var rewireModule; /** * This function is needed to determine the calling parent module. * Thus rewire acts exactly the same like require() in the test module. * * @param {!String} request Path to the module that shall be rewired. Use it exactly like require(). * @param {Boolean} cache Indicates whether the rewired module should be cached by node so subsequent calls of require() will return the rewired module. Subsequent calls of rewire() will always overwrite the cache. * @return {*} the rewired module */ function rewire(request, cache) { delete require.cache[__filename]; // deleting self from module cache so the parent module is always up to date if (cache === undefined) { cache = true; } return rewireModule(module.parent, request, cache); } // Conditional require for different environments if (process.title === "browser") { module.exports = require("./browserify/browserifyRewire.js"); } else { // Putting (require) within brackets is a hack to disable browserify's require sniffing // @see rewireModule = (require)("./rewire.js"); rewire.reset = rewireModule.reset; rewire.browserify = (require)("./browserify/browserifyMiddleware.js"); module.exports = rewire; }