local JoinTable, parent = torch.class('nn.JoinTable', 'nn.Module') function JoinTable:__init(dimension, nInputDims) parent.__init(self) self.size = torch.LongStorage() self.dimension = dimension self.gradInput = {} self.nInputDims = nInputDims end function JoinTable:updateOutput(input) local dimension = self.dimension if self.nInputDims and input[1]:dim()==(self.nInputDims+1) then dimension = dimension + 1 end for i=1,#input do local currentOutput = input[i] if i == 1 then self.size:resize(currentOutput:dim()):copy(currentOutput:size()) else self.size[dimension] = self.size[dimension] + currentOutput:size(dimension) end end self.output:resize(self.size) local offset = 1 for i=1,#input do local currentOutput = input[i] self.output:narrow(dimension, offset, currentOutput:size(dimension)):copy(currentOutput) offset = offset + currentOutput:size(dimension) end return self.output end function JoinTable:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) local dimension = self.dimension if self.nInputDims and input[1]:dim()==(self.nInputDims+1) then dimension = dimension + 1 end for i=1,#input do if self.gradInput[i] == nil then self.gradInput[i] = input[i].new() end self.gradInput[i]:resizeAs(input[i]) end local offset = 1 for i=1,#input do local currentOutput = input[i] local currentGradInput = gradOutput:narrow(dimension, offset, currentOutput:size(dimension)) self.gradInput[i]:copy(currentGradInput) offset = offset + currentOutput:size(dimension) end return self.gradInput end function JoinTable:type(type) self.gradInput = {} return parent.type(self, type) end