#ifndef THC_GENERIC_FILE #define THC_GENERIC_FILE "generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.cu" #else #include "../common.h" void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)( THCState *state, THCTensor *input, THCTensor *output, THCIndexTensor *indices, int kW, int kH, int dW, int dH, int padW, int padH, int dilationW, int dilationH, bool ceil_mode) { THCUNN_assertSameGPU_generic(state, 3, input, output, indices); THArgCheck(input->nDimension == 3 || input->nDimension == 4, 2, "3D or 4D (batch) tensor expected"); long nInputCols, nInputRows, nInputPlane, batchSize; long nOutputCols, nOutputRows; if (input->nDimension == 3) { nInputCols = input->size[2]; nInputRows = input->size[1]; nInputPlane = input->size[0]; batchSize = 1; } else { nInputCols = input->size[3]; nInputRows = input->size[2]; nInputPlane = input->size[1]; batchSize = input->size[0]; } THArgCheck(nInputCols >= kW - padW && nInputRows >= kH - padH, 2, "input image smaller than kernel size"); THArgCheck(kW/2 >= padW && kH/2 >= padH, 2, "pad should be smaller than half of kernel size"); THArgCheck(dilationW > 0 && dilationH > 0, 11, "dilation should be greater than 0"); if(ceil_mode) { nOutputCols = ceil(float(nInputCols - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / float(dW)) + 1; nOutputRows = ceil(float(nInputRows - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / float(dH)) + 1; } else { nOutputCols = floor(float(nInputCols - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / float(dW)) + 1; nOutputRows = floor(float(nInputRows - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / float(dH)) + 1; } if (nOutputCols < 1 || nOutputRows < 1) THError("Given input size: (%dx%dx%d). Calculated output size: (%dx%dx%d). Output size is too small", nInputPlane,nInputRows,nInputCols,nInputPlane,nOutputRows,nOutputCols); if (padW || padH) { // ensure that the last pooling starts inside the image if ((nOutputRows - 1)*dH >= nInputRows + padH) --nOutputRows; if ((nOutputCols - 1)*dW >= nInputCols + padW) --nOutputCols; } input = THCTensor_(newContiguous)(state, input); real* input_data = THCTensor_(data)(state, input); THCTensor_(resize4d)(state, output, batchSize, nInputPlane, nOutputRows, nOutputCols); THCUNN_resizeAs_indices(state, indices, output); THCIndex_t* indices_data = THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, indices); real* output_data = THCTensor_(data)(state, output); int count = THCTensor_(nElement)(state, output); MaxPoolForward <<< GET_BLOCKS(count), CUDA_NUM_THREADS, 0, THCState_getCurrentStream(state) >>> (count, input_data, batchSize, nInputPlane, nInputRows, nInputCols, nOutputRows, nOutputCols, kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW, dilationH, dilationW, output_data, indices_data); THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); if(input->nDimension == 3) THCTensor_(resize3d)(state, output, nInputPlane, nOutputRows, nOutputCols); THCTensor_(free)(state, input); } void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)( THCState *state, THCTensor *input, THCTensor *gradOutput, THCTensor *gradInput, THCIndexTensor *indices, int kW, int kH, int dW, int dH, int padW, int padH, int dilationW, int dilationH, bool ceil_mode) { THCUNN_assertSameGPU_generic(state, 4, input, gradOutput, indices, gradInput); input = THCTensor_(newContiguous)(state, input); gradOutput = THCTensor_(newContiguous)(state, gradOutput); long nInputCols, nInputRows, nInputPlane, batchSize; long nOutputCols, nOutputRows; if (input->nDimension == 3) { nInputCols = input->size[2]; nInputRows = input->size[1]; nInputPlane = input->size[0]; batchSize = 1; } else { nInputCols = input->size[3]; nInputRows = input->size[2]; nInputPlane = input->size[1]; batchSize = input->size[0]; } if(ceil_mode) { nOutputCols = ceil(float(nInputCols - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / float(dW)) + 1; nOutputRows = ceil(float(nInputRows - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / float(dH)) + 1; } else { nOutputCols = floor(float(nInputCols - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / float(dW)) + 1; nOutputRows = floor(float(nInputRows - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / float(dH)) + 1; } if (nOutputCols < 1 || nOutputRows < 1) THError("Given input size: (%dx%dx%d). Calculated output size: (%dx%dx%d). Output size is too small", nInputPlane,nInputRows,nInputCols,nInputPlane,nOutputRows,nOutputCols); gradOutput = THCTensor_(newContiguous)(state, gradOutput); THCTensor_(resizeAs)(state, gradInput, input); int count = THCTensor_(nElement)(state, input); MaxPoolBackward <<< GET_BLOCKS(count), CUDA_NUM_THREADS, 0, THCState_getCurrentStream(state) >>> (count, THCTensor_(data)(state, gradOutput), THCIndexTensor_(data)(state, indices), batchSize, nInputPlane, nInputRows, nInputCols, nOutputRows, nOutputCols, kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW, dilationH, dilationW, THCTensor_(data)(state, gradInput)); THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); THCTensor_(free)(state, gradOutput); // clean THCTensor_(free)(state, input); THCTensor_(free)(state, gradOutput); } #endif