Hacking on NO CARRIER ================= ## How do I build NO CARRIER? 1. [Install sbt](http://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html) 2. Go to your `no-carrier` directory. 3. Run `sbt compile` ## How do I run NO CARRIER's unit test suite? 0. Ensure that sbt is installed (see above). 1. Go to your `no-carrier` directory. 2. Run `sbt test` ## How do I generate a single self-sufficient JAR that includes all of the necessary dependencies? 0. Ensure that sbt is installed (see above). 1. Go to your `no-carrier` directory. 2. Run `sbt assembly` 3. If the build is successful, the desired JAR will be generated as `target/scala-2.11/no-carrier-assembly-1.0.jar`. ## Licensing NO CARRIER is licensed under The MIT License. By contributing to NO CARRIER, you agree to license your contribution under [The MIT License](https://github.com/twbs/no-carrier/blob/master/LICENSE.txt).