# Ignore docs files /_gh_pages/ # This is the old Jekyll docs dist folder; # keeping it here so that when we switch branches it doesn't show up /site/docs/**/dist/ # Jekyll's cache folder; keeping it for the same reason as above /site/.jekyll-cache/ # Hugo resources folder /resources/ # Ignore ruby/bundler files; # keeping them here so that when we switch branches they don't show up /.bundle/ /vendor/ /.ruby-version # Numerous always-ignore extensions *.diff *.err *.log *.orig *.rej *.swo *.swp *.vi *.zip *~ # OS or Editor folders ._* .cache .DS_Store .idea .project .settings .tmproj *.esproj *.sublime-project *.sublime-workspace nbproject Thumbs.db /.vscode/ # Local Netlify folder .netlify # Komodo .komodotools *.komodoproject # Folders to ignore /js/coverage/ /node_modules/