local PairwiseDistance, parent = torch.class('nn.PairwiseDistance', 'nn.Module') function PairwiseDistance:__init(p) parent.__init(self) -- state self.gradInput = {torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor()} self.output = torch.Tensor(1) self.diff = torch.Tensor() self.norm=p end function PairwiseDistance:updateOutput(input) if input[1]:dim() == 1 then self.output[1]=input[1]:dist(input[2],self.norm) elseif input[1]:dim() == 2 then self.diff = self.diff or input[1].new() self.diff:resizeAs(input[1]) local diff = self.diff:zero() diff:add(input[1], -1, input[2]) diff:abs() self.output:resize(input[1]:size(1)) self.output:zero() self.output:add(diff:pow(self.norm):sum(2)) self.output:pow(1./self.norm) else error('input must be vector or matrix') end if input[1]:dim() > 2 then error('input must be vector or matrix') end return self.output end local function mathsign(x) if x==0 then return 2*torch.random(2)-3; end if x>0 then return 1; else return -1; end end function PairwiseDistance:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) if input[1]:dim() > 2 then error('input must be vector or matrix') end self.gradInput[1]:resize(input[1]:size()) self.gradInput[2]:resize(input[2]:size()) self.gradInput[1]:copy(input[1]) self.gradInput[1]:add(-1, input[2]) if self.norm==1 then self.gradInput[1]:apply(mathsign) else -- Note: derivative of p-norm: -- d/dx_k(||x||_p) = (x_k * abs(x_k)^(p-2)) / (||x||_p)^(p-1) if (self.norm > 2) then self.gradInput[1]:cmul(self.gradInput[1]:clone():abs():pow(self.norm-2)) end if (input[1]:dim() > 1) then self.outExpand = self.outExpand or self.output.new() self.outExpand:resize(self.output:size(1), 1) self.outExpand:copy(self.output) self.outExpand:add(1.0e-6) -- Prevent divide by zero errors self.outExpand:pow(-(self.norm-1)) self.gradInput[1]:cmul(self.outExpand:expand(self.gradInput[1]:size(1), self.gradInput[1]:size(2))) else self.gradInput[1]:mul(math.pow(self.output[1] + 1e-6, -(self.norm-1))) end end if input[1]:dim() == 1 then self.gradInput[1]:mul(gradOutput[1]) else self.grad = self.grad or gradOutput.new() self.ones = self.ones or gradOutput.new() self.grad:resizeAs(input[1]):zero() self.ones:resize(input[1]:size(2)):fill(1) self.grad:addr(gradOutput, self.ones) self.gradInput[1]:cmul(self.grad) end self.gradInput[2]:zero():add(-1, self.gradInput[1]) return self.gradInput end -- save away Module:type(type) for later use. PairwiseDistance._parent_type = parent.type -- Fix the bug where tmp = nn.PairwiseDistance:cuda() fails to convert table -- contents. We could, and probably should, change Module.lua to loop over -- and convert all the table elements in a module, but that might have -- repercussions, so this is a safer solution. function PairwiseDistance:type(type) self:_parent_type(type) -- Call the parent (Module) type function -- Now convert the left over table elements self.gradInput[1] = self.gradInput[1]:type(type) self.gradInput[2] = self.gradInput[2]:type(type) return self end