var expect = require("expect.js"), __with__ = require("../lib/__with__.js"), __set__ = require("../lib/__set__.js"), vm = require("vm"), expectTypeError = expectError(TypeError); function expectError(ErrConstructor) { return function expectReferenceError(err) { expect(; }; } describe("__with__", function() { var moduleFake, newObj; beforeEach(function () { moduleFake = { module: { exports: {} }, myValue: 0, // copy by value myReference: {} // copy by reference }; newObj = { hello: "hello" }; vm.runInNewContext( //__with__ requires __set__ to be present on module.exports "module.exports.__set__ = " + __set__.toString() + "; " + "__with__ = " + __with__.toString() + "; " + "getValue = function () { return myValue; }; " + "getReference = function () { return myReference; }; ", moduleFake ); }); it("should return a function", function () { expect(moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj }))"function"); }); it("should return a function that can be invoked with a callback which guarantees __set__'s undo function is called for you at the end", function () { expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj })(function () { // changes will be visible from within this callback function expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()); }); // undo will automatically get called for you after returning from your callback function expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); }); it("should also accept a variable name and a variable value (just like __set__)", function () { expect(moduleFake.getValue()); moduleFake.__with__("myValue", 2)(function () { expect(moduleFake.getValue()); }); expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); moduleFake.__with__("myReference", newObj)(function () { expect(moduleFake.getReference()); }); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); }); it("should still revert values if the callback throws an exception", function(){ expect(function withError() { moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj })(function () { throw new Error("something went wrong..."); }); }).to.throwError(); expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); }); it("should throw an error if something other than a function is passed as the callback", function() { var withFunction = moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj }); function callWithFunction() { var args = arguments; return function () { withFunction.apply(null, args); }; } expect(callWithFunction(1)).to.throwError(expectTypeError); expect(callWithFunction("a string")).to.throwError(expectTypeError); expect(callWithFunction({})).to.throwError(expectTypeError); expect(callWithFunction(function(){})).to.not.throwError(expectTypeError); }); describe("using promises", function () { var promiseFake; beforeEach(function () { promiseFake = { then: function (onResolve, onReject) { promiseFake.onResolve = onResolve; promiseFake.onReject = onReject; } }; }); it("should pass the returned promise through", function () { var fn = moduleFake.__with__({}); expect(fn(function () { return promiseFake; })).to.equal(promiseFake); }); it("should not undo any changes until the promise has been resolved", function () { expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj })(function () { return promiseFake; }); // the change should still be present at this point expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()); promiseFake.onResolve(); // now everything should be back to normal expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); }); it("should also undo any changes if the promise has been rejected", function () { expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj })(function () { return promiseFake; }); // the change should still be present at this point expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()); promiseFake.onReject(); // now everything should be back to normal expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); }); it("should ignore any returned value which doesn't provide a then()-method", function () { expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); moduleFake.__with__({ myValue: 2, myReference: newObj })(function () { return {}; }); expect(moduleFake.getValue()); expect(moduleFake.getReference()).to.eql({}); }); }); });