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Bootstrap npm starter template

Create new Bootstrap-powered npm projects in no time.

## About `bootstrap-npm-starter` is a GitHub template repository for creating new Bootstrap 4 based npm projects, maintained by Bootstrap co-author @mdo. You can also use it as your own Bootstrap prototyping sandbox. For Bootstrap 5 examples, see [our new `twbs/examples` repo]( [![Build Status](]( ## Repo template Setup as a starter template, you can easily generate a new GitHub repository. From the repository homepage, click the `Use this template` button. ## What's included - Single HTML page (`index.html`) to demonstrate how to include Bootstrap. - Includes [Bootstrap]( (currently using v4.6.2) source files via npm. - Includes [Bootstrap Icons]( (v1.9.1), which includes over 1,800 icons available as SVGs and web fonts. - npm scripts (see `package.json`) for compiling and autoprefixing Sass, watching for changes, and starting a local server with live reload. - Example stylesheet (`scss/starter.scss`) highlighting two ways to include and customize Bootstrap. - Example JavaScript file (`assets/js/starter.js`) showing how to import all of Bootstrap, or just the parts you need. ## Usage Be sure to have [Node.js]( installed before proceeding. **We recommend using Node's LTS releases, which is currently at v16.x. We only test our compiled CSS against v16.** ```shell # Clone the repo git clone cd bootstrap-npm-starter # Install dependencies npm i # Compile Sass npm run css-compile # Start server and watch Sass npm start # Watch Sass for changes (uses nodemon) npm run watch # Start local server npm run server # Watches Sass for changes and starts a local server npm start ``` For the most straightforward development, open Terminal and run `npm start`. Open to see the page in action. ## Scripts The following npm scripts are available to you in this starter repo. With the exception of `npm start` and `npm test`, the remaining scripts can be run from your command line with `npm run scriptName`. | Script | Description | | --- | --- | | `server` | Starts a local server () for development with live reloads | | `watch` | Automatically recompiles CSS as it watches the `scss` directory for changes | | `css` | Runs `css-compile` and `css-prefix` | | `css-compile` | Compiles source Sass into CSS | | `css-lint` | Runs [Stylelint]( against source Sass for code quality | | `css-prefix` | Runs [Autoprefixer]( on the compiled CSS | | `css-purge` | Runs [PurgeCSS]( to remove CSS that is unused by `index.html` | | `test` | Runs `css-lint` and `css`, in sequential order | ## Advanced usage Take this starter repository to another level with some built-in addons that you can enable and customize. ### Optimizing CSS Before you start to use tools that remove Bootstrap styling like [PurgeCSS](#purgecss), you can make some broad optimizations by only including the stylesheets you think you'll need. Look to the `scss/starter.scss` file for your two options of including all of Bootstrap, or a subset of our styles and components. By default we've only imported the stylesheets that Bootstrap requires plus those of the components we're planning to use. Uncomment specific lines as needed, then recompile to use them. ### Optimizing JS Similar to optimizing CSS, we publish individual scripts for each of our plugins. This allows you to import only what you need, versus the entire bundle and dependencies. For example, if you don't plan on using dropdowns, tooltips, or popovers, you can safely omit the Popper.js depdendency. Bootstrap 4 requires jQuery though, so you won't be able to safely remove that until v5 launches. See the `js/starter.js` file for an example of how to import all of Bootstrap's JS or just the individual pieces. By default we've only imported our modal JavaScript since we have no need for anything else. You can add more options here, or import the entire `bootstrap-bundle.min.js` file, to get all JavaScript plugins and Popper.js. ### PurgeCSS [PurgeCSS]( is a [PostCSS]( plugin that removes unused CSS based on your site's HTML. It finds rulesets that are unused by your HTML and removes them, ensuring only what's needed is sent to your site's visitors while improving file size and performance. We've included a single npm script that runs PurgeCSS against our single `index.html` file to remove unused styles from `assets/css/starter.css`. To purge your CSS, run `npm run css-purge` from the command line. This executes the following: ```shell npm purgecss --css assets/css/starter.css --content index.html --output assets/css/ ``` PurgeCSS is a PostCSS plugin and [can be configured]( to your exact needs with a little extra effort, including additional [command line options]( ## Actions CI We've included some simple GitHub Actions in this template repo. When you generate your new project from here, you'll have the same tests that run whenever a pull request is created. We've included Actions for the following: - Stylelint for your CSS When your repository is generated, you won't see anything in the Actions tab until you create a new pull request. You can customize these Actions, add new ones, or remove them outright if you wish. [Learn more about GitHub Actions](, [read the Actions docs](, or [browse the Actions Marketplace]( ### Stylelint Stylelint is included, as is Bootstrap's default Stylelint config, [stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap]( This is the same linter configuration we use in the main Bootstrap project. It's run via the `npm test` command, which is invoked in our `ci.yml` Actions workflow file. At the root of the repo, `.stylelintignore` is used to list files that we ignore when linting and `.stylelintrc` is where we tell Stylelint to use the Bootstrap config. The former is recommended based on your specific needs, while the latter is required. ## Copyright © @mdo 2020-2022 and licensed MIT.