# PipeFile # Parent classes: [DiskFile](diskfile.md) A `PipeFile` is a particular `File` which is able to perform basic read/write operations on a command pipe. It implements all methods described in [DiskFile](diskfile.md) and [File](file.md). The file might be open in read or write mode, depending on the parameter `mode` (which can take the value `"r"` or `"w"`) given to the [torch.PipeFile(fileName, mode)](#torch.PipeFile). Read-write mode is not allowed. ### torch.PipeFile(command, [mode], [quiet]) ### _Constructor_ which executes `command` by opening a pipe in read or write `mode`. Valid `mode`s are `"r"` (read) or `"w"` (write). Default is read mode. If (and only if) `quiet` is `true`, no error will be raised in case of problem opening the file: instead `nil` will be returned.