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github.com/torch/argcheck.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorRonan Collobert <ronan@collobert.com>2014-10-04 02:21:53 +0400
committerRonan Collobert <locronan@fb.com>2014-11-07 05:38:42 +0300
commit0d329846a3597a00232e4ebb4a64153735481b0d (patch)
parent35aaadf09878c868714ba0892fb1da9dedb07a33 (diff)
improve graph-based argcheck algorithm
3 files changed, 319 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/graph.lua b/graph.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c62069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graph.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+local env = require 'argcheck.env'
+local function argname2idx(rules, name)
+ for idx, rule in ipairs(rules) do
+ if rule.name == name then
+ return idx
+ end
+ end
+ error(string.format('invalid defaulta name <%s>', name))
+local function table2id(tbl)
+ -- DEBUG: gros hack de misere
+ return tostring(tbl):match('0x([^%s]+)')
+if false then
+ print('===== ARGCHECK: luajit inside man')
+ local ffi = require 'ffi'
+ ffi.cdef[[
+void free(void *ptr);
+void *malloc(size_t size);
+void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
+typedef struct argcheck_node_ {
+ char *type;
+ int checkidx;
+ int outidx;
+ int n; /* # of next */
+ struct argcheck_node_ **next;
+} argcheck_node;
+ local ACN = {}
+ ACN.__index = ACN
+ function ACN.new(typename, checkidx, outidx)
+ assert(typename)
+ local self = ffi.cast('argcheck_node*', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof('argcheck_node')))
+ self.type = ffi.cast('char*', ffi.C.malloc(#typename+1))
+ ffi.copy(self.type, typename, #typename)
+ self.type[#typename] = 0
+ self.checkidx = checkidx or 0
+ self.outidx = outidx or 0
+ self.next = nil
+ self.n = 0
+ return self
+ end
+ function ACN:add(node)
+ assert(node ~= nil)
+ if self.n == 0 then
+ self.next = ffi.cast('argcheck_node**', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof('argcheck_node*')))
+ else
+ self.next = ffi.cast('argcheck_node**', ffi.C.realloc(self.next, ffi.sizeof('argcheck_node*')*(self.n+1)))
+ end
+ self.next[self.n] = node
+ self.n = self.n + 1
+ end
+ function ACN:free()
+ for n = 0,self.n-1 do
+ self.next[n]:free()
+ end
+ if self.next ~= nil then
+ ffi.C.free(self.next)
+ end
+ ffi.C.free(self.type)
+ ffi.C.free(self)
+ end
+ function ACN:match(tbl)
+ local head = self
+ local nmatched = 0
+ for idx,arg in ipairs(tbl) do
+ local matched = false
+ for n=0,head.n-1 do
+ if ffi.string(head.next[n].type) == arg.type and head.next[n].checkidx == arg.checkidx then
+ head = head.next[n]
+ nmatched = nmatched + 1
+ matched = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not matched then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return head, nmatched
+ end
+ function ACN:addpath(tbl, outidx)
+ local head, n = self:match(tbl)
+ for n=n+1,#tbl do
+ local node = ACN.new(tbl[n].type, tbl[n].checkidx, n == #tbl and outidx or 0)
+ head:add(node)
+ head = node
+ end
+ end
+ function ACN:print(txt)
+ local isroot = not txt
+ txt = txt or {'digraph ACN {'}
+ table.insert(txt, string.format('id%d [label="%s%s" style=filled fillcolor=%s];',
+ tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', self)),
+ ffi.string(self.type),
+ self.checkidx > 0 and string.format('+%d', self.checkidx) or '',
+ self.outidx > 0 and 'red' or 'blue'))
+ for n=0,self.n-1 do
+ local next = self.next[n]
+ next:print(txt) -- make sure its id is defined
+ table.insert(txt, string.format('id%d -> id%d;',
+ tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', self)),
+ tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', next))))
+ end
+ if isroot then
+ table.insert(txt, '}')
+ txt = table.concat(txt, '\n')
+ return txt
+ end
+ end
+ ffi.metatype('struct argcheck_node_', ACN)
+ return ACN
+ print('===== ARGCHECK: pure lua inside man')
+ local ACN = {}
+ function ACN.new(typename, check, rules, rulemask)
+ assert(typename)
+ local self = {}
+ setmetatable(self, {__index=ACN})
+ self.type = typename
+ self.check = check
+ self.rules = rules
+ self.rulemask = rulemask
+ self.next = {}
+ self.n = 0
+ return self
+ end
+ function ACN:add(node)
+ table.insert(self.next, node)
+ self.n = self.n + 1
+ end
+ function ACN:match(rules, rulemask)
+ local head = self
+ local nmatched = 0
+ for _,idx in ipairs(rulemask) do
+ local rule = rules[idx]
+ local matched = false
+ for n=1,head.n do
+ if head.next[n].type == rule.type and head.next[n].check == rule.check then
+ head = head.next[n]
+ nmatched = nmatched + 1
+ matched = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not matched then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return head, nmatched
+ end
+ function ACN:addpath(rules, rulemask)
+ if #rulemask == 0 then
+ self.rules = self.rules or rules
+ self.rulemask = self.rulemask or rulemask
+ else
+ local head, n = self:match(rules, rulemask)
+ for n=n+1,#rulemask do
+ local rule = rules[rulemask[n]]
+ local node = ACN.new(rule.type, rule.check, n == #rulemask and rules or nil, n == #rulemask and rulemask or nil)
+ head:add(node)
+ head = node
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function ACN:id()
+ return table2id(self)
+ end
+ function ACN:print(txt)
+ local isroot = not txt
+ txt = txt or {'digraph ACN {'}
+ table.insert(txt, string.format('id%s [label="%s%s" style=filled fillcolor=%s];',
+ self:id(),
+ self.type,
+ self.check and '<check>' or '',
+ self.rules and 'red' or 'blue'))
+ for n=1,self.n do
+ local next = self.next[n]
+ next:print(txt) -- make sure its id is defined
+ table.insert(txt, string.format('id%s -> id%s;',
+ self:id(),
+ next:id()))
+ end
+ if isroot then
+ table.insert(txt, '}')
+ txt = table.concat(txt, '\n')
+ return txt
+ end
+ end
+ function ACN:generate(depth, upvalues)
+ local code = {}
+ depth = depth or 0
+ upvalues = upvalues or {istype=env.istype}
+ if depth == 0 then
+ table.insert(code, 'return function(...)')
+ table.insert(code, ' local narg = select("#", ...)')
+ else
+ -- DEBUG: check() is missing
+ table.insert(code, string.format('%sif narg >= %d and istype(select(%d, ...), "%s") then', string.rep(' ', depth), depth, depth, self.type))
+ end
+ if self.rules then
+ local rules = self.rules
+ local id = table2id(rules)
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %sif narg == %d then', string.rep(' ', depth), depth))
+ local argcode = {}
+ local defacode = {}
+ for ridx, rule in ipairs(rules) do
+ table.insert(argcode, string.format('arg%d', ridx))
+ if rules.pack then
+ table.insert(argcode, string.format('%s=arg%d', rule.name, ridx))
+ else
+ table.insert(argcode, string.format('arg%d', ridx))
+ end
+ local argidx
+ for i=1,#self.rulemask do -- DEBUG: bourrin
+ if ridx == self.rulemask[i] then
+ argidx = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if argidx then
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %slocal arg%d = select(..., %d)', string.rep(' ', depth), ridx, argidx))
+ else
+ if rule.default then
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %slocal arg%d = arg%s_%dd', string.rep(' ', depth), ridx, id, ridx))
+ upvalues[string.format('arg%s_%dd', id, ridx)] = rule.default
+ elseif rule.defaultf then
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %slocal arg%d = arg%s_%df()', string.rep(' ', depth), ridx, id, ridx))
+ upvalues[string.format('arg%s_%df', id, ridx)] = rule.defaultf
+ elseif rule.opt then
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %slocal arg%d', string.rep(' ', depth), ridx))
+ elseif rule.defaulta then
+ table.insert(defacode, string.format(' %slocal arg%d = arg%d', string.rep(' ', depth), ridx, argname2idx(rules, rule.defaulta)))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #defacode > 0 then
+ table.insert(code, table.concat(defacode, '\n'))
+ end
+ argcode = table.concat(argcode, ', ')
+ if rules.pack then
+ argcode = string.format('{%s}', argcode)
+ end
+ if rules.call and not rules.quiet then
+ argcode = string.format('call%s(%s)', id, argcode)
+ upvalues[string.format('call%s', id)] = rules.call
+ end
+ if rules.quiet and not rules.call then
+ argcode = string.format('true%s%s', #argcode > 0 and ', ' or '', argcode)
+ end
+ if rules.quiet and rules.call then
+ argcode = string.format('call%s%s%s', id, #argcode > 0 and ', ' or '', argcode)
+ upvalues[string.format('call%s', id)] = rules.call
+ end
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %sreturn %s', string.rep(' ', depth), argcode))
+ table.insert(code, string.format(' %send', string.rep(' ', depth)))
+ end
+ for i=1,self.n do
+ table.insert(code, self.next[i]:generate(depth+1, upvalues))
+ end
+ if depth == 0 then
+ for upvaluename, upvalue in pairs(upvalues) do
+ table.insert(code, 1, string.format('local %s', upvaluename))
+ end
+ table.insert(code, ' error("invalid arguments")')
+ table.insert(code, 'end')
+ else
+ table.insert(code, string.format('%send', string.rep(' ', depth)))
+ end
+ return table.concat(code, '\n')
+ end
+ return ACN
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 8e50fc0..1af9793 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -1,116 +1,7 @@
local env = require 'argcheck.env'
local utils = require 'argcheck.utils'
local doc = require 'argcheck.doc'
-local ffi = require 'ffi'
-void free(void *ptr);
-void *malloc(size_t size);
-void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
-typedef struct argcheck_node_ {
- char *type;
- int checkidx;
- int outidx;
- int n; /* # of next */
- struct argcheck_node_ **next;
-} argcheck_node;
-local ACN = {}
-ACN.__index = ACN
-function ACN.new(typename, checkidx, outidx)
- assert(typename)
- local self = ffi.cast('argcheck_node*', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof('argcheck_node')))
- self.type = ffi.cast('char*', ffi.C.malloc(#typename+1))
- ffi.copy(self.type, typename, #typename)
- self.type[#typename] = 0
- self.checkidx = checkidx or 0
- self.outidx = outidx or 0
- self.next = nil
- self.n = 0
- return self
-function ACN:add(node)
- assert(node ~= nil)
- if self.n == 0 then
- self.next = ffi.cast('argcheck_node**', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof('argcheck_node*')))
- else
- self.next = ffi.cast('argcheck_node**', ffi.C.realloc(self.next, ffi.sizeof('argcheck_node*')*(self.n+1)))
- end
- self.next[self.n] = node
- self.n = self.n + 1
-function ACN:free()
- for n = 0,self.n-1 do
- self.next[n]:free()
- end
- if self.next ~= nil then
- ffi.C.free(self.next)
- end
- ffi.C.free(self.type)
- ffi.C.free(self)
-function ACN:match(tbl)
- local head = self
- local nmatched = 0
- for idx,arg in ipairs(tbl) do
- local matched = false
- for n=0,head.n-1 do
- if ffi.string(head.next[n].type) == arg.type and head.next[n].checkidx == arg.checkidx then
- head = head.next[n]
- nmatched = nmatched + 1
- matched = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not matched then
- break
- end
- end
- return head, nmatched
-function ACN:addpath(tbl, outidx)
- local head, n = self:match(tbl)
- for n=n+1,#tbl do
- local node = ACN.new(tbl[n].type, tbl[n].checkidx, n == #tbl and outidx or 0)
- head:add(node)
- head = node
- end
-function ACN:print(txt)
- local isroot = not txt
- txt = txt or {'digraph ACN {'}
- table.insert(txt, string.format('id%d [label="%s%s" style=filled fillcolor=%s];',
- tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', self)),
- ffi.string(self.type),
- self.checkidx > 0 and string.format('+%d', self.checkidx) or '',
- self.outidx > 0 and 'red' or 'blue'))
- for n=0,self.n-1 do
- local next = self.next[n]
- next:print(txt) -- make sure its id is defined
- table.insert(txt, string.format('id%d -> id%d;',
- tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', self)),
- tonumber(ffi.cast('intptr_t', next))))
- end
- if isroot then
- table.insert(txt, '}')
- txt = table.concat(txt, '\n')
- return txt
- end
-ffi.metatype('struct argcheck_node_', ACN)
+local ACN = require 'argcheck.graph'
local setupvalue = utils.setupvalue
local getupvalue = utils.getupvalue
@@ -275,7 +166,7 @@ local function generaterules(rules, named, hasordered)
local defatxt = {}
table.insert(ruletxt, string.format('%s%sif narg == %d', indent, optmask == 0 and '' or 'else', nrule-nopt+countbits(optmask)))
- local acn_path = {}
+ local rulemask = {}
local narg = nrule-nopt+countbits(optmask)
local ridx = 1
local aidx = 1
@@ -295,7 +186,7 @@ local function generaterules(rules, named, hasordered)
if not skiprule then
- table.insert(acn_path, {type=rule.type or '', checkidx=rule.check and ridx or 0})
+ table.insert(rulemask, ridx)
local checktxt
if rule.opt and rule.type then
checktxt = string.format('(istype(%s, "%s") or istype(%s, "nil"))', rule2arg(rule, aidx, named), rule.type, rule2arg(rule, aidx, named))
@@ -322,7 +213,7 @@ local function generaterules(rules, named, hasordered)
ridx = ridx + 1
table.insert(txt, table.concat(ruletxt, ' and ') .. ' then')
- root:addpath(acn_path, 1)
+ root:addpath(rules, rulemask)
if #assntxt > 0 then
table.insert(txt, table.concat(assntxt, '\n'))
@@ -331,11 +222,12 @@ local function generaterules(rules, named, hasordered)
+ print(root:generate())
local stuff = root:print()
f = io.open('zozo.dot', 'w')
- print(stuff)
return table.concat(txt, '\n')
diff --git a/rocks/argcheck-scm-1.rockspec b/rocks/argcheck-scm-1.rockspec
index d4eeef2..b3c9e5b 100644
--- a/rocks/argcheck-scm-1.rockspec
+++ b/rocks/argcheck-scm-1.rockspec
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ build = {
type = "builtin",
modules = {
["argcheck.init"] = "init.lua",
+ ["argcheck.graph"] = "graph.lua",
["argcheck.env"] = "env.lua",
["argcheck.utils"] = "utils.lua",
["argcheck.doc"] = "doc.lua",