var setterSrc = require("../../__set__.js").toString(), getterSrc = require("../../__get__.js").toString(), path = require("path"), injectRewire = require("../injectRewire.js"), getRewireRequires = require("../getRewireRequires.js"), rewireIndex = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../index.js"), rewireLib = path.join("rewire", "lib"), settersAndGettersSrc; /** * This function can be added to browserify via b.use(). * @see * * It injects special code before every module in order to gain access to the private scope * of the module. Additionally it forwards all calls of require("rewire") to the module * browserifyRewire.js. Thus we don't need any cumbersome client/server-switches in the index.js. * * @param {browserify} b the bundle returned by browserify() * @return {browserify} b */ function browserifyMiddleware(b) { console.log("(DEPRECATED) rewire won't support browserify anymore. Please let me know if you're relying on this feature ("); /** * Does actually the injecting of the special code. It is called by browserify for every * js-module. * * @param {String} src * @param {String} filename * @return {String} src */ function doInjectRewire(src, filename) { var rewireRequires; // We don't want to inject this code at the beginning of a rewire/lib-module. Otherwise // it would cause a black hole that devours our universe. if (filename.indexOf(rewireLib) === -1) { // Search for all rewire() statements an return the required path. rewireRequires = getRewireRequires(src); // Add all modules that are loaded by rewire() manually to browserify because browserify's // require-sniffing doesn't work here. rewireRequires.forEach(function forEachRewireRequire(requirePath) { // Resolve to absolute paths if (requirePath.charAt(0) === ".") { requirePath = path.resolve(path.dirname(filename), requirePath); } b.require(requirePath); }); // Injects the special code src = injectRewire(src, settersAndGettersSrc); // Because browserify doesn't create a new, independent module instance each time the module is // executed we have to make it fake-independent. Thus the rewired module doesn't influence the original module. // This is a crazy hack, but: hey don't blame me! Make a pull-request to browserify :) src += ' module = require("rewire").getIndependentModule(module);'; } return src; } /** * Gets called before each module is loaded. * This function ensures that lib/bundlers/browserify/browserifyRewire.js is returned instead of lib/index.js * * @param {String} filename * @return {String} filename */ function forwardBrowserifyRewire(filename) { if (filename === rewireIndex) { filename = __dirname + "/browserifyRewire.js"; } return filename; } // Register file handler b.register(".js", doInjectRewire); b.register("path", forwardBrowserifyRewire); return b; } /** * This string gets injected at the beginning of every module. Its purpose is to * - register the setters and getters according to the module's filename * - override the internal require with a require proxy. * * @private * @type {String} */ settersAndGettersSrc = ( 'var rewire = require("rewire"); ' + // Registers the setters and getters of every module according to their filename. These setter and getter // allow us to gain access to the private scope of the module. 'rewire.register(__filename, module, ' + setterSrc + ', ' + getterSrc + '); ' + // Overrides the module internal require with a require proxy. This proxy is necessary to call rewire with the // module's filename at the first parameter to resolve the path. This way rewire() works exactly like require(). 'require = rewire.getProxy(require, __dirname); ' + // Cleaning up 'rewire = undefined;' ).replace(/\s+/g, " "); // strip out unnecessary spaces to be unobtrusive in the debug view module.exports = browserifyMiddleware;