class Updater module Scss def update_scss_assets log_status 'Updating scss...' save_to = @save_to[:scss] contents = {} bootstrap_scss_files = get_paths_by_type('scss', /\.scss$/) read_files('scss', bootstrap_scss_files).each do |name, file| contents[name] = file save_file("#{save_to}/#{name}", file) end log_processed "#{bootstrap_scss_files * ' '}" log_status 'Updating scss main files' %w(bootstrap bootstrap-grid bootstrap-reboot).each do |name| # Compass treats non-partials as targets to copy into the main project, so make them partials. # Also move them up a level to clearly indicate entry points. from = "#{save_to}/#{name}.scss" to = "#{save_to}/../_#{name}.scss" from, to # As we moved the files, adjust imports accordingly. File.write to, "/, ' "bootstrap/') end log_status 'Generating variable template file' save_file 'templates/project/_bootstrap-variables.scss', "// Override Bootstrap variables here (defaults from bootstrap v#{upstream_version}):\n" +"#{save_to}/_variables.scss"). # The instructions in the file header are replaced with the line above lines[4..-1]. join. # Comment out the assignments gsub(/^(?=[$@)}]|[ ]{2})/, '// '). # Remove the !default modifier gsub(/ !default/, '') end end end