Changelog --------- ### 2.3.1 - Fix problems when global objects like JSON, etc. have been rewired [#40]( ### 2.3.0 - Add possibility to mock undefined, implicit globals [#35]( ### 2.2.0 - Add support for dot notation in __set__(env) calls [#39]( ### 2.1.5 - Fix issues with reverting nested properties [#39]( ### 2.1.4 - Fix problems when an illegal variable name is used for a global ### 2.1.3 - Fix shadowing of internal `module`, `exports` and `require` when a global counterpart exists [jhnns/rewire-webpack#6]( ### 2.1.2 - Fixed missing `var` statement which lead to pollution of global namespace [#33]( ### 2.1.1 - Made magic `__set__`, `__get__` and `__with__` not enumerable [#32]( ### 2.1.0 - Added revert feature of `__set__` method - Introduced `__with__` method to revert changes automatically ### 2.0.1 - Added test coverage tool - Small README and description changes ### 2.0.0 - Removed client-side bundler extensions. Browserify is not supported anymore. Webpack support has been extracted into separate repository ### 1.1.3 - Removed IDE stuff from npm package ### 1.1.2 - Added deprecation warning for client-side bundlers - Updated package.json for node v0.10 ### 1.1.1 - Fixed bug with modules that had a comment on the last line ### 1.1.0 - Added Coffee-Script support - Removed Makefile: Use `npm test` instead. ### 1.0.4 - Improved client-side rewire() with webpack ### 1.0.3 - Fixed error with client-side bundlers when a module was ending with a comment ### 1.0.2 - Improved strict mode detection ### 1.0.1 - Fixed crash when a global module has been used in the browser ### 1.0.0 - Removed caching functionality. Now rewire doesn't modify `require.cache` at all - Added support for [webpack]( - Moved browserify-middleware from `rewire.browserify` to `rewire.bundlers.browserify` - Reached stable state :)