@setlocal enableextensions @echo off :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: This script [1] cleans temporary compilation file :::: :::: [2] deletes Torch7 installation directory :::: :::: [3] deletes Torch7 conda environment :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: if "%TORCH_INSTALL_DIR%" == "" goto :HELP set ECHO_PREFIX=+++++++ echo %ECHO_PREFIX% cleaning temporary compilation files call clean.bat echo %ECHO_PREFIX% deleting Torch7 installation directory rmdir /s /q %TORCH_INSTALL_DIR% echo %ECHO_PREFIX% deleting Torch7 conda environment (even if env is removed, packages will stil be kept in conda/pkgs) conda env remove -n %TORCH_CONDA_ENV% --yes echo %ECHO_PREFIX% Torch7 has been uninstalled goto :END :HELP echo Please run torch-activate.cmd before run uninstall.bat so that uninstall knows where to find Torch7. :END @endlocal