var expect = require("expect.js"), vm = require("vm"), getImportGlobalsSrc = require("../lib/getImportGlobalsSrc.js"); describe("getImportGlobalsSrc", function () { it("should declare all globals with a var", function () { var context = { global: global }, expectedGlobals, src, actualGlobals; // Temporarily set module-internal variables on the global scope to check if getImportGlobalsSrc() // ignores them properly global.module = module; global.exports = exports; global.require = require; // Also make sure it ignores invalid variable names global['a-b'] = true; src = getImportGlobalsSrc(); delete global.module; delete global.exports; delete global.require; delete global['__core-js_shared__']; delete global['a-b']; expectedGlobals = Object.keys(global); vm.runInNewContext(src, context); actualGlobals = Object.keys(context); actualGlobals.sort(); expectedGlobals.sort(); expect(actualGlobals).to.eql(expectedGlobals); expect(actualGlobals.length); }); it("should ignore the given variables", function () { var context = { global: global }, ignore = ["console", "setTimeout"], src, actualGlobals, expectedGlobals = Object.keys(global); // getImportGlobalsSrc modifies the ignore array, so let's create a copy src = getImportGlobalsSrc(ignore.slice(0)); expectedGlobals = expectedGlobals.filter(function filterIgnoredVars(value) { return ignore.indexOf(value) === -1; }); vm.runInNewContext(src, context); actualGlobals = Object.keys(context); actualGlobals.sort(); expectedGlobals.sort(); expect(actualGlobals).to.eql(expectedGlobals); expect(actualGlobals.length); }); });