract_before_travel", coFloats); def->label = L("Minimum travel after retraction"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Retraction is not triggered when travel moves are shorter than this length."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->min = 0; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 2. }); def = this->add("retract_before_wipe", coPercents); def->label = L("Retract amount before wipe"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("With bowden extruders, it may be wise to do some amount of quick retract " "before doing the wipe movement."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercents { 0. }); def = this->add("retract_layer_change", coBools); def->label = L("Retract on layer change"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This flag enforces a retraction whenever a Z move is done (before it)."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools { false }); def = this->add("retract_length", coFloats); def->label = L("Length"); def->full_label = L("Retraction Length"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("When retraction is triggered, filament is pulled back by the specified amount " "(the length is measured on raw filament, before it enters the extruder)."); def->sidetext = L("mm (zero to disable)"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 2. }); def = this->add("print_retract_length", coFloat); def->label = L("Retraction length"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Override the retract_length setting from the printer config. Used for calibration. Set negative to disable"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat( -1.f)); def = this->add("retract_length_toolchange", coFloats); def->label = L("Length"); def->full_label = L("Retraction Length (Toolchange)"); def->tooltip = L("When retraction is triggered before changing tool, filament is pulled back " "by the specified amount (the length is measured on raw filament, before it enters " "the extruder)." "\nNote: This value will be unretracted when this extruder will load the next time."); def->sidetext = L("mm (zero to disable)"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->min = 0; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 10. }); def = this->add("retract_lift", coFloats); def->label = L("Lift Z"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("If you set this to a positive value, Z is quickly raised every time a retraction " "is triggered. When using multiple extruders, only the setting for the first extruder " "will be considered."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("retract_lift_above", coFloats); def->label = L("Above Z"); def->full_label = L("Only lift Z above"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("If you set this to a positive value, Z lift will only take place above the specified " "absolute Z. You can tune this setting for skipping lift on the first layers."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("retract_lift_below", coFloats); def->label = L("Below Z"); def->full_label = L("Only lift Z below"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("If you set this to a positive value, Z lift will only take place below " "the specified absolute Z. You can tune this setting for limiting lift " "to the first layers."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("retract_lift_first_layer", coBools); def->label = L("Enforce on first layer"); def->full_label = L("Enforce lift on first layer"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Select this option to enforce z-lift on the first layer." "\nUseful to still use the lift on the first layer even if the 'Only lift Z below' (retract_lift_above) is higher than 0."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools{ false }); def = this->add("retract_lift_top", coStrings); def->label = L("On surfaces"); def->full_label = L("Lift only on"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Select this option to not use/enforce the z-lift on a top surface."); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::f_enum_open; def->gui_flags = "show_value"; def->enum_values.push_back("All surfaces"); def->enum_values.push_back("Not on top"); def->enum_values.push_back("Only on top"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("All surfaces")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Not on top")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Only on top")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "All surfaces" }); def = this->add("retract_restart_extra", coFloats); def->label = L("Extra length on restart"); def->tooltip = L("When the retraction is compensated after the travel move, the extruder will push " "this additional amount of filament. This setting is rarely needed."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("retract_restart_extra_toolchange", coFloats); def->label = L("Extra length on restart"); def->full_label = L("Extrat length on toolchange restart"); def->tooltip = L("When the retraction is compensated after changing tool, the extruder will push " "this additional amount of filament" " (but not on the first extruder after start, as it should already be loaded)."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("retract_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Retraction Speed"); def->full_label = L("Retraction Speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The speed for retractions (this only applies to the extruder motor)."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->min = 0.001; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 40. }); def = this->add("deretract_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Deretraction Speed"); def->full_label = L("Deretraction Speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The speed for loading of a filament into extruder after retraction " "(this only applies to the extruder motor). If left as zero, the retraction speed is used."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. }); def = this->add("seam_position", coEnum); def->label = L("Seam position"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Position of perimeters' starting points." "\nCost-based option let you choose the angle and travel cost. A high angle cost will place the seam where it can be hidden by a corner" ", the travel cost place the seam near the last position (often at the end of the previous infill)."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("cost"); def->enum_values.push_back("random"); def->enum_values.push_back("aligned"); def->enum_values.push_back("rear"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Cost-based")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Random")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Aligned")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rear")); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(spCost)); def = this->add("seam_angle_cost", coPercent); def->label = L("Angle cost"); def->full_label = L("Seam angle cost"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Cost of placing the seam at a bad angle. The worst angle (max penalty) is when it's flat."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(80)); def = this->add("seam_travel_cost", coPercent); def->label = L("Travel cost"); def->full_label = L("Seam travel cost"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Cost of moving the extruder. The highest penalty is when the point is the furthest from the position of the extruder before extruding the external perimeter"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(20)); def = this->add("seam_gap", coFloatsOrPercents); def->label = L("Seam gap"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("To avoid visible seam, the extrusion can be stoppped a bit before the end of the loop." "\nCan be a mm or a % of the current extruder diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 5, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatsOrPercents{ FloatOrPercent{15,true} }); #if 0 def = this->add("seam_preferred_direction", coFloat); // def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::slider; def->label = L("Direction"); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->full_label = L("Preferred direction of the seam"); def->tooltip = L("Seam preferred direction"); def->min = 0; def->max = 360; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("seam_preferred_direction_jitter", coFloat); // def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::slider; def->label = L("Jitter"); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->full_label = L("Seam preferred direction jitter"); def->tooltip = L("Preferred direction of the seam - jitter"); def->min = 0; def->max = 360; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(30)); #endif def = this->add("skirt_brim", coInt); def->label = L("Brim"); def->full_label = L("Skirt brim"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Extra skirt lines on the first layer."); def->sidetext = L("lines"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("skirt_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Distance from object"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Distance between skirt and object(s) ; or from the brim if using draft shield or you set 'skirt_distance_from_brim'."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(6)); def = this->add("skirt_distance_from_brim", coBool); def->label = L("from brim"); def->full_label = L("Skirt distance from brim"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("The distance is computed from the brim and not from the objects"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("skirt_height", coInt); def->label = L("Skirt height"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Height of skirt expressed in layers. Set this to a tall value to use skirt " "as a shield against drafts."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def = this->add("skirt_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Skirt"); def->full_label = L("Skirt width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Horizontal width of the skirt that will be printed around each object." " If left as zero, first layer extrusion width will be used if set and the skirt is only 1 layer height" ", or perimeter extrusion width will be used (using the computed value if not set)."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(130, true)); def = this->add("skirts", coInt); def->label = L("Loops (minimum)"); def->full_label = L("Skirt Loops"); def->category = OptionCategory::skirtBrim; def->tooltip = L("Number of loops for the skirt. If the Minimum Extrusion Length option is set, " "the number of loops might be greater than the one configured here. Set zero " "to disable skirt completely."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def = this->add("slicing_mode", coEnum); def->label = L("Slicing Mode"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Use \"Even-odd\" for 3DLabPrint airplane models. Use \"Close holes\" to close all holes in the model."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("regular"); def->enum_values.push_back("even_odd"); def->enum_values.push_back("close_holes"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Regular")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Even-odd")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Close holes")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(SlicingMode::Regular)); def = this->add("slowdown_below_layer_time", coFloats); def->label = L("Slow down if layer print time is below"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("If layer print time is estimated below this number of seconds, print moves " "speed will be scaled down to extend duration to this value, if possible." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("approximate seconds"); def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 5 }); def = this->add("small_perimeter_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Speed"); def->full_label = L("Small perimeters speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This separate setting will affect the speed of perimeters having radius <= 6.5mm (usually holes)." "\nIf expressed as percentage (for example: 80%) it will be calculated on the Internal Perimeters speed setting above." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "perimeter_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("small_perimeter_min_length", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Min length"); def->full_label = L("Min small perimeters length"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This sets the threshold for small perimeter length. Every loop with a length lower than this will be printed at small perimeter speed" "\nCan be a mm value or a % of the nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 100, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(6, false)); def = this->add("small_perimeter_max_length", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Max length"); def->full_label = L("Max small perimeters length"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This sets the end of the threshold for small perimeter length." " Every perimeter loop lower than this will see their speed reduced a bit, from their normal speed at this length down to small perimeter speed." "\nCan be a mm or a % of the nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 500, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(20, false)); def = this->add("solid_infill_below_area", coFloat); def->label = L("Solid infill threshold area"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("Force solid infill for regions having a smaller area than the specified threshold."); def->sidetext = L("mm²"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(70)); def = this->add("solid_infill_overlap", coPercent); def->label = L("Solid fill overlap"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to reduce the overlap between the lines of the solid fill, to reduce the % filled if you see overextrusion signs on solid areas." " Note that you should be sure that your flow (filament extrusion multiplier) is well calibrated and your filament max overlap is set before thinking to modify this."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("solid_infill_extruder", coInt); def->label = L("Solid infill extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use when printing solid infill."); def->min = 1; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def = this->add("solid_infill_every_layers", coInt); def->label = L("Solid infill every"); def->category = OptionCategory::infill; def->tooltip = L("This feature allows you to force a solid layer every given number of layers. " "Zero to disable. You can set this to any value (for example 9999); " "Slic3r will automatically choose the maximum possible number of layers " "to combine according to nozzle diameter and layer height."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("solid_infill_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Solid infill"); def->full_label = L("Solid infill width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for infill for solid surfaces. " "If left as zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. " "If expressed as percentage (for example 110%) it will be computed over nozzle diameter." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("solid_infill_extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Solid spacing"); def->full_label = L("Solid infill spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Like Solid infill width but spacing is the distance between two lines (as they overlap a bit, it's not the same)." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true, false)); def = this->add("solid_infill_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Solid"); def->full_label = L("Solid infill speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing solid regions (top/bottom/internal horizontal shells). " "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Default speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_speed"; def->aliases = { "solid_infill_feed_rate" }; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(30, true)); #if 0 def = this->add("solid_layers", coInt); def->label = L("Solid layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Number of solid layers to generate on top and bottom surfaces."); def->shortcut.push_back("top_solid_layers"); def->shortcut.push_back("bottom_solid_layers"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def = this->add("solid_min_thickness", coFloat); def->label = L("Minimum thickness of a top / bottom shell"); def->tooltip = L("Minimum thickness of a top / bottom shell"); def->shortcut.push_back("top_solid_min_thickness"); def->shortcut.push_back("bottom_solid_min_thickness"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; #endif def = this->add("spiral_vase", coBool); def->label = L("Spiral vase"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("This feature will raise Z gradually while printing a single-walled object " "in order to remove any visible seam. This option requires a single perimeter, " "no infill, no top solid layers and no support material. You can still set " "any number of bottom solid layers as well as skirt/brim loops. " "It won't work when printing more than one single object."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("standby_temperature_delta", coInt); def->label = L("Temperature variation"); def->tooltip = L("Temperature difference to be applied when an extruder is not active. " "Enables a full-height \"sacrificial\" skirt on which the nozzles are periodically wiped."); def->sidetext = "∆°C"; def->min = -max_temp; def->max = max_temp; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(-5)); def = this->add("start_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Start G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This start procedure is inserted at the beginning, after bed has reached " "the target temperature and extruder has just started heating, but before extruder " "has finished heating. If Slic3r detects M104 or M190 in your custom codes, " "such commands will not be prepended automatically so you're free to customize " "the order of heating commands and other custom actions. Note that you can use " "placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put " "a \"M109 S{first_layer_temperature}\" command wherever you want." "\n placeholders: initial_extruder, total_layer_count, has_wipe_tower, has_single_extruder_multi_material_priming, total_toolchanges, bounding_box[minx,miny,maxx,maxy]"); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle\n")); def = this->add("start_gcode_manual", coBool); def->label = L("Only custom Start G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("Ensure that the slicer won't add heating, fan, extruder... commands before or just after your start-gcode." "If set to true, you have to write a good and complete start_gcode, as no checks are made anymore."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("start_filament_gcode", coStrings); def->label = L("Start G-code"); def->full_label = L("Filament start G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This start procedure is inserted at the beginning, after any printer start gcode (and " "after any toolchange to this filament in case of multi-material printers). " "This is used to override settings for a specific filament. If Slic3r detects " "M104, M109, M140 or M190 in your custom codes, such commands will " "not be prepended automatically so you're free to customize the order " "of heating commands and other custom actions. Note that you can use placeholder variables " "for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S{first_layer_temperature}\" command " "wherever you want. If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed " "in extruder order."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings { "; Filament gcode\n" }); def = this->add("color_change_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Color change G-code"); def->tooltip = L("This G-code will be used as a code for the color change"); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("M600")); def = this->add("pause_print_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Pause Print G-code"); def->tooltip = L("This G-code will be used as a code for the pause print"); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("M601")); def = this->add("template_custom_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Custom G-code"); def->tooltip = L("This G-code will be used as a custom code"); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("single_extruder_multi_material", coBool); def->label = L("Single Extruder Multi Material"); def->category = OptionCategory::mmsetup; def->tooltip = L("The printer multiplexes filaments into a single hot end."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("single_extruder_multi_material_priming", coBool); def->label = L("Prime all printing extruders"); def->category = OptionCategory::mmsetup; def->tooltip = L("If enabled, all printing extruders will be primed at the front edge of the print bed at the start of the print."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers", coBool); def->label = L("No sparse layers (EXPERIMENTAL)"); def->category = OptionCategory::mmsetup; def->tooltip = L("If enabled, the wipe tower will not be printed on layers with no toolchanges. " "On layers with a toolchange, extruder will travel downward to print the wipe tower. " "User is responsible for ensuring there is no collision with the print."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("solid_infill_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Solid "); def->full_label = L("Solid acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for solid infills. " "\nCan be a % of the default acceleration" "\nSet zero to use default acceleration for solid infills."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("solid_over_perimeters", coInt); def->label = L("No solid infill over"); def->full_label = L("No solid infill over perimeters"); def->sidetext = L("perimeters"); def->sidetext_width = 20; def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("In sloping areas, when you have a number of top / bottom solid layers and few perimeters, " " it may be necessary to put some solid infill above/below the perimeters to fulfill the top/bottom layers criteria." "\nBy setting this to something higher than 0, you can control this behaviour, which might be desirable if " "\nundesirable solid infill is being generated on slopes." "\nThe number set here indicates the number of layers between the inside of the part and the air" " at and beyond which solid infill should no longer be added above/below. If this setting is equal or higher than " " the top/bottom solid layer count, it won't do anything. If this setting is set to 1, it will evict " " all solid fill above/below perimeters. " "\nSet zero to disable." "\n!! ensure_vertical_shell_thickness needs to be activated so this algorithm can work !!."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(2)); def = this->add("support_material", coBool); def->label = L("Generate support material"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Enable support material generation."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("support_material_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default"); def->full_label = L("Support acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for support material. " "\nCan be a % of the default acceleration" "\nSet zero to use default acceleration for support material."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("support_material_auto", coBool); def->label = L("Auto generated supports"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("If checked, supports will be generated automatically based on the overhang threshold value."\ " If unchecked, supports will be generated inside the \"Support Enforcer\" volumes only."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("support_material_interface_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Interface"); def->full_label = L("Support interface acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for support material interfaces. " "\nCan be a % of the support material acceleration" "\nSet zero to use support acceleration for support material interfaces."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "support_material_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("support_material_xy_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("XY separation between an object and its support"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("XY separation between an object and its support. If expressed as percentage " "(for example 50%), it will be calculated over external perimeter width."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "external_perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 10, false}; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; // Default is half the external perimeter width. def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("support_material_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Pattern angle"); def->full_label = L("Support pattern angle"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Use this setting to rotate the support material pattern on the horizontal plane."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->max = 359; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("support_material_buildplate_only", coBool); def->label = L("Support on build plate only"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Only create support if it lies on a build plate. Don't create support on a print."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("support_material_contact_distance_type", coEnum); def->label = L("Type"); def->full_label = L("Support contact distance type"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("How to compute the vertical z-distance.\n" "From filament: it uses the nearest bit of the filament. When a bridge is extruded, it goes below the current plane.\n" "From plane: it uses the plane-z. Same as 'from filament' if no 'bridge' is extruded.\n" "None: No z-offset. Useful for Soluble supports.\n"); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("filament"); def->enum_values.push_back("plane"); def->enum_values.push_back("none"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("From filament")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("From plane")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("None (soluble)")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(zdFilament)); def = this->add("support_material_contact_distance", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Top"); def->full_label = L("Contact distance on top of supports"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The vertical distance between support material interface and the object" "(when the object is printed on top of the support). " "Setting this to 0 will also prevent Slic3r from using bridge flow and speed " "for the first object layer. Can be a % of the nozzle diameter."); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 20, true }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->aliases = { "support_material_contact_distance_top" }; // Sli3r, PS def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0.2, false)); def = this->add("support_material_bottom_contact_distance", coFloatOrPercent); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::f_enum_open; def->label = L("Bottom"); def->full_label = L("Contact distance under the bottom of supports"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The vertical distance between object and support material interface" "(when the support is printed on top of the object). Can be a % of the nozzle diameter." "\nIf set to zero, support_material_contact_distance will be used for both top and bottom contact Z distances."); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->enum_values.push_back("0"); def->enum_values.push_back("0.1"); def->enum_values.push_back("0.2"); def->enum_values.push_back("50%"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Same as top")); def->enum_labels.push_back("0.1"); def->enum_labels.push_back("0.2"); def->enum_labels.push_back("50%"); def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 20, true }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->aliases = { "support_material_contact_distance_bottom" }; //since PS 2.4 def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0.2,false)); def = this->add("support_material_enforce_layers", coInt); def->label = L("Enforce support for the first"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Generate support material for the specified number of layers counting from bottom, " "regardless of whether normal support material is enabled or not and regardless " "of any angle threshold. This is useful for getting more adhesion of objects " "having a very thin or poor footprint on the build plate."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->full_label = L("Enforce support for the first n layers"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("support_material_extruder", coInt); def->label = L("Support material extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use when printing support material " "(1+, 0 to use the current extruder to minimize tool changes)."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("support_material_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Support material"); def->full_label = L("Support material width"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for support material. " "If left as zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise nozzle diameter will be used. " "If expressed as percentage (for example 110%) it will be computed over nozzle diameter."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false)); def = this->add("support_material_interface_contact_loops", coBool); def->label = L("Interface loops"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Cover the top contact layer of the supports with loops. Disabled by default."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("support_material_interface_extruder", coInt); def->label = L("Support material/raft interface extruder"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("The extruder to use when printing support material interface " "(1+, 0 to use the current extruder to minimize tool changes). This affects raft too."); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); auto support_material_interface_layers = def = this->add("support_material_interface_layers", coInt); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::i_enum_open; def->label = L("Top interface layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Number of interface layers to insert between the object(s) and support material."); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->min = 0; def->enum_values.push_back("0"); def->enum_values.push_back("1"); def->enum_values.push_back("2"); def->enum_values.push_back("3"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("0 (off)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("1 (light)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("2 (default)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("3 (heavy)")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(3)); def = this->add("support_material_bottom_interface_layers", coInt); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::i_enum_open; def->label = L("Bottom interface layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Number of interface layers to insert between the object(s) and support material. " "Set to -1 to use support_material_interface_layers"); def->sidetext = L("layers"); def->min = -1; def->enum_values.push_back("-1"); append(def->enum_values, support_material_interface_layers->enum_values); //TRN To be shown in Print Settings "Bottom interface layers". Have to be as short as possible def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Same as top")); append(def->enum_labels, support_material_interface_layers->enum_labels); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(-1)); def = this->add("support_material_closing_radius", coFloat); def->label = L("Closing radius"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("For snug supports, the support regions will be merged using morphological closing operation." " Gaps smaller than the closing radius will be filled in."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(2)); def = this->add("support_material_interface_spacing", coFloat); def->label = L("Interface pattern spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Spacing between interface lines. Set zero to get a solid interface."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("support_material_interface_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Interface"); def->full_label = L("Support interface speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing support material interface layers." "\nIf expressed as percentage (for example 50%) it will be calculated over support material speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "support_material_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("support_material_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Pattern"); def->full_label = L("Support pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Pattern used to generate support material."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear-grid"); def->enum_values.push_back("honeycomb"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear grid")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Honeycomb")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(smpRectilinear)); def = this->add("support_material_interface_pattern", coEnum); def->label = L("Pattern"); def->full_label = L("Support interface pattern"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Pattern for interface layers." "\nNote that 'Hilbert', 'Ironing' and '(filled)' patterns are meant to be used with soluble supports and 100% fill interface layer."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("auto"); def->enum_values.push_back("rectilinear"); def->enum_values.push_back("monotonic"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("sawtooth"); def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentricgapfill"); def->enum_values.push_back("smooth"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Default")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Rectilinear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Monotonic")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Sawtooth")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Hilbert Curve")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Concentric (filled)")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Ironing")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ipRectilinear)); def = this->add("support_material_spacing", coFloat); def->label = L("Pattern spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Spacing between support material lines."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(2.5)); def = this->add("support_material_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Default"); def->full_label = L("Support speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing support material." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Default speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(60, true)); def = this->add("support_material_style", coEnum); def->label = L("Style"); def->full_label = L("Support tower style"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Style and shape of the support towers. Projecting the supports into a regular grid " "will create more stable supports, while snug support towers will save material and reduce " "object scarring."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("grid"); def->enum_values.push_back("snug"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Grid")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Snug")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(smsGrid)); def = this->add("support_material_synchronize_layers", coBool); def->label = L("Synchronize with object layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Synchronize support layers with the object print layers. This is useful " "with multi-material printers, where the extruder switch is expensive."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("support_material_threshold", coInt); def->label = L("Overhang threshold"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Support material will not be generated for overhangs whose slope angle " "(90° = vertical) is above the given threshold. In other words, this value " "represent the most horizontal slope (measured from the horizontal plane) " "that you can print without support material. Set zero for automatic detection " "(recommended)."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->max = 90; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("support_material_with_sheath", coBool); def->label = L("With sheath around the support"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Add a sheath (a single perimeter line) around the base support. This makes " "the support more reliable, but also more difficult to remove."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("temperature", coInts); def->label = L("Other layers"); def->full_label = L("Temperature"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Extruder nozzle temperature for layers after the first one. Set zero to disable " "temperature control commands in the output G-code."); def->sidetext = L("°C"); def->full_label = L("Nozzle temperature"); def->min = 0; def->max = max_temp; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts { 200 }); def = this->add("print_temperature", coInt); def->label = L("Temperature"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Override the temperature of the extruder. Avoid making too many changes, it won't stop for cooling/heating. 0 to disable. May only work on Height range modifiers."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(0)); def = this->add("print_retract_lift", coFloat); def->label = L("Z-lift override"); def->category = OptionCategory::filament; def->tooltip = L("Set the new lift-z value for this override. 0 will disable the z-lift. -& to disable. May only work on Height range modifiers."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(-1)); def = this->add("thin_perimeters", coPercent); def->label = L("Overlapping external perimeter"); def->full_label = L("Overlapping external perimeter"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Allow outermost perimeter to overlap itself to avoid the use of thin walls. Note that flow isn't adjusted and so this will result in over-extruding and undefined behavior." "\n100% means that perimeters can overlap completly on top of each other." "\n0% will deactivate this setting"); def->sidetext = "%"; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(80)); def = this->add("thin_perimeters_all", coPercent); def->label = L("Overlapping all perimeters"); def->full_label = L("Overlapping all perimeters"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Allow all perimeters to overlap, instead of just external ones." "\n100% means that perimeters can overlap completly on top of each other." "\n0% will deactivate this setting"); def->sidetext = "%"; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(20)); def = this->add("thin_walls", coBool); def->label = L("Thin walls"); def->full_label = L("Thin walls"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Detect single-width walls (parts where two extrusions don't fit and we need " "to collapse them into a single trace). If unchecked, Slic3r may try to fit perimeters " "where it's not possible, creating some overlap leading to over-extrusion."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("thin_walls_min_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Min width"); def->full_label = L("Thin walls min width"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Minimum width for the extrusion to be extruded (widths lower than the nozzle diameter will be over-extruded at the nozzle diameter)." " If expressed as percentage (for example 110%) it will be computed over nozzle diameter." " The default behavior of PrusaSlicer is with a 33% value. Put 100% to avoid any sort of over-extrusion."); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 20, true }; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(33, true)); def = this->add("thin_walls_overlap", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Overlap"); def->full_label = L("Thin wall overlap"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Overlap between the thin wall and the perimeters. Can be a % of the external perimeter width (default 50%)"); def->ratio_over = "external_perimeter_extrusion_width"; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("thin_walls_merge", coBool); def->label = L("Merging with perimeters"); def->full_label = L("Thin wall merge"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Allow the external perimeter to merge the thin walls in the path." " You can deactivate this if you are using thin walls as a custom support, to reduce adhesion a little."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("thin_walls_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Thin Walls"); def->full_label = L("Thin walls acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for thin walls. " "\nCan be a % of the external perimeter acceleration" "\nSet zero to use external perimeter acceleration for thin walls."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "external_perimeter_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("thin_walls_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Thin walls"); def->full_label = L("Thin walls speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for thin walls (external extrusions that are alone because the obect is too thin at these places)." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the External Perimeter speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "external_perimeter_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true)); def = this->add("threads", coInt); def->label = L("Threads"); def->tooltip = L("Threads are used to parallelize long-running tasks. Optimal threads number " "is slightly above the number of available cores/processors."); def->readonly = true; def->min = 1; { int threads = (unsigned int)boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(threads > 0 ? threads : 2)); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; } def = this->add("time_cost", coFloat); def->label = L("Time cost"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to set how much an hour of printing time is costing you in printer maintenance, loan, human albor, etc."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->sidetext = L("$ per hour"); def->min = 0; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("time_estimation_compensation", coPercent); def->label = L("Time estimation compensation"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to modify the time estimation by a % amount. As Slic3r only uses the Marlin algorithm, it's not precise enough if another firmware is used."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(100)); def = this->add("time_start_gcode", coFloat); def->label = L("Time for start custom gcode"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to modify the time estimation by a flat amount to compensate for start script, the homing routine, and other things."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(20)); def = this->add("time_toolchange", coFloat); def->label = L("Time for toolchange"); def->category = OptionCategory::firmware; def->tooltip = L("This setting allows you to modify the time estimation by a flat amount for each toolchange."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(30)); def = this->add("toolchange_gcode", coString); def->label = L("Tool change G-code"); def->category = OptionCategory::customgcode; def->tooltip = L("This custom code is inserted at every extruder change. If you don't leave this empty, you are " "expected to take care of the toolchange yourself - Slic3r will not output any other G-code to " "change the filament. You can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well as {toolchange_z}, {layer_z}, {layer_num}, {max_layer_z}, {previous_extruder} " "and {next_extruder}, so e.g. the standard toolchange command can be scripted as T{next_extruder}." "!! Warning !!: if any character is written here, Slic3r won't output any toochange command by itself."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 5; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("tool_name", coStrings); def->label = L("Tool name"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Only used for Klipper, where you can name the extruder. If not set, will be 'extruderX' with 'X' replaced by the extruder number."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings("")); def = this->add("top_fan_speed", coInts); def->label = L("Top fan speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::cooling; def->tooltip = L("This fan speed is enforced during all top fills." "\nSet to 1 to disable the fan." "\nSet to -1 to disable this override." "\nCan only be overriden by disable_fan_first_layers."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = -1; def->max = 100; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInts{ -1 }); def = this->add("top_infill_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Top solid infill"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for infill for top surfaces. " "You may want to use thinner extrudates to fill all narrow regions and get a smoother finish. " "If left as zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise nozzle diameter will be used. " "If expressed as percentage (for example 110%) it will be computed over nozzle diameter." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(105, true, false)); def = this->add("top_infill_extrusion_spacing", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Top solid spacing"); def->category = OptionCategory::width; def->tooltip = L("Like Top solid infill width but spacing is the distance between two lines (as they overlap a bit, it's not the same)." "\nYou can set either 'Spacing', or 'Width'; the other will be calculated, using default layer height."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->min = 0; def->max = 1000; def->max_literal = { 10, true }; def->precision = 6; def->can_phony = true; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false, true)); def = this->add("top_solid_infill_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Top solid "); def->full_label = L("Top solid acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("This is the acceleration your printer will use for top solid infills. " "\nCan be a % of the solid infill acceleration" "\nSet zero to use solid infill acceleration for top solid infills."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "solid_infill_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0,false)); def = this->add("top_solid_infill_speed", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Top solid"); def->full_label = L("Top solid speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for printing top solid layers (it only applies to the uppermost " "external layers and not to their internal solid layers). You may want " "to slow down this to get a nicer surface finish." "\nThis can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the Solid Infill speed." "\nSet zero to use autospeed for this feature."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s or %"); def->ratio_over = "solid_infill_speed"; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true)); def = this->add("top_solid_layers", coInt); //TRN To be shown in Print Settings "Top solid layers" def->label = L("Top"); def->full_label = L("Top layers"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("Number of solid layers to generate on top surfaces."); def->full_label = L("Top solid layers"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(3)); def = this->add("top_solid_min_thickness", coFloat); //TRN To be shown in Print Settings "Top solid layers" def->label = L("Top"); def->category = OptionCategory::perimeter; def->tooltip = L("The number of top solid layers is increased above top_solid_layers if necessary to satisfy " "minimum thickness of top shell." " This is useful to prevent pillowing effect when printing with variable layer height."); def->full_label = L("Minimum top shell thickness"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.)); def = this->add("travel_acceleration", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Travel"); def->full_label = L("Travel acceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Acceleration for travel moves (jumps between distant extrusion points)." "\nCan be a % of the default acceleration" "\nSet zero to use default acceleration for travel moves."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s² or %"); def->ratio_over = "default_acceleration"; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { -200, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(1500, false)); def = this->add("travel_deceleration_use_target", coBool); def->label = L("Decelerate with target acceleration"); def->full_label = L("Use target acceleration for travel deceleration"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("If selected, the deceleration of a travel will use the acceleration value of the extrusion that will be printed after it (if any) "); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("travel_speed", coFloat); def->label = L("Travel"); def->full_label = L("Travel speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for travel moves (jumps between distant extrusion points)."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->aliases = { "travel_feed_rate" }; def->min = 1; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(130)); def = this->add("travel_speed_z", coFloat); def->label = L("Z Travel"); def->full_label = L("Z travel speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::speed; def->tooltip = L("Speed for movements along the Z axis.\nWhen set to zero, the value " "is ignored and regular travel speed is used instead."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->aliases = { "travel_feed_rate_z" }; def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.)); def = this->add("use_firmware_retraction", coBool); def->label = L("Use firmware retraction"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("This experimental setting uses G10 and G11 commands to have the firmware " "handle the retraction. This is only supported in recent Marlin."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("use_relative_e_distances", coBool); def->label = L("Use relative E distances"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("If your firmware requires relative E values, check this, " "otherwise leave it unchecked. Most firmwares use absolute values."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("use_volumetric_e", coBool); def->label = L("Use volumetric E"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("This experimental setting uses outputs the E values in cubic millimeters " "instead of linear millimeters. If your firmware doesn't already know " "filament diameter(s), you can put commands like 'M200 D{filament_diameter_0} T0' " "in your start G-code in order to turn volumetric mode on and use the filament " "diameter associated to the filament selected in Slic3r. This is only supported " "in recent Marlin."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("variable_layer_height", coBool); def->label = L("Enable variable layer height feature"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Some printers or printer setups may have difficulties printing " "with a variable layer height. Enabled by default."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("wipe", coBools); def->label = L("Wipe while retracting"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This flag will move the nozzle while retracting to minimize the possible blob on leaky extruders." "\nNote that as a wipe only happens when there is a retraction, the 'only retract when crossing perimeters' print setting can greatly reduce the number of wipes."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools{ false }); def = this->add("wipe_inside_start", coBools); def->label = L("Wipe inside at start"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Before extruding an external perimeter, this flag will place the nozzle a bit inward and in advance of the seam position before unretracting." " It will then move to the seam position before extruding."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools{ false }); def = this->add("wipe_inside_end", coBools); def->label = L("Wipe inside at start"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("This flag will wipe the nozzle a bit inward after extruding an external perimeter." " The wipe_extra_perimeter is executed first, then this move inward before the retraction wipe." " Note that the retraction wipe will follow the exact external perimeter (center) line if this parameter is disabled, and will follow the inner side of the external periemter line if enabled"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools{ true }); def = this->add("wipe_only_crossing", coBools); def->label = L("Wipe only when crossing perimeters"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Don't wipe when you don't cross a perimeter. Need 'only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters'and 'wipe' enabled."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBools{ true }); def = this->add("wipe_speed", coFloats); def->label = L("Wipe speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Speed in mm/s of the wipe. If it's faster, it will try to go further away, as the wipe time is set by ( 100% - 'retract before wipe') * 'retaction length' / 'retraction speed'." "\nIf set to zero, the travel speed is used."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0 }); def = this->add("wipe_tower", coBool); def->label = L("Enable"); def->full_label = L("Enable wipe tower"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Multi material printers may need to prime or purge extruders on tool changes. " "Extrude the excess material into the wipe tower."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("wiping_volumes_extruders", coFloats); def->label = L("Purging volumes - load/unload volumes"); def->tooltip = L("This vector saves required volumes to change from/to each tool used on the " "wipe tower. These values are used to simplify creation of the full purging " "volumes below. "); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f, 70.f }); def = this->add("wiping_volumes_matrix", coFloats); def->label = L("Purging volumes - matrix"); def->tooltip = L("This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the" " new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools. "); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats { 0.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 0.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 0.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 0.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 140.f, 0.f }); def = this->add("wipe_advanced", coBool); def->label = L("Enable advanced wiping volume"); def->tooltip = L("Allow Slic3r to compute the purge volume via smart computations. Use the pigment% of each filament and following parameters"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("wipe_advanced_nozzle_melted_volume", coFloat); def->label = L("Nozzle volume"); def->tooltip = L("The volume of melted plastic inside your nozzle. Used by 'advanced wiping'."); def->sidetext = L("mm3"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(120)); def = this->add("filament_wipe_advanced_pigment", coFloats); def->label = L("Pigment percentage"); def->tooltip = L("The pigment % for this filament (bewteen 0 and 1, 1=100%). 0 for translucent/natural, 0.2-0.5 for white and 1 for black."); def->min = 0; def->max = 1; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0.5 }); def = this->add("wipe_advanced_multiplier", coFloat); def->label = L("Multiplier"); def->full_label = L("Auto-wipe multiplier"); def->tooltip = L("The volume multiplier used to compute the final volume to extrude by the algorithm."); def->sidetext = L("mm3"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(60)); def = this->add("wipe_advanced_algo", coEnum); def->label = L("Algorithm"); def->full_label = L("Auto-wipe algorithm"); def->tooltip = L("Algorithm for the advanced wipe.\n" "Linear : volume = nozzle + volume_mult * (pigmentBefore-pigmentAfter)\n" "Quadratic: volume = nozzle + volume_mult * (pigmentBefore-pigmentAfter)+ volume_mult * (pigmentBefore-pigmentAfter)^3\n" "Hyperbola: volume = nozzle + volume_mult * (0.5+pigmentBefore) / (0.5+pigmentAfter)"); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("linear"); def->enum_values.push_back("quadra"); def->enum_values.push_back("expo"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Linear")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Quadratric")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Hyperbola")); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(waLinear)); def = this->add("wipe_tower_brim_width", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Wipe tower brim width"); def->tooltip = L("Width of the brim for the wipe tower. Can be in mm or in % of the (assumed) only one nozzle diameter."); def->ratio_over = "nozzle_diameter"; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->min = 0; def->max_literal = { 100, true }; def->aliases = { "wipe_tower_brim" }; // SuperSlicer 2.3 and before def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(2,false)); def = this->add("wipe_tower_x", coFloat); def->label = L("X"); def->full_label = L("Wipe tower X"); def->tooltip = L("X coordinate of the left front corner of a wipe tower"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(180.)); def = this->add("wipe_tower_y", coFloat); def->label = L("Y"); def->full_label = L("Wipe tower Y"); def->tooltip = L("Y coordinate of the left front corner of a wipe tower"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(140.)); def = this->add("wipe_tower_width", coFloat); def->label = L("Width"); def->full_label = L("Wipe tower Width"); def->tooltip = L("Width of a wipe tower"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(60.)); def = this->add("wipe_tower_rotation_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Wipe tower rotation angle"); def->tooltip = L("Wipe tower rotation angle with respect to x-axis."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.)); def = this->add("wipe_into_infill", coBool); def->category = OptionCategory::wipe; def->label = L("Wipe into this object's infill"); def->tooltip = L("Purging after toolchange will be done inside this object's infills. " "This lowers the amount of waste but may result in longer print time " " due to additional travel moves."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("wipe_into_objects", coBool); def->category = OptionCategory::wipe; def->label = L("Wipe into this object"); def->tooltip = L("Object will be used to purge the nozzle after a toolchange to save material " "that would otherwise end up in the wipe tower and decrease print time. " "Colours of the objects will be mixed as a result."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("wipe_extra_perimeter", coFloats); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->label = L("Extra Wipe for external perimeters"); def->tooltip = L("When the external perimeter loop extrusion ends, a wipe is done, going slightly inside the print." " The number in this settting increases the wipe by moving the nozzle along the loop again before the final wipe."); def->min = 0; def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0.f }); def = this->add("wipe_tower_bridging", coFloat); def->label = L("Maximal bridging distance"); def->tooltip = L("Maximal distance between supports on sparse infill sections. "); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(10.)); def = this->add("xy_size_compensation", coFloat); def->label = L("Outer"); def->full_label = L("Outer XY size compensation"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("The object will be grown/shrunk in the XY plane by the configured value " "(negative = inwards, positive = outwards). This might be useful for fine-tuning sizes." "\nThis one only applies to the 'exterior' shell of the object." "\n !!! it's recommended you put the same value into the 'Inner XY size compensation', unless you are sure you don't have horizontal holes. !!! "); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("xy_inner_size_compensation", coFloat); def->label = L("Inner"); def->full_label = L("Inner XY size compensation"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("The object will be grown/shrunk in the XY plane by the configured value " "(negative = inwards, positive = outwards). This might be useful for fine-tuning sizes." "\nThis one only applies to the 'inner' shell of the object (!!! horizontal holes break the shell !!!)"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("hole_size_compensation", coFloat); def->label = L("XY compensation"); def->full_label = L("XY holes compensation"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("The convex holes will be grown / shrunk in the XY plane by the configured value" " (negative = inwards, positive = outwards, should be negative as the holes are always a bit smaller irl)." " This might be useful for fine-tuning hole sizes." "\nThis setting behaves the same as 'Inner XY size compensation' but only for convex shapes. It's added to 'Inner XY size compensation', it does not replace it. "); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("hole_size_threshold", coFloat); def->label = L("Threshold"); def->full_label = L("XY holes threshold"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Maximum area for the hole where the hole_size_compensation will apply fully." " After that, it will decrease down to 0 for four times this area." " Set to 0 to let the hole_size_compensation apply fully for all detected holes"); def->sidetext = L("mm²"); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(100)); def = this->add("hole_to_polyhole", coBool); def->label = L("Convert round holes to polyholes"); def->full_label = L("Convert round holes to polyholes"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Search for almost-circular holes that span more than one layer and convert the geometry to polyholes." " Use the nozzle size and the (biggest) diameter to compute the polyhole." "\nSee http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2011/02/polyholes.html"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("hole_to_polyhole_threshold", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Roundness margin"); def->full_label = L("Polyhole detection margin"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Maximum defection of a point to the estimated radius of the circle." "\nAs cylinders are often exported as triangles of varying size, points may not be on the circle circumference." " This setting allows you some leway to broaden the detection." "\nIn mm or in % of the radius."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->max_literal = { 10, false}; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0.01, false)); def = this->add("hole_to_polyhole_twisted", coBool); def->label = L("Twisting"); def->full_label = L("Polyhole twist"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Rotate the polyhole every layer."); def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("z_offset", coFloat); def->label = L("Z offset"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("This value will be added (or subtracted) from all the Z coordinates " "in the output G-code. It is used to compensate for bad Z endstop position: " "for example, if your endstop zero actually leaves the nozzle 0.3mm far " "from the print bed, set this to -0.3 (or fix your endstop)."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("z_step", coFloat); def->label = L("Z full step"); def->tooltip = L("Set this to the height moved when your Z motor (or equivalent) turns one step." "If your motor needs 200 steps to move your head/platter by 1mm, this field should be 1/200 = 0.005." "\nNote that the gcode will write the z values with 6 digits after the dot if z_step is set (it's 3 digits if it's disabled)." "\nSet zero to disable."); def->cli = "z-step=f"; def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->precision = 8; def->mode = comExpert | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.005)); def = this->add("init_z_rotate", coFloat); def->label = L("Preferred orientation"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("Rotate stl around z axes while adding them to the bed."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = -360; def->max = 360; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0)); // Declare retract values for filament profile, overriding the printer's extruder profile. for (const char *opt_key : { // floats "retract_length", "retract_lift", "retract_lift_above", "retract_lift_below", "retract_speed", "deretract_speed", "retract_restart_extra", "retract_before_travel", "wipe_extra_perimeter", "wipe_speed", "wipe_inside_end", "wipe_inside_start", // bools "retract_layer_change", "wipe", "wipe_only_crossing", // percents "retract_before_wipe", // floatsOrPercents "seam_gap"}) { auto it_opt = options.find(opt_key); assert(it_opt != options.end()); def = this->add_nullable(std::string("filament_") + opt_key, it_opt->second.type); def->label = it_opt->second.label; def->full_label = it_opt->second.full_label; def->tooltip = it_opt->second.tooltip; def->sidetext = it_opt->second.sidetext; def->mode = it_opt->second.mode; switch (def->type) { case coFloats : def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatsNullable (static_cast(it_opt->second.default_value.get())->values)); break; case coPercents : def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercentsNullable(static_cast(it_opt->second.default_value.get())->values)); break; case coFloatsOrPercents : def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatsOrPercentsNullable(static_cast(it_opt->second.default_value.get())->values)); break; case coBools : def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBoolsNullable (static_cast(it_opt->second.default_value.get())->values)); break; default: assert(false); } } } void PrintConfigDef::init_extruder_option_keys() { // ConfigOptionFloats, ConfigOptionPercents, ConfigOptionBools, ConfigOptionStrings m_extruder_option_keys = { "extruder_colour", "extruder_offset", "extruder_fan_offset", "extruder_temperature_offset", "default_filament_profile", "deretract_speed", "max_layer_height", "min_layer_height", "nozzle_diameter", "retract_before_travel", "retract_before_wipe", "retract_layer_change", "retract_length", "retract_length_toolchange", "retract_lift", "retract_lift_above", "retract_lift_below", "retract_lift_first_layer", "retract_lift_top", "retract_restart_extra", "retract_restart_extra_toolchange", "retract_speed", "seam_gap", "tool_name", "wipe", "wipe_extra_perimeter", "wipe_inside_end", "wipe_inside_start", "wipe_only_crossing", "wipe_speed", }; m_extruder_retract_keys = { "deretract_speed", "retract_before_travel", "retract_before_wipe", "retract_layer_change", "retract_length", "retract_lift", "retract_lift_above", "retract_lift_below", "retract_restart_extra", "retract_speed", "seam_gap", "wipe", "wipe_extra_perimeter", "wipe_inside_end", "wipe_inside_start", "wipe_only_crossing", "wipe_speed", }; assert(std::is_sorted(m_extruder_retract_keys.begin(), m_extruder_retract_keys.end())); } void PrintConfigDef::init_milling_params() { // ConfigOptionFloats, ConfigOptionPercents, ConfigOptionBools, ConfigOptionStrings m_milling_option_keys = { "milling_diameter", "milling_toolchange_end_gcode", "milling_toolchange_start_gcode", //"milling_offset", //"milling_z_offset", "milling_z_lift", }; ConfigOptionDef* def; // Milling Printer settings def = this->add("milling_cutter", coInt); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::i_enum_open; def->label = L("Milling cutter"); def->category = OptionCategory::general; def->tooltip = L("The milling cutter to use (unless more specific extruder settings are specified). "); def->min = 0; // 0 = inherit defaults def->enum_labels.push_back("default"); // override label for item 0 def->enum_labels.push_back("1"); def->enum_labels.push_back("2"); def->enum_labels.push_back("3"); def->enum_labels.push_back("4"); def->enum_labels.push_back("5"); def->enum_labels.push_back("6"); def->enum_labels.push_back("7"); def->enum_labels.push_back("8"); def->enum_labels.push_back("9"); def = this->add("milling_diameter", coFloats); def->label = L("Milling diameter"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling_extruders; def->tooltip = L("This is the diameter of your cutting tool."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats(3.14)); def = this->add("milling_offset", coPoints); def->label = L("Tool offset"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("If your firmware doesn't handle the extruder displacement you need the G-code " "to take it into account. This option lets you specify the displacement of each extruder " "with respect to the first one. It expects positive coordinates (they will be subtracted " "from the XY coordinate)."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoints( Vec2d(0,0) )); def = this->add("milling_z_offset", coFloats); def->label = L("Tool z offset"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats(0)); def = this->add("milling_z_lift", coFloats); def->label = L("Tool z lift"); def->category = OptionCategory::extruders; def->tooltip = L("Amount of lift for travel."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats(2)); def = this->add("milling_toolchange_start_gcode", coStrings); def->label = L("G-Code to switch to this toolhead"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling_extruders; def->tooltip = L("Put here the gcode to change the toolhead (called after the g-code T{next_extruder}). You have access to {next_extruder} and {previous_extruder}." " next_extruder is the 'extruder number' of the new milling tool, it's equal to the index (begining at 0) of the milling tool plus the number of extruders." " previous_extruder is the 'extruder number' of the previous tool, it may be a normal extruder, if it's below the number of extruders." " The number of extruder is available at {extruder} and the number of milling tool is available at {milling_cutter}."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings("")); def = this->add("milling_toolchange_end_gcode", coStrings); def->label = L("G-Code to switch from this toolhead"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling_extruders; def->tooltip = L("Enter here the gcode to end the toolhead action, like stopping the spindle. You have access to {next_extruder} and {previous_extruder}." " previous_extruder is the 'extruder number' of the current milling tool, it's equal to the index (begining at 0) of the milling tool plus the number of extruders." " next_extruder is the 'extruder number' of the next tool, it may be a normal extruder, if it's below the number of extruders." " The number of extruder is available at {extruder}and the number of milling tool is available at {milling_cutter}."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 12; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->is_vector_extruder = true; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings("")); def = this->add("milling_post_process", coBool); def->label = L("Milling post-processing"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling; def->tooltip = L("If activated, at the end of each layer, the printer will switch to a milling head and mill the external perimeters." "\nYou should set the 'Milling extra XY size' to a value high enough to have enough plastic to mill. Also, be sure that your piece is firmly glued to the bed."); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("milling_extra_size", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Milling extra XY size"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling; def->tooltip = L("This increases the size of the object by a certain amount to have enough plastic to mill." " You can set a number of mm or a percentage of the calculated optimal extra width (from flow calculation)."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "computed_on_the_fly"; def->max_literal = { 20, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(150, true)); def = this->add("milling_after_z", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Milling only after"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling; def->tooltip = L("This setting restricts the post-process milling to a certain height, to avoid milling the bed. It can be a mm or a % of the first layer height (so it can depend on the object)."); def->sidetext = L("mm or %"); def->ratio_over = "first_layer_height"; def->max_literal = { 10, false }; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(200, true)); def = this->add("milling_speed", coFloat); def->label = L("Milling Speed"); def->category = OptionCategory::milling; def->tooltip = L("Speed for milling tool."); def->sidetext = L("mm/s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(30)); } void PrintConfigDef::init_sla_params() { ConfigOptionDef* def; // SLA Printer settings def = this->add("display_width", coFloat); def->label = L("Display width"); def->tooltip = L("Width of the display"); def->min = 1; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(120.)); def = this->add("display_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Display height"); def->tooltip = L("Height of the display"); def->min = 1; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(68.)); def = this->add("display_pixels_x", coInt); def->full_label = L("Number of pixels in"); def->label = L("X"); def->tooltip = L("Number of pixels in X"); def->min = 100; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(2560)); def = this->add("display_pixels_y", coInt); def->label = L("Y"); def->tooltip = L("Number of pixels in Y"); def->min = 100; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1440)); def = this->add("display_mirror_x", coBool); def->full_label = L("Display horizontal mirroring"); def->label = L("Mirror horizontally"); def->tooltip = L("Enable horizontal mirroring of output images"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("display_mirror_y", coBool); def->full_label = L("Display vertical mirroring"); def->label = L("Mirror vertically"); def->tooltip = L("Enable vertical mirroring of output images"); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("display_orientation", coEnum); def->label = L("Display orientation"); def->tooltip = L("Set the actual LCD display orientation inside the SLA printer." " Portrait mode will flip the meaning of display width and height parameters" " and the output images will be rotated by 90 degrees."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("landscape"); def->enum_values.push_back("portrait"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Landscape")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Portrait")); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(sladoPortrait)); def = this->add("fast_tilt_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Fast"); def->full_label = L("Fast tilt"); def->tooltip = L("Time of the fast tilt"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(5.)); def = this->add("slow_tilt_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Slow"); def->full_label = L("Slow tilt"); def->tooltip = L("Time of the slow tilt"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(8.)); def = this->add("area_fill", coFloat); def->label = L("Area fill"); def->tooltip = L("The percentage of the bed area. \nIf the print area exceeds the specified value, \nthen a slow tilt will be used, otherwise - a fast tilt"); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(50.)); def = this->add("relative_correction", coFloats); def->label = L("Printer scaling correction"); def->full_label = L("Printer scaling correction"); def->tooltip = L("Printer scaling correction"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats( { 1., 1.} )); def = this->add("relative_correction_x", coFloat); def->label = L("Printer scaling correction in X axis"); def->full_label = L("Printer scaling X axis correction"); def->tooltip = L("Printer scaling correction in X axis"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.)); def = this->add("relative_correction_y", coFloat); def->label = L("Printer scaling correction in Y axis"); def->full_label = L("Printer scaling Y axis correction"); def->tooltip = L("Printer scaling correction in Y axis"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.)); def = this->add("relative_correction_z", coFloat); def->label = L("Printer scaling correction in Z axis"); def->full_label = L("Printer scaling Z axis correction"); def->tooltip = L("Printer scaling correction in Z axis"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.)); def = this->add("absolute_correction", coFloat); def->label = L("Printer absolute correction"); def->full_label = L("Printer absolute correction"); def->tooltip = L("Will inflate or deflate the sliced 2D polygons according " "to the sign of the correction."); def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0)); def = this->add("elephant_foot_min_width", coFloat); def->label = L("minimum width"); def->category = OptionCategory::slicing; def->tooltip = L("Minimum width of features to maintain when doing the first layer compensation."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.2)); def = this->add("gamma_correction", coFloat); def->label = L("Printer gamma correction"); def->full_label = L("Printer gamma correction"); def->tooltip = L("This will apply a gamma correction to the rasterized 2D " "polygons. A gamma value of zero means thresholding with " "the threshold in the middle. This behaviour eliminates " "antialiasing without losing holes in polygons."); def->min = 0; def->max = 1; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); // SLA Material settings. def = this->add("material_colour", coString); def->label = L("Color"); def->tooltip = L("This is only used in the Slic3r interface as a visual help."); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::color; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("#29B2B2")); def = this->add("material_type", coString); def->label = L("SLA material type"); def->tooltip = L("SLA material type"); def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::f_enum_open; // TODO: ??? def->gui_flags = "show_value"; def->enum_values.push_back("Tough"); def->enum_values.push_back("Flexible"); def->enum_values.push_back("Casting"); def->enum_values.push_back("Dental"); def->enum_values.push_back("Heat-resistant"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Tough")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Flexible")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Casting")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Dental")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Heat-resistant")); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("Tough")); def = this->add("initial_layer_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Initial layer height"); def->tooltip = L("Initial layer height"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.3)); def = this->add("bottle_volume", coFloat); def->label = L("Bottle volume"); def->tooltip = L("Bottle volume"); def->sidetext = L("ml"); def->min = 50; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1000.0)); def = this->add("bottle_weight", coFloat); def->label = L("Bottle weight"); def->tooltip = L("Bottle weight"); def->sidetext = L("kg"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); def = this->add("material_density", coFloat); def->label = L("Density"); def->tooltip = L("Density"); def->sidetext = L("g/ml"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); def = this->add("bottle_cost", coFloat); def->label = L("Cost"); def->tooltip = L("Cost"); def->sidetext = L("money/bottle"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0)); def = this->add("faded_layers", coInt); def->label = L("Faded layers"); def->tooltip = L("Number of the layers needed for the exposure time fade from initial exposure time to the exposure time"); def->min = 3; def->max = 20; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(10)); def = this->add("min_exposure_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Minimum exposure time"); def->tooltip = L("Minimum exposure time"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("max_exposure_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Maximum exposure time"); def->tooltip = L("Maximum exposure time"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(100)); def = this->add("exposure_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Exposure time"); def->tooltip = L("Exposure time"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(10)); def = this->add("min_initial_exposure_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Minimum initial exposure time"); def->tooltip = L("Minimum initial exposure time"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("max_initial_exposure_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Maximum initial exposure time"); def->tooltip = L("Maximum initial exposure time"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(150)); def = this->add("initial_exposure_time", coFloat); def->label = L("Initial exposure time"); def->tooltip = L("Initial exposure time"); def->sidetext = L("s"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(15)); def = this->add("material_correction", coFloats); def->label = L("Correction for expansion"); def->tooltip = L("Correction for expansion"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloats({ 1., 1., 1. })); def = this->add("material_correction_x", coFloat); def->full_label = L("Correction for expansion in X axis"); def->tooltip = L("Correction for expansion in X axis"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.)); def = this->add("material_correction_y", coFloat); def->full_label = L("Correction for expansion in Y axis"); def->tooltip = L("Correction for expansion in Y axis"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.)); def = this->add("material_correction_z", coFloat); def->full_label = L("Correction for expansion in Z axis"); def->tooltip = L("Correction for expansion in Z axis"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.)); def = this->add("material_notes", coString); def->label = L("SLA print material notes"); def->tooltip = L("You can put your notes regarding the SLA print material here."); def->multiline = true; def->full_width = true; def->height = 13; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def = this->add("material_vendor", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString(L("(Unknown)"))); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("default_sla_material_profile", coString); def->label = L("Default SLA material profile"); def->tooltip = L("Default print profile associated with the current printer profile. " "On selection of the current printer profile, this print profile will be activated."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("sla_material_settings_id", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("default_sla_print_profile", coString); def->label = L("Default SLA material profile"); def->tooltip = L("Default print profile associated with the current printer profile. " "On selection of the current printer profile, this print profile will be activated."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("sla_print_settings_id", coString); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("")); def->cli = ConfigOptionDef::nocli; def = this->add("supports_enable", coBool); def->label = L("Generate supports"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Generate supports for the models"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("support_head_front_diameter", coFloat); def->label = L("Pinhead front diameter"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Diameter of the pointing side of the head"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.4)); def = this->add("support_head_penetration", coFloat); def->label = L("Head penetration"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("How much the pinhead has to penetrate the model surface"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->min = 0; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.2)); def = this->add("support_head_width", coFloat); def->label = L("Pinhead width"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Width from the back sphere center to the front sphere center"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 20; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); def = this->add("support_pillar_diameter", coFloat); def->label = L("Pillar diameter"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Diameter in mm of the support pillars"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 15; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); def = this->add("support_small_pillar_diameter_percent", coPercent); def->label = L("Small pillar diameter percent"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The percentage of smaller pillars compared to the normal pillar diameter " "which are used in problematic areas where a normal pilla cannot fit."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 1; def->max = 100; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(50)); def = this->add("support_max_bridges_on_pillar", coInt); def->label = L("Max bridges on a pillar"); def->tooltip = L( "Maximum number of bridges that can be placed on a pillar. Bridges " "hold support point pinheads and connect to pillars as small branches."); def->min = 0; def->max = 50; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(3)); def = this->add("support_pillar_connection_mode", coEnum); def->label = L("Pillar connection mode"); def->tooltip = L("Controls the bridge type between two neighboring pillars." " Can be zig-zag, cross (double zig-zag) or dynamic which" " will automatically switch between the first two depending" " on the distance of the two pillars."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("zigzag"); def->enum_values.push_back("cross"); def->enum_values.push_back("dynamic"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Zig-Zag")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Cross")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Dynamic")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(slapcmDynamic)); def = this->add("support_buildplate_only", coBool); def->label = L("Support on build plate only"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Only create support if it lies on a build plate. Don't create support on a print."); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("support_pillar_widening_factor", coFloat); def->label = L("Pillar widening factor"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Merging bridges or pillars into other pillars can " "increase the radius. Zero means no increase, one means " "full increase."); def->min = 0; def->max = 1; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0)); def = this->add("support_base_diameter", coFloat); def->label = L("Support base diameter"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("Diameter in mm of the pillar base"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 30; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(4.0)); def = this->add("support_base_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Support base height"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The height of the pillar base cone"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); def = this->add("support_base_safety_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Support base safety distance"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L( "The minimum distance of the pillar base from the model in mm. " "Makes sense in zero elevation mode where a gap according " "to this parameter is inserted between the model and the pad."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 10; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1)); def = this->add("support_critical_angle", coFloat); def->label = L("Critical angle"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The default angle for connecting support sticks and junctions."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 0; def->max = 90; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(45)); def = this->add("support_max_bridge_length", coFloat); def->label = L("Max bridge length"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The max length of a bridge"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(15.0)); def = this->add("support_max_pillar_link_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Max pillar linking distance"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("The max distance of two pillars to get linked with each other." " A zero value will prohibit pillar cascading."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; // 0 means no linking def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(10.0)); def = this->add("support_object_elevation", coFloat); def->label = L("Object elevation"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("How much the supports should lift up the supported object. " "If this value is zero, the bottom of the model geometry " "will be considered as part of the pad." "If \"Pad around object\" is enabled, this value is ignored."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 150; // This is the max height of print on SL1 def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(5.0)); def = this->add("support_points_density_relative", coInt); def->label = L("Support points density"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("This is a relative measure of support points density."); def->sidetext = L("%"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(100)); def = this->add("support_points_minimal_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Minimal distance of the support points"); def->category = OptionCategory::support; def->tooltip = L("No support points will be placed closer than this threshold."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.f)); def = this->add("pad_enable", coBool); def->label = L("Use pad"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("Add a pad underneath the supported model"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("pad_wall_thickness", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad wall thickness"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("The thickness of the pad and its optional cavity walls."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 30; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(2.0)); def = this->add("pad_wall_height", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad wall height"); def->tooltip = L("Defines the pad cavity depth. Set zero to disable the cavity. " "Be careful when enabling this feature, as some resins may " "produce an extreme suction effect inside the cavity, " "which makes peeling the print off the vat foil difficult."); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; // def->tooltip = L(""); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 30; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.)); def = this->add("pad_brim_size", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad brim size"); def->tooltip = L("How far should the pad extend around the contained geometry"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; // def->tooltip = L(""); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 30; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.6)); def = this->add("pad_max_merge_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Max merge distance"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("Some objects can get along with a few smaller pads " "instead of a single big one. This parameter defines " "how far the center of two smaller pads should be. If they" "are closer, they will get merged into one pad."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(50.0)); // This is disabled on the UI. I hope it will never be enabled. // def = this->add("pad_edge_radius", coFloat); // def->label = L("Pad edge radius"); // def->category = OptionCategory::pad; //// def->tooltip = L(""); // def->sidetext = L("mm"); // def->min = 0; // def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; // def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.0)); def = this->add("pad_wall_slope", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad wall slope"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("The slope of the pad wall relative to the bed plane. " "90 degrees means straight walls."); def->sidetext = L("°"); def->min = 45; def->max = 90; def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(90.0)); def = this->add("pad_around_object", coBool); def->label = L("Pad around object"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("Create pad around object and ignore the support elevation"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("pad_around_object_everywhere", coBool); def->label = L("Pad around object everywhere"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("Force pad around object everywhere"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("pad_object_gap", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad object gap"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("The gap between the object bottom and the generated " "pad in zero elevation mode."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 10; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1)); def = this->add("pad_object_connector_stride", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad object connector stride"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("Distance between two connector sticks which connect the object and the generated pad."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(10)); def = this->add("pad_object_connector_width", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad object connector width"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L("Width of the connector sticks which connect the object and the generated pad."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.5)); def = this->add("pad_object_connector_penetration", coFloat); def->label = L("Pad object connector penetration"); def->category = OptionCategory::pad; def->tooltip = L( "How much should the tiny connectors penetrate into the model body."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.3)); def = this->add("hollowing_enable", coBool); def->label = L("Enable hollowing"); def->category = OptionCategory::hollowing; def->tooltip = L("Hollow out a model to have an empty interior"); def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("hollowing_min_thickness", coFloat); def->label = L("Wall thickness"); def->category = OptionCategory::hollowing; def->tooltip = L("Minimum wall thickness of a hollowed model."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 1; def->max = 10; def->mode = comSimpleAE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(3.)); def = this->add("hollowing_quality", coFloat); def->label = L("Accuracy"); def->category = OptionCategory::hollowing; def->tooltip = L("Performance vs accuracy of calculation. Lower values may produce unwanted artifacts."); def->min = 0; def->max = 1; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.5)); def = this->add("hollowing_closing_distance", coFloat); def->label = L("Closing distance"); def->category = OptionCategory::hollowing; def->tooltip = L( "Hollowing is done in two steps: first, an imaginary interior is " "calculated deeper (offset plus the closing distance) in the object and " "then it's inflated back to the specified offset. A greater closing " "distance makes the interior more rounded. At zero, the interior will " "resemble the exterior the most."); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = 0; def->max = 10; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(2.0)); def = this->add("material_print_speed", coEnum); def->label = L("Print speed"); def->tooltip = L( "A slower printing profile might be necessary when using materials with higher viscosity " "or with some hollowed parts. It slows down the tilt movement and adds a delay before exposure."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("slow"); def->enum_values.push_back("fast"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Slow")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Fast")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(slamsFast)); //def = this->add("sla_archive_format", coString); //def->label = L("Format of the output SLA archive"); //def->mode = comAdvanced | comPrusa; //def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString("SL1")); def = this->add("output_format", coEnum); def->label = L("Output Format"); def->tooltip = L("Select the output format for this printer."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("mCWS"); def->enum_values.push_back("SL1"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Masked CWS")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Prusa SL1")); def->mode = comAdvancedE | comSuSi; // output_format should be preconfigured in profiles; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ofMaskedCWS)); def = this->add("sla_output_precision", coFloat); def->label = L("SLA output precision"); def->tooltip = L("Minimum resolution in nanometers"); def->sidetext = L("mm"); def->min = SCALING_FACTOR; def->mode = comExpert | comPrusa; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.001)); } void PrintConfigDef::handle_legacy(t_config_option_key &opt_key, std::string &value) { // handle legacy options (other than aliases) if (opt_key == "extrusion_width_ratio" || opt_key == "bottom_layer_speed_ratio" || opt_key == "first_layer_height_ratio") { boost::replace_first(opt_key, "_ratio", ""); if (opt_key == "bottom_layer_speed") opt_key = "first_layer_speed"; try { float v = boost::lexical_cast(value); if (v != 0) value = boost::lexical_cast(v*100) + "%"; } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { value = "0"; } } if (opt_key == "gcode_flavor") { if (value == "makerbot") value = "makerware"; else if (value == "marlinfirmware") // the "new" marlin firmware flavor used to be called "marlinfirmware" for some time during PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha development. value = "marlin2"; } if (opt_key == "fill_density" && value.find("%") == std::string::npos) { try { // fill_density was turned into a percent value float v = boost::lexical_cast(value); value = boost::lexical_cast(v*100) + "%"; } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } if (opt_key == "randomize_start" && value == "1") { opt_key = "seam_position"; value = "random"; } if (opt_key == "bed_size" && !value.empty()) { opt_key = "bed_shape"; ConfigOptionPoint p; p.deserialize(value, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "0x0," << p.value(0) << "x0," << p.value(0) << "x" << p.value(1) << ",0x" << p.value(1); value = oss.str(); } if ((opt_key == "perimeter_acceleration" && value == "25") || (opt_key == "infill_acceleration" && value == "50")) { /* For historical reasons, the world's full of configs having these very low values; to avoid unexpected behavior we need to ignore them. Banning these two hard-coded values is a dirty hack and will need to be removed sometime in the future, but it will avoid lots of complaints for now. */ value = "0"; } if (opt_key == "support_material_pattern" && value == "pillars") { // Slic3r PE does not support the pillars. They never worked well. value = "rectilinear"; } if (opt_key == "skirt_height" && value == "-1") { // PrusaSlicer no more accepts skirt_height == -1 to print a draft shield to the top of the highest object. // A new "draft_shield" enum config value is used instead. opt_key = "draft_shield"; value = "enabled"; } else if (opt_key == "draft_shield" && (value == "1" || value == "0")) { // draft_shield used to be a bool, it was turned into an enum in PrusaSlicer 2.4.0. value = value == "1" ? "enabled" : "disabled"; } if (opt_key == "octoprint_host") { opt_key = "print_host"; } if (opt_key == "octoprint_cafile") { opt_key = "printhost_cafile"; } if (opt_key == "octoprint_apikey") { opt_key = "printhost_apikey"; } if (opt_key == "elefant_foot_compensation") { opt_key = "first_layer_size_compensation"; float v = boost::lexical_cast(value); if (v > 0) value = boost::lexical_cast(-v); } if ("elefant_foot_min_width" == opt_key) { opt_key = "elephant_foot_min_width"; } if (opt_key == "thumbnails") { if (value.empty()) value = "0x0,0x0"; } if (opt_key == "z_steps_per_mm") { opt_key = "z_step"; float v = boost::lexical_cast(value); if(v > 0) value = boost::lexical_cast(1/v); } if (opt_key == "infill_not_connected") { opt_key = "infill_connection"; if (value == "1") value = "notconnected"; else value = "connected"; } if (opt_key == "preset_name") { opt_key = "preset_names"; } if (opt_key == "seam_travel") { if (value == "1") { opt_key = "seam_travel_cost"; value = "200%"; } else { opt_key = ""; } } if (opt_key == "seam_position") { if (value == "hidden") { value = "cost"; } else if ("near" == value || "nearest" == value) { value = "cost"; //FIXME can we change the cost? } } if (opt_key == "perimeter_loop_seam") { if (value == "hidden") { value = "nearest"; } } if (opt_key == "overhangs") { opt_key = "overhangs_width_speed"; if (value == "1") value = "50%"; else value = "0"; } if (opt_key == "print_machine_envelope") { opt_key = "machine_limits_usage"; if (value == "1") value = "emit_to_gcode"; else value = "time_estimate_only"; } if (opt_key == "retract_lift_not_last_layer") { opt_key = "retract_lift_top"; if (value == "1") value = "Not on top"; else value = "All surfaces"; } if ("gcode_precision_e" == opt_key) { if (value.find(",") != std::string::npos) value = value.substr(0, value.find(",")); try { int val = boost::lexical_cast(value); if (val > 0) value = boost::lexical_cast(val); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { value = "5"; } } if ("first_layer_min_speed" == opt_key && value.back() == '%') value = value.substr(0, value.length() - 1); //no percent. if (!value.empty() && value.back() != '%' && std::set{"bridge_flow_ratio", "bridge_flow_ratio", "over_bridge_flow_ratio", "fill_top_flow_ratio", "first_layer_flow_ratio"}.count(opt_key) > 0 ) { //need percent try { float val = boost::lexical_cast(value); if (val < 1.5) value = boost::lexical_cast(val*100) + "%"; } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { value = "100%"; } } if("thick_bridges" == opt_key) { opt_key = "bridge_type"; if (value == "1") value = "nozzle"; else value = "flow"; } if ("sla_archive_format" == opt_key) { opt_key = "output_format"; } // Ignore the following obsolete configuration keys: static std::set ignore = { "duplicate_x", "duplicate_y", "gcode_arcs", "multiply_x", "multiply_y", "support_material_tool", "acceleration", "adjust_overhang_flow", "standby_temperature", "scale", "rotate", "duplicate", "duplicate_grid", "start_perimeters_at_concave_points", "start_perimeters_at_non_overhang", "randomize_start", "seal_position", "vibration_limit", "bed_size", "print_center", "g0", "threads", "pressure_advance", "wipe_tower_per_color_wipe", #ifndef HAS_PRESSURE_EQUALIZER "max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive", "max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative", #endif /* HAS_PRESSURE_EQUALIZER */ "cooling", "serial_port", "serial_speed", // Introduced in some PrusaSlicer 2.3.1 alpha, later renamed or removed. "fuzzy_skin_perimeter_mode", "fuzzy_skin_shape", }; // In PrusaSlicer 2.3.0-alpha0 the "monotonic" infill was introduced, which was later renamed to "monotonous". if (value == "monotonous" && (opt_key == "top_fill_pattern" || opt_key == "bottom_fill_pattern" || opt_key == "fill_pattern" || opt_key == "solid_fill_pattern" || opt_key == "support_material_interface_pattern")) value = "monotonic"; // some changes has occurs between rectilineargapfill and monotonicgapfill. Set them at the right value for each type if (value == "rectilineargapfill" && (opt_key == "top_fill_pattern" || opt_key == "bottom_fill_pattern" || opt_key == "fill_pattern" || opt_key == "support_material_interface_pattern")) value = "monotonicgapfill"; if (value == "monotonicgapfill" && (opt_key == "solid_fill_pattern")) value = "rectilineargapfill"; if (ignore.find(opt_key) != ignore.end()) { opt_key = ""; return; } if (! print_config_def.has(opt_key)) { opt_key = ""; return; } //in ps 2.4, the raft_first_layer_density is now more powerful than the support_material_solid_first_layer, also it always does the perimeter. if ("support_material_solid_first_layer" == opt_key) { opt_key = "raft_first_layer_density"; value = "100"; } if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "thin_perimeters") && value == "1") value = "100%"; //prusa if ("gcode_flavor" == opt_key) { if ("reprap" == value) value = "sprinter"; } } // this is for extra things to add / modify from prusa that can't be handled otherwise. // after handle_legacy std::map PrintConfigDef::from_prusa(t_config_option_key& opt_key, std::string& value, const DynamicConfig& all_conf) { std::map output; if ("toolchange_gcode" == opt_key) { if (!value.empty() && value.find("T{next_extruder}") == std::string::npos && value.find("T[next_extruder]") == std::string::npos) { value = "T{next_extruder}\n" + value; } } if ("xy_size_compensation" == opt_key) { output["xy_inner_size_compensation"] = value; } if ("infill_anchor_max" == opt_key) { if(value == "0") output["infill_connection"] = "notconnected"; } if ("first_layer_speed" == opt_key) { output["first_layer_min_speed"] = value; output["first_layer_infill_speed"] = value; } if ("brim_type" == opt_key) { if ("no_brim" == value) { output["brim_width"] = "0"; output["brim_width_interior"] = "0"; } else if ("outer_only" == value) { output["brim_width_interior"] = "0"; } else if ("inner_only" == value) { output["brim_width_interior"] = all_conf.get_computed_value("brim_width"); output["brim_width"] = "0"; } else if ("outer_and_inner" == value) { output["brim_width_interior"] = all_conf.get_computed_value("brim_width"); } } if ("support_material_contact_distance" == 0) { output["support_material_contact_distance_type"] = "none"; } if (opt_key == "seam_position") { if ("cost" == value ) { // eqauls to "near" == value || "nearest" == value output["seam_angle_cost"] = "50%"; output["seam_travel_cost"] = "50%"; } } if ("bridge_type" == opt_key) { // seems like thick_bridge to 0 if (value == "flow") { output["bridge_overlap_min"] = "60%"; output["bridge_overlap"] = "75%"; } } if ("first_layer_height" == opt_key) { if (!value.empty() && value.back() == '%') { // A first_layer_height isn't a % of layer_height but from nozzle_diameter now! // can't really convert right now, so put it at a safe value liek 50%. value = "50%"; } } if ("resolution" == opt_key) { value = "0.0125"; } if ("gcode_resolution" == opt_key) { output["min_length"] = value; } return output; } template void _convert_from_prusa(CONFIG_CLASS& conf, const DynamicPrintConfig& global_config) { //void convert_from_prusa(DynamicPrintConfig& conf, const DynamicPrintConfig & global_config) { //void convert_from_prusa(ModelConfigObject& conf, const DynamicPrintConfig& global_config) { std::map results; for (const t_config_option_key& opt_key : conf.keys()) { const ConfigOption* opt = conf.option(opt_key); std::string serialized = opt->serialize(); std::string key = opt_key; std::map result = PrintConfigDef::from_prusa(key, serialized, global_config); if (key != opt_key) { conf.erase(opt_key); } if (!key.empty() && serialized != opt->serialize()) { ConfigOption* opt_new = opt->clone(); opt_new->deserialize(serialized); conf.set_key_value(key, opt_new); } results.insert(result.begin(), result.end()); } for (auto entry : results) { const ConfigOptionDef* def = print_config_def.get(entry.first); if (def) { ConfigOption* opt_new = def->default_value.get()->clone(); opt_new->deserialize(entry.second); conf.set_key_value(entry.first, opt_new); } } } void DynamicPrintConfig::convert_from_prusa() { _convert_from_prusa(*this, *this); } void ModelConfig::convert_from_prusa(const DynamicPrintConfig& global_config) { _convert_from_prusa(*this, global_config); } std::unordered_set prusa_export_to_remove_keys = { "allow_empty_layers", "avoid_crossing_not_first_layer", "bridge_internal_acceleration", "bridge_internal_fan_speed", "bridge_overlap", "bridge_overlap_min", "bridge_speed_internal", "bridge_type", "bridged_infill_margin", "brim_acceleration", "brim_ears_detection_length", "brim_ears_max_angle", "brim_ears_pattern", "brim_ears", "brim_inside_holes", "brim_speed", "brim_width_interior", "chamber_temperature", "complete_objects_one_brim", "complete_objects_one_skirt", "complete_objects_sort", "curve_smoothing_angle_concave", "curve_smoothing_angle_convex", "curve_smoothing_cutoff_dist", "curve_smoothing_precision", "default_speed", "enforce_full_fill_volume", "exact_last_layer_height", "external_infill_margin", "external_perimeter_acceleration", "external_perimeter_cut_corners", "external_perimeter_extrusion_spacing", "external_perimeter_fan_speed", "external_perimeter_overlap", "external_perimeters_hole", "external_perimeters_nothole", "external_perimeters_vase", "extra_perimeters_odd_layers", "extra_perimeters_overhangs", "extruder_fan_offset", "extruder_temperature_offset", "extrusion_spacing", "fan_kickstart", "fan_percentage", "fan_speedup_overhangs", "fan_speedup_time", "feature_gcode", "filament_cooling_zone_pause", "filament_dip_extraction_speed", "filament_dip_insertion_speed", "filament_enable_toolchange_part_fan", "filament_enable_toolchange_temp", "filament_max_speed", "filament_max_wipe_tower_speed", "filament_melt_zone_pause", "filament_max_overlap", "filament_shrink", "filament_skinnydip_distance", "filament_toolchange_part_fan_speed", "filament_toolchange_temp", "filament_use_fast_skinnydip", "filament_use_skinnydip", "filament_wipe_advanced_pigment", "fill_angle_increment", "fill_smooth_distribution", "fill_smooth_width", "fill_top_flow_ratio", "fill_top_flow_ratio", "first_layer_extrusion_spacing", "first_layer_flow_ratio", "first_layer_infill_speed", "first_layer_min_speed", "first_layer_size_compensation_layers", "gap_fill_acceleration", "gap_fill_infill", "gap_fill_min_area", "gap_fill_overlap", "gcode_filename_illegal_char", "hole_size_compensation", "hole_size_threshold", "hole_to_polyhole_threshold", "hole_to_polyhole_twisted", "hole_to_polyhole", "infill_connection", "infill_dense_algo", "infill_dense", "infill_extrusion_spacing", "ironing_acceleration", "lift_min", "machine_max_acceleration_travel", "max_speed_reduction", "milling_after_z", "milling_cutter", "milling_diameter", "milling_extra_size", "milling_offset", "milling_post_process", "milling_speed", "milling_toolchange_end_gcode", "milling_toolchange_start_gcode", "milling_z_lift", "milling_z_offset", "min_length", "min_width_top_surface", "model_precision", "no_perimeter_unsupported_algo", "only_one_perimeter_top_other_algo", "only_one_perimeter_top", "only_one_perimeter_first_layer", "over_bridge_flow_ratio", "overhangs_acceleration", "overhangs_reverse_threshold", "overhangs_reverse", "overhangs_speed", "overhangs_width_speed", "perimeter_bonding", "perimeter_extrusion_spacing", "perimeter_loop_seam", "perimeter_loop", "perimeter_overlap", "perimeter_round_corners", "print_extrusion_multiplier", "print_retract_length", "print_retract_lift", "print_temperature", "printhost_client_cert", "retract_lift_first_layer", "retract_lift_top", "seam_angle_cost", "seam_gap", "seam_travel_cost", "skirt_brim", "skirt_distance_from_brim", "skirt_extrusion_width", "small_perimeter_max_length", "small_perimeter_min_length", "solid_fill_pattern", "solid_infill_acceleration", "solid_infill_extrusion_spacing", "start_gcode_manual", "support_material_acceleration", "support_material_contact_distance_type", "support_material_interface_acceleration", "support_material_interface_pattern", "thin_perimeters_all", "thin_perimeters", "thin_walls_acceleration", "thin_walls_merge", "thin_walls_min_width", "thin_walls_overlap", "thin_walls_speed", "thumbnails_color", "thumbnails_custom_color", "thumbnails_end_file", "thumbnails_with_bed", "thumbnails_with_support", "time_estimation_compensation", "tool_name", "top_fan_speed", "top_infill_extrusion_spacing", "top_solid_infill_acceleration", "travel_acceleration", "travel_deceleration_use_target", "travel_speed_z", "wipe_advanced_algo", "wipe_advanced_multiplier", "wipe_advanced_nozzle_melted_volume", "wipe_advanced", "wipe_extra_perimeter", "wipe_inside_end", "wipe_inside_start", "wipe_only_crossing", "wipe_speed", "xy_inner_size_compensation", "z_step", }; std::map PrintConfigDef::to_prusa(t_config_option_key& opt_key, std::string& value, const DynamicConfig& all_conf) { std::map new_entries; //looks if it's to be removed, or have to be transformed if (prusa_export_to_remove_keys.find(opt_key) != prusa_export_to_remove_keys.end()) { opt_key = ""; value = ""; } else if (opt_key.find("_pattern") != std::string::npos) { if ("smooth" == value || "smoothtriple" == value || "smoothhilbert" == value || "rectiwithperimeter" == value || "scatteredrectilinear" == value || "rectilineargapfill" == value || "monotonicgapfill" == value || "sawtooth" == value) { value = "rectilinear"; } else if ("concentricgapfill" == value) { value = "concentric"; } } else if ("seam_position" == opt_key) { if ("cost" == value) { value = "nearest"; } } else if ("first_layer_size_compensation" == opt_key) { opt_key = "elefant_foot_compensation"; if (!value.empty()) { if (value[0] == '-') { value = value.substr(1); } else { value = "0"; } } } else if ("elephant_foot_min_width" == opt_key) { opt_key = "elefant_foot_min_width"; } else if("first_layer_acceleration" == opt_key) { if (value.find("%") != std::string::npos) { // can't support %, so we uese the default accel a baseline for half-assed conversion value = std::to_string(all_conf.get_abs_value(opt_key, all_conf.get_computed_value("default_acceleration"))); } } else if ("infill_acceleration" == opt_key || "bridge_acceleration" == opt_key || "default_acceleration" == opt_key || "perimeter_acceleration" == opt_key || "overhangs_speed" == opt_key || "ironing_speed" == opt_key || "perimeter_speed" == opt_key || "infill_speed" == opt_key || "bridge_speed" == opt_key || "support_material_speed" == opt_key || "max_print_speed" == opt_key ) { // remove '%' if (value.find("%") != std::string::npos) { value = std::to_string(all_conf.get_computed_value(opt_key)); } } else if ("gap_fill_speed" == opt_key && all_conf.has("gap_fill_enabled") && !all_conf.option("gap_fill_enabled")->value) { value = "0"; } else if ("bridge_flow_ratio" == opt_key && all_conf.has("bridge_flow_ratio")) { value = boost::lexical_cast(all_conf.option("bridge_flow_ratio")->get_abs_value(1)); } else if ("overhangs_width" == opt_key) { opt_key = "overhangs"; if (value != "0") value = "1"; } else if ("support_material_contact_distance_top" == opt_key) { opt_key = "support_material_contact_distance"; //default : get the top value or 0.2 if a % if (value.find("%") != std::string::npos) value = "0.2"; try { //avoid most useless cheks and multiple corners cases with this try catch SupportZDistanceType dist_type = all_conf.option>("support_material_contact_distance_type")->value; if (SupportZDistanceType::zdNone == dist_type) { value = "0"; } else { double val = all_conf.option("support_material_contact_distance_top")->get_abs_value(all_conf.option("nozzle_diameter")->values.front()); if (SupportZDistanceType::zdFilament == dist_type) { // not exact but good enough effort val += all_conf.option("nozzle_diameter")->values.front(); val -= all_conf.get_computed_value("layer_height", 0); } value = boost::lexical_cast(val); } } catch (...) { } } else if ("support_material_contact_distance_bottom" == opt_key) { opt_key = "support_material_bottom_contact_distance"; //default : get the top value or 0.2 if a % if (value.find("%") != std::string::npos) value = "0.2"; try { //avoid most useless cheks and multiple corners cases with this try catch SupportZDistanceType dist_type = all_conf.option>("support_material_contact_distance_type")->value; if (SupportZDistanceType::zdNone == dist_type) { value = "0"; } else { double val = all_conf.option("support_material_contact_distance_bottom")->get_abs_value(all_conf.option("nozzle_diameter")->values.front()); if (SupportZDistanceType::zdFilament == dist_type) { // not exact but good enough effort val += all_conf.option("nozzle_diameter")->values.front(); val -= all_conf.get_computed_value("layer_height", 0); } value = boost::lexical_cast(val); } } catch (...) { } } else if ("gcode_flavor" == opt_key) { if ("sprinter" == value) value = "reprap"; else if ("lerdge" == value) value = "marlin"; else if ("klipper" == value) value = "reprap"; } else if ("host_type" == opt_key) { if ("klipper" == value) value = "octoprint"; } else if (opt_key.find("extrusion_width") != std::string::npos) { if (std::set{"extrusion_width", "first_layer_extrusion_width", "perimeter_extrusion_width", "external_perimeter_extrusion_width", "infill_extrusion_width", "solid_infill_extrusion_width", "top_infill_extrusion_width"}.count(opt_key) > 0) { const ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* opt = all_conf.option(opt_key); if (opt->is_phony()) { //bypass the phony kill switch from Config::opt_serialize value = opt->serialize(); } } } if ("infill_anchor_max" == opt_key) { //it's infill_anchor == 0 that disable it for prusa if (all_conf.opt_serialize("infill_connection") == "notconnected") { value = "0"; } } if ("brim_width" == opt_key) { double brim_width_interior = all_conf.get_computed_value("brim_width_interior"); if (value == "0" && brim_width_interior == 0) new_entries["brim_type"] = "no_brim"; else if (value != "0" && brim_width_interior == 0) new_entries["brim_type"] = "outer_only"; else if (value == "0" && brim_width_interior != 0) new_entries["brim_type"] = "inner_only"; else if (value != "0" && brim_width_interior != 0) new_entries["brim_type"] = "outer_and_inner"; } if ("output_format" == opt_key) { opt_key = "sla_archive_format"; } return new_entries; } const PrintConfigDef print_config_def; DynamicPrintConfig DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config() { return DynamicPrintConfig((const PrintRegionConfig&)FullPrintConfig::defaults()); } DynamicPrintConfig::DynamicPrintConfig(const StaticPrintConfig& rhs) : DynamicConfig(rhs, rhs.keys_ref()) { } DynamicPrintConfig* DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys(const std::vector &keys) { auto *out = new DynamicPrintConfig(); out->apply_only(FullPrintConfig::defaults(), keys); return out; } PrinterTechnology printer_technology(const ConfigBase& cfg) { const ConfigOptionEnum* opt = cfg.option>("printer_technology"); if (opt) return opt->value; const ConfigOptionBool* export_opt = cfg.option("export_sla"); if (export_opt && export_opt->getBool()) return ptSLA; export_opt = cfg.option("export_gcode"); if (export_opt && export_opt->getBool()) return ptFFF; return ptUnknown; } OutputFormat output_format(const ConfigBase& cfg) { std::cerr << "Detected technology " << printer_technology(cfg) << "\n"; if (printer_technology(cfg) == ptFFF) return ofGCode; const ConfigOptionEnum* opt = cfg.option>("output_format"); if (opt) return opt->value; return ofUnknown; } /* double min_object_distance(const ConfigBase &cfg) { const ConfigOptionEnum *opt_printer_technology = cfg.option>("printer_technology"); auto printer_technology = opt_printer_technology ? opt_printer_technology->value : ptUnknown; double ret = 0.; if (printer_technology == ptSLA) ret = 6.; else { auto ecr_opt = cfg.option("extruder_clearance_radius"); auto dd_opt = cfg.option("duplicate_distance"); auto co_opt = cfg.option("complete_objects"); if (!ecr_opt || !dd_opt || !co_opt) ret = 0.; else { // min object distance is max(duplicate_distance, clearance_radius) ret = (co_opt->value && ecr_opt->value > dd_opt->value) ? ecr_opt->value : dd_opt->value; } } return ret; }*/ double min_object_distance(const PrintConfig& config) { return min_object_distance(static_cast(&config)); } double min_object_distance(const ConfigBase *config, double ref_height /* = 0*/) { if (printer_technology(*config) == ptSLA) return 6.; const ConfigOptionFloat* dd_opt = config->option("duplicate_distance"); //test if called from usaslicer::l240 where it's called on an empty config... if (dd_opt == nullptr) return 0; double base_dist = 0; //std::cout << "START min_object_distance =>" << base_dist << "\n"; const ConfigOptionBool* co_opt = config->option("complete_objects"); if (co_opt && co_opt->value) { double skirt_dist = 0; try { std::vector vals = dynamic_cast(config->option("nozzle_diameter"))->values; double max_nozzle_diam = 0; for (double val : vals) max_nozzle_diam = std::fmax(max_nozzle_diam, val); // min object distance is max(duplicate_distance, clearance_radius) // /2 becasue we only count the grawing for the current object //add 1 as safety offset. double extruder_clearance_radius = config->option("extruder_clearance_radius")->getFloat() / 2; if (extruder_clearance_radius > base_dist) { base_dist = extruder_clearance_radius; } // we use the max nozzle, just to be on the safe side //ideally, we should use print::first_layer_height() const double first_layer_height = dynamic_cast(config->option("first_layer_height"))->get_abs_value(max_nozzle_diam); //add the skirt int skirts = config->option("skirts")->getInt(); if (skirts > 0 && ref_height == 0) skirts += config->option("skirt_brim")->getInt(); if (skirts > 0 && config->option("skirt_height")->getInt() >= 1 && !config->option("complete_objects_one_skirt")->getBool()) { float overlap_ratio = 1; //can't know the extruder, so we settle on the worst: 100% //if (config->option("filament_max_overlap")) overlap_ratio = config->get_computed_value("filament_max_overlap"); if (ref_height == 0) { skirt_dist = config->option("skirt_distance")->getFloat(); Flow skirt_flow = Flow::new_from_config_width( frPerimeter, *Flow::extrusion_option("skirt_extrusion_width", *config), (float)max_nozzle_diam, (float)first_layer_height, overlap_ratio, 0 ); skirt_dist += skirt_flow.width() + (skirt_flow.spacing() * ((double)skirts - 1)); base_dist = std::max(base_dist, skirt_dist + 1); //set to 0 becasue it's incorporated into the base_dist, so we don't want to be added in to it again. skirt_dist = 0; } else { double skirt_height = ((double)config->option("skirt_height")->getInt() - 1) * config->get_computed_value("layer_height") + first_layer_height; if (ref_height <= skirt_height) { skirt_dist = config->option("skirt_distance")->getFloat(); Flow skirt_flow = Flow::new_from_config_width( frPerimeter, *Flow::extrusion_option("skirt_extrusion_width", *config), (float)max_nozzle_diam, (float)first_layer_height, overlap_ratio, 0 ); skirt_dist += skirt_flow.width() + (skirt_flow.spacing() * ((double)skirts - 1)); } } } } catch (const std::exception & ex) { boost::nowide::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl; } return base_dist + skirt_dist; } return base_dist; } void DynamicPrintConfig::normalize_fdm() { if (this->has("extruder")) { int extruder = this->option("extruder")->getInt(); this->erase("extruder"); if (extruder != 0) { if (!this->has("infill_extruder")) this->option("infill_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder); if (!this->has("perimeter_extruder")) this->option("perimeter_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder); // Don't propagate the current extruder to support. // For non-soluble supports, the default "0" extruder means to use the active extruder, // for soluble supports one certainly does not want to set the extruder to non-soluble. // if (!this->has("support_material_extruder")) // this->option("support_material_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder); // if (!this->has("support_material_interface_extruder")) // this->option("support_material_interface_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder); } } if (this->has("first_layer_extruder")) this->erase("first_layer_extruder"); if (!this->has("solid_infill_extruder") && this->has("infill_extruder")) this->option("solid_infill_extruder", true)->setInt(this->option("infill_extruder")->getInt()); if (this->has("spiral_vase") && this->opt("spiral_vase", true)->value) { { // this should be actually done only on the spiral layers instead of all auto* opt = this->opt("retract_layer_change", true); opt->values.assign(opt->values.size(), false); // set all values to false // Disable retract on layer change also for filament overrides. auto* opt_n = this->opt("filament_retract_layer_change", true); opt_n->values.assign(opt_n->values.size(), false); // Set all values to false. } { this->opt("perimeters", true)->value = 1; this->opt("top_solid_layers", true)->value = 0; this->opt("fill_density", true)->value = 0; this->opt("support_material", true)->value = false; this->opt("solid_over_perimeters")->value = 0; this->opt("support_material_enforce_layers")->value = 0; this->opt("exact_last_layer_height", true)->value = false; this->opt("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", true)->value = false; this->opt("infill_dense", true)->value = false; this->opt("extra_perimeters", true)->value = false; this->opt("extra_perimeters_overhangs", true)->value = false; this->opt("extra_perimeters_odd_layers", true)->value = false; this->opt("overhangs_reverse", true)->value = false; } } // merill : why? // if (auto* opt_gcode_resolution = this->opt("gcode_resolution", false); opt_gcode_resolution) // // Resolution will be above 1um. // opt_gcode_resolution->value = std::max(opt_gcode_resolution->value, 0.001); } void handle_legacy_sla(DynamicPrintConfig& config) { for (std::string corr : {"relative_correction", "material_correction"}) { if (config.has(corr)) { if (std::string corr_x = corr + "_x"; !config.has(corr_x)) { auto* opt = config.opt(corr_x, true); opt->value = config.opt(corr)->values[0]; } if (std::string corr_y = corr + "_y"; !config.has(corr_y)) { auto* opt = config.opt(corr_y, true); opt->value = config.opt(corr)->values[0]; } if (std::string corr_z = corr + "_z"; !config.has(corr_z)) { auto* opt = config.opt(corr_z, true); opt->value = config.opt(corr)->values[1]; } } } } void DynamicPrintConfig::set_num_extruders(unsigned int num_extruders) { const auto& defaults = FullPrintConfig::defaults(); for (const std::string& key : print_config_def.extruder_option_keys()) { if (key == "default_filament_profile") // Don't resize this field, as it is presented to the user at the "Dependencies" page of the Printer profile and we don't want to present // empty fields there, if not defined by the system profile. continue; auto* opt = this->option(key, false); assert(opt != nullptr); assert(opt->is_vector()); if (opt != nullptr && opt->is_vector()) static_cast(opt)->resize(num_extruders, defaults.option(key)); } } void DynamicPrintConfig::set_num_milling(unsigned int num_milling) { const auto& defaults = FullPrintConfig::defaults(); for (const std::string& key : print_config_def.milling_option_keys()) { auto* opt = this->option(key, false); assert(opt != nullptr); assert(opt->is_vector()); if (opt != nullptr && opt->is_vector()) static_cast(opt)->resize(num_milling, defaults.option(key)); } } std::string DynamicPrintConfig::validate() { // Full print config is initialized from the defaults. const ConfigOption *opt = this->option("printer_technology", false); auto printer_technology = (opt == nullptr) ? ptFFF : static_cast(dynamic_cast(opt)->value); switch (printer_technology) { case ptFFF: { FullPrintConfig fpc; fpc.apply(*this, true); // Verify this print options through the FullPrintConfig. return Slic3r::validate(fpc); } default: //FIXME no validation on SLA data? return std::string(); } } template const TYPE* find_option(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, DynamicPrintConfig* default_config, const std::vector &other_config) { const TYPE* option = default_config->option(opt_key); if (option) return option; for (const DynamicPrintConfig* conf : other_config) { option = conf->option(opt_key); if (option) return option; } return nullptr; } std::set DynamicPrintConfig::update_phony(const std::vector config_collection) { std::set something_changed; //update width/spacing links const char* widths[] = { "", "external_perimeter_", "perimeter_", "infill_", "solid_infill_", "top_infill_", "support_material_", "first_layer_", "skirt_" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(widths) / sizeof(widths[i]); ++i) { std::string key_width(widths[i]); key_width += "extrusion_width"; std::string key_spacing(widths[i]); key_spacing += "extrusion_spacing"; ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option(key_width); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* spacing_option = this->option(key_spacing); if (width_option && spacing_option){ std::set returned_values; if (!spacing_option->is_phony() && width_option->is_phony()) returned_values = value_changed(key_spacing, config_collection); else returned_values = value_changed(key_width, config_collection); something_changed.insert(returned_values.begin(), returned_values.end()); } } return something_changed; } //note: width<-> spacing conversion is done via float, so max 6-7 digit of precision. std::set DynamicPrintConfig::value_changed(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, const std::vector config_collection) { if (opt_key == "layer_height") { const ConfigOptionFloat* layer_height_option = find_option("layer_height", this, config_collection); //if bad layer height, slip to be able to go to the check part without outputing exceptions. if (layer_height_option && layer_height_option->value < EPSILON) return {}; if (!update_phony(config_collection).empty()) return { this }; return {}; } if (opt_key == "filament_max_overlap" || opt_key == "perimeter_overlap" || opt_key == "external_perimeter_overlap" || opt_key == "solid_infill_overlap") { for (auto conf : config_collection) { if (conf->option("extrusion_width")) if (!conf->update_phony(config_collection).empty()) return { conf }; } return {}; } bool something_changed = false; // width -> spacing if (opt_key.find("extrusion_spacing") != std::string::npos) { const ConfigOptionFloats* nozzle_diameter_option = find_option("nozzle_diameter", this, config_collection); const ConfigOptionFloat* layer_height_option = find_option("layer_height", this, config_collection); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* spacing_option = this->option(opt_key); if (layer_height_option && spacing_option && nozzle_diameter_option) { //compute spacing with current height and change the width double max_nozzle_diameter = 0; for (double dmr : nozzle_diameter_option->values) max_nozzle_diameter = std::max(max_nozzle_diameter, dmr); double spacing_value = spacing_option->get_abs_value(max_nozzle_diameter); float overlap_ratio = 1; const ConfigOptionPercents* filament_max_overlap_option = find_option("filament_max_overlap", this, config_collection); if (filament_max_overlap_option) overlap_ratio = filament_max_overlap_option->get_abs_value(0, 1.); if (opt_key == "perimeter_extrusion_spacing") { } Flow flow = Flow::new_from_spacing(spacing_value, max_nozzle_diameter,layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, false); //test for valid height. If too high, revert to round shape if (spacing_value > 0 && flow.height() > spacing_value / (1 - (1. - 0.25 * PI) * flow.spacing_ratio())) { flow = flow.with_width(spacing_value / (1 - (1. - 0.25 * PI) * flow.spacing_ratio())); flow = flow.with_height(flow.width()); } if (opt_key == "extrusion_spacing") { ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("extrusion_width"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if (spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "first_layer_extrusion_spacing") { ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("first_layer_extrusion_width"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if (spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "perimeter_extrusion_spacing") { const ConfigOptionPercent* perimeter_overlap_option = find_option("perimeter_overlap", this, config_collection); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("perimeter_extrusion_width"); if (width_option && perimeter_overlap_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if(spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else { float spacing_ratio = (std::min(flow.spacing_ratio(), float(perimeter_overlap_option->get_abs_value(1)))); flow = flow.with_width( spacing_option->get_abs_value(max_nozzle_diameter) + layer_height_option->value * (1. - 0.25 * PI) * spacing_ratio); width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); } width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "external_perimeter_extrusion_spacing") { const ConfigOptionPercent* external_perimeter_overlap_option = find_option("external_perimeter_overlap", this, config_collection); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("external_perimeter_extrusion_width"); if (width_option && external_perimeter_overlap_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if (spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else { float spacing_ratio = (std::min(flow.spacing_ratio() / 2, float(external_perimeter_overlap_option->get_abs_value(0.5)))); flow = flow.with_width(spacing_option->get_abs_value(max_nozzle_diameter) + layer_height_option->value * (1. - 0.25 * PI) * spacing_ratio); width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); } width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "infill_extrusion_spacing") { ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("infill_extrusion_width"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if (spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "solid_infill_extrusion_spacing") { const ConfigOptionPercent* solid_infill_overlap_option = find_option("solid_infill_overlap", this, config_collection); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("solid_infill_extrusion_width"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if (spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else { float spacing_ratio = (std::min(flow.spacing_ratio(), float(solid_infill_overlap_option->get_abs_value(1)))); flow = flow.with_width(spacing_option->get_abs_value(max_nozzle_diameter) + layer_height_option->value * (1. - 0.25 * PI) * spacing_ratio); width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); } width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "top_infill_extrusion_spacing") { ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option("top_infill_extrusion_width"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); if (spacing_value == 0) width_option->value = 0; else width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } /*if (opt_key == "support_material_extrusion_spacing") { if (spacing_option->percent) this->set_key_value("support_material_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(100 * flow.width / max_nozzle_diameter), true)); else this->set_key_value("support_material_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(flow.width * 10000) / 10000, false)); something_changed = true; } if (opt_key == "skirt_extrusion_spacing") { if (spacing_option->percent) this->set_key_value("skirt_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(100 * flow.width / max_nozzle_diameter), true)); else this->set_key_value("skirt_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(flow.width * 10000) / 10000, false)); something_changed = true; }*/ } } if (opt_key.find("extrusion_width") != std::string::npos) { const ConfigOptionFloats* nozzle_diameter_option = find_option("nozzle_diameter", this, config_collection); const ConfigOptionFloat* layer_height_option = find_option("layer_height", this, config_collection); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* default_width_option = this->option("extrusion_width"); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* width_option = this->option(opt_key); float overlap_ratio = 1; const ConfigOptionPercents* filament_max_overlap_option = find_option("filament_max_overlap", this, config_collection); if (filament_max_overlap_option) overlap_ratio = filament_max_overlap_option->get_abs_value(0, 1.); if (layer_height_option && width_option && nozzle_diameter_option) { //compute spacing with current height and change the width float max_nozzle_diameter = 0; for (double dmr : nozzle_diameter_option->values) max_nozzle_diameter = std::max(max_nozzle_diameter, (float)dmr); ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* spacing_option = nullptr; try { if (opt_key == "extrusion_width") { spacing_option = this->option("extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frPerimeter, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (flow.width() < flow.height()) flow.with_height(flow.width()); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "first_layer_extrusion_width") { spacing_option = this->option("first_layer_extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frPerimeter, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (flow.width() < flow.height()) flow.with_height(flow.width()); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "perimeter_extrusion_width") { const ConfigOptionPercent* perimeter_overlap_option = find_option("perimeter_overlap", this, config_collection); spacing_option = this->option("perimeter_extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option && perimeter_overlap_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frExternalPerimeter, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option , max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (flow.width() < flow.height()) flow = flow.with_height(flow.width()); flow = flow.with_spacing_ratio(std::min(flow.spacing_ratio(), (float)perimeter_overlap_option->get_abs_value(1))); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "external_perimeter_extrusion_width") { const ConfigOptionPercent* external_perimeter_overlap_option = find_option("external_perimeter_overlap", this, config_collection); spacing_option = this->option("external_perimeter_extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option && external_perimeter_overlap_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow ext_perimeter_flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frPerimeter, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (ext_perimeter_flow.width() < ext_perimeter_flow.height()) ext_perimeter_flow = ext_perimeter_flow.with_height(ext_perimeter_flow.width()); ext_perimeter_flow = ext_perimeter_flow.with_spacing_ratio(std::min(ext_perimeter_flow.spacing_ratio() * 0.5f, float(external_perimeter_overlap_option->get_abs_value(0.5)))); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * ext_perimeter_flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(ext_perimeter_flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "infill_extrusion_width") { spacing_option = this->option("infill_extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frInfill, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (flow.width() < flow.height()) flow = flow.with_height(flow.width()); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "solid_infill_extrusion_width") { const ConfigOptionPercent* solid_infill_overlap_option = find_option("solid_infill_overlap", this, config_collection); spacing_option = this->option("solid_infill_extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frSolidInfill, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (flow.width() < flow.height()) flow = flow.with_height(flow.width()); flow = flow.with_spacing_ratio(std::min(flow.spacing_ratio(), float(solid_infill_overlap_option->get_abs_value(1.)))); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } if (opt_key == "top_infill_extrusion_width") { spacing_option = this->option("top_infill_extrusion_spacing"); if (width_option) { width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frTopSolidInfill, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); if (flow.width() < flow.height()) flow = flow.with_height(flow.width()); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } //if (opt_key == "support_material_extrusion_width") { // Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frSupportMaterial, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, 0); // if (width_option->percent) // this->set_key_value("support_material_extrusion_spacing", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter), true)); // else // this->set_key_value("support_material_extrusion_spacing", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000, false)); // something_changed = true; //} //if (opt_key == "skirt_extrusion_width") { // Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frPerimeter, width_option->value == 0 ? *default_width_option : *width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, 0); // if (width_option->percent) // this->set_key_value("skirt_extrusion_spacing", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter), true)); // else // this->set_key_value("skirt_extrusion_spacing", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000, false)); // something_changed = true; //} } catch (FlowErrorNegativeSpacing) { if (spacing_option != nullptr) { width_option->set_phony(true); spacing_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->value = 100; spacing_option->percent = true; Flow flow = Flow::new_from_spacing(spacing_option->get_abs_value(max_nozzle_diameter), max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, false); width_option->value = (spacing_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.width() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.width() * 10000) / 10000); width_option->percent = spacing_option->percent; something_changed = true; } else { width_option->value = 100; width_option->percent = true; width_option->set_phony(false); spacing_option->set_phony(true); Flow flow = Flow::new_from_config_width(FlowRole::frPerimeter, width_option->value == 0 ? *width_option : *default_width_option, max_nozzle_diameter, layer_height_option->value, overlap_ratio, 0); spacing_option->value = (width_option->percent) ? std::round(100 * flow.spacing() / max_nozzle_diameter) : (std::round(flow.spacing() * 10000) / 10000); spacing_option->percent = width_option->percent; something_changed = true; } } } } if(something_changed) return { this }; return {}; } //FIXME localize this function. //note: seems only called for config export & command line. Most of the validation work for the gui is done elsewhere... So this function may be a bit out-of-sync std::string validate(const FullPrintConfig& cfg) { // --layer-height if (cfg.get_computed_value("layer_height") <= 0) return "Invalid value for --layer-height"; if (fabs(fmod(cfg.get_computed_value("layer_height"), SCALING_FACTOR)) > 1e-4) return "--layer-height must be a multiple of print resolution"; // --first-layer-height //if (cfg.get_abs_value("first_layer_height") <= 0) //can't do that, as the extruder isn't defined if(cfg.first_layer_height.value <= 0) return "Invalid value for --first-layer-height"; // --filament-diameter for (double fd : cfg.filament_diameter.values) if (fd < 1) return "Invalid value for --filament-diameter"; // --nozzle-diameter for (double nd : cfg.nozzle_diameter.values) if (nd < 0.005) return "Invalid value for --nozzle-diameter"; // --perimeters if (cfg.perimeters.value < 0) return "Invalid value for --perimeters"; // --solid-layers if (cfg.top_solid_layers < 0) return "Invalid value for --top-solid-layers"; if (cfg.bottom_solid_layers < 0) return "Invalid value for --bottom-solid-layers"; if (cfg.use_firmware_retraction.value && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfSmoothie && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfSprinter && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfRepRap && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfMarlinLegacy && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfMarlinFirmware && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfMachinekit && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfRepetier && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfKlipper && cfg.gcode_flavor.value != gcfLerdge) return "--use-firmware-retraction is only supported by Marlin 1&2, Smoothie, Sprinter, Reprap, Repetier, Machinekit, Repetier, Klipper? and Lerdge firmware"; if (cfg.use_firmware_retraction.value) for (unsigned char wipe : cfg.wipe.values) if (wipe) return "--use-firmware-retraction is not compatible with --wipe"; // --gcode-flavor if (! print_config_def.get("gcode_flavor")->has_enum_value(cfg.gcode_flavor.serialize())) return "Invalid value for --gcode-flavor"; // --fill-pattern if (! print_config_def.get("fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.fill_pattern.serialize())) return "Invalid value for --fill-pattern"; // --top-fill-pattern if (!print_config_def.get("top_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.top_fill_pattern.serialize())) return "Invalid value for --top-fill-pattern"; // --bottom-fill-pattern if (! print_config_def.get("bottom_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.bottom_fill_pattern.serialize())) return "Invalid value for --bottom-fill-pattern"; // --solid-fill-pattern if (!print_config_def.get("solid_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.solid_fill_pattern.serialize())) return "Invalid value for --solid-fill-pattern"; // --brim-ears-pattern if (!print_config_def.get("brim_ears_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.brim_ears_pattern.serialize())) return "Invalid value for --brim-ears-pattern"; // --fill-density if (fabs(cfg.fill_density.value - 100.) < EPSILON && (! print_config_def.get("top_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.fill_pattern.serialize()) && ! print_config_def.get("bottom_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(cfg.fill_pattern.serialize()) )) return "The selected fill pattern is not supposed to work at 100% density"; // --infill-every-layers if (cfg.infill_every_layers < 1) return "Invalid value for --infill-every-layers"; // --skirt-height if (cfg.skirt_height < 0) return "Invalid value for --skirt-height"; // extruder clearance if (cfg.extruder_clearance_radius <= 0) return "Invalid value for --extruder-clearance-radius"; if (cfg.extruder_clearance_height <= 0) return "Invalid value for --extruder-clearance-height"; // --extrusion-multiplier for (double em : cfg.extrusion_multiplier.values) if (em <= 0) return "Invalid value for --extrusion-multiplier"; // --spiral-vase if (cfg.spiral_vase) { // Note that we might want to have more than one perimeter on the bottom // solid layers. if (cfg.perimeters > 1) return "Can't make more than one perimeter when spiral vase mode is enabled"; else if (cfg.perimeters < 1) return "Can't make less than one perimeter when spiral vase mode is enabled"; if (cfg.fill_density > 0) return "Spiral vase mode can only print hollow objects, so you need to set Fill density to 0"; if (cfg.top_solid_layers > 0) return "Spiral vase mode is not compatible with top solid layers"; if (cfg.support_material || cfg.support_material_enforce_layers > 0) return "Spiral vase mode is not compatible with support material"; if (cfg.infill_dense) return "Spiral vase mode can only print hollow objects and have no top surface, so you don't need any dense infill"; if (cfg.extra_perimeters || cfg.extra_perimeters_overhangs || cfg.extra_perimeters_odd_layers) return "Can't make more than one perimeter when spiral vase mode is enabled"; if (cfg.overhangs_reverse) return "Can't reverse the direction of the perimeter every layer when spiral vase mode is enabled"; } // extrusion widths { double max_nozzle_diameter = 0.; for (double dmr : cfg.nozzle_diameter.values) max_nozzle_diameter = std::max(max_nozzle_diameter, dmr); const char *widths[] = { "", "external_perimeter_", "perimeter_", "infill_", "solid_infill_", "top_infill_", "support_material_", "first_layer_", "skirt_" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(widths) / sizeof(widths[i]); ++ i) { std::string key(widths[i]); key += "extrusion_width"; if (cfg.get_abs_value(key, max_nozzle_diameter) > 10. * max_nozzle_diameter) return std::string("Invalid extrusion width (too large): ") + key; } } // Out of range validation of numeric values. for (const std::string &opt_key : cfg.keys()) { const ConfigOption *opt = cfg.optptr(opt_key); assert(opt != nullptr); const ConfigOptionDef *optdef = print_config_def.get(opt_key); assert(optdef != nullptr); bool out_of_range = false; switch (opt->type()) { case coFloat: case coPercent: { auto *fopt = static_cast(opt); out_of_range = fopt->value < optdef->min || fopt->value > optdef->max; break; } case coFloatOrPercent: { auto *fopt = static_cast(opt); out_of_range = fopt->get_abs_value(1) < optdef->min || fopt->get_abs_value(1) > optdef->max; break; } case coPercents: case coFloats: for (double v : static_cast*>(opt)->values) if (v < optdef->min || v > optdef->max) { out_of_range = true; break; } break; case coFloatsOrPercents: for (FloatOrPercent v : static_cast*>(opt)->values) if (v.value < optdef->min || v.value > optdef->max) { out_of_range = true; break; } break; case coInt: { auto *iopt = static_cast(opt); out_of_range = iopt->value < optdef->min || iopt->value > optdef->max; break; } case coInts: for (int v : static_cast*>(opt)->values) if (v < optdef->min || v > optdef->max) { out_of_range = true; break; } break; default:; } if (out_of_range) return std::string("Value out of range: " + opt_key); } // The configuration is valid. return ""; } // Declare and initialize static caches of StaticPrintConfig derived classes. #define PRINT_CONFIG_CACHE_ELEMENT_DEFINITION(r, data, CLASS_NAME) StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache BOOST_PP_CAT(CLASS_NAME::s_cache_, CLASS_NAME); #define PRINT_CONFIG_CACHE_ELEMENT_INITIALIZATION(r, data, CLASS_NAME) Slic3r::CLASS_NAME::initialize_cache(); #define PRINT_CONFIG_CACHE_INITIALIZE(CLASSES_SEQ) \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(PRINT_CONFIG_CACHE_ELEMENT_DEFINITION, _, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_TO_SEQ(CLASSES_SEQ)) \ int print_config_static_initializer() { \ /* Putting a trace here to avoid the compiler to optimize out this function. */ \ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Initializing StaticPrintConfigs"; \ BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(PRINT_CONFIG_CACHE_ELEMENT_INITIALIZATION, _, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_TO_SEQ(CLASSES_SEQ)) \ return 1; \ } PRINT_CONFIG_CACHE_INITIALIZE(( PrintObjectConfig, PrintRegionConfig, MachineEnvelopeConfig, GCodeConfig, PrintConfig, FullPrintConfig, SLAMaterialConfig, SLAPrintConfig, SLAPrintObjectConfig, SLAPrinterConfig, SLAFullPrintConfig)) static int print_config_static_initialized = print_config_static_initializer(); CLIActionsConfigDef::CLIActionsConfigDef() { ConfigOptionDef* def; // Actions: def = this->add("export_obj", coBool); def->label = L("Export OBJ"); def->tooltip = L("Export the model(s) as OBJ."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); /* def = this->add("export_svg", coBool); def->label = L("Export SVG"); def->tooltip = L("Slice the model and export solid slices as SVG."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); */ def = this->add("export_sla", coBool); def->label = L("Export SLA"); def->tooltip = L("Slice the model and export SLA printing layers as PNG."); def->cli = "export-sla|sla"; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("export_3mf", coBool); def->label = L("Export 3MF"); def->tooltip = L("Export the model(s) as 3MF."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("export_amf", coBool); def->label = L("Export AMF"); def->tooltip = L("Export the model(s) as AMF."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("export_stl", coBool); def->label = L("Export STL"); def->tooltip = L("Export the model(s) as STL."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("export_gcode", coBool); def->label = L("Export G-code"); def->tooltip = L("Slice the model and export toolpaths as G-code."); def->cli = "export-gcode|gcode|g"; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("gcodeviewer", coBool); def->label = L("G-code viewer"); def->tooltip = L("Visualize an already sliced and saved G-code"); def->cli = "gcodeviewer"; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("slice", coBool); def->label = L("Slice"); def->tooltip = L("Slice the model as FFF or SLA based on the printer_technology configuration value."); def->cli = "slice|s"; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("help", coBool); def->label = L("Help"); def->tooltip = L("Show this help."); def->cli = "help|h"; def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("help_fff", coBool); def->label = L("Help (FFF options)"); def->tooltip = L("Show the full list of print/G-code configuration options."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("help_sla", coBool); def->label = L("Help (SLA options)"); def->tooltip = L("Show the full list of SLA print configuration options."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("info", coBool); def->label = L("Output Model Info"); def->tooltip = L("Write information about the model to the console."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false)); def = this->add("save", coString); def->label = L("Save config file"); def->tooltip = L("Save configuration to the specified file."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString()); } CLITransformConfigDef::CLITransformConfigDef() { ConfigOptionDef* def; // Transform options: def = this->add("align_xy", coPoint); def->label = L("Align XY"); def->tooltip = L("Align the model to the given point."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoint(Vec2d(100,100))); def = this->add("cut", coFloat); def->label = L("Cut"); def->tooltip = L("Cut model at the given Z."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); /* def = this->add("cut_grid", coFloat); def->label = L("Cut"); def->tooltip = L("Cut model in the XY plane into tiles of the specified max size."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoint(); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoint()); def = this->add("cut_x", coFloat); def->label = L("Cut"); def->tooltip = L("Cut model at the given X."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("cut_y", coFloat); def->label = L("Cut"); def->tooltip = L("Cut model at the given Y."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); */ def = this->add("center", coPoint); def->label = L("Center"); def->tooltip = L("Center the print around the given center."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoint(Vec2d(100,100))); def = this->add("dont_arrange", coBool); def->label = L("Don't arrange"); def->tooltip = L("Do not rearrange the given models before merging and keep their original XY coordinates."); def = this->add("ensure_on_bed", coBool); def->label = L("Ensure on bed"); def->tooltip = L("Lift the object above the bed when it is partially below. Enabled by default, use --no-ensure-on-bed to disable."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true)); def = this->add("duplicate", coInt); def->label = L("Duplicate"); def->tooltip =L("Multiply copies by this factor."); def->min = 1; def = this->add("duplicate_grid", coPoint); def->label = L("Duplicate by grid"); def->tooltip = L("Multiply copies by creating a grid."); def = this->add("merge", coBool); def->label = L("Merge"); def->tooltip = L("Arrange the supplied models in a plate and merge them in a single model in order to perform actions once."); def->cli = "merge|m"; def = this->add("repair", coBool); def->label = L("Repair"); def->tooltip = L("Try to repair any non-manifold meshes (this option is implicitly added whenever we need to slice the model to perform the requested action)."); def = this->add("rotate", coFloat); def->label = L("Rotate"); def->tooltip = L("Rotation angle around the Z axis in degrees."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("rotate_x", coFloat); def->label = L("Rotate around X"); def->tooltip = L("Rotation angle around the X axis in degrees."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("rotate_y", coFloat); def->label = L("Rotate around Y"); def->tooltip = L("Rotation angle around the Y axis in degrees."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0)); def = this->add("scale", coFloatOrPercent); def->label = L("Scale"); def->tooltip = L("Scaling factor or percentage."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(1, false)); def = this->add("split", coBool); def->label = L("Split"); def->tooltip = L("Detect unconnected parts in the given model(s) and split them into separate objects."); def = this->add("scale_to_fit", coPoint3); def->label = L("Scale to Fit"); def->tooltip = L("Scale to fit the given volume."); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPoint3(Vec3d(0,0,0))); } CLIMiscConfigDef::CLIMiscConfigDef() { ConfigOptionDef* def; def = this->add("ignore_nonexistent_config", coBool); def->label = L("Ignore non-existent config files"); def->tooltip = L("Do not fail if a file supplied to --load does not exist."); def = this->add("config_compatibility", coEnum); def->label = L("Forward-compatibility rule when loading configurations from config files and project files (3MF, AMF)."); def->tooltip = L("This version of Slic3r may not understand configurations produced by the newest Slic3r versions. " "For example, newer Slic3r may extend the list of supported firmware flavors. One may decide to " "bail out or to substitute an unknown value with a default silently or verbosely."); def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); def->enum_values.push_back("disable"); def->enum_values.push_back("enable"); def->enum_values.push_back("enable_silent"); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Bail out on unknown configuration values")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Enable reading unknown configuration values by verbosely substituting them with defaults.")); def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Enable reading unknown configuration values by silently substituting them with defaults.")); def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum(ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable)); def = this->add("load", coStrings); def->label = L("Load config file"); def->tooltip = L("Load configuration from the specified file. It can be used more than once to load options from multiple files."); def = this->add("output", coString); def->label = L("Output File"); def->tooltip = L("The file where the output will be written (if not specified, it will be based on the input file)."); def->cli = "output|o"; def = this->add("single_instance", coBool); def->label = L("Single instance mode"); def->tooltip = L("If enabled, the command line arguments are sent to an existing instance of GUI Slic3r, " "or an existing Slic3r window is activated. " "Overrides the \"single_instance\" configuration value from application preferences."); /* def = this->add("autosave", coString); def->label = L("Autosave"); def->tooltip = L("Automatically export current configuration to the specified file."); */ def = this->add("datadir", coString); def->label = L("Data directory"); def->tooltip = L("Load and store settings at the given directory. This is useful for maintaining different profiles or including configurations from a network storage."); def = this->add("loglevel", coInt); def->label = L("Logging level"); def->tooltip = L("Sets logging sensitivity. 0:fatal, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug, 5:trace\n" "For example. loglevel=2 logs fatal, error and warning level messages."); def->min = 0; #if (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)) && defined(SLIC3R_GUI) def = this->add("sw_renderer", coBool); def->label = L("Render with a software renderer"); def->tooltip = L("Render with a software renderer. The bundled MESA software renderer is loaded instead of the default OpenGL driver."); def->min = 0; #endif /* _MSC_VER */ } const CLIActionsConfigDef cli_actions_config_def; const CLITransformConfigDef cli_transform_config_def; const CLIMiscConfigDef cli_misc_config_def; DynamicPrintAndCLIConfig::PrintAndCLIConfigDef DynamicPrintAndCLIConfig::s_def; void DynamicPrintAndCLIConfig::handle_legacy(t_config_option_key &opt_key, std::string &value) const { if (cli_actions_config_def .options.find(opt_key) == cli_actions_config_def .options.end() && cli_transform_config_def.options.find(opt_key) == cli_transform_config_def.options.end() && cli_misc_config_def .options.find(opt_key) == cli_misc_config_def .options.end()) { PrintConfigDef::handle_legacy(opt_key, value); } } uint64_t ModelConfig::s_last_timestamp = 1; static Points to_points(const std::vector &dpts) { Points pts; pts.reserve(dpts.size()); for (auto &v : dpts) pts.emplace_back( coord_t(scale_(v.x())), coord_t(scale_(v.y())) ); return pts; } Points get_bed_shape(const DynamicPrintConfig &config) { const auto *bed_shape_opt = config.opt("bed_shape"); if (!bed_shape_opt) { // Here, it is certain that the bed shape is missing, so an infinite one // has to be used, but still, the center of bed can be queried if (auto center_opt = config.opt("center")) return { scaled(center_opt->value) }; return {}; } return to_points(bed_shape_opt->values); } Points get_bed_shape(const PrintConfig &cfg) { return to_points(cfg.bed_shape.values); } Points get_bed_shape(const SLAPrinterConfig &cfg) { return to_points(cfg.bed_shape.values); } } // namespace Slic3r #include CEREAL_REGISTER_TYPE(Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig) CEREAL_REGISTER_POLYMORPHIC_RELATION(Slic3r::DynamicConfig, Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig)