require 'torch' require 'math' local BestSolution = {} --[[ An implementation of `CMAES` (Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy), ported from Parameters ---------- ARGS: - `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX. Note that df/dX is not used - `x` : the initial point - `state.sigma` float, initial step-size (standard deviation in each coordinate) - `state.maxEval` int, maximal number of function evaluations - `state.ftarget` float, target function value - `state.popsize` population size. If this is left empty, 4 + int(3 * log(|x|)) will be used - `state.ftarget` stop if fitness < ftarget - `state.verb_disp` int, display on console every verb_disp iteration, 0 for never RETURN: - `x*` : the new `x` vector, at the optimal point - `f` : a table of all function values: `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*` --]] function optim.cmaes(opfunc, x, config, state) if (x.triu == nil or x.diag == nil) then error('Unsupported Tensor ' .. x:type() .. " please use Float- or DoubleTensor for x") end -- process input parameters local config = config or {} local state = state or config local xmean = x:clone():view(-1) -- distribution mean, a flattened copy local N = xmean:size(1) -- number of objective variables/problem dimension local sigma = state.sigma -- coordinate wise standard deviation (step size) local ftarget = state.ftarget -- stop if fitness < ftarget local maxEval = tonumber(state.maxEval) or 1e3*N^2 local objfunc = opfunc local verb_disp = state.verb_disp -- display step size local min_iterations = state.min_iterations or 1 local lambda = state.popsize -- population size, offspring number -- Strategy parameter setting: Selection if state.popsize == nil then lambda = 4 + math.floor(3 * math.log(N)) end local mu = lambda / 2 -- number of parents/points for recombination local weights = torch.range(0,mu-1):apply(function(i) return math.log(mu+0.5) - math.log(i+1) end) -- recombination weights weights:div(weights:sum()) -- normalize recombination weights array local mueff = weights:sum()^2 / torch.pow(weights,2):sum() -- variance-effectiveness of sum w_i x_i weights = weights:typeAs(x) -- Strategy parameter setting: Adaptation local cc = (4 + mueff/N) / (N+4 + 2 * mueff/N) -- time constant for cumulation for C local cs = (mueff + 2) / (N + mueff + 5) -- t-const for cumulation for sigma control local c1 = 2 / ((N + 1.3)^2 + mueff) -- learning rate for rank-one update of C local cmu = math.min(1 - c1, 2 * (mueff - 2 + 1/mueff) / ((N + 2)^2 + mueff)) -- and for rank-mu update local damps = 2 * mueff/lambda + 0.3 + cs -- damping for sigma, usually close to 1 -- Initialize dynamic (internal) state variables local pc = torch.Tensor(N):zero():typeAs(x) -- evolution paths for C local ps = torch.Tensor(N):zero():typeAs(x) -- evolution paths for sigma local B = torch.eye(N):typeAs(x) -- B defines the coordinate system local D = torch.Tensor(N):fill(1):typeAs(x) -- diagonal D defines the scaling local C = torch.eye(N):typeAs(x) -- covariance matrix if not pcall(function () torch.symeig(C,'V') end) then -- if error occurs trying to use symeig error('torch.symeig not available for ' .. x:type() .. " please use Float- or DoubleTensor for x") end local candidates = torch.Tensor(lambda,N):typeAs(x) local invsqrtC = torch.eye(N):typeAs(x) -- C^-1/2 local eigeneval = 0 -- tracking the update of B and D local counteval = 0 local f_hist = {[1]=opfunc(x)} -- for bookkeeping output and termination local fitvals = torch.Tensor(lambda)-- fitness values local best =,nil,counteval) local iteration = 0 -- iteration of the optimize loop local function ask() --[[return a list of lambda candidate solutions according to m + sig * Normal(0,C) = m + sig * B * D * Normal(0,I) --]] -- Eigendecomposition: first update B, D and invsqrtC from C -- postpone in case to achieve O(N^2) if counteval - eigeneval > lambda/(c1+cmu)/C:size(1)/10 then eigeneval = counteval C = torch.triu(C) + torch.triu(C,1):t() -- enforce symmetry D, B = torch.symeig(C,'V') -- eigen decomposition, B==normalized eigenvectors, O(N^3) D = torch.sqrt(D) -- D contains standard deviations now invsqrtC = (B * torch.diag(torch.pow(D,-1)) * B:t()) end for k=1,lambda do --repeat lambda times local z = D:clone():normal(0,1):cmul(D) candidates[{k,{}}] = torch.add(xmean, (B * z) * sigma) end return candidates end local function tell(arx) --[[update the evolution paths and the distribution parameters m, sigma, and C within CMA-ES. Parameters ---------- `arx` a list of solutions, presumably from `ask()` `fitvals` the corresponding objective function values --]] -- bookkeeping, preparation counteval = counteval + lambda -- slightly artificial to do here local xold = xmean:clone() -- Sort by fitness and compute weighted mean into xmean local arindex = nil --sorted indices fitvals, arindex = torch.sort(fitvals) arx = arx:index(1, arindex[{{1, mu}}]) -- sorted candidate solutions table.insert(f_hist, fitvals[1]) --append best fitness to history best:update(arx[1], fitvals[1], counteval) xmean:zero() xmean:addmv(arx:t(), weights) --dot product -- Cumulation: update evolution paths local y = xmean - xold local z = invsqrtC * y -- == C^(-1/2) * (xnew - xold) local c = (cs * (2-cs) * mueff)^0.5 / sigma ps = ps - ps * cs + z * c -- exponential decay on ps local hsig = (torch.sum(torch.pow(ps,2)) / (1-(1-cs)^(2*counteval/lambda)) / N < 2 + 4./(N+1)) hsig = hsig and 1.0 or 0.0 --use binary numbers c = (cc * (2-cc) * mueff)^0.5 / sigma pc = pc - pc * cc + y * c * hsig -- exponential decay on pc -- Adapt covariance matrix C local c1a = c1 - (1-hsig^2) * c1 * cc * (2-cc) -- for a minor adjustment to the variance loss by hsig for i=1,N do for j=1,N do local r = torch.range(1,mu) r:apply(function(k) return weights[k] * (arx[k][i]-xold[i]) * (arx[k][j]-xold[j]) end) local Cmuij = torch.sum(r) / sigma^2 -- rank-mu update C[i][j] = C[i][j] + ((-c1a - cmu) * C[i][j] + c1 * pc[i]*pc[j] + cmu * Cmuij) end end -- Adapt step-size sigma with factor <= exp(0.6) \approx 1.82 sigma = sigma * math.exp(math.min(0.6, (cs / damps) * (torch.sum(torch.pow(ps,2))/N - 1)/2)) end local function stop() --[[return satisfied termination conditions in a table like {'termination reason':value, ...}, for example {'tolfun':1e-12}, or the empty table {}--]] local res = {} if counteval > 0 then if counteval >= maxEval then res['evals'] = maxEval end if ftarget ~= nil and fitvals:nElement() > 0 and fitvals[1] <= ftarget then res['ftarget'] = ftarget end if torch.max(D) > 1e7 * torch.min(D) then res['condition'] = 1e7 end if fitvals:nElement() > 1 and fitvals[fitvals:nElement()] - fitvals[1] < 1e-12 then res['tolfun'] = 1e-12 end if sigma * torch.max(D) < 1e-11 then -- remark: max(D) >= max(diag(C))^0.5 res['tolx'] = 1e-11 end end return res end local function disp(verb_modulo) --[[display some iteration info--]] if verb_disp == 0 then return nil end local iteration = counteval / lambda if iteration == 1 or iteration % (10*verb_modulo) == 0 then print('evals:\t ax-ratio max(std) f-value') end if iteration <= 2 or iteration % verb_modulo == 0 then local max_std = math.sqrt(torch.max(torch.diag(C))) print(tostring(counteval).. ': ' .. string.format(' %6.1f %8.1e ', torch.max(D) / torch.min(D), sigma * max_std) .. tostring(fitvals[1])) end return nil end while next(stop()) == nil or iteration < min_iterations do iteration = iteration + 1 local X = ask() -- deliver candidate solutions for i=1, lambda do -- put candidate tensor back in input shape and evaluate in opfunc local candidate = X[i]:viewAs(x) fitvals[i] = objfunc(candidate) end tell(X) disp(verb_disp) end local bestmu, f, c = best:get() if verb_disp > 0 then for k, v in pairs(stop()) do print('termination by', k, '=', v) end print('best f-value =', f) print('solution = ') print(bestmu) print('best found at iteration: ', c/lambda, ' , total iterations: ', iteration) end table.insert(f_hist, f) return bestmu, f_hist, counteval end BestSolution.__index = BestSolution function, f, evals) local self = setmetatable({}, BestSolution) self.x = x self.f = f self.evals = evals return self end function BestSolution.update(self, arx, arf, evals) --[[initialize the best solution with `x`, `f`, and `evals`. Better solutions have smaller `f`-values.--]] if self.f == nil or arf < self.f then self.x = arx:clone() self.f = arf self.evals = evals end return self end function BestSolution.get(self) return self.x, self.f, self.evals end