require 'torch' local ffiOk = false local graphvizOk = false local cgraphOk = false local ffi local graphviz local cgraph ffiOk, ffi = pcall(require, 'ffi') if ffiOk then ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct FILE FILE; typedef struct Agraph_s Agraph_t; typedef struct Agnode_s Agnode_t; extern Agraph_t *agmemread(const char *cp); extern char *agget(void *obj, char *name); extern int agclose(Agraph_t * g); extern Agnode_t *agfstnode(Agraph_t * g); extern Agnode_t *agnxtnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n); extern Agnode_t *aglstnode(Agraph_t * g); extern Agnode_t *agprvnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n); typedef struct Agraph_s graph_t; typedef struct GVJ_s GVJ_t; typedef struct GVG_s GVG_t; typedef struct GVC_s GVC_t; extern GVC_t *gvContext(void); extern int gvLayout(GVC_t *context, graph_t *g, const char *engine); extern int gvRender(GVC_t *context, graph_t *g, const char *format, FILE *out); extern int gvFreeLayout(GVC_t *context, graph_t *g); extern int gvFreeContext(GVC_t *context); FILE * fopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode ); int fclose ( FILE * stream ); ]] graphvizOk, graphviz = pcall(function() return ffi.load('libgvc') end) if not graphvizOk then graphvizOk, graphviz = pcall(function() return ffi.load('') end) end cgraphOk, cgraph = pcall(function() return ffi.load('libcgraph') end) if not cgraphOk then cgraphOk, cgraph = pcall(function() return ffi.load('') end) end else graphvizOk = false cgraphOk = false end local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- Lua52 compatibility local NULL = (not jit) and ffi.C.NULL or nil -- LuaJIT compatibility -- Retrieve attribute data from a graphviz object. local function getAttribute(obj, name) local res = cgraph.agget(obj, ffi.cast("char*", name)) assert(res ~= ffi.cast("char*", nil), 'could not get attr ' .. name) local out = ffi.string(res) return out end -- Iterate through nodes of a graphviz graph. local function nodeIterator(graph) local node = cgraph.agfstnode(graph) local nextNode return function() if node == NULL then return end if node == cgraph.aglstnode(graph) then nextNode = NULL end nextNode = cgraph.agnxtnode(graph, node) local result = node node = nextNode return result end end -- Convert a string of comma-separated numbers to actual numbers. local function extractNumbers(n, attr) local res = {} for number in string.gmatch(attr, "[^%,]+") do table.insert(res, tonumber(number)) end assert(#res == n, "attribute is not of expected form") return unpack(res) end -- Transform from graphviz coordinates to unit square. local function getRelativePosition(node, bbox) local x0, y0, w, h = unpack(bbox) local x, y = extractNumbers(2, getAttribute(node, 'pos')) local xt = (x - x0) / w local yt = (y - y0) / h assert(xt >= 0 and xt <= 1, "bad x coordinate") assert(yt >= 0 and yt <= 1, "bad y coordinate") return xt, yt end -- Retrieve a node's ID based on its label string. local function getID(node) local label = getAttribute(node, 'label') local res = {string.find(label, "^Node(%d+)")} or {string.find(label, "%((%d+)%)\\n")} local id = res[3] assert(id ~= nil, "could not get ID from node label : <" .. tostring(label) .. ">") return tonumber(id) end --[[ Lay out a graph and return the positions of the nodes. Args: * `g` - graph to lay out. * `algorithm` - name of the graphviz algorithm to use. (default: "dot") Returns: * `torch.Tensor(n, 2)` containing the resulting positions of the nodes. where `n` is the number of nodes in the graph. Coordinates are in the interval [0, 1]. ]] function graph.graphvizLayout(g, algorithm) if not graphvizOk or not cgraphOk then error("graphviz library could not be loaded.") end local nNodes = #g.nodes local context = graphviz.gvContext() local graphvizGraph = cgraph.agmemread(g:todot()) local algorithm = algorithm or "dot" assert(0 == graphviz.gvLayout(context, graphvizGraph, algorithm), "graphviz layout failed") assert(0 == graphviz.gvRender(context, graphvizGraph, algorithm, NULL), "graphviz render failed") -- Extract bounding box. local x0, y0, x1, y1 = extractNumbers(4, getAttribute(graphvizGraph, 'bb'), ",") local w = x1 - x0 local h = y1 - y0 local bbox = { x0, y0, w, h } -- Extract node positions. local positions = torch.zeros(nNodes, 2) for node in nodeIterator(graphvizGraph) do local id = getID(node) local x, y = getRelativePosition(node, bbox) positions[id][1] = x positions[id][2] = y end -- Clean up. graphviz.gvFreeLayout(context, graphvizGraph) cgraph.agclose(graphvizGraph) graphviz.gvFreeContext(context) return positions end function graph.graphvizFile(g, algorithm, fname) if not graphvizOk or not cgraphOk then error("graphviz library could not be loaded.") end algorithm = algorithm or 'dot' local _,_,rendertype = fname:reverse():find('(%a+)%.%w+') rendertype = rendertype:reverse() local context = graphviz.gvContext() local graphvizGraph = cgraph.agmemread(g:todot()) assert(0 == graphviz.gvLayout(context, graphvizGraph, algorithm), "graphviz layout failed") local fhandle = ffi.C.fopen(fname, 'w') local ret = graphviz.gvRender(context, graphvizGraph, rendertype, fhandle) ffi.C.fclose(fhandle) assert(0 == ret, "graphviz render failed") graphviz.gvFreeLayout(context, graphvizGraph) cgraph.agclose(graphvizGraph) graphviz.gvFreeContext(context) end --[[ Given a graph, dump an SVG or display it using graphviz. Args: * `g` - graph to display * `title` - Title to display in the graph * `fname` - [optional] if given it should contain a file name without an extension, the graph is saved on disk as fname.svg and display is not shown. If not given the graph is shown on qt display (you need to have qtsvg installed and running qlua) Returns: * `qs` - the window handle for the qt display (if fname given) or nil ]] function,title,fname) local qt_display = fname == nil fname = fname or os.tmpname() local fnsvg = fname .. '.svg' local fndot = fname .. '.dot' graph.graphvizFile(g, 'dot', fnsvg) graph.graphvizFile(g, 'dot', fndot) if qt_display then require 'qtsvg' local qs = qt.QSvgWidget(fnsvg) qs:show() os.remove(fnsvg) os.remove(fndot) return qs end end