var Module = require("module"), fs = require("fs"), __get__ = require("./__get__.js"), __set__ = require("./__set__.js"), getImportGlobalsSrc = require("./getImportGlobalsSrc.js"), detectStrictMode = require("./detectStrictMode.js"), moduleWrapper0 = Module.wrapper[0], // caching original wrapper moduleWrapper1 = Module.wrapper[1], // caching original wrapper rewiredModules = []; // cache for all rewired modules so it can be reset anytime function restoreOriginalWrappers() { Module.wrapper[0] = moduleWrapper0; Module.wrapper[1] = moduleWrapper1; } /** * Does actual rewiring the module. For further documentation @see index.js */ function rewire(parentModulePath, targetPath, cache) { var testModule, nodeRequire, prepend, append, src; /** * Proxies the first require call in order to draw back all changes. * Thus our changes don't influence other modules * * @param {!String} path */ function requireProxy(path) { restoreOriginalWrappers(); // we need to restore the wrappers now so we don't influence other modules testModule.require = nodeRequire; // restoring original nodeRequire return, path); // node's require only works when "this" points to the module } // Checking params if (typeof targetPath !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Filename must be a string"); } // Resolve full filename relative to the parent module targetPath = Module._resolveFilename(targetPath, parentModulePath); // Special support for older node versions that returned an array on Module._resolveFilename // @see if (Array.isArray(targetPath)) { targetPath = targetPath[1]; } // Create testModule as it would be created by require() testModule = new Module(targetPath, parentModulePath); // Patching requireProxy nodeRequire = testModule.require; testModule.require = requireProxy; // We prepend a list of all globals declared with var so they can be overridden (without changing original globals) prepend = getImportGlobalsSrc(); // We append our special setter and getter. append = "module.exports.__set__ = " + __set__.toString() + "; "; append += "module.exports.__get__ = " + __get__.toString() + "; "; // Check if the module uses the strict mode. // If so we must ensure that "use strict"; stays at the beginning of the module. src = fs.readFileSync(targetPath, "utf8"); if (detectStrictMode(src) === true) { prepend = ' "use strict"; ' + prepend; } // Apply prepend and appends Module.wrapper[0] = moduleWrapper0 + prepend; Module.wrapper[1] = append + moduleWrapper1; //console.log(Module.wrapper); // Let the show begin testModule.load(; // Store the rewired module in the cache when enabled if (cache) { rewiredModules.push(targetPath); // save in private cache for .reset() require.cache[targetPath] = testModule; } // This is only necessary if nothing has been required within the module restoreOriginalWrappers(); return testModule.exports; } /** * Deletes all rewired modules from the cache */ rewire.reset = function () { var i; for (i = 0; i < rewiredModules.length; i++) { delete require.cache[rewiredModules[i]]; } rewiredModules = []; }; module.exports = rewire;