local Reshape, parent = torch.class('nn.Reshape', 'nn.Module') function Reshape:__init(...) parent.__init(self) local arg = {...} self.size = torch.LongStorage() self.batchsize = torch.LongStorage() if torch.type(arg[#arg]) == 'boolean' then self.batchMode = arg[#arg] table.remove(arg, #arg) end local n = #arg if n == 1 and torch.typename(arg[1]) == 'torch.LongStorage' then self.size:resize(#arg[1]):copy(arg[1]) else self.size:resize(n) for i=1,n do self.size[i] = arg[i] end end self.nelement = 1 self.batchsize:resize(#self.size+1) for i=1,#self.size do self.nelement = self.nelement * self.size[i] self.batchsize[i+1] = self.size[i] end -- only used for non-contiguous input or gradOutput self._input = torch.Tensor() self._gradOutput = torch.Tensor() end function Reshape:updateOutput(input) if not input:isContiguous() then self._input:resizeAs(input) self._input:copy(input) input = self._input end if (self.batchMode == false) or ( (self.batchMode == nil) and (input:nElement() == self.nelement and input:size(1) ~= 1) ) then self.output:view(input, self.size) else self.batchsize[1] = input:size(1) self.output:view(input, self.batchsize) end return self.output end function Reshape:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) if not gradOutput:isContiguous() then self._gradOutput:resizeAs(gradOutput) self._gradOutput:copy(gradOutput) gradOutput = self._gradOutput end self.gradInput:viewAs(gradOutput, input) return self.gradInput end function Reshape:__tostring__() return torch.type(self) .. '(' .. table.concat(self.size:totable(), 'x') .. ')' end