/* * grunt-bootlint * https://github.com/twbs/grunt-bootlint * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Zac Echola * Licensed under the MIT license. */ 'use strict'; const bootlint = require('bootlint'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const micromatch = require('micromatch'); module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.registerMultiTask('bootlint', 'An HTML linter for Bootstrap projects', function() { const options = this.options({ stoponerror: false, stoponwarning: false, showallerrors: false, relaxerror: [] }); let totalErrCount = 0; let totalFileCount = 0; function getDisabledIdsForFilepath(filepath) { // Relaxerror defined as array without filepaths if (Array.isArray(options.relaxerror)) { return options.relaxerror; } // Relaxerror as object with error IDs as keys and filepaths as values const disabledIds = Object.keys(options.relaxerror); // Lookup disabled IDs filepaths const returnIds = disabledIds.filter((key) => { const paths = options.relaxerror[key]; // handle 'E001': true, 'E001': [] if (!Array.isArray(paths) || paths.length === 0) { return true; } // handle 'E001': ['*'] if (paths.includes('*')) { return true; } // test filepath pattern return micromatch.any(filepath, paths); }); return returnIds; } // Iterate over all specified file groups. this.files.forEach((f) => { f.src.filter((filepath) => { if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) { grunt.log.warn(`Source file "${filepath}" not found.`); return false; } return true; }) .forEach((filepath) => { const src = grunt.file.read(filepath); const reporter = (lint) => { const isError = lint.id[0] === 'E'; const isWarning = lint.id[0] === 'W'; const lintId = isError ? chalk.bgGreen.white(lint.id) : chalk.bgRed.white(lint.id); let output = false; if (lint.elements) { lint.elements.each((_, element) => { const loc = element.startLocation; grunt.log.warn(`${filepath}:${loc.line + 1}:${loc.column + 1}`, lintId, lint.message); totalErrCount++; output = true; }); } if (!output) { grunt.log.warn(`${filepath}:`, lintId, lint.message); totalErrCount++; } if (!options.showallerrors) { if ((isError && options.stoponerror) || (isWarning && options.stoponwarning)) { grunt.fail.warn('Too many bootlint errors.'); } } }; const disabledIds = getDisabledIdsForFilepath(filepath); bootlint.lintHtml(src, reporter, disabledIds); totalFileCount++; }); const errorStr = grunt.util.pluralize(totalErrCount, 'error/errors'); const fileStr = grunt.util.pluralize(totalFileCount, 'file/files'); if (totalErrCount > 0) { if (options.showallerrors) { grunt.fail.warn(`${totalErrCount} lint ${errorStr} found across ${totalFileCount} ${fileStr}.`); } else { grunt.log.writeln().fail(`${totalErrCount} lint ${errorStr} found across ${totalFileCount} ${fileStr}.`); grunt.log.writeln().fail('For details, look up the lint problem IDs in the Bootlint wiki: https://github.com/twbs/bootlint/wiki'); } } else { grunt.log.ok(`${totalFileCount} ${fileStr} lint free.`); } }); }); };