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3 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/THCUNN/LookupTableBag.cu b/lib/THCUNN/LookupTableBag.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1042214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/THCUNN/LookupTableBag.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include "THCUNN.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "THCThrustAllocator.cuh"
+#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
+#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
+#include <thrust/iterator/constant_iterator.h>
+#include <thrust/transform_reduce.h>
+#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
+#include <thrust/system/cuda/execution_policy.h>
+#include <thrust/unique.h>
+#include "THCHalf.h"
+#include "THCHalfAutoNumerics.cuh"
+#include "THCTensorSort.cuh"
+const int WARP_SIZE = 32;
+const int MODE_SUM = 0;
+const int MODE_MEAN = 1;
+template <typename Dtype, typename Acctype>
+__global__ void cunn_LookupTableBag_updateOutputKernel(
+ long *input, long *offsets, Dtype *weight, Dtype *output,
+ long *offset2bag, long numIndices, long numBags, long stride, int mode,
+ long *bag_size) {
+ // the strategy here is that each bag x feature is handled by a single thread
+ long chunksPerBag = THCCeilDiv(stride, (long) blockDim.x);
+ long numChunks = numBags * chunksPerBag;
+ long chunkOffset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+ long chunkStride = gridDim.x * blockDim.y;
+ for (long chunk = chunkOffset; chunk < numChunks; chunk += chunkStride) {
+ long featureDim = (chunk % chunksPerBag) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if (featureDim < stride) {
+ long bag = chunk / chunksPerBag;
+ Dtype* weightFeat = weight + featureDim;
+ long begin = offsets[bag] - TH_INDEX_BASE;
+ long end = (bag < numBags - 1) ? (offsets[bag + 1] - TH_INDEX_BASE) : numIndices;
+ assert(end >= begin);
+ Acctype weightFeatSum = ScalarConvert<float, Acctype>::to(0);
+ long bag_size_ = 0;
+ for (long emb = begin; emb < end; emb++) {
+ const int weightRow = ((int) input[emb] - TH_INDEX_BASE) * stride;
+ weightFeatSum += ScalarConvert<Dtype, Acctype>::to(weightFeat[weightRow]);
+ bag_size_ ++;
+ if (featureDim == 0) {
+ offset2bag[emb] = bag + TH_INDEX_BASE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode == MODE_MEAN) {
+ weightFeatSum = weightFeatSum / ScalarConvert<long, Acctype>::to(bag_size_);
+ bag_size[bag] = bag_size_;
+ }
+ output[bag * stride + featureDim] = ScalarConvert<Acctype, Dtype>::to(weightFeatSum);
+ }
+ }
+// FIXME: removed the accGradParametersKernelByFeature case present in
+// LookupTable. That kernel is faster at small sizes (<768 indices), which
+// does not need LookupTableBag (LookupTable + Sum works fine), but would
+// still be nice to not be slow in that case.
+template <typename Dtype, typename Acctype>
+__global__ void cunn_LookupTableBag_accGradParametersKernel(
+ long *input, long *indices, Dtype *gradOutput, Dtype *gradWeight, long *offset2bag,
+ long *count, Dtype defaultScale, ptrdiff_t numel, long stride,
+ int mode, long *bag_size) {
+ int idx = blockIdx.x * 4 + threadIdx.y;
+ // Each warp is responsible for an input into the LookupTable.
+ // If the preceding input has the same as this input, then the warp
+ // exits immediately. The warp also processes subsequent inputs with the
+ // same value.
+ //
+ // Input Warp
+ // 1 <warp 1>
+ // 1 <warp 1> (<warp 2> exits without doing any work)
+ // 5 <warp 3>
+ // 8 <warp 4>
+ // Number of values proceessed by each thread (grain size)
+ const int SZ = 4;
+ if (idx < numel
+ && (idx == 0 || input[idx] != input[idx - 1])) {
+ do {
+ const int startFeature = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.y * blockDim.x * SZ;
+ const int weightRow = ((int) input[idx] - TH_INDEX_BASE) * stride;
+ // Note: only this line changes from LookupTable_accgradParametersKernel
+ const int origRow = ((int) indices[idx] - TH_INDEX_BASE);
+ const int seq_number = offset2bag[origRow] - TH_INDEX_BASE;
+ const int gradOutputRow = ((int) seq_number) * stride;
+ const Acctype scale = count ? ScalarConvert<Dtype, Acctype>::to(defaultScale) / count[idx] : ScalarConvert<Dtype, Acctype>::to(defaultScale);
+ Acctype gradient[SZ];
+ Acctype weight[SZ];
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < SZ; ii++)
+ {
+ int featureDim = startFeature + ii * WARP_SIZE;
+ if (featureDim < stride)
+ {
+ gradient[ii] = ScalarConvert<Dtype, Acctype>::to(gradOutput[gradOutputRow + featureDim]);
+ if (mode == MODE_MEAN) {
+ gradient[ii] /= bag_size[seq_number];
+ }
+ weight[ii] = ScalarConvert<Dtype, Acctype>::to(gradWeight[weightRow + featureDim]);
+ }
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < SZ; ii++)
+ {
+ weight[ii] += gradient[ii] * scale;
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < SZ; ii++)
+ {
+ int featureDim = startFeature + ii * WARP_SIZE;
+ if (featureDim < stride)
+ {
+ gradWeight[weightRow + featureDim] = ScalarConvert<Acctype, Dtype>::to(weight[ii]);
+ }
+ }
+ idx++;
+ } while (idx < numel && input[idx] == input[idx - 1]);
+ }
+#include "generic/LookupTableBag.cu"
+#include "THCGenerateFloatTypes.h"
diff --git a/lib/THCUNN/generic/LookupTableBag.cu b/lib/THCUNN/generic/LookupTableBag.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceec120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/THCUNN/generic/LookupTableBag.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#define THC_GENERIC_FILE "generic/LookupTableBag.cu"
+void THNN_(LookupTableBag_updateOutput)(
+ THCState *state,
+ THCIndexTensor *input,
+ THCIndexTensor *offsets,
+ THCTensor *weight,
+ THCTensor *output,
+ THCIndexTensor *offset2bag,
+ int mode,
+ THCIndexTensor *bag_size)
+ THCUNN_assertSameGPU(state, 5, input, offsets, weight, output, offset2bag);
+ if (!(THCIndexTensor_(isContiguous)(state, input) &&
+ THCIndexTensor_(isContiguous)(state, offsets) &&
+ THCTensor_(isContiguous)(state, weight))) {
+ THError("Tensors must be contiguous");
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t numIndices = THCIndexTensor_(size)(state, input, 0);
+ ptrdiff_t numBags = THCIndexTensor_(size)(state, offsets, 0);
+ ptrdiff_t stride = THCTensor_(size)(state, weight, 1);
+ long *bag_size_data = NULL;
+ if (bag_size != NULL) {
+ bag_size_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, bag_size);
+ }
+ cudaStream_t stream = THCState_getCurrentStream(state);
+ THLongStorage *inputSize = THCIndexTensor_(newSizeOf)(state, input);
+ THLongStorage *outputSize = THLongStorage_newWithSize(2);
+ outputSize->data[0] = numBags;
+ outputSize->data[1] = stride;
+ THCTensor_(resize)(state, output, outputSize, NULL);
+ THCTensor_(zero)(state, output);
+ THCIndexTensor_(resize)(state, offset2bag, inputSize, NULL);
+ THLongStorage_free(inputSize);
+ THLongStorage_free(outputSize);
+ dim3 block = dim3(32, 8);
+ int grid = 1024;
+ cunn_LookupTableBag_updateOutputKernel<real, accreal><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
+ THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, input),
+ THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, offsets),
+ THCTensor_(data)(state, weight),
+ THCTensor_(data)(state, output),
+ THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, offset2bag),
+ numIndices,
+ numBags,
+ stride,
+ mode,
+ bag_size_data
+ );
+ THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError());
+void THNN_(LookupTableBag_accGradParameters)(
+ THCState *state,
+ THCIndexTensor *input,
+ THCTensor *gradOutput,
+ THCTensor *gradWeight,
+ THCIndexTensor *offset2bag,
+ THCIndexTensor *count,
+ THCIndexTensor *sortedIndices,
+ THCIndexTensor *origIndices,
+ bool scaleGradByFreq,
+ int mode,
+ THCIndexTensor *bag_size,
+ accreal scale_)
+ real scale = ScalarConvert<accreal, real>::to(scale_);
+ THCUNN_assertSameGPU(state, 6, input, gradOutput, gradWeight, offset2bag, sortedIndices, origIndices);
+ gradOutput = THCTensor_(newContiguous)(state, gradOutput);
+ if (!(THCIndexTensor_(isContiguous)(state, input) &&
+ THCTensor_(isContiguous)(state, gradWeight) &&
+ THCIndexTensor_(isContiguous)(state, offset2bag))) {
+ THError("Tensors must be contiguous");
+ }
+ long *bag_size_data = NULL;
+ if (bag_size != NULL) {
+ bag_size_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, bag_size);
+ }
+ int nDim = THCIndexTensor_(nDimension)(state, input);
+ if (THCIndexTensor_(nDimension)(state, input) != 1 && THCIndexTensor_(nDimension)(state, input) != 2) {
+ THCDescBuff s1 = THCIndexTensor_(sizeDesc)(state, input);
+ THError("input must be a vector or matrix, but is of shape: %s", s1.str);
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t numel = THCIndexTensor_(nElement)(state, input);
+ long stride = THCTensor_(stride)(state, gradWeight, 0);
+ cudaStream_t stream = THCState_getCurrentStream(state);
+ THLongStorage *inputSize = THCIndexTensor_(newSizeOf)(state, input);
+ THCIndexTensor_(resize)(state, sortedIndices, inputSize, NULL);
+ THCIndexTensor_(resize)(state, origIndices, inputSize, NULL);
+ THLongStorage_free(inputSize);
+ // Sort the inputs into sorted with the corresponding indices; we
+ // don't need a stable or multidimensional sort, so just use Thrust
+ // directly
+ {
+ THCIndexTensor_(copy)(state, sortedIndices, input);
+ THCThrustAllocator thrustAlloc(state);
+ thrust::device_ptr<THCIndex_t>
+ sortedIndicesIter(THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, sortedIndices));
+ thrust::device_ptr<THCIndex_t>
+ origIndicesIter(THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, origIndices));
+ // Fill sortedOrigIndices with sequential indices
+ thrust::counting_iterator<THCIndex_t> countIter(TH_INDEX_BASE);
+ thrust::copy(
+#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
+ thrust::cuda::par(thrustAlloc).on(THCState_getCurrentStream(state)),
+ countIter, countIter + numel, origIndicesIter);
+ // Sort; a stable sort is not required
+ thrust::sort_by_key(
+#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
+ thrust::cuda::par(thrustAlloc).on(THCState_getCurrentStream(state)),
+ sortedIndicesIter, sortedIndicesIter + numel,
+ origIndicesIter, ThrustLTOp<long>());
+ }
+ THCIndex_t *sortedIndices_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, sortedIndices);
+ THCIndex_t *origIndices_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, origIndices);
+ THCIndex_t *offset2bag_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, offset2bag);
+ THCIndex_t *count_data = NULL;
+ if (scaleGradByFreq) {
+ THCIndexTensor_(resizeAs)(state, count, input);
+ count_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, count);
+ THCThrustAllocator thrustAlloc(state);
+ thrust::device_ptr<THCIndex_t> sortedIndices_ptr(sortedIndices_data);
+ thrust::device_ptr<THCIndex_t> count_ptr(count_data);
+ // Compute an increasing sequence per unique item in sortedIndices:
+ // sorted: 2 5 5 5 7 7 8 9 9
+ // count: 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2
+ thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key(
+#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
+ thrust::cuda::par(thrustAlloc).on(THCState_getCurrentStream(state)),
+ sortedIndices_ptr,
+ sortedIndices_ptr + numel,
+ thrust::make_constant_iterator(1),
+ count_ptr
+ );
+ // Take the maximum of each count per unique key in reverse:
+ // sorted: 2 5 5 5 7 7 8 9 9
+ // count: 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2
+ thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key(
+#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
+ thrust::cuda::par(thrustAlloc).on(THCState_getCurrentStream(state)),
+ thrust::make_reverse_iterator(sortedIndices_ptr + numel),
+ thrust::make_reverse_iterator(sortedIndices_ptr),
+ thrust::make_reverse_iterator(count_ptr + numel),
+ thrust::make_reverse_iterator(count_ptr + numel),
+ thrust::equal_to<long>(),
+ thrust::maximum<long>()
+ );
+ }
+ dim3 grid(THCCeilDiv(numel, (ptrdiff_t) 4), THCCeilDiv(stride, (long) 128));
+ dim3 block(32, 4);
+ cunn_LookupTableBag_accGradParametersKernel<real, accreal><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
+ sortedIndices_data,
+ origIndices_data,
+ THCTensor_(data)(state, gradOutput),
+ THCTensor_(data)(state, gradWeight),
+ offset2bag_data,
+ count_data,
+ scale,
+ numel,
+ stride,
+ mode,
+ bag_size_data
+ );
+ THCTensor_(free)(state, gradOutput);
+ THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError());
diff --git a/lib/THCUNN/generic/THCUNN.h b/lib/THCUNN/generic/THCUNN.h
index f51759f..e770dff 100644
--- a/lib/THCUNN/generic/THCUNN.h
+++ b/lib/THCUNN/generic/THCUNN.h
@@ -250,6 +250,30 @@ TH_API void THNN_(LookupTable_renorm)(
accreal maxNorm,
accreal normType);
+TH_API void THNN_(LookupTableBag_updateOutput)(
+ THCState *state,
+ THCIndexTensor *input,
+ THCIndexTensor *offsets,
+ THCTensor *weight,
+ THCTensor *output,
+ THCIndexTensor *offset2bag,
+ int mode,
+ THCIndexTensor *seq_length); // [OPTIONAL]
+TH_API void THNN_(LookupTableBag_accGradParameters)(
+ THCState *state,
+ THCIndexTensor *input,
+ THCTensor *gradOutput,
+ THCTensor *gradWeight,
+ THCIndexTensor *offset2bag,
+ THCIndexTensor *count,
+ THCIndexTensor *sortedIndices,
+ THCIndexTensor *origIndices,
+ bool scaleGradByFreq,
+ int mode,
+ THCIndexTensor *seq_length, // [OPTIONAL]
+ accreal scale_);
TH_API void THNN_(L1Cost_updateOutput)(
THCState *state,
THCTensor *input,