local MixtureTable, parent = torch.class('nn.MixtureTable', 'nn.Module') function MixtureTable:__init(dim) parent.__init(self) self.dim = dim self.size = torch.LongStorage() self.batchSize = 0 self.size2 = torch.LongStorage() self.backwardSetup = false self.gradInput = {} end function MixtureTable:updateOutput(input) local gaterInput, expertInputs = table.unpack(input) -- buffers self._gaterView = self.gaterView or input[1].new() self._expert = self._expert or input[1].new() self._expertView = self._expertView or input[1].new() self.dimG = 2 local batchSize = gaterInput:size(1) if gaterInput:dim() < 2 then self.dimG = 1 self.dim = self.dim or 1 batchSize = 1 end self.dim = self.dim or 2 if self.table or torch.type(expertInputs) == 'table' then -- expertInputs is a Table : self.table = true if gaterInput:size(self.dimG) ~= #expertInputs then error"Should be one gater output per expert" end local expertInput = expertInputs[1] if self.batchSize ~= batchSize then self.size:resize(expertInput:dim()+1):fill(1) if self.dimG > 1 then self.size[1] = gaterInput:size(1) end self.size[self.dim] = gaterInput:size(self.dimG) self.output:resizeAs(expertInput) self.backwardSetup = false self.batchSize = batchSize end self._gaterView:view(gaterInput, self.size) self.output:zero() -- multiply accumulate gater outputs by their commensurate expert for i,expertInput in ipairs(expertInputs) do local gate = self._gaterView:select(self.dim,i):expandAs(expertInput) self.output:addcmul(expertInput, gate) end else -- expertInputs is a Tensor : if self.batchSize ~= batchSize then self.size:resize(expertInputs:dim()):fill(1) if self.dimG > 1 then self.size[1] = gaterInput:size(1) end self.size[self.dim] = gaterInput:size(self.dimG) self.output:resizeAs(expertInputs:select(self.dim, 1)) self.gradInput[2] = self._gradInput self.batchSize = batchSize self.backwardSetup = false end self._gaterView:view(gaterInput, self.size) self._expert:cmul(self._gaterView:expandAs(expertInputs), expertInputs) self.output:sum(self._expert, self.dim) self.output:resizeAs(expertInputs:select(self.dim, 1)) end return self.output end function MixtureTable:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) local gaterInput, expertInputs = table.unpack(input) nn.utils.recursiveResizeAs(self.gradInput, input) local gaterGradInput, expertGradInputs = table.unpack(self.gradInput) -- buffers self._sum = self._sum or input[1].new() self._gradInput = self._gradInput or {input[1].new(), {}} self._expertView2 = self._expertView2 or input[1].new() self._expert2 = self._expert2 or input[1].new() if self.table then if not self.backwardSetup then for i,expertInput in ipairs(expertInputs) do local expertGradInput = expertGradInputs[i] or expertInput:clone() expertGradInput:resizeAs(expertInput) expertGradInputs[i] = expertGradInput end gaterGradInput:resizeAs(gaterInput) self.backwardSetup = true end -- like CMulTable, but with broadcasting for i,expertGradInput in ipairs(expertGradInputs) do -- gater updateGradInput self._expert:cmul(gradOutput, expertInputs[i]) if self.dimG == 1 then self._expertView:view(self._expert, -1) else self._expertView:view(self._expert, gradOutput:size(1), -1) end self._sum:sum(self._expertView, self.dimG) if self.dimG == 1 then gaterGradInput[i] = self._sum:select(self.dimG,1) else gaterGradInput:select(self.dimG,i):copy(self._sum:select(self.dimG,1)) end -- expert updateGradInput local gate = self._gaterView:select(self.dim,i):expandAs(expertGradInput) expertGradInput:cmul(gate, gradOutput) end else if not self.backwardSetup then self.size2:resize(expertInputs:dim()) self.size2:copy(expertInputs:size()) self.size2[self.dim] = 1 gaterGradInput:resizeAs(gaterInput) self.backwardSetup = true end -- gater updateGradInput self._expertView:view(gradOutput, self.size2) local gradOutput = self._expertView:expandAs(expertInputs) self._expert:cmul(gradOutput, expertInputs) local expert = self._expert:transpose(self.dim, self.dimG) if not expert:isContiguous() then self._expert2:resizeAs(expert) self._expert2:copy(expert) expert = self._expert2 end if self.dimG == 1 then self._expertView2:view(expert, gaterInput:size(1), -1) else self._expertView2:view(expert, gaterInput:size(1), gaterInput:size(2), -1) end gaterGradInput:sum(self._expertView2, self.dimG+1) gaterGradInput:resizeAs(gaterInput) -- expert updateGradInput expertGradInputs:cmul(self._gaterView:expandAs(expertInputs), gradOutput) end return self.gradInput end function MixtureTable:type(type) self._gaterView = nil self._expert = nil self._expertView = nil self._sum = nil self._gradInput = nil self._expert2 = nil self._expertView2 = nil return parent.type(self, type) end