local THNN = require 'nn.THNN' local SparseLinear, parent = torch.class('nn.SparseLinear', 'nn.Module') local NO_LAST_INPUT = 0 local ONE_LAST_INPUT = 1 local ACC_MULTIPLE_TIMES = 2 function SparseLinear:__init(inputSize, outputSize, doGradInput) parent.__init(self) self.weightDecay = 0 self.doGradInput = doGradInput or false self.weight = torch.Tensor(outputSize, inputSize):zero() self.bias = torch.Tensor(outputSize):zero() self.gradWeight = torch.Tensor(outputSize, inputSize):zero() self.gradBias = torch.Tensor(outputSize):zero() assert(type(self.doGradInput) == type(true)) self.lastInput = nil self.sparseUpdate = NO_LAST_INPUT self.formatted_input = nil -- state self.gradInput = {} self.output:resize(outputSize) self:reset() end function SparseLinear:reset(stdv) if stdv then stdv = stdv * math.sqrt(3) else stdv = 1./math.sqrt(self.weight:size(2)) end self.weight:uniform(-stdv, stdv) self.bias:uniform(-stdv, stdv):mul(0.000001) end function SparseLinear:reshapeInput(input) if type(input) == 'table' then return input, true, false else if input:dim() == 2 then return {input}, false, false else return input, true, true end end end function SparseLinear:updateOutput(input) if self.sparseUpdate == ONE_LAST_INPUT then self.sparseUpdate = ACC_MULTIPLE_TIMES end local input, batchMode, legacyMode = self:reshapeInput(input) self.legacyMode = legacyMode if legacyMode then input.THNN.SparseLinear_legacyUpdateOutput( input:cdata(), self.output:cdata(), self.weight:cdata(), self.bias:cdata() ) else local nbatches = #input if nbatches == 0 then self.output:copy(self.bias) return self.output end local size = 0 local marker = 1 self.formatted_input = self.formatted_input or input[1].new() for i,v in ipairs(input) do size = size + input[i]:size(1) end self.formatted_input:resize(size, 3) for i,v in ipairs(input) do local buf = self.formatted_input:narrow(1, marker, input[i]:size(1)) buf:narrow(2,2,2):copy(input[i]) buf:select(2,1):fill(i) marker = marker + input[i]:size(1) end self.output:resize(nbatches, self.weight:size(1)) input[1].THNN.SparseLinear_updateOutput( self.formatted_input:cdata(), self.output:cdata(), self.weight:cdata(), self.bias:cdata() ) -- fix output size for batchSize = 1 if not batchMode then self.output = self.output[1] end end return self.output end function SparseLinear:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput, scale) local input, batchMode, legacyMode = self:reshapeInput(input) self.legacyMode = legacyMode self.lastInput = self.lastInput or gradOutput.new() if self.sparseUpdate == NO_LAST_INPUT then local v = self.formatted_input if self.legacyMode then v = input end self.lastInput:resizeAs(v):copy(v) self.sparseUpdate = ONE_LAST_INPUT elseif self.sparseUpdate == ONE_LAST_INPUT then self.sparseUpdate = ACC_MULTIPLE_TIMES end if legacyMode then input.THNN.SparseLinear_legacyAccGradParameters( input:cdata(), gradOutput:cdata(), self.gradWeight:cdata(), self.gradBias:cdata(), self.weight:cdata(), self.bias:cdata(), self.weightDecay or 0, scale or 1 ) else if not batchMode then gradOutput:resize(1, gradOutput:size(1)) end local rows = self.formatted_input:select(2, 1) local cols = self.formatted_input:select(2, 2) local sortinds = cols * gradOutput:size(1) + rows local _, inds = sortinds:sort(1, false) local newinput = self.formatted_input:index(1, inds) input[1].THNN.SparseLinear_accGradParameters( newinput:cdata(), gradOutput:cdata(), self.gradWeight:cdata(), self.gradBias:cdata(), self.weight:cdata(), self.bias:cdata(), self.weightDecay or 0, scale or 1 ) end end function SparseLinear:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) if self.legacyMode then if type(self.gradInput) ~= type(gradOutput) then self.gradInput = gradOutput.new() end self.gradInput:resizeAs(input) else self.gradInput = {} end if self.doGradInput then -- GradInput should be dense anyway local gi local batchMode = true if gradOutput:dim() == 1 then gi = self.weight:t()*gradOutput batchMode = false elseif gradOutput:dim() == 2 then gi = gradOutput*self.weight end local ini = self.weight:size(2) if self.legacyMode then local batches = self.gradInput:size(1) self.gradInput:resize(batches, ini, 2) self.gradInput:select(3,1):copy(torch.repeatTensor(torch.range(1, ini), batches, 1)) self.gradInput:select(3,2):copy(gi) else local indicies = torch.range(1, ini) if not batchMode then gi:resize(1, ini) end for i = 1,gi:size(1) do self.gradInput[i] = gradOutput.new(ini, 2) self.gradInput[i]:select(2, 2):copy(gi[i]) self.gradInput[i]:select(2, 1):range(1, ini) end end end return self.gradInput end -- These functions do sparse updates / zeros. However, if we accumulated -- gradients multiple times, we can't depend on the last input to do sparse -- updates. function SparseLinear:updateParameters(learningRate) if self.lastInput and self.sparseUpdate == ONE_LAST_INPUT then if self.legacyMode then self.lastInput.THNN.SparseLinear_legacyUpdateParameters( self.weight:cdata(), self.bias:cdata(), self.gradWeight:cdata(), self.gradBias:cdata(), self.lastInput:cdata(), learningRate ) else self.lastInput.THNN.SparseLinear_updateParameters( self.weight:cdata(), self.bias:cdata(), self.gradWeight:cdata(), self.gradBias:cdata(), self.lastInput:cdata(), learningRate ) end else parent.updateParameters(self, learningRate) end end function SparseLinear:zeroGradParameters() if self.lastInput and self.sparseUpdate == ONE_LAST_INPUT then if self.legacyMode then self.lastInput.THNN.SparseLinear_legacyZeroGradParameters( self.gradWeight:cdata(), self.gradBias:cdata(), self.lastInput:cdata() ) else self.lastInput.THNN.SparseLinear_zeroGradParameters( self.gradWeight:cdata(), self.gradBias:cdata(), self.lastInput:cdata() ) end else parent.zeroGradParameters(self) end self.sparseUpdate = NO_LAST_INPUT end function SparseLinear:clearState() if self.lastInput then self.lastInput:set() end input.THNN.SparseLinear_cudaClearState() return parent.clearState(self) end