require 'paths' local torchstyle = [[ ##### Modified version of the sample given in ##### set macro ##### Color Palette by Color Scheme Designer ##### Palette URL: blue_000 = "#A9BDE6" # = rgb(169,189,230) blue_025 = "#7297E6" # = rgb(114,151,230) blue_050 = "#1D4599" # = rgb(29,69,153) blue_075 = "#2F3F60" # = rgb(47,63,96) blue_100 = "#031A49" # = rgb(3,26,73) green_000 = "#A6EBB5" # = rgb(166,235,181) green_025 = "#67EB84" # = rgb(103,235,132) green_050 = "#11AD34" # = rgb(17,173,52) green_075 = "#2F6C3D" # = rgb(47,108,61) green_100 = "#025214" # = rgb(2,82,20) red_000 = "#F9B7B0" # = rgb(249,183,176) red_025 = "#F97A6D" # = rgb(249,122,109) red_050 = "#E62B17" # = rgb(230,43,23) red_075 = "#8F463F" # = rgb(143,70,63) red_100 = "#6D0D03" # = rgb(109,13,3) brown_000 = "#F9E0B0" # = rgb(249,224,176) brown_025 = "#F9C96D" # = rgb(249,201,109) brown_050 = "#E69F17" # = rgb(230,159,23) brown_075 = "#8F743F" # = rgb(143,116,63) brown_100 = "#6D4903" # = rgb(109,73,3) grid_color = "#d5e0c9" text_color = "#222222" my_font = "SVBasic Manual, 12" my_export_sz = "1024,768" my_line_width = "2" my_axis_width = "1" my_ps = "1" my_font_size = "14" # must convert font fo svg and ps # set term svg size @my_export_sz fname my_font fsize my_font_size enhanced dynamic rounded # set term png size @my_export_sz large font my_font # set term jpeg size @my_export_sz large font my_font # set term wxt enhanced font my_font set style data linespoints set style function lines set pointsize my_ps set style line 1 linecolor rgbcolor blue_050 linewidth @my_line_width pt 7 set style line 2 linecolor rgbcolor green_050 linewidth @my_line_width pt 7 set style line 3 linecolor rgbcolor red_050 linewidth @my_line_width pt 7 set style line 4 linecolor rgbcolor brown_050 linewidth @my_line_width pt 7 set style line 5 linecolor rgbcolor blue_025 linewidth @my_line_width pt 5 set style line 6 linecolor rgbcolor green_025 linewidth @my_line_width pt 5 set style line 7 linecolor rgbcolor red_025 linewidth @my_line_width pt 5 set style line 8 linecolor rgbcolor brown_025 linewidth @my_line_width pt 5 set style line 9 linecolor rgbcolor blue_075 linewidth @my_line_width pt 9 set style line 10 linecolor rgbcolor green_075 linewidth @my_line_width pt 9 set style line 11 linecolor rgbcolor red_075 linewidth @my_line_width pt 9 set style line 12 linecolor rgbcolor brown_075 linewidth @my_line_width pt 9 set style line 13 linecolor rgbcolor blue_100 linewidth @my_line_width pt 13 set style line 14 linecolor rgbcolor green_100 linewidth @my_line_width pt 13 set style line 15 linecolor rgbcolor red_100 linewidth @my_line_width pt 13 set style line 16 linecolor rgbcolor brown_100 linewidth @my_line_width pt 13 set style line 17 linecolor rgbcolor "#224499" linewidth @my_line_width pt 11 ## plot 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 set style increment user set style arrow 1 filled ## used for bar chart borders ## set style fill solid 0.5 set size noratio set samples 300 set border 31 lw @my_axis_width lc rgb text_color ]] local _gptable = {} _gptable.current = nil _gptable.defaultterm = nil _gptable.exe = nil _gptable.hasrefresh = true local function getexec() if not _gptable.exe then error('gnuplot executable is not set') end return _gptable.exe end local function findos() local s = paths.uname() if s and s:match("Windows") then return 'windows' elseif s and s:match('Darwin') then return 'mac' elseif s and s:match('Linux') then return 'linux' elseif s and s:match('FreeBSD') then return 'freebsd' else return '?' end end local function getfigure(n) local n = n if not n or n == nil then n = #_gptable+1 end if _gptable[n] == nil then _gptable[n] = {} if _gptable.defaultterm == nil then error('Gnuplot terminal is not set') end local silent = '> /dev/null 2>&1' if paths.is_win() then silent = '> nul 2>&1' end _gptable[n].term = _gptable.defaultterm _gptable[n].pipe = torch.PipeFile(getexec() .. ' -persist ' .. silent,'w') end _gptable.current = n if not paths.filep(paths.concat(paths.home,'.gnuplot')) then _gptable[n].pipe:writeString(torchstyle .. '\n\n\n') _gptable[n].pipe:synchronize() end return _gptable[n] end local function gnuplothasterm(term) if not _gptable.exe then return false--error('gnuplot exe is not found, can not chcek terminal') end local tfni = os.tmpname() local tfno = os.tmpname() local fi =,'w') fi:write('set terminal\n\n') fi:close() os.execute(getexec() .. ' < ' .. tfni .. ' > ' .. tfno .. ' 2>&1 ') os.remove(tfni) local tf =,'r') local s = tf:read('*l') while s do if s:match('^.*%s+ '.. term .. ' ') then tf:close() os.remove(tfno) return true end s = tf:read('*l') end tf:close() os.remove(tfno) return false end local function findgnuplotversion(exe) local ff = io.popen(exe .. ' --version','r') local ss = ff:read('*l') ff:close() local v,vv = ss:match('(%d).(%d)') v=tonumber(v) vv=tonumber(vv) return v,vv end local function findgnuplotexe() local o = findos() local s = paths.findprogram('gnuplot') if type(s) == 'string' and s:match(' ') then s = '"' .. s .. '"' end _gptable.hasrefresh = true do -- preserve indentation to minimize merging issues if s and s:len() > 0 and s:match('gnuplot') then local v,vv = findgnuplotversion(s) if v < 4 then error('gnuplot version 4 is required') end if v == 4 and vv < 4 then -- try to find gnuplot44 if o == 'linux' and paths.filep('/usr/bin/gnuplot44') then local ss = '/usr/bin/gnuplot44' v,vv = findgnuplotversion(ss) if v == 4 and vv == 4 then return ss end end _gptable.hasrefresh = false print('Gnuplot package working with reduced functionality.') print('Please install gnuplot version >= 4.4.') end return s else return nil end end end local function getgnuplotdefaultterm(os) if os == 'windows' then return 'windows' elseif os == 'linux' and gnuplothasterm('wxt') then return 'wxt' elseif os == 'linux' and gnuplothasterm('qt') then return 'qt' elseif os == 'linux' and gnuplothasterm('x11') then return 'x11' elseif os == 'freebsd' and gnuplothasterm('wxt') then return 'wxt' elseif os == 'freebsd' and gnuplothasterm('qt') then return 'qt' elseif os == 'freebsd' and gnuplothasterm('x11') then return 'x11' elseif os == 'mac' and gnuplothasterm('aqua') then return 'aqua' elseif os == 'mac' and gnuplothasterm('wxt') then return 'wxt' elseif os == 'mac' and gnuplothasterm('qt') then return 'qt' elseif os == 'mac' and gnuplothasterm('x11') then return 'x11' else print('Can not find any of the default terminals for ' .. os .. '. ' .. 'You can manually set terminal by gnuplot.setterm("terminal-name")') return nil end end local function findgnuplot() local exe = findgnuplotexe() local os = findos() if not exe then return nil end _gptable.exe = exe _gptable.defaultterm = getgnuplotdefaultterm(os) end function gnuplot.setgnuplotexe(exe) local oldexe = _gptable.exe if not paths.filep(exe) then error(exe .. ' does not exist') end _gptable.exe = exe local v,vv = findgnuplotversion(exe) if v < 4 then error('gnuplot version 4 is required') end if v == 4 and vv < 4 then _gptable.hasrefresh = false print('Some functionality like adding title, labels, ... will be disabled, it is better to install gnuplot version 4.4') else _gptable.hasrefresh = true end local os = findos() local term = getgnuplotdefaultterm(os) if term == nil then print('You have manually set the gnuplot exe and I can not find default terminals, run gnuplot.setterm("terminal-name") to set term type') end end function gnuplot.setterm(term) if gnuplothasterm(term) then _gptable.defaultterm = term else error('gnuplot does not seem to have this term') end end local function getCurrentPlot() if _gptable.current == nil then gnuplot.figure() end return _gptable[_gptable.current] end local function writeToPlot(gp,str) local pipe = gp.pipe pipe:writeString(str .. '\n\n\n') pipe:synchronize() end local function refreshPlot(gp) if gp.fname then writeToPlot(gp,'set output "' .. gp.fname .. '"') end writeToPlot(gp,'refresh') if gp.fname then writeToPlot(gp,'unset output') end end local function writeToCurrent(str) writeToPlot(getCurrentPlot(),str) end local function refreshCurrent() refreshPlot(getCurrentPlot()) end -- t is the arguments for one plot at a time local function getvars(t) local legend = nil local x = nil local y = nil local format = nil local function istensor(v) return type(v) == 'userdata' and torch.typename(v):sub(-6) == 'Tensor' end local function isstring(v) return type(v) == 'string' end if #t == 0 then error('empty argument list') end if #t >= 1 then if isstring(t[1]) then legend = t[1] elseif istensor(t[1]) then x = t[1] else error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,string]') end end if #t >= 2 then if x and isstring(t[2]) then format = t[2] elseif x and istensor(t[2]) then y = t[2] elseif legend and istensor(t[2]) then x = t[2] else error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,string]') end end if #t >= 3 then if legend and x and istensor(t[3]) then y = t[3] elseif legend and x and isstring(t[3]) then format = t[3] elseif x and y and isstring(t[3]) then format = t[3] else error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,string]') end end if #t == 4 then if legend and x and y and isstring(t[4]) then format = t[4] else error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,string]') end end legend = legend or '' format = format or '' if not x then error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,string]') end if not y then if x:dim() == 2 and x:size(2) == 2 then y = x:select(2,2) x = x:select(2,1) elseif x:dim() == 2 and x:size(2) == 4 and format == 'v' then y = torch.Tensor(x:size(1),2) xx= torch.Tensor(x:size(1),2) y:select(2,1):copy(x:select(2,2)) y:select(2,2):copy(x:select(2,4)) xx:select(2,1):copy(x:select(2,1)) xx:select(2,2):copy(x:select(2,3)) x = xx elseif x:dim() == 2 and x:size(2) > 1 then y = x[{ {}, {2,-1} }] x = x:select(2,1) else y = x x = torch.range(1,y:size(1)) end end if x:dim() ~= 1 and x:dim() ~= 2 then error('x and y dims are wrong : x = ' .. x:nDimension() .. 'D y = ' .. y:nDimension() .. 'D') end if y:size(1) ~= x:size(1) then error('x and y dims are wrong : x = ' .. x:nDimension() .. 'D y = ' .. y:nDimension() .. 'D') end -- if x:dim() ~= y:dim() or x:nDimension() > 2 or y:nDimension() > 2 then -- error('x and y dims are wrong : x = ' .. x:nDimension() .. 'D y = ' .. y:nDimension() .. 'D') -- end -- print(x:size(),y:size()) return legend,x,y,format end -- t is the arguments for one plot at a time local function getsplotvars(t) local legend = nil local x = nil local y = nil local z = nil local function istensor(v) return type(v) == 'userdata' and torch.typename(v):sub(-6) == 'Tensor' end local function isstring(v) return type(v) == 'string' end if #t == 0 then error('empty argument list') end if #t >= 1 then if isstring(t[1]) then legend = t[1] elseif istensor(t[1]) then x = t[1] else error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,tensor]') end end if #t >= 2 and #t <= 4 then if x and istensor(t[2]) and istensor(t[3]) then y = t[2] z = t[3] elseif legend and istensor(t[2]) and istensor(t[3]) and istensor(t[4]) then x = t[2] y = t[3] z = t[4] elseif legend and istensor(t[2]) then x = t[2] else error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,tensor]') end elseif #t > 4 then error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,tensor]') end legend = legend or '' if not x then error('expecting [string,] tensor [,tensor] [,tensor]') end if not z then z = x x = torch.Tensor(z:size()) y = torch.Tensor(z:size()) for i=1,x:size(1) do x:select(1,i):fill(i) end for i=1,y:size(2) do y:select(2,i):fill(i) end end if x:nDimension() ~= 2 or y:nDimension() ~= 2 or z:nDimension() ~= 2 then error('x and y and z are expected to be matrices x = ' .. x:nDimension() .. 'D y = ' .. y:nDimension() .. 'D z = '.. z:nDimension() .. 'D' ) end return legend,x,y,z end local function getscatter3vars(t) local legend = nil local x = nil local y = nil local z = nil local function istensor(v) return type(v) == 'userdata' and torch.typename(v):sub(-6) == 'Tensor' end local function isstring(v) return type(v) == 'string' end if #t ~= 3 and #t ~= 4 then error('expecting [string,] tensor, tensor, tensor') end if isstring(t[1]) then if #t ~= 4 then error('expecting [string,] tensor, tensor, tensor') end for i = 2, 4 do if not istensor(t[i]) then error('expecting [string,] tensor, tensor, tensor') end end legend = t[1] x = t[2] y = t[3] z = t[4] elseif istensor(t[1]) then if #t ~= 3 then error('expecting [string,] tensor, tensor, tensor') end for i = 2, 3 do if not istensor(t[i]) then error('expecting [string,] tensor, tensor, tensor') end end x = t[1] y = t[2] z = t[3] legend = '' else error('expecting [string,] tensor, tensor, tensor') end assert(x:dim() == 1 and y:dim() == 1 and z:dim() == 1, 'x, y and z must be 1D') assert(x:isSameSizeAs(y) and x:isSameSizeAs(z), 'x, y and z must be the same size') return legend, x, y, z end local function getimagescvars(t) local palette = nil local x = nil local function istensor(v) return type(v) == 'userdata' and torch.typename(v):sub(-6) == 'Tensor' end local function isstring(v) return type(v) == 'string' end if #t == 0 then error('empty argument list') end if #t >= 1 then if istensor(t[1]) then x = t[1] else error('expecting tensor [,string]') end end if #t == 2 then if x and isstring(t[2]) then palette = t[2] else error('expecting tensor [,string]' ) end elseif #t > 2 then error('expecting tensor [,string]') end legend = legend or '' if not x then error('expecting tensor [,string]') end if not palette then palette = 'gray' end if x:nDimension() ~= 2 then error('x is expected to be matrices x = ' .. x:nDimension() .. 'D') end return x,palette end local function gnuplot_string(legend,x,y,format) local hstr = 'plot ' local dstr = {''} local coef = {} local vecplot = {} local function gformat(f,i) if f ~= '~' and f:find('~') or f:find('acsplines') then coef[i] = f:gsub('~',''):gsub('acsplines','') coef[i] = tonumber(coef[i]) f = 'acsplines' end if f == '' or f == '' then return '' elseif f == '+' or f == 'points' then return 'with points' elseif f == '.' or f == 'dots' then return 'with dots' elseif f == '-' or f == 'lines' then return 'with lines' elseif f == '+-' or f == 'linespoints' then return 'with linespoints' elseif f == '|' or f == 'boxes' then return 'with boxes' elseif f == '~' or f == 'csplines' then return 'smooth csplines' elseif f == 'acsplines' then return 'smooth acsplines' elseif f == 'V' or f == 'v' or f == 'vectors' then vecplot[i]=true;return 'with vectors' else return f end end for i=1,#legend do if i > 1 then hstr = hstr .. ' , ' end hstr = hstr .. " '-' title '" .. legend[i] .. "' " .. gformat(format[i],i) end hstr = hstr .. '\n' for i=1,#legend do local xi = x[i] local yi = y[i] for j=1,xi:size(1) do if coef[i] then --print(i,coef) table.insert(dstr,string.format('%g %g %g\n',xi[j],yi[j],coef[i])) elseif vecplot[i] then --print(xi,yi) table.insert(dstr,string.format('%g %g %g %g\n',xi[j][1],yi[j][1],xi[j][2],yi[j][2])) elseif yi:dim() == 1 then table.insert(dstr,string.format('%g %g\n',xi[j],yi[j])) else table.insert(dstr,string.format(string.rep('%g ',1+yi:size(2)) .. '\n',xi[j],unpack(yi[j]:clone():storage():totable()))) end end collectgarbage() table.insert(dstr,'e\n') end return hstr,table.concat(dstr) end local function gnu_splot_string(legend,x,y,z) local hstr = string.format('%s\n','set contour base') hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set cntrparam bspline\n') hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set cntrparam levels auto\n') hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set style data lines\n') hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set hidden3d\n') hstr = hstr .. 'splot ' local dstr = {''} local coef for i=1,#legend do if i > 1 then hstr = hstr .. ' , ' end hstr = hstr .. " '-'title '" .. legend[i] .. "' " .. 'with lines' end hstr = hstr .. '\n' for i=1,#legend do local xi = x[i] local yi = y[i] local zi = z[i] for j=1,xi:size(1) do local xij = xi[j] local yij = yi[j] local zij = zi[j] for k=1,xi:size(2) do table.insert(dstr, string.format('%g %g %g\n',xij[k],yij[k],zij[k])) end table.insert(dstr,'\n') end table.insert(dstr,'e\n') end return hstr,table.concat(dstr) end local function gnu_scatter3_string(legend, x, y, z) local hstr = string.format('%s\n','set contour base') hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set style data points\n') hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set hidden3d\n') hstr = hstr .. 'splot ' local dstr = {''} local coef for i = 1, #legend do if i > 1 then hstr = hstr .. ' , ' end hstr = hstr .. " '-'title '" .. legend[i] .. "' " .. 'with points' end hstr = hstr .. '\n' for i = 1, #legend do local xi = x[i] local yi = y[i] local zi = z[i] for j = 1, xi:size(1) do local xij = xi[j] local yij = yi[j] local zij = zi[j] table.insert(dstr, string.format('%g %g %g\n', xij, yij, zij)) end table.insert(dstr, 'e\n') end return hstr, table.concat(dstr) end local function gnu_imagesc_string(x,palette) local hstr = string.format('%s\n','set view map') hstr = string.format('%s%s %s\n',hstr,'set palette',palette) hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,'set style data linespoints') hstr = string.format('%s%s%g%s\n',hstr,"set xrange [ -0.5 : ",x:size(2)-0.5,"] noreverse nowriteback") hstr = string.format('%s%s%g%s\n',hstr,"set yrange [ -0.5 : ",x:size(1)-0.5,"] reverse nowriteback") hstr = string.format('%s%s\n',hstr,"splot '-' matrix with image") local dstr = {''} for i=1,x:size(1) do local xi = x[i]; for j=1,x:size(2) do table.insert(dstr,string.format('%g ',xi[j])) end table.insert(dstr, string.format('\n')) end table.insert(dstr,string.format('e\ne\n')) return hstr,table.concat(dstr) end function gnuplot.close(n) if not n then n = _gptable.current end local gp = _gptable[n] if gp == nil then return end if type(n) == 'number' and torch.typename(gp.pipe) == 'torch.PipeFile' then _gptable.current = nil gnuplot.plotflush(n) writeToPlot(gp, 'quit') -- pipefile:close is buggy in TH --gp.pipe:close() gp.pipe=nil gp = nil _gptable[n] = nil end collectgarbage() end function gnuplot.closeall() for i,v in pairs(_gptable) do gnuplot.close(i) end _gptable = {} collectgarbage() findgnuplot() _gptable.current = nil end local function filefigure(fname,term,n) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('Plotting to files is disabled in gnuplot 4.2, install gnuplot 4.4') end -- Check whether the output directory can be written to here - torch.PipeFile -- has no read/write option so we can't read back any error messages from -- gnuplot, and writing to 'non_existent_dir/plot.png' fails silently. local outputDir = paths.dirname(fname) if outputDir == '' then outputDir = '.' end if not paths.dirp(outputDir) then error('cannot save to ' .. fname .. ': directory does not exist') end local gp = getfigure(n) gp.fname = fname gp.term = term writeToCurrent('set term '.. gp.term) --writeToCurrent('set output \'' .. gp.fname .. '\'') end function gnuplot.epsfigure(fname,n) filefigure(fname,'postscript eps enhanced color',n) return _gptable.current end function gnuplot.svgfigure(fname,n) filefigure(fname,'svg',n) return _gptable.current end function gnuplot.pngfigure(fname,n) local term = gnuplothasterm('pngcairo') and 'pngcairo' or 'png' filefigure(fname,term,n) return _gptable.current end function gnuplot.pdffigure(fname,n) local haspdf = gnuplothasterm('pdf') or gnuplothasterm('pdfcairo') if not haspdf then error('your installation of gnuplot does not have pdf support enabled') end local term = nil if gnuplothasterm('pdfcairo') then term = 'pdfcairo enhanced color' else term = 'pdf enhanced color' end filefigure(fname,term,n) return _gptable.current end function gnuplot.figprint(fname) local suffix = fname:match('.+%.(.+)') local term = nil local haspdf = gnuplothasterm('pdf') or gnuplothasterm('pdfcairo') if suffix == 'eps' then term = 'postscript eps enhanced color' elseif suffix == 'png' then term = gnuplothasterm('pngcairo') and 'pngcairo' or 'png' term = term .. ' size "1024,768"' elseif suffix == 'pdf' and haspdf then if not haspdf then error('your installation of gnuplot does not have pdf support enabled') end if gnuplothasterm('pdfcairo') then term = 'pdfcairo' else term = 'pdf' end term = term .. ' enhanced color' else local errmsg = 'only eps and png' if haspdf then errmsg = errmsg .. ' and pdf' end error(errmsg ' for figprint') end writeToCurrent('set term ' .. term) writeToCurrent('set output \''.. fname .. '\'') refreshCurrent() writeToCurrent('unset output') writeToCurrent('set term ' .. _gptable[_gptable.current].term .. ' ' .. _gptable.current .. '\n') end function gnuplot.figure(n, config) config = config or {} local gp = getfigure(n) writeToCurrent('set term ' .. _gptable[_gptable.current].term .. ' ' .. _gptable.current .. '\n') if not config.noraise then writeToCurrent('raise') end return _gptable.current end function gnuplot.plotflush(n) if not n then n = _gptable.current end if not n or _gptable[n] == nil then print('no figure ' .. tostring(n)) return end local gp = _gptable[n] --xprint(gp) refreshPlot(gp) -- if gp.fname then -- writeToPlot(gp,'set output "' .. gp.fname .. '"') -- writeToPlot(gp,'refresh') -- writeToPlot(gp,'unset output') -- end end local function gnulplot(legend,x,y,format) local hdr,data = gnuplot_string(legend,x,y,format) writeToCurrent(hdr) writeToCurrent(data) end local function gnusplot(legend,x,y,z) local hdr,data = gnu_splot_string(legend,x,y,z) writeToCurrent(hdr) writeToCurrent(data) end local function gnuscatter3(legend, x, y, z) local hdr, data = gnu_scatter3_string(legend, x, y, z) writeToCurrent(hdr) writeToCurrent(data) end local function gnuimagesc(x,palette) local hdr,data = gnu_imagesc_string(x,palette) writeToCurrent(hdr) writeToCurrent(data) end function gnuplot.xlabel(label) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.xlabel disabled') return end writeToCurrent('set xlabel "' .. label .. '"') refreshCurrent() end function gnuplot.ylabel(label) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.ylabel disabled') return end writeToCurrent('set ylabel "' .. label .. '"') refreshCurrent() end function gnuplot.zlabel(label) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.zlabel disabled') return end writeToCurrent('set zlabel "' .. label .. '"') refreshCurrent() end function gnuplot.title(label) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.title disabled') return end writeToCurrent('set title "' .. label .. '"') refreshCurrent() end function gnuplot.grid(toggle) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.grid disabled') return end if toggle then writeToCurrent('set grid') refreshCurrent() else writeToCurrent('unset grid') refreshCurrent() end end function gnuplot.logscale(toggle) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.logscale disabled') return end if toggle then writeToCurrent('set logscale y') refreshCurrent() else writeToCurrent('unset logscale y') refreshCurrent() end end function gnuplot.movelegend(hloc,vloc) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.movelegend disabled') return end if hloc ~= 'left' and hloc ~= 'right' and hloc ~= 'center' then error('horizontal location is unknown : plot.movelegend expects 2 strings as location {left|right|center}{bottom|top|middle}') end if vloc ~= 'bottom' and vloc ~= 'top' and vloc ~= 'middle' then error('horizontal location is unknown : plot.movelegend expects 2 strings as location {left|right|center}{bottom|top|middle}') end writeToCurrent('set key ' .. hloc .. ' ' .. vloc) refreshCurrent() end function gnuplot.axis(axis) if not _gptable.hasrefresh then print('gnuplot.axis disabled') return end if axis == 'auto' then writeToCurrent('set size nosquare') writeToCurrent('set autoscale') refreshCurrent() elseif axis == 'image' or axis == 'equal' then writeToCurrent('set size ratio -1') refreshCurrent() elseif axis == 'fill' then writeToCurrent('set size ratio 1,1') refreshCurrent() elseif type(axis) == 'table' then if #axis ~= 4 then print('axis should have 4 componets {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax}'); return end writeToCurrent('set xrange [' .. axis[1] .. ':' .. axis[2] .. ']') writeToCurrent('set yrange [' .. axis[3] .. ':' .. axis[4] .. ']') refreshCurrent() end end function gnuplot.raw(str) writeToCurrent(str) end -- plot(x) -- plot(x,'.'), plot(x,'.-') -- plot(x,y,'.'), plot(x,y,'.-') -- plot({x1,y1,'.'},{x2,y2,'.-'}) -- plot({{x1,y1,'.'},{x2,y2,'.-'}}) function gnuplot.plot(...) local arg = {...} if select('#',...) == 0 then error('no inputs, expecting at least a vector') end local formats = {} local xdata = {} local ydata = {} local legends = {} if type(arg[1]) == "table" then if type(arg[1][1]) == "table" then arg = arg[1] end for i,v in ipairs(arg) do local l,x,y,f = getvars(v) legends[#legends+1] = l formats[#formats+1] = f xdata[#xdata+1] = x ydata[#ydata+1] = y end else local l,x,y,f = getvars(arg) legends[#legends+1] = l formats[#formats+1] = f xdata[#xdata+1] = x ydata[#ydata+1] = y end gnulplot(legends,xdata,ydata,formats) end -- splot(z) -- splot({x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2}) -- splot({'name1',x1,y1,z1},{'name2',x2,y2,z2}) function gnuplot.splot(...) local arg = {...} if select('#',...) == 0 then error('no inputs, expecting at least a matrix') end local xdata = {} local ydata = {} local zdata = {} local legends = {} if type(arg[1]) == "table" then if type(arg[1][1]) == "table" then arg = arg[1] end for i,v in ipairs(arg) do local l,x,y,z = getsplotvars(v) legends[#legends+1] = l xdata[#xdata+1] = x ydata[#ydata+1] = y zdata[#zdata+1] = z end else local l,x,y,z = getsplotvars(arg) legends[#legends+1] = l xdata[#xdata+1] = x ydata[#ydata+1] = y zdata[#zdata+1] = z end gnusplot(legends,xdata,ydata,zdata) end -- scatter3(x, y, z) -- scatter3({x1, y1, z1}, {x2, y2, z2}) -- scatter3({'name1', x1, y1, z1}, {'name2', x2, y2, z2}) function gnuplot.scatter3(...) local arg = {...} if select('#', ...) == 0 then error('no inputs, expecting at least a matrix') end local xdata = {} local ydata = {} local zdata = {} local legends = {} if type(arg[1]) == "table" then if type(arg[1][1]) == "table" then arg = arg[1] end for i,v in ipairs(arg) do local l, x, y, z = getscatter3vars(v) legends[#legends + 1] = l xdata[#xdata + 1] = x ydata[#ydata + 1] = y zdata[#zdata + 1] = z end else local l, x, y, z = getscatter3vars(arg) legends[#legends + 1] = l xdata[#xdata + 1] = x ydata[#ydata + 1] = y zdata[#zdata + 1] = z end gnuscatter3(legends, xdata, ydata, zdata) end -- imagesc(x) -- x 2D tensor [0 .. 1] function gnuplot.imagesc(...) local arg = {...} if select('#',...) == 0 then error('no inputs, expecting at least a matrix') end gnuimagesc(getimagescvars(arg)) end -- bar(y) -- bar(x,y) function local arg = {...} local nargs = {} for i = 1,select('#',...) do table.insert(nargs,arg[i]) end table.insert(nargs, '|') gnuplot.plot(nargs) end -- complete function: compute hist and display it function gnuplot.hist(tensor,bins,min,max) local h = gnuplot.histc(tensor,bins,min,max) local x_axis = torch.Tensor(#h) for i = 1,#h do x_axis[i] = h[i].val end, h.raw) return h end findgnuplot()