# Ratchet Prototype mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components. ## Getting Started - Clone the repo `git clone git@github.com:maker/ratchet.git` or just [download]() the bundled CSS and JS - [Read the docs](http://maker.github.com/ratchet) to learn about the components and how to get a prototype on your phone - We will have example apps to check out very soon! ## Support Ratchet was developed to support iOS 5+ for iPhone. Questions or discussions about Ratchet should happen in the [Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/goratchet) or hit us up on Twitter [@goRatchet](http://www.twitter.com/goratchet). ## Reporting bugs & contributing Please file a Github issue to [report a bug](http://github.com/maker/ratchet/issues). When reporting a bug, be sure to follow the [contributor guidelines](https://github.com/maker/ratchet/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Future features Ratchet is just getting started. Here are some of the immediate features we're thinking about: - Shelf (exposable left hand navigation a la Path or Facebook) - Gridviews - Notifications - Slide control - More list views options - Improved active states (especially for lists) - Docking list dividers - Touch library for richer touch events (swipes, long press, etc) - Autocomplete - Hiding title bar (hides with scroll) Even these are just the short-term goals though. We eventually want to extend Ratchet beyond the prototying for iPhone and create HTML/CSS/JS components for iPad and Android devices. Our dream is that Ratchet becomes the best way to create mobile experiences with web standard languages. ## Authors Dave Gamache - http://twitter.com/dhg - http://github.com/dhgamache Connor Sears - http://twitter.com/connors - http://github.com/connors Jacob Thornton - http://twitter.com/fat - http://github.com/fat ## License Ratchet is licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).