Educenter Hugo | Demo | Page Speed (86%)

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--- ## Features - Multiple language support (Fr, En) - Google analytics support - CSS and Js bundle with hugo pipe - Netlify settings predefine - Forestry cms pre-configured - Multiple author available - Contact form Support - Mailchimp integrate - GDPR consent enable - Google map support - Top header customization - Taxonomy or category - Google page speed optimized ( 86% ) - Open graph meta tag - Twitter card meta tag ## Local development ```bash # clone the repository git clone # cd in the project directory $ cd educenter-hugo/exampleSite/ # Start local dev server $ hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` Or Check out [Full Documentation]( ## Content Management System [![import to Forestry](]( This project has been pre-configured to work with [Forestry]( a git-based CMS, [import your repository in Forestry]( and you will be able to edit and preview your site ✨. Any changes you make in Forestry will be committed back to the repo and deployed if you use [Netlify](#netlify). ## Deployment and hosting [![Deploy to Netlify](]( Follow the steps. ## Prefer a video? (Hugo + Netlify + Forestry) Build your website with **Educenter Hugo** theme by following these easy steps (No Coding Required!) [Video Tutorial]( ## Reporting Issues We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Educenter Template. Please Search [existing issues]( Someone may have already reported the same problem. If your problem or idea has not been addressed yet, feel free to [open a new issue]( ## License Copyright © Designed by [Themefisher]( & Developed by [Gethugothemes]( **Code License:** Released under the [MIT]( license. **Image license:** The images are only for demonstration purposes. They have their licenses. We don't have permission to share those images. ## Special Thanks - [Bootstrap]( - [Jquery]( - [Themify Icons]( - [Slick Slider]( - [Venobox]( - [Filterizr]( - [Google Fonts]( - [All Contributors]( ## Hire Us We are available for **Hiring** for your next HUGO project. Please, check our [services]( ## Premium Themes By Us | [![Mega-Bundle-HUGO](]( | [![copper](]( | [![academia](]( | |:---:|:---:|:---:| | **Premium Theme Bundle (40+)** | **Copper** | **Academia** |