languageCode: "en" title: "Bootstrap Blog" baseURL: "" enableInlineShortcodes: true security: enableInlineShortcodes: true funcs: getenv: - ^HUGO_ - NETLIFY markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true highlight: noClasses: false tableOfContents: startLevel: 2 endLevel: 6 buildDrafts: true buildFuture: true enableRobotsTXT: true metaDataFormat: "yaml" disableKinds: ["404", "taxonomy", "term"] publishDir: "_site" paginate: 5 rssLimit: 10 permalinks: posts: "/:year/:month/:day/:filename/" related: includeNewer: false indices: - name: keywords weight: 100 - name: tags weight: 80 - name: date weight: 10 threshold: 80 toLower: false outputs: page: ["HTML"] home: ["HTML", "RSS"] section: ["HTML", "RSS"] outputFormats: RSS: mediatype: "application/rss" baseName: "feed" module: mounts: - source: src/assets target: assets - source: src/content target: content - source: src/data target: data - source: src/layouts target: layouts - source: src/static target: static - source: src/static/assets/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png target: static/apple-touch-icon.png - source: src/static/assets/img/favicons/favicon.ico target: static/favicon.ico - source: node_modules/bootstrap/scss target: assets/scss/bootstrap - source: node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js target: assets/js/bootstrap.min.js params: current_version: "5.2.0-beta1" docs_version: "5.2" description: "Official blog for the Bootstrap framework." author: "Mark Otto" main: "" github_org: "" repo: "" slack: "" blog: "" expo: "" icons: "" themes: "" opencollective: "" # This is currently used by Hugo's internal twitter_cards.html and opengraph.html templates; # the first image in the following array is always used, unless specified in the front matter images: - "/assets/img/bootstrap-social.png" social: twitter: "getbootstrap"