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Currency exchange

  • Tags: money, finance
  • Category: Commerce


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<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-currency-exchange" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
  <path d="M0 5a5.002 5.002 0 0 0 4.027 4.905 6.46 6.46 0 0 1 .544-2.073C3.695 7.536 3.132 6.864 3 5.91h-.5v-.426h.466V5.05c0-.046 0-.093.004-.135H2.5v-.427h.511C3.236 3.24 4.213 2.5 5.681 2.5c.316 0 .59.031.819.085v.733a3.46 3.46 0 0 0-.815-.082c-.919 0-1.538.466-1.734 1.252h1.917v.427h-1.98c-.003.046-.003.097-.003.147v.422h1.983v.427H3.93c.118.602.468 1.03 1.005 1.229a6.5 6.5 0 0 1 4.97-3.113A5.002 5.002 0 0 0 0 5zm16 5.5a5.5 5.5 0 1 1-11 0 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 11 0zm-7.75 1.322c.069.835.746 1.485 1.964 1.562V14h.54v-.62c1.259-.086 1.996-.74 1.996-1.69 0-.865-.563-1.31-1.57-1.54l-.426-.1V8.374c.54.06.884.347.966.745h.948c-.07-.804-.779-1.433-1.914-1.502V7h-.54v.629c-1.076.103-1.808.732-1.808 1.622 0 .787.544 1.288 1.45 1.493l.358.085v1.78c-.554-.08-.92-.376-1.003-.787H8.25zm1.96-1.895c-.532-.12-.82-.364-.82-.732 0-.41.311-.719.824-.809v1.54h-.005zm.622 1.044c.645.145.943.38.943.796 0 .474-.37.8-1.02.86v-1.674l.077.018z"/>