QtLua: a Lua interface to QT ============================== This package includes several useful sub-packages: - [qt](doc/qt.md): the global Qt system - [qtcore](doc/qtcore.md): Core interface - [qtgui](doc/qtgui.md): GUI - [qtuiloader](doc/qtuiloader.md): QT Designer UI files loader - [qtide](doc/qtide.md): QLua Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - [qtsvg](doc/qtsvg.md): Qt SVG support - [qtwidget](doc/qtwidget.md): widgets and events See `qt` and `qtcore` for some binding design notes. A [readthedocs rendered](http://qtlua.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) version of these documents is also available. To the best of our knowledge, Torch's QtLua implementation is unrelated to -- and very likely incompatible with -- any other Qt-Lua interop projects including: - http://www.nongnu.org/libqtlua/ - https://github.com/tdzl2003/luaqt