#ifndef THC_TENSORMATH_REDUCE_CUH #define THC_TENSORMATH_REDUCE_CUH #include "THCTensorMath.h" #include "THCGeneral.h" #include "THCNumerics.cuh" #include "THCReduce.cuh" #include "THCReduceAll.cuh" #include // Reduction operators that support `half`, unlike Thrust template struct ReduceAdd { inline __device__ AccT operator()(AccT a, InT b) const { return a + (AccT) b; } }; #ifdef CUDA_HALF_TENSOR template <> struct ReduceAdd { inline __device__ half operator()(half a, half b) const { #ifdef CUDA_HALF_INSTRUCTIONS return __hadd(a, b); #else float fa = __half2float(a); float fb = __half2float(b); return __float2half(fa + fb); #endif } }; template <> struct ReduceAdd { inline __device__ float operator()(float a, half b) const { return a + __half2float(b); } }; #endif // CUDA_HALF_TENSOR template struct ReduceMultiply { inline __device__ AccT operator()(AccT a, InT b) const { return a * (AccT) b; } }; #ifdef CUDA_HALF_TENSOR template <> struct ReduceMultiply { inline __device__ half operator()(half a, half b) const { #ifdef CUDA_HALF_INSTRUCTIONS return __hmul(a, b); #else float fa = __half2float(a); float fb = __half2float(b); return __float2half(fa * fb); #endif } }; template <> struct ReduceMultiply { inline __device__ float operator()(float a, half b) const { return a * __half2float(b); } }; #endif // CUDA_HALF_TENSOR template struct ReduceMin { inline __device__ T operator()(T a, T b) const { return THCNumerics::lt(a, b) ? a : b; } }; template struct ReduceMax { inline __device__ T operator()(T a, T b) const { return THCNumerics::gt(a, b) ? a : b; } }; struct LogicalAll { inline __device__ unsigned char operator()(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) const { return (x && y); } }; struct LogicalAny { inline __device__ unsigned char operator()(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) const { return (x || y); } }; template __global__ void THCTensor_kernel_renorm(Real *data, const Real value, const long size, const Real maxnorm) { __shared__ Real buffer[32]; long tx = threadIdx.x; long bx = blockIdx.x; long step = blockDim.x; Real *row = data + size*bx; buffer[tx] = ScalarConvert::to(0); // get norm of axis for (long i=tx; i::add( buffer[tx], THCNumerics::pow( THCNumerics::abs(row[i]), value) ); } // add (reduce) for (unsigned int stride = blockDim.x >> 1; stride > 0; stride >>= 1) { __syncthreads(); if (tx < stride) buffer[tx] = THCNumerics::add(buffer[tx], buffer[tx+stride]); } // clip norms __syncthreads(); Real norm = THCNumerics::pow(buffer[0], THCNumerics::cinv(value)); if (THCNumerics::gt(norm, maxnorm)) { norm = THCNumerics::div( maxnorm, THCNumerics::add( norm, ScalarConvert::to(1e-7) ) ); // renormalize for (long i=tx; i::mul(row[i], norm); } } } template struct TensorNonZeroOp { TensorNonZeroOp() {} __host__ __device__ bool operator()(T lhs) const { return lhs != 0.0; } }; template struct TensorNormOp { TensorNormOp(T exp) : exponent(exp) {} __host__ __device__ float operator()(T x) const { if (StaticExp == 1) { return (T) fabsf((float) x); } else if (StaticExp == 2) { return x * x; } else { return (T) powf(fabsf((float) x), (float) exponent); } } const T exponent; }; template struct TensorNormOp { TensorNormOp(double exp) : exponent(exp) {} __host__ __device__ float operator()(double x) const { if (StaticExp == 1) { return fabs(x); } else if (StaticExp == 2) { return x * x; } else { return pow(fabs(x), exponent); } } const double exponent; }; #include // Given the sum of values and the sum of squares, compute the variance or standard deviation. template __forceinline__ __device__ Real THCTensor_computeVar(Real sum, Real sum2, unsigned row_size) { Real rs2 = ScalarConvert::to(row_size); Real rs2m = ScalarConvert::to(row_size - 1); Real zero = ScalarConvert::to(0); if (flag) { sum = THCNumerics::div(sum, rs2); sum2 = THCNumerics::div(sum2, rs2); sum2 = THCNumerics::sub(sum2, THCNumerics::mul(sum, sum)); sum2 = (THCNumerics::lt(sum2, zero) ? zero : sum2); } else { sum = THCNumerics::div(sum, rs2); sum2 = THCNumerics::div(sum2, rs2m); sum2 = THCNumerics::sub(sum2, THCNumerics::mul( THCNumerics::div(rs2 ,rs2m), THCNumerics::mul(sum, sum))); sum2 = (THCNumerics::lt(sum2, zero) ? zero : sum2); } if (apply_sqrt) return THCNumerics::sqrt(sum2); else return sum2; } /* Compute the variance (or standard deviation) along an outer dimension of a tensor. * * - num_orows is the size of the flattened outer dimensions; * - num_irows is the size of the flattened inner dimensions; * - row_size is the size of the dimension along which to compute the variance; * - if flag is set, normalize by `row_size` instead of `row_size - 1` * - if apply_sqrt is set, compute the standard deviation instead of variance * * The dimensions to the outside and inside of the specified dimension are considered as flattened. * Thread blocks with the same blockIdx.y process an "outer row" (i.e. an element of the flattened * outer dimensions, which contains several "inner rows"). * Each thread processes a single inner row at a time. */ template __global__ void THCTensor_kernel_varOuterDim(Real *tgt, Real *src_, unsigned num_orows, unsigned num_irows, unsigned row_size) { for (unsigned orow = blockIdx.x; orow < num_orows; orow += gridDim.x) { for (unsigned irow = blockIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; irow < num_irows; irow += gridDim.y * blockDim.x) { Real *src = src_ + orow * row_size * num_irows + irow; Real sum = ScalarConvert::to(0), sum2 = ScalarConvert::to(0); for (unsigned col = 0; col < row_size; ++col) { Real val = *src; sum = THCNumerics::add(sum, val); sum2 = THCNumerics::add( sum2, THCNumerics::mul(val, val) ); src += num_irows; } tgt[orow * num_irows + irow] = THCTensor_computeVar(sum, sum2, row_size); } } } template __host__ void THCTensor_varOuterDim(THCState *state, TensorTypeK *tgt, TensorTypeK *src, long dimension, int flag) { unsigned ndim = TensorUtils::getDims(state, src); // Treat all outer dimensions (i.e. dim < dimension) as one. unsigned num_orows = 1; for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < dimension; dim++) { num_orows *= TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dim); } unsigned row_size = TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dimension); // Treat all inner dimensions (i.e. dim > dimension) as one. unsigned num_irows = 1; for (unsigned dim = dimension + 1; dim < ndim; dim++) { num_irows *= TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dim); } dim3 threads(min(512, num_irows)); unsigned maxGridDim = 1024; dim3 grid(min(maxGridDim, num_orows), min(maxGridDim, THCCeilDiv(num_irows, threads.x))); if (flag) { THCTensor_kernel_varOuterDim<<>>( TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt), TensorUtils::getData(state, src), num_orows, num_irows, row_size); } else { THCTensor_kernel_varOuterDim<<>>( TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt), TensorUtils::getData(state, src), num_orows, num_irows, row_size); } cudaError errcode = cudaGetLastError(); if (errcode != cudaSuccess) { THError(cudaGetErrorString(errcode)); } } /* Compute the variance (or standard deviation) of the innermost dimension of a tensor. * * - num_rows is the size of the flattened outer dimensions; * - row_size is the size of the innermost dimension; * - if flag is set, normalize by `row_size` instead of `row_size - 1` * - if apply_sqrt is set, compute the standard deviation instead of variance * * The outer dimensions of the tensor are considered as a single dimension, i.e. the tensor is * considered as having 'num_rows' rows of size 'row_size'. * Each thread block processes one or more sets of contiguous rows (processing multiple rows * per thread block is quicker than processing a single row, especially for short rows). */ template __global__ void THCTensor_kernel_varInnermostDim(Real *tgt, Real *src_, unsigned num_rows, unsigned row_size) { __shared__ Real ssum[32][16]; __shared__ Real ssum2[32][16]; for (unsigned block_row = blockIdx.x * blockDim.y; block_row < num_rows; block_row += blockDim.y * gridDim.x) { unsigned row = block_row + threadIdx.y; Real sum = ScalarConvert::to(0), sum2 = ScalarConvert::to(0); if (row < num_rows) { Real *src = src_ + row * row_size; // Sequential reduction within a thread. for (unsigned col = threadIdx.x; col < row_size; col += blockDim.x) { Real val = src[col]; sum = THCNumerics::add(sum, val); sum2 = THCNumerics::add(sum2, THCNumerics::mul(val, val)); } } ssum[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = sum; ssum2[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = sum2; __syncthreads(); // Reduce intermediate values to single value. for (unsigned s = 8; s > 1; s >>= 1) { if (row < num_rows && threadIdx.x < s) { ssum[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = THCNumerics::add(ssum[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x], ssum[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + s]); ssum2[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = THCNumerics::add(ssum2[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x], ssum2[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + s]); } __syncthreads(); } if (row < num_rows && threadIdx.x == 0) { sum = THCNumerics::add(ssum[threadIdx.y][0], ssum[threadIdx.y][1]); sum2 = THCNumerics::add(ssum2[threadIdx.y][0], ssum2[threadIdx.y][1]); tgt[row] = THCTensor_computeVar(sum, sum2, row_size); } __syncthreads(); } } template __host__ void THCTensor_varInnermostDim(THCState *state, TensorTypeK *tgt, TensorTypeK *src, int flag) { unsigned ndim = TensorUtils::getDims(state, src); // Treat all outer dimensions as a single dimension. unsigned num_rows = 1; for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < ndim - 1; dim++) { num_rows *= TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dim); } unsigned row_size = TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, ndim - 1); // From limited testing, 16x32 seemed a good compromise for handling both long and short dimensions. dim3 threads(16, 32); dim3 grid(min(1024, THCCeilDiv(num_rows, threads.y))); if (flag) { THCTensor_kernel_varInnermostDim<<>>( TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt), TensorUtils::getData(state, src), num_rows, row_size); } else { THCTensor_kernel_varInnermostDim<<>>( TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt), TensorUtils::getData(state, src), num_rows, row_size); } cudaError errcode = cudaGetLastError(); if (errcode != cudaSuccess) { THError(cudaGetErrorString(errcode)); } } /* A set of reduction kernels that take in binary ops on thrust pairs (of value, index). These are useful when you not only have to do a reduction, but you might have to preserve the location of contention (for example min/max operations). The structure of the kernels follows the structure of the reduction kernels. */ template __global__ void kernelTransformReduceOuterDimIndex(K *tgt1, Index *tgt2, K *src_, unsigned num_orows, unsigned num_irows, unsigned row_size, thrust::pair init, BinaryFunction binary_op) { for (unsigned orow = blockIdx.x; orow < num_orows; orow += gridDim.x) { for (unsigned irow = blockIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; irow < num_irows; irow += gridDim.y * blockDim.x) { K *src = src_ + orow * row_size * num_irows + irow; thrust::pair acc = init; for (unsigned col = 0; col < row_size; ++col) { // +1 for Lua index acc = binary_op(thrust::make_pair(*src, col + TH_INDEX_BASE), acc); src += num_irows; } tgt1[orow * num_irows + irow] = acc.first; tgt2[orow * num_irows + irow] = acc.second; } } } template __host__ void THC_transformReduceOuterDimIndex(THCState *state, TensorTypeK *tgt1, TensorTypeIndex *tgt2, TensorTypeK *src, long rdim, const thrust::pair< typename TensorUtils::DataType, typename TensorUtils::DataType>& init, BinaryFunction binary_op) { unsigned ndim = TensorUtils::getDims(state, src); unsigned num_orows = 1; for (long dim = 0; dim < rdim; dim++) { num_orows *= TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dim); } unsigned row_size = TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, rdim); unsigned num_irows = 1; for (unsigned dim = rdim + 1; dim < ndim; dim++) { num_irows *= TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dim); } dim3 threads(min(512, num_irows)); unsigned maxGridDim = 1024; dim3 grid(min(maxGridDim, num_orows), min(maxGridDim, THCCeilDiv(num_irows, threads.x))); kernelTransformReduceOuterDimIndex <<>>( TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt1), TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt2), TensorUtils::getData(state, src), num_orows, num_irows, row_size, init, binary_op); THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); } /* Reduce the innermost dimension of a tensor (on thrust::pair functors which are (value, index)) * * For an n-d tensor (n <= 4) where the reduction is along the innermost dimension: * * - block.x is the innermost dimension, i.e. dimension 0; * - block.y and grid.y make up dimension 1; and * - grid.x and grid z are the remaining two outer dimensions (if any) * * Reduction along other dimensions is handled in a separate kernel. */ template __global__ void kernelTransformReduceInnermostDimIndex(K *tgt1, Index* tgt2, K *src_, unsigned num_rows, unsigned row_size, thrust::pair init, BinaryFunction binary_op) { __shared__ K sbuf[32][16 + 1]; // avoid bank conflict __shared__ Index ibuf[32][16 + 1]; // avoid bank conflict for (unsigned block_row = blockIdx.x * blockDim.y; block_row < num_rows; block_row += blockDim.y * gridDim.x) { unsigned row = block_row + threadIdx.y; thrust::pair acc = init; if (row < num_rows) { K *src = src_ + row * row_size; // Sequential reduction within a thread. for (unsigned col = threadIdx.x; col < row_size; col += blockDim.x) { acc = binary_op(thrust::make_pair(src[col], col + TH_INDEX_BASE), acc); } } sbuf[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = acc.first; ibuf[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = acc.second; __syncthreads(); // Reduce intermediate values to single value. K* sline = &sbuf[threadIdx.y][0]; Index* iline = &ibuf[threadIdx.y][0]; for (unsigned s = 8; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (row < num_rows && threadIdx.x < s) { thrust::pair arg1 = thrust::make_pair(sline[threadIdx.x], iline[threadIdx.x]); thrust::pair arg2 = thrust::make_pair(sline[threadIdx.x + s], iline[threadIdx.x + s]); thrust::pair res = binary_op(arg1, arg2); sline[threadIdx.x] = res.first; iline[threadIdx.x] = res.second; } __syncthreads(); } if (row < num_rows && threadIdx.x == 0) { tgt1[row] = sline[0]; tgt2[row] = iline[0]; } __syncthreads(); } } template __host__ void THC_transformReduceInnermostDimIndex(THCState *state, TensorTypeK *tgt1, TensorTypeIndex *tgt2, TensorTypeK *src, const thrust::pair< typename TensorUtils::DataType, typename TensorUtils::DataType>& init, BinaryFunction binary_op) { unsigned ndim = TensorUtils::getDims(state, src); unsigned num_rows = 1; for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < ndim - 1; dim++) { num_rows *= TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, dim); } unsigned row_size = TensorUtils::getSize(state, src, ndim - 1); dim3 threads(16, 32); dim3 grid(min(1024, THCCeilDiv(num_rows, threads.y))); kernelTransformReduceInnermostDimIndex <<>>( TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt1), TensorUtils::getData(state, tgt2), TensorUtils::getData(state, src), num_rows, row_size, init, binary_op); THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); } template void THC_reduceDimIndex(THCState *state, TensorTypeK *tgt1_, TensorTypeIndex *tgt2_, TensorTypeK *src, long dimension, const thrust::pair< typename TensorUtils::DataType, typename TensorUtils::DataType>& init, BinaryFunction binary_op) { THArgCheck(dimension >= 0 && dimension < TensorUtils::getDims(state, src), 3, "dimension out of range"); THLongStorage *dim = TensorUtils::newSizeOf(state, src); THLongStorage_set(dim, dimension, 1); TensorUtils::resize(state, tgt1_, dim, NULL); TensorUtils::resize(state, tgt2_, dim, NULL); THLongStorage_free(dim); TensorTypeK *tgt1 = TensorUtils::newContiguous(state, tgt1_); TensorTypeIndex *tgt2 = TensorUtils::newContiguous(state, tgt2_); src = TensorUtils::newContiguous(state, src); if (dimension == TensorUtils::getDims(state, src) - 1) { THC_transformReduceInnermostDimIndex(state, tgt1, tgt2, src, init, binary_op); } else { THC_transformReduceOuterDimIndex(state, tgt1, tgt2, src, dimension, init, binary_op); } TensorUtils::free(state, src); TensorUtils::freeCopyTo(state, tgt1, tgt1_); TensorUtils::freeCopyTo(state, tgt2, tgt2_); } template struct MaxValuePair { __host__ __device__ thrust::pair operator()(const thrust::pair& a, const thrust::pair& b) { return THCNumerics::ge(a.first, b.first) ? a : b; } }; template struct MinValuePair { __host__ __device__ thrust::pair operator()(const thrust::pair& a, const thrust::pair& b) { return THCNumerics::le(a.first, b.first) ? a : b; } }; #endif // THC_TENSORMATH_REDUCE_CUH