require 'tsort' class Updater module Js def update_javascript_assets log_status 'Updating javascripts...' save_to = @save_to[:js] read_files('js/dist', bootstrap_js_files).each do |name, content| content = content.sub(%r{^//# sourceMappingURL=.*\n?\z}, '') save_file("#{save_to}/#{name}", content) end log_processed "#{bootstrap_js_files * ' '}" log_status 'Updating javascript manifest' manifest = '' bootstrap_js_files.each do |name| name = name.gsub(/\.js$/, '') manifest << "//= require ./bootstrap/#{name}\n" end dist_js = read_files('dist/js', %w(bootstrap.js bootstrap.min.js)) { 'assets/javascripts/bootstrap-sprockets.js' => manifest, 'assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js' => dist_js['bootstrap.js'], 'assets/javascripts/bootstrap.min.js' => dist_js['bootstrap.min.js'], }.each do |path, content| save_file path, content log_processed path end end def bootstrap_js_files @bootstrap_js_files ||= begin src_files = get_paths_by_type('js/src', /\.js$/) - %w[index.js] imports = # Get the imports from the ES6 files to order requires correctly. read_files('js/src', src_files).each do |name, content| imports.add name, *content.scan(%r{import [a-zA-Z]* from '\./(\w+)}) .flatten(1).map { |f| "#{f}.js" } end imports.tsort end end class Deps include TSort def initialize @imports = {} end def add(from, *tos) (@imports[from] ||= []).push(*tos) end def tsort_each_child(node, &block) @imports[node].each(&block) end def tsort_each_node(&block) @imports.each_key(&block) end end end end