#include "SurfaceCollection.hpp" #include "BoundingBox.hpp" #include "SVG.hpp" #include namespace Slic3r { SurfaceCollection::operator Polygons() const { Polygons polygons; for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { Polygons surface_p = surface->expolygon; polygons.insert(polygons.end(), surface_p.begin(), surface_p.end()); } return polygons; } SurfaceCollection::operator ExPolygons() const { ExPolygons expp; expp.reserve(this->surfaces.size()); for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { expp.push_back(surface->expolygon); } return expp; } void SurfaceCollection::simplify(double tolerance) { Surfaces ss; for (Surfaces::const_iterator it_s = this->surfaces.begin(); it_s != this->surfaces.end(); ++it_s) { ExPolygons expp; it_s->expolygon.simplify(tolerance, &expp); for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it_e = expp.begin(); it_e != expp.end(); ++it_e) { Surface s = *it_s; s.expolygon = *it_e; ss.push_back(s); } } this->surfaces = ss; } /* group surfaces by common properties */ void SurfaceCollection::group(std::vector *retval) { for (Surfaces::iterator it = this->surfaces.begin(); it != this->surfaces.end(); ++it) { // find a group with the same properties SurfacesPtr* group = NULL; for (std::vector::iterator git = retval->begin(); git != retval->end(); ++git) { Surface* gkey = git->front(); if ( gkey->surface_type == it->surface_type && gkey->thickness == it->thickness && gkey->thickness_layers == it->thickness_layers && gkey->bridge_angle == it->bridge_angle) { group = &*git; break; } } // if no group with these properties exists, add one if (group == NULL) { retval->resize(retval->size() + 1); group = &retval->back(); } // append surface to group group->push_back(&*it); } } template bool SurfaceCollection::any_internal_contains(const T &item) const { for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { if (surface->is_internal() && surface->expolygon.contains(item)) return true; } return false; } template bool SurfaceCollection::any_internal_contains(const Polyline &item) const; template bool SurfaceCollection::any_bottom_contains(const T &item) const { for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { if (surface->is_bottom() && surface->expolygon.contains(item)) return true; } return false; } template bool SurfaceCollection::any_bottom_contains(const Polyline &item) const; SurfacesPtr SurfaceCollection::filter_by_type(const SurfaceType type) { SurfacesPtr ss; for (Surfaces::iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { if (surface->surface_type == type) ss.push_back(&*surface); } return ss; } SurfacesPtr SurfaceCollection::filter_by_types(const SurfaceType *types, int ntypes) { SurfacesPtr ss; for (Surfaces::iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { for (int i = 0; i < ntypes; ++ i) { if (surface->surface_type == types[i]) { ss.push_back(&*surface); break; } } } return ss; } void SurfaceCollection::filter_by_type(SurfaceType type, Polygons* polygons) { for (Surfaces::iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { if (surface->surface_type == type) { Polygons pp = surface->expolygon; polygons->insert(polygons->end(), pp.begin(), pp.end()); } } } void SurfaceCollection::keep_type(const SurfaceType type) { size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); ++ i) { if (surfaces[i].surface_type == type) { if (j < i) std::swap(surfaces[i], surfaces[j]); ++ j; } } if (j < surfaces.size()) surfaces.erase(surfaces.begin() + j, surfaces.end()); } void SurfaceCollection::keep_types(const SurfaceType *types, int ntypes) { size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); ++ i) { bool keep = false; for (int k = 0; k < ntypes; ++ k) { if (surfaces[i].surface_type == types[k]) { keep = true; break; } } if (keep) { if (j < i) std::swap(surfaces[i], surfaces[j]); ++ j; } } if (j < surfaces.size()) surfaces.erase(surfaces.begin() + j, surfaces.end()); } void SurfaceCollection::remove_type(const SurfaceType type) { size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); ++ i) { if (surfaces[i].surface_type != type) { if (j < i) std::swap(surfaces[i], surfaces[j]); ++ j; } } if (j < surfaces.size()) surfaces.erase(surfaces.begin() + j, surfaces.end()); } void SurfaceCollection::remove_types(const SurfaceType *types, int ntypes) { size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); ++ i) { bool remove = false; for (int k = 0; k < ntypes; ++ k) { if (surfaces[i].surface_type == types[k]) { remove = true; break; } } if (! remove) { if (j < i) std::swap(surfaces[i], surfaces[j]); ++ j; } } if (j < surfaces.size()) surfaces.erase(surfaces.begin() + j, surfaces.end()); } void SurfaceCollection::append(const SurfaceCollection &coll) { this->surfaces.insert(this->surfaces.end(), coll.surfaces.begin(), coll.surfaces.end()); } void SurfaceCollection::append(const SurfaceType surfaceType, const Slic3r::ExPolygons &expoly) { for (Slic3r::ExPolygons::const_iterator it = expoly.begin(); it != expoly.end(); ++ it) this->surfaces.push_back(Slic3r::Surface(surfaceType, *it)); } void SurfaceCollection::export_to_svg(const char *path, bool show_labels) { BoundingBox bbox; for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) bbox.merge(get_extents(surface->expolygon)); Point legend_size = export_surface_type_legend_to_svg_box_size(); Point legend_pos(bbox.min.x, bbox.max.y); bbox.merge(Point(std::max(bbox.min.x + legend_size.x, bbox.max.x), bbox.max.y + legend_size.y)); SVG svg(path, bbox); const float transparency = 0.5f; for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface = this->surfaces.begin(); surface != this->surfaces.end(); ++surface) { svg.draw(surface->expolygon, surface_type_to_color_name(surface->surface_type), transparency); if (show_labels) { int idx = int(surface - this->surfaces.begin()); char label[64]; sprintf(label, "%d", idx); svg.draw_text(surface->expolygon.contour.points.front(), label, "black"); } } export_surface_type_legend_to_svg(svg, legend_pos); svg.Close(); } }