# Inkblotty Inkblotty is a Hugo theme based on [Inkblot](https://github.com/mgsisk/inkblot). [Demo](https://hugo-theme-inkblotty.netlify.com) ## Features - Responsive Design - Article - Share Button (Facebook, Twitter, Hatena Bookmark) - Comment form (Disqus) - Related Posts - Table of Contents by shortcode - Article list - Summarize and Readmore - Sidebar - Category list - Tag cloud - Recent Posts - Archives - Others - Google Analytics - Sitemap XML - RSS - Opengraph / Twitter Card ## Installation 1. Put theme directory into `themes` of your hugo site. - Run git command in `themes` directory: ``` git clone https://github.com/tosi29/inkblotty.git ``` - Or, download and extract [zip file](https://github.com/tosi29/inkblotty/archive/master.zip), and put directory into `themes` directory as `inkblotty`. 2. Edit `config.toml` of your hugo site. ## Configuration ### Sample configuration file [exampleSite/config.toml](https://github.com/tosi29/inkblotty/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml) is for reference. ### Table of Contents This theme has shortcode to create Table of Contents. To insert Table of Contents, write the following code in markdown. ``` {{< toc >}} ``` This is sample configuration of TOC in `config.toml` ``` [markup] [markup.tableOfContents] startLevel = 1 endLevel = 3 ordered = false ``` If you set `startLevel = 2`, `

` tag is ignored. ### Favicon Put `favicon.ico` file in `static` directory to set favicon.