local StochasticGradient = torch.class('nn.StochasticGradient') function StochasticGradient:__init(module, criterion) self.learningRate = 0.01 self.learningRateDecay = 0 self.maxIteration = 25 self.shuffleIndices = true self.module = module self.criterion = criterion end function StochasticGradient:train(dataset) local iteration = 1 local currentLearningRate = self.learningRate local module = self.module local criterion = self.criterion local shuffledIndices = torch.randperm(dataset:size(), 'torch.LongTensor') if not self.shuffleIndices then for t = 1,dataset:size() do shuffledIndices[t] = t end end print("# StochasticGradient: training") while true do local currentError = 0 for t = 1,dataset:size() do local example = dataset[shuffledIndices[t]] local input = example[1] local target = example[2] currentError = currentError + criterion:forward(module:forward(input), target) module:updateGradInput(input, criterion:updateGradInput(module.output, target)) module:accUpdateGradParameters(input, criterion.gradInput, currentLearningRate) if self.hookExample then self.hookExample(self, example) end end if self.hookIteration then self.hookIteration(self, iteration) end currentError = currentError / dataset:size() print("# current error = " .. currentError) iteration = iteration + 1 currentLearningRate = self.learningRate/(1+iteration*self.learningRateDecay) if self.maxIteration > 0 and iteration > self.maxIteration then print("# StochasticGradient: you have reached the maximum number of iterations") break end end end