#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 from sys import exit from os import devnull as DEV_NULL from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError from shutil import rmtree from datetime import datetime def log(*args): now = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(' ') print(now, "gruntworker: ", end='') print(*args, flush=True) def run_expecting_success(cmd): log("\trunning:", b' '.join(cmd).decode('utf8', 'replace')) with open(DEV_NULL) as void: check_call(cmd, stdin=void) def run_for_output(cmd): log("\trunning:", b' '.join(cmd).decode('utf8', 'replace')) return check_output(cmd, input=b'') def reset_to_master_and_die(): log("Attempting to reset current checkout & branch to local master...") try: run_expecting_success([b'git', b'checkout', b'-f', b'master']) except CalledProcessError: log("Error forcibly checking out master; Failed!") exit(1) def fetch_origin(): log("Fetching from origin...") try: run_expecting_success([b'git', b'fetch', b'origin', b'+master']) except CalledProcessError: log("Error fetching from origin; Failed!") exit(1) def update_master(to_commitish=b'FETCH_HEAD'): log("Setting local master to {0}...".format(to_commitish.decode('utf8', 'replace'))) try: run_expecting_success([b'git', b'checkout', b'-q', b'-f', to_commitish]) run_expecting_success([b'git', b'branch', b'-f', b'master', to_commitish]) run_expecting_success([b'git', b'checkout', b'-q', b'-f', b'master']) except CalledProcessError: log("Error setting local master to {0}!".format(to_commitish)) reset_to_master_and_die() def update_npm(): try: log("Pruning unnecessary npm modules...") run_expecting_success([b'npm', b'prune']) log("Installing/updating npm modules per package.json ...") run_expecting_success([b'npm', b'install']) except CalledProcessError: log("Error performing npm operations!") log("Purging node_modules due to errors.") try: rmtree('./node_modules', ignore_errors=True) except (IOError, OSError) as io_err: log("Error purging node_modules: {!r}".format(io_err)) else: log("Successfully purged node_modules.") log("Failed!") exit(1) def get_head_commit_sha(): commit_sha = run_for_output([b'git', b'rev-parse', b'HEAD']).strip() if len(commit_sha) != 40: log("Got malformed commit SHA for HEAD:", commit_sha.decode('utf8')) log("Exiting due to insanity; Failed!") exit(1) return commit_sha def grunt_or_err(): log("Grunting...") try: run_expecting_success([b'grunt', b'dist']) except CalledProcessError: log("Error while grunting!") raise def get_modified_files(): output = run_for_output([b'git', b'status', b'-z', b'-uno', b'--ignore-submodules=all']) lines = output.split(b'\x00') return [line[3:] for line in lines if line[:2] == b' M'] def push_or_err(): log("Pushing to origin...") try: run_expecting_success([b'git', b'push', b'origin', b'master']) except CalledProcessError: log("Error pushing to origin!") raise def main(): orig_commit_sha = get_head_commit_sha() fetch_origin() update_master() post_fetch_commit_sha = get_head_commit_sha() if post_fetch_commit_sha == orig_commit_sha: log("Fetch didn't change HEAD commit; Done.") return update_npm() try: grunt_or_err() modified_files = get_modified_files() if not modified_files: log("No files modified by grunt; Done.") return run_expecting_success([b'git', b'add', b'--'] + modified_files) run_expecting_success([b'git', b'commit', b'-m', b"automatic grunt dist"]) push_or_err() except Exception: log("Resetting master branch & checkout back to commit {} ...".format(post_fetch_commit_sha)) update_master(to_commitish=post_fetch_commit_sha) log("Failed!") else: log("Successfully pushed changes; Done.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()